21940824? ago

(((Lisa Page)))? I thought she is Iranian..

21927390? ago

Wow she is speaking like a tru communist liar. Up is down left is right!!!!

21923237? ago

Way to hold her to account Mollie! Thank you for calling her out on her absurd tweet.

21922716? ago

Jewish people always call white people the enemy. Is that supposed to be an endearing term?

21922305? ago

Is there proof this is her account?

21926218? ago

Why don't you take 10 seconds and check for yourself?

Your fingers aren't all broken, are they?

21928075? ago

Thanks. Took me 3 seconds to see there is no proof.

21922228? ago

Lisa fell for Peter's 'charm'! I don't know about you but in those texts he was always subtly controlling her mind and actions

(Unless of course we got bits and pieces of the texts)

21923977? ago

that's her fallback position...."I was controlled by a Svengali lover" is weak as hell for an atty w/ a professional job. Plus it doesn't explain why she was screwing McCabe. Who is also going to jail.

21922102? ago

This DS slut is stupid. How the fuck did she get her degrees? Under the table with her profs one might guess.

21920904? ago

Lisa Page - gone Gitmo, soon

There ya go - 2019 in 5 BETTER words

21920639? ago

She has ZERO credibility

21920414? ago

Lisa is not very good at this, being in the public game. Who told her this was a good idea to open a twitter account? What a stupid thing to tweet!

21920366? ago

Lisa has said so many stupid things, you have to assume she was doing all of that extra-curricular screwing as a job-security strategy.

21921629? ago

The funny thing is... she was Peter’s boss. ;)’

21922186? ago

Peter is a power center, CIA as well.

Not her first rodeo, either. Might be interesting to see who-all have "gotten their end wet" in her.

21920038? ago

Uh oh. Lisa's anal gape is showing.

21940733? ago

This is Yuge!

21941015? ago


21920009? ago

God bless Mollie Hemingway.

21920342? ago

Mollie is DS spreading disinformation.

21930267? ago

Blow me!

21919922? ago

No blue checkmark?

21919852? ago

Jews were born to lie.

21922092? ago

Jew haters were born with low IQs

21919701? ago

No time/date stamp on that — so it is "satire" right? made up to fit # 2019 in five words.

21919538? ago

Tramps don't lie...says Lisa.

21919416? ago

“Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies”.

21919397? ago

Please give us recession so that whites can finally fully chimpout.

21919381? ago

Mollie, throwing it down :D

21919182? ago


21919172? ago

lol oh, indeed there was an Insurance Policy

too bad for you it was woefully inadequate in stopping the President from uncovering your CRIMES

21919120? ago

Wait, so why are all the people trying to get President Trump removed Jewish? I don't get it.....

21920023? ago

Left-winged jews fighting right-winged jews over the control of white people's destiny. Look into israel's politics and you will see some very eerie similarities.

21919412? ago


21919434? ago

I guess not.....but Q never told us about this......?

21922168? ago

No, but ignorant blacks and Jew haters have told you.

How can you not believe them?

21919117? ago

They really think we are fools.

21920039? ago

They know you are gentiles

21918960? ago

😱 Oh my god Lisa — people are awake!

21918758? ago

Lie feverishly and repeat it often.

21918788? ago

And pay Rachel Maddow a hefty fee for the opportunity to lie on TV

21926470? ago

Both (((Maddow))) and (((Page))) are kikes.

It's their religious duty to attack Christian nations.

21921763? ago

Rancid MadCow

21919200? ago

Maddow is a CIA drone, just like every other talking head in the (((MSM)))

21922504? ago

or [MOS].

Is she a (((Dual Citizen)))

21919089? ago

Rachel Maddow

21919487? ago


21918706? ago

How GREAT is it Lisa Page and Hillary Clinton are free still.. years and years and years after ...

21919558? ago

And Bill Clinton the rapist... and the bushes.

21918986? ago

But it happening something ,something indictments.

21920008? ago

Its cumming next week, goytards!

21918800? ago

Yeah it looks like they are really enjoying it, too. They are free to go on twatter to make idiots of themselves. KEK

21919229? ago

Still Free Faggot. QKEKQ

21919493? ago

Yeah, it's written right there in the constitution. Freedom - "ability to tweet from an undisclosed location."

21918692? ago

There WAS an insurance policy, the U.S. MILITARY which has the constitutional right to stage a coup if it turns out our government is lousy with corruption and sedition.

There was an insurance policy, just not for YOU, Lisa. Now please shut your fractious piehole.

21919496? ago

fractious piehole.

We are dealing with a dick holster here FYI

21923747? ago

Two dicks at once. >

McCabe and Strozk.

Classy Lady. <

21940716? ago

I sware she could down a 747🙀📷

With a post number like that i couldnt resist.


21940854? ago

11511 IS 711 Ciphered in both directions. <

21941453? ago

KEK ftw.

21919559? ago

LMFAO Lisa shit that cock holster up.

21920767? ago

Iranian cock holster.

21919140? ago

the U.S. MILITARY which has the constitutional right to stage a coup

you are a liar.

I realize the oath says "all enemies, foreign and domestic" but that's talking about a civil war - its intention is to force officers to fight against their home states if those states secede. An oath is not a "constitutional right"

The proper constitutional remedy if the federal government turns out to be corrupt is a constitutional convention, not a military coup.

21920330? ago

Technical point. He’s not a “liar.” That would imply he’s trying to deceive someone. He’s just mistaken, that’s all. (Learn to speak before you comment.)

21919551? ago

Fuck you shill, we don’t need a new constitution, we need our unique and sacred constitution obeyed.

21921503? ago

we don’t need a new constitution


I didn't say we needed a new constitution. I said (and I'm right) that the military does not have a "constitutional right" to stage a coup.

21922919? ago

Not irrelevant when you shills keep advocating for one. There are no ‘constitutional’ rights; there are ‘natural’ rights enshrined there. You can leave it to the soldiers to argue whether conscience demands that an oath sworn to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies (not just ‘states’, you insufferable liar) demands action against usurpers in power.

21923438? ago

you shills keep advocating for one

You're a liar. I haven't advocated for that. I corrected a false claim: that the military has a "constitutional right"

I think you're a shill. How much are (((they))) paying you to deflect from my refutation of the false claim? How much are (((they))) paying you to lie and say that I'm advocating for a "new constitution"

21923519? ago

Straight out of the playbook. Your masters will be so proud. I didn’t expect an actual response anyway.

21930447? ago

Everyone look at how a jew shill reacts when he's called out! Pathetic. You started this! lol! True to the meme you are literally crying out as you strike!

21933305? ago

I called out your lie about domestic enemies being only rebellious states, you failed to reply, hence, point conceded. I called out your bullshit idea that there are ‘constitutional’ rights, yet again, you offered no argument, so I assume you agree. Lastly, in your first post you said the proper constitutional remedy to a corrupt government is a constitutional convention, the idea you are trying to seed, I called it bullhsit, but i’ll Be specific; where is this idea of redress indicated? The proper response to usurpers is to imprison them. In case the DOJ is corrupt, the military is the last resort.

21919546? ago

I disagree. If a subverted fed infiltrates/includes states like calif. and Virginia and many others then a constitutional convention could likely destroy our constitution. Militia groups or military could be only options, assuming the military is run by good guys.

21919539? ago

And this corrupt federal government will stand passively by and allow itself to be taken down by a constitutional convention?

21921467? ago


The claim is that the military has a constitutional right - that claim is false.

If you want to argue that we need them to stage a coup, that's a different claim, and I don't really have a response to that claim. But the claim previously made, that they have a constitutional right is false.

21919475? ago

Proper doesn't happen during a coup.

21918657? ago

gitmo is invisible too, when you get there lisa.

21918625? ago

At what age did little Lisa start lying to her mommy?

21926257? ago

The first words spoken by sheckelnigglets are a lie and then the treachery training begins.

21918776? ago

At 1. She was hiding her poop in her secret diaper.

21929121? ago

Correction: That was her insurance diaper...