21922561? ago

Ok help me out... The FBI "collected" this on October 8, 2015. Was it returned to Clinton or should the FBI still have it? Is this the server Hillary wiped down with a cloth?

21919026? ago

Anyone dig on the NJ address they were collected from?

21919422? ago

It's a Burlington Coat factory.

21918495? ago

Could you check for the "Choose Your Winner" election software? I've lost my copy.........

21917132? ago

Uh guys... The barcode is intact.. has anyone scanned it?

21917563? ago

Actually no. There are a lot of bars missing in each barcode. The whole area has been scratched. Look at the right edge of the barcodes, you'll see the scratches smear onto the metal chassis.


21916773? ago

Would’ve been better if the Flynn meme said “All your server are belong to us.”

21916538? ago


21917585? ago

Like, with a cloth?

21917597? ago

We're fine with a hammer, you can do it with a hammer!

21916471? ago

No. That's not even a fucking server. Jesus Christ, you bite at any shiny object don't you.

Also that Flynn guy in your photo, isn't he about to go the jail?

21919491? ago

There was no evidence falsified against him. Flynn plead guilty, signed a document that said he was IN FACT GUILTY and then when the judge asked him to make sure, he swore under oath he was guilty and he had no issue with the prosecution.

That's the way "justice" works in the USA. They stack false charges against you that would put you away for life (they were also going after Flynn's son who was also innocent and was a new father). Then they offer you a "plea deal" where you get to avoid a life in prison by pleading guilty to a lesser false charge. When you take the plea (your only way out, actually) the judge makes you swear up and down that you actually committed the crime that you are innocent of. They go over it several times so that assholes like you can later say "see? He's guilty because he said it."

21917112? ago

It's from the FBI, dumb shit.

It is, in fact, Hillary's server. Whether or not it is THE server is up for debate, but it is definitely a server.




22068153? ago


You just don't know the difference between a NAS device and a server which makes you dumber shit than me. Also the the FBI already got their hands on THE server, so I don't understand the excitement either way.

21917103? ago

Stop talking you absolute fuck. Nobody cares about your opinion. Fuck off back to reddit and stop editing your post into your own little snowflake thread. Go on, Fuck off back to your safe space you spineless, lying, low IQ moron.q

21916544? ago

No, but most likely the person that falsified the evidence against him will though.

21916533? ago

Why? Are you there in prison waiting for the General? Kinda like the citizens of Sodom demanding the Angels (instead the daughters of Lot). Sick mf’er.

21916228? ago

All your server belong to us (said in a really thick Russian accent)

21918031? ago


21916046? ago

There were just mails about chelsea´s wedding and yogastuff and that.

Stop making a mountains out of molehills.

21917565? ago

Your shitty shilling confirms.

21916508? ago

How’s the weather in Tel Aviv?

21916142? ago

Hillary, when are you signing books at Costco again?

21916058? ago

Just like the tarmac conversations. Golf and Grandkids

21916026? ago

Eyes on

21915969? ago