21918520? ago

Trust the plan.

21910780? ago

Just catching up on the drops. Not sure what to think about the Scavino “issue”. Kind of suspicious. Will wait for Q to see if they address.

21911370? ago

The scavino issue? ALL ANONS know that picture was posted by Scavino. You really think Q is so dumb to post a picture and claim it's original (which Q didn't)? Use your brains morans.

21911494? ago

It needs to be addressed one way or another. The implication was there.

21911582? ago

The implication was there.

No...it wasn't...at all. It was literally a repost of someone else's post. You people are fucking stupid. Just give up.

21911614? ago

OMFG. Yes. It most certainly was. If you couldn’t figure that out you are really fucking dim and Q is not for you. Go away. Adults are discussing things beyond your comprehension.

21920677? ago

Ok boomer!

21909841? ago

”Interning for the DNC can be deadly.“ HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH! God bless you Q team. God bless you Q+. WWG1WGA!

21909758? ago

His name was Seth Rich.

21909853? ago

Interning for the DNC can be deadly.

21909536? ago

Crowdstrike had access to Hillary server SAPs?

21914848? ago

Makes sense

21909521? ago

So I can know when I talk about it, can we discuss how 22mbs is out of the realm of possibility? My internet says it’s 125mbs. Is that just bullshit or what? How big is a video? I download a video in a few seconds sometimes. It wasn’t that much slower 3 years ago. Maybe a little. How do I explain this if I’m discussing Q post 3766?

21920690? ago

I have 100mbs through Google fiber

21918375? ago

megabytesBYTES not megabits per second. There is a different of a factor of 8 between the two. Your home internet is sold via mega BITS per second because it lets marketing put a bigger number on the sales brochure. The data was moved at 22 MBps, that is 176 megabits per second, that is roughly the speed of a USB 2.0 drive, not an typical busy internet connection in 2016. Hell when doing a copy operation from a slow hard drive that might well be the speed on the internal computer bus (aka the motherboard) of data transfer.

And remember, this wasn't being copied from a completely idle computer either.

In 2016 internet service then averaged 20Mbps...or megabits per second. So that data was moved a little over 10 times faster than the typical broadband connection. Now big corporate fibre lines did exist, but they were not bought willy nilly, they would be saturated with data use as well.

Then add in that the hack claimed to be from Romania which is not only half the earth away, but notorious for its terrible infrastructure.

21918870? ago

This! This fuckin guy here. Give him a A+ for explanations. That’s exactly what I wanted to know.

21920700? ago

Actually the transfer rate was never proven or established.

21910805? ago

Yeah this isn’t adding up for me either.

21910736? ago

Do a test online, from Romania...

21909719? ago

1) DNC servers are not media streaming servers with multiple mirrors etc

2) “Hacker” was overseas

3) You’re not getting 22 megaBYTES per second download from a single server from across the ocean in 2016.

21920709? ago

It's bits, dumbass

21921603? ago


21910841? ago

Uhhh yeah you can. Where the fuck do you get off thinking you can top 22MB overseas? I’m on a gigE fiber connection. What do you want me to download to prove you way wrong.

21911436? ago

Right? Aren’t pirated movies and stuff from overseas a lot of times?

I’m not saying that the facts are wrong. I just want someone to definitively say “those numbers won’t work because here’s why”.

21911500? ago

Yeah ignore them. Talking about their ass.

21911605? ago

What about the servers upload speed?

21913750? ago

Exactly, fuck.

21919446? ago

These idiots who think

You misspelled "agents who got caught watching child porn and have no option but to shill for their government masters", but yeah, other than that, you're spot on.

21919469? ago


21911647? ago

Easily. 10-15 years ago maybe but it’s been a while. In fact transmission speeds in EU and Asia are waaaaay faster than here. As long as they hand off to an upstream with at least GigE you’ll peg your connection.

21908882? ago

The lying pieces of shit.

That photo didn’t come from that video or that Fake News linked site.

Fake News again!

Fuck will they ever turn from this shit stream, they surely must hate the smell alone!

Had to waste time watching this twisted propaganda piece, only makes my blood boil.

So twisted and misleading, The Great Deceiver! Who is he? Is his modern acronym MSM?

21910150? ago

Q didn't claim it was an original photo, Q quoted an anon posting it.

Explain the ones Q posted that WERE original. I'll wait.

21920722? ago

Q implied it was his photo

21909184? ago

I’m right there with you. Fuck Q that lying fuck. Hope he got a kick out of this while we wasted 2 years. That fuckin cunt

21909735? ago

Do you even english

21910184? ago

Yes. LOL Sorry. I’m just so god damn mad weve been fed lies and false hope.

21913820? ago

I feel the same way sometimes anon. Be the shill for a day. We can take it.

21908561? ago

Now that Q knows he got busted with the Scavino image, I'd bet money there is a ton of drops in the next few hours to bury it.

21910123? ago

Look at this retard trying to convince us Q is a larp. kek.

There's so many coincidences plus Trump retweeting Q twitter accounts... you guys need to move the goal post. Like maybe Q is real but it's a Mossad operation or something.

21910577? ago

Ya. Normal people not believing in Q, or indifferent to same, would not spend time here trying to convince you Q is a larp. Shill attacks are actually a “Q proof”. When there is a shitload of them, or they spend a long time with lengthy arguments, then you know there is a good chance we are over the target, and they are feeling the pain. Take delight in that!

21912293? ago

Exactly! Well said.

21908625? ago

I predict they’ll do a drop that specifically references Scavino to try to cover their tracks and pretend “we meant to do that ;)”

Just watch. Trust me.

21909127? ago

Why would someone trust you when you can't read the boards? Q didn't post that image directly, he was quoting an anon.

Shill or dumb?

21911387? ago

Dumb AF. They don't follow Q. They won't address the other images that Q claimed WERE original.

21920738? ago

You mean the ones from Obama's time or the stills from webcams?

21926759? ago

Look at the faggot shill try to convince us Q is fake. The more you try, the more we believe. Thanks for confirming. Faggot. :)

21908320? ago

Photo of Trump from Marine One: https:// twitter.com/Scavino45/status/967096629508624384

Posted by Scavino last year. Q claimed he took it.

21909170? ago

"Q claimed he took it." -Bullshit. He simply posted it. Your a shill.

21909114? ago

Yall are dumb as hell. Q is quoting an ANON who posted that image.

21908594? ago

I'll bet he wants us to focus on that tweet, it might be coded.

21908633? ago

No. They got caught.

21909749? ago

You are used to people believing you when you lie, eh?

21910169? ago

Just because you accuse something of being a lie doesn’t make it so.

21908643? ago


21908660? ago


21908547? ago

Wow Q even altered the image name from the original Twitter name to make it look more important.

21908449? ago

Yeah the last two days of drops and now this. It’s over. Q is a larp

21908491? ago

They weren't drops they were retweets.

Watkins is fucking it all up.

21909573? ago

It has to be Watkins. I hope when it does come out it's him, he's not treated to praise.

21908501? ago

Whoever it is just royally fucked up

21905854? ago

I hope the "something big" comes soon. I can't take this any more.

21908242? ago

The only big thing coming is the dick that fucks your gullible ass into doing nothing.

The cabal knew Trump was coming to tear shit apart and they knew his supporters would help. So they cooked up Q to keep Trump's most active supporters home eating popcorn convinced they're winning while the cabal empties the countries bank accounts and feeds off the children.

21911326? ago

Q is so that Trump can bypass the media blockade on the truth and his message. You are a dumbass. Without Q, trumps base would be fractured and blind, and his support would be nearly non existence. Trump needed a media presence that was favorable but the enemy literally has agents in every newsroom and website of any substance in the nation.

21912323? ago


21909941? ago

The only big thing coming is the dick that fucks your gullible ass into doing nothing.

This is the dumbest response possible, and I see it daily here...

You think the masses would be doing anything at all if qanon didn't show up??? They'd be doing the same thing they are now, maybe even less than now. You act like the general public would be lynching HRC in the streets if it weren't for Q pacifying us. Smdh stupidest shit ever. Be gone troll.

21905805? ago

This really pissed the Shills off. So I'll just leave it here for more of them to see it. <



21908427? ago

Lol. Shills don’t care about your rambling post. Stop spamming it everywhere

21909531? ago

Haha! You replied. <

21908270? ago

No one cared. You said shills cared then you reposted it everywhere. No one even commented.

21909534? ago

Maybe not here, but they did. You did too BTW. <

21905254? ago

The hottest fire Q ever brought was the fire of a sick retweet!

John 3:17

21904909? ago

Where did the image come from in 3756? That pic of Trump is taken from inside his helicopter.


Is it connected to Something BIG is Coming? Me thinks so.

21908355? ago

Scavino posted it last year on Twitter. Q just claimed he took it, hmm...


21911325? ago

Q didn't claim he took it you dumb fuck shill. He quoted an anon posting it. HMMMM. Explain the original pictures Q DID POST? Like the one outside of creepy porn lawyers office. The picture that creepy porn lawyer reposted and asked for help identifying who took it. Yah, you won't respond.

21905288? ago

It's from a video on this story: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28599/marine-one-has-a-plush-new-interior

Not a unique image, just really hard to find. Someone wanted to use something you couldn't just google.

21907140? ago

I don't see that photo on that page???

21908073? ago

It's in the video, a screenshot.

21905851? ago

I just watched all the videos on that page, didn't see the photo. Care to elaborate?

21905913? ago

It's in the second one close to the middle, I'll go back and screen grab when I get home

21904598? ago

Wow dirty mittens too... I figured as mutch- always seemed slimy. This exposes all parties and why the GOP's opposed Trump

21904480? ago

If I were on the Q disinformation media team I would be nervous as fuck! These original pics cannot be disproven. Deflect, change the narrative, alert the shills, ignore and project. I love the smell of head exploding shills in the morning, ahhhhh!

21908581? ago

Actually Scavino posted that image last year on Twitter.

Q dug deep to get one that wasn't on Google.


21909761? ago

Q didn't claim it was original. Now explain the rest of the pictures Q posted that WERE original.

I expect zero response. WATCH EVERYONE. NO RESPONSE.

21911292? ago

Exactly, Q posted this picture to get people to say "ITS NOT ORIGINAL, SCAVINO POSTED IT"... only to provoke discussion about all the other pictures Q posted that were original. Hook, line and sinker. You people are dumb AF. The President RETWEETS PRO Q ANON TWITTER ACCOUNTS. Why the fuck would he do that if it was a LARP? A back channel was needed to spread truth and also fuck with the enemies. QANON is legit. Move your goal posts shills.

21904089? ago

this is getting old. What does Q do all day, scan twitter and post them as drops?

21906573? ago

My guess for the twitter posts is so the Q followers who have twitter accounts, will re-tweet to their followers. Thereby, reaching out to the ones who aren't Q followers, yet. Especially when a lot of the comments are "Q sent me." If I was one of them and saw that comment, I would go and check it out. It's sort of how I found Q and QRV.

21908254? ago

That's way better than arrests.

21911404? ago

Arrests are not going to happen. Doing so would kick off a civil war. Trump is going to completely isolate them and give them an in-place exile as he dismantles their networks of agents or arranges for their curiously timed deaths by suicide or natural causes.

21912149? ago

Ok boomer

21903831? ago

Could you imagine being a democrat or JIDF employee continuing to follow orders from upper management yet reading on the boards that they are being lead to the slaughter... Like these shills are literally going to be tried and hung for treason very very soon. I wonder if they even realize they are dead men walking?

21909900? ago

Hopefully one day the NSA or MI post the identities of all these shills so we can string them up in the streets.

21911301? ago

reported for threats of violence

21911408? ago

LMFAO "reported". Public trials and hangings were a thing of the past that just might come back when the public learns the truth.

Now go cry somewhere else, faggot...

21912288? ago

Ok, jew

21908337? ago

Actually Q proved he's a Larp by reposting a photo from last year and claiming it's his own: https:// twitter.com/Scavino45/status/967096629508624384

21909208? ago

you're all over this thread. At no point did Q claim that was an original image.

Shilling on a Saturday has to get old.

21912312? ago

I'm all over your whore mother!

21915066? ago

wow, genious comeback. I bet this guys IQ might be pushing 70.

21918065? ago

You can't spell genius.

21918610? ago

wow a typo on an android phone. never seen that before.

21906700? ago

Their solitary hope is Impeaching Trump , Pence and removing GOP senators

21908203? ago

I mean, if the cabal has been winning all along, and nothing has happened to deter them aside from losing the presidency to a republican, which happens every eight years, do they need a solitary hope? Looks like those fuckers are doing just fine.

21918295? ago

You stupid nigger, Trump was the unapproved candidate that wasn't' supposed to win. The 2016 election was rigged to be Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton with Jeb easily getting the win because he wasn't Hillary, who they knew nobody liked. But then Trump won, and old man Bush went fully senile all in same year.

And they thought they could contain trump, could box him in, and even remove him. And he has outmaneuvered every one of their fake investigations and fired dozens of their agents from the Executive agencies.

21920656? ago

If Trump wasn't approved, he wouldn't have been allowed to run. Why do you think he switched from lifelong liberal to Republican?

21920486? ago


21910429? ago

Your missing something.

21909923? ago

Are you fucking slow or what? The cabal used to own both candidates. They switch back and forth between Dem and Rep to appease the sheep. Trump is an outsider....


21910268? ago

Lol, ok

21905258? ago

All of Trump's kids except his youngest are married to jews. Within one generation Trump's entire family will be jewish.

21909035? ago

Tiffany did what?

21912304? ago

Tiffany was disowned for not marrying a jew

21905809? ago

so what?

y'all need to get over your fear of Jews.

21907116? ago

Youre all born evil and you are all going to be wiped out just as the bible foretold

21919955? ago

We're all born evil? lmao obvious shill is obvious.

21920129? ago

Yep. Every last one of you serpent race jews is evil.

22026388? ago

How? You think we're just born that way?

22028070? ago

Contrary to all mankind

21908784? ago

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." - Jesus

Only the synagogue of Satan will be wiped out, my friend.

21909030? ago

Thats all modern jews. You arent really jews you are the bloodline of canaanites. The bible is racial and the true israelites are white caucasian people (jesus was white).

So, just as the passage sais, you CALL yourselves jews (as do we, today) but you are really the synagogue of satan. Just as Jesus said, you are all children of satan.

Nice try, kike. Youre all getting wiped out, and you deserve every bit of the woes coming your way.

21912299? ago

Wow, you're dense.

21915042? ago

I am not all in with this guy, but your retort is borderline retarded If you are going to comment make it count, have sone sort of a rebuttal. But in your amazing wisdom, you came up with

"wow you're dense."

seriously, don't make a comment or come back with a real retort SMH

21904948? ago

We got so many fuckers to kill are gonna have to bring back hanging of firing squad just to be able to get it done.

21905547? ago


21911129? ago

Apparently you are too stupid to grasp that we means we the people, but carry on Jew. WE THE PEOPLE are coming for you traitorous ass next.

21912284? ago

What a Jewish response

21907098? ago

Report me too. Please. I hate all jews.

21904606? ago

You really, seriously think that ANY Dem will be held accountable? Even hung? You’re dreaming. Delusional actually. I would love nothing more than to have a public capital punishment show for the dems to star in as a reminder of what happens to traitors, but you know nothing is going to happen to the treasonous fucking pedocrats.

The only ones in prison are those who aren’t on the side of Pedocrats. How is that any indication they’re walking dead men?

21915107? ago

You don't think Barr is serious when in a public interview he states there will be a watershed moment ins Spring/early Summer

He wouldn't have said a thing if shit wasnt about to go down. He wouldnt talk until they were done.

Trunp stated "I caught them, I caught them all." To not believe something is abiut to happen would mean Trump is the lunatic the left screams that he is. But, tell me, when has the left been eight about anything?

21917702? ago

I honest to God, pray you’re right. Nothing would make me happier than to see justice. I just don’t have any more patience left. Here’s hoping.

21907138? ago

I'm in conflict, are we supposed to "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" or "ENJOY THE MOVIE"?

21917712? ago

Fight. Get off your ass. Weight train. Range train. Stay sharp.

21908220? ago

Yes. The way you fight is by posting memes.

21905568? ago

There's enough of us to storm DC and make this happen...but it's almost as though someone or something is guiding us to stay home and trust that we're the big winners

21917730? ago

Hmmm...it’s almost like we’re told to just sit back and trust the plan. I’m getting itchy for a walk. How about you, patriots?

21917728? ago

Hmmm. Trust the plan, right?

21906774? ago

In the past few days Q specifically said not to take their information as a reason to sit back and do nothing

21917732? ago

Yet, everyone on here openly down votes anyone questioning ‘the plan’ and not doing anything themselves.

Actions speak louder than words. So far, POTUS blocked at almost every corner. Appointment of fed judges and some EOs (one that aren’t immediately blocked) are great, but let’s look at the big games here.

Dems won mid terms (2018 mid terms are safe amirite?), open in your face money laundering and campaign illegalities, impeached POTUS based on literally a fabrication, Zero ZERO arrests or punishment at the top, and total free reign on illegals flooding in like never before while being signed up for drivers licenses. How’s common core coming? Where’s the sanctions on so called sanctuary cities? How’s the border doing? Record over 1 MILLION SPICS AND CHINKS AND NOW NIGGERS flooding in this year alone.

Trust the plan, goy!

21905261? ago

What about all of those CEO's resigning and leaving their stressful jobs to spend time at their mansions with millions of dollars?

21904104? ago

Even people who aren't democrats or JIDF employees don't believe in that jewish psyop. I know, I'm a shill for not being in your cult, right?

21904379? ago

nah youre just a huge faggot LOL

21903810? ago

Ummm...POTUS...What are ur thoughts on this QAnon phenomena?


Reporter: ...uh..."QAnon"?

POTUS: Oh...Q? Yeah...thats the group of people that are gonna bring the PAIN!!! I'm eagerly waiting to see how it turns out...

Reporter: Ummmmm....ummm....

POTUS: U fuckers best RUN!!! Hahahaha! Where we go 1, we go ALL!!!!!!

21913621? ago

Cringe hard

21911356? ago

There is going to be no public pain. If trump wants to do this while saving the Republic from the Deep State's poison pill of civil war, he has to eliminate the bad actors quietly and behind the scenes.

21916658? ago

Your point is valid, but if u think they won't try to rally their "forces" while POTUS is quietly draining the swamp, I feel this is impossible. The only way a civil war erupts is if Patriots do not see JUSTICE (PAIN) occurring publicly and with transparency. It is our DUTY to see this through. We have no desire to eat our own...That's their MO...But we must feel safe and confident that our nation is secure and not for sale! This is already a civil war...a Spiritual war...Wake up and realize that optucs go a long way, but we Patriots will be sure justice is served. Anything less is unacceptable. We must protect our HOUSE! Our beautiful Republic which has quietly been under attack for decades...The jig is up, brother!

21918250? ago

Thing is there will be no "unoffical action" permitted or tolerated. If Q for some reason has need of civilian patriot forces it will organized and disseminated though the US Army command. Anything done without Q's permission will at best be seen as vigilantism which is highly frowned upon, and straight illegal.

21914827? ago


21905528? ago

More like

POTUS...What are ur thoughts on this QAnon phenomena?

POTUS: What? What is that?

REPORTER: A group of citizens working to take down the deep state, they're supportive of your presidency

POTUS: oh.....well i appreciate all my supporters and groups they create. Fine citizens, a lot of fine, fine citizens.


21909743? ago

(You) I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it didn't even mattterrrrrrrrr

21911115? ago

Hmmm...where have I heard those words before? Oh, yeah, that's right! Skippy's son used them in a song! And he was going to tell us so much more before Skippy had him Arkancided...

21911203? ago

These people are sick.

21905270? ago

Um, when they actually asked about Q at a press conference Sarah Sanders says Trump denounces any and all groups that advocate violence ... hmm.

21910450? ago

Didn’t denounce Q though

21911216? ago

Q proof!

21905335? ago

And when did this take place? Surely you have proof; you sound sOooO cOnvINcinG.

21910818? ago

And don't call me Shirley.

21905479? ago

Thanks for that. Since neither Q nor Q's followers (the real ones) incite violence, we are neither denounced nor condemned. We good then.

"Q Thank you, Sarah. Two quickies about last night in Tampa. First of all, does the President encourage the support of people who showed up last night in these “QAnon” and “Blacks for Trump” fringe groups?

And secondly, is the White House willing to say right now, in view of what happened with one of our TV colleagues last night, that it is wrong for his most vocal supporters to be menacing toward journalists doing their jobs in a situation like that or any situation?

MS. SANDERS: On the first part, the President condemns and denounces any group that would incite violence against another individual, and certainly doesn’t support groups that would promote that type of behavior. We’ve been clear about that a number of times since the beginning of the administration."

21905937? ago

Um there's a q follower on trial right now for murder.

21909956? ago

What? Who is that?

21907607? ago

And that is precisely where I was leading you. I knew that would be your go to. Dumb ass.

21907997? ago

You couldn't lead your dick to a toilet.

21907260? ago

The mafia thing? Gullible faggot

21908161? ago

Yes, must be a false flag.

21904610? ago

This was so cringe to read. Jesus. That was as bad as reading some leftist who thinks Trump is a Russian agent.

21903754? ago

Shills already here . And still dont realize they are being watched and trapped.

21911347? ago

Do the shills know they will be charged for criminal activity? Kek.

21904621? ago

Yeah. So many of them are in prison. Cunts Pelosi and Schmitt followers seem really worried. I would love nothing more than seeing the useful idiots peddling propaganda punished, but I don’t want to live in a fantasy anymore waiting for it to happen.

21904107? ago

Shills for Qew!

21903934? ago

The shills have definitely infested QRV even worse over the last few weeks. Luckily they're pretty much useless and stick out like a sore thumb. All they have is gay pronz

21905294? ago

My useless demonrat cousin use to brag about trolling Q followers like us, and last week he got arrested on some beefed up drug charge over a joint he had in his car while drinking and driving.


21903729? ago


21903725? ago


time for people to get an endorphin rush from connecting anything to anything Q posted

21903565? ago

No, we don't want any more damned proofs.

21908277? ago

We need a few more.

21903710? ago

You want to risk years of planning to bump up the schedule a bit?

21905298? ago

Exactly this! We are in the very careful Q Phase known as Retweet OANN and GateWay Pundit until people really start believing in Q.

21904113? ago

Know how to keep an idiot in suspense?

21908285? ago

Show them qmap.pub

21903924? ago

No, but a snack would be nice. Clinesmith would do for an appetizer. Just something to hold me over.