21944933? ago

21926640? ago

Hope England's PM is a volatile mix of Wilberforce and Henry V. Downside to England being the 'center of the civilized world' in the eyes of many, and, of course, it was orchestrated by those who created the psyop called islam in the first place.

21915950? ago

If Q is saving Israel for last, either we still have a LONG way to go, or he's written England off as a lost cause.

21909202? ago

Can't boil a Pepe

21904573? ago

Europe has been in post-Christianity for decades.

This was allowed to happen... it happened because British men wouldn't stand up

and defend themselves and the Country. They attack manhood so that men won't lead. When men won't lead,

the country falls. 3rd World Tribal Muslims may be God's judgement on hedonistic U.K.

21903643? ago

Tired of all you doomer faggots posting shit on QRV as if Q doesn't exist and the cabal isn't being dealt with.

Go jump off a bridge if you're that depressed, doomer.

21902529? ago

I like random screencaps as much as the next guy, but is there any sources for this information or is this the two minutes of hate for today?

21903362? ago

Punishment for attempting to escape the EU. The UK is now a Muslim territory without a shot fired. Incremental invasion.

21900765? ago

I guess their karma has bit them in the ass. By UK, you fucked with the wrong people/country. 🇺🇸

21900578? ago

Amazing! Was this happening before Soros or is this Soros' plan?

21900506? ago

You poor motherfuckers don't even have weapons to defend yourselves against the sand niggers.

21900383? ago

335 upvotes and 1 downvote (at the time of my posting) and zero sources to prove if ANY of this is true. Sometimes, goats, you should question what you see and not just agree with what you WANT to see. That's Reddit level thinking for fucks sake.

21900102? ago

Sauce ?

21899002? ago

All this achieved by Soros.

21898756? ago

well, now that you have them there and comfortable.. take care of your business, England..

21897373? ago

jews... that is all... jews.

for any jew faggots who want to debate me... just consider... jews have been creating conflict to take up people's attention, resources, and energy. meanwhile, during these manufactured conflicts, they rake in more control, more power, and even more baby dick foreskin for their beloved death cult.

FUCK YOU JEWS! we should unite with muslims to destroy these psychos - talk about an about face - we would surprise the fuck out of them.

21897366? ago

England is gone? Unnecessarily bleak. They have Boris now, and Brexit is on the way. Then there will be the matter of the Ethnic Cleansing, which is bad PR, but sometimes necessary to preserve an increasingly scarce type of society.

21897305? ago

Yes this really is a threat to England's survival as

A. A first world country

B. A sane society

However, to put the mayorships in perspective, there are 69 cities in Great Britain, 9 with Muslim mayors, London obviously the biggest.

Let's hope Boris stops the influx of immigrants AND puts Soros in jail.

21897043? ago

in one more generation, that will be 12 million sand niggers, then the genocide begins

21896755? ago

You do realise that picture doesn't mean much, right?

Yes, congratulations, in the list of cities with a largely non-white or black population you have plenty of muslim mayors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_Muslims#Activism_and_politics, meanwhile even the GOP has a pakistani muslim as a state representative. Shockingly enough, when people make up over ~0.5% of the population and cluster, they tend to get into local politics (although how you got a paki in new hampshire is beyond me)

England (just england, let alone the UK) has over 16,000 churches, "sharia courts" are merely informal "courts" used freely by muslims to settle disagreements. Hate to burst your bubble, but america absolutely has them too in places like minessota. They hold just as little (aka 0) power in any actual legal disputes as your ones do.

Muslim no-go areas more or less don't exist. There are one or two parts of birmingham and london you wouldn't be too keen to walk around alone as a woman, but that's about it. I've been through several of the ones in birmingham by myself, not exactly a pleasant neighbourhood but equally nobody even looked at me funny. Meanwhile : detroit. chicago. Literally every single area in america with a massively black population. You mock europeans for the fact you think some of them might occasionally get chased out of some areas, meanwhile you have entire fucking cities with murder rates not seen outside of fucking warzones.

And, for that matter, some of the black parts of london represent the only areas in the uk really comparable to a no-go zone, in that if you go there you have a high chance of getting shanked.

Muslim men and women absolutely don't work, and I'd happily cut their benefits in an instant. Luckily the tories have been tightening the thumbscrews on benefits for the last decade, and its not exactly a comfortable life. You can't even escape it via having endless kids, since there's a 2 kid cap on child benefits. I'd also point out you're somewhat conflating "unemployed" and "not seeking work", which basically includes all kids over 16, students, and retirees, which artificially inflates your numbers.

And finally, no, all schools in the uk do not only serve halal meat. Shockingly enough, the likelihood any individual school does depends on how many invaders are present in the area, which given the massive concentration and small numbers (~4-5%) of muslims in the uk means 90%+ of schools don't bother. https://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/doverpark/UploadedDocument/03dcc13f0a604d96a715701227623367/spring-summer-menu-2017.pdf Or have they suddenly started making halal pork sausages when I wasn't looking?

Meanwhile, america is ~56% non hispanic white (although its hard to tell since you count sudanese and Egyptians as whites), and rapidly falling. When the massive glut of boomers die out, your countrys future is sealed. Under 15's are already majority non white. Your country will be majority non-white within the lifetime of every non boomer reading this. Your blacks are a menace muslims can only aspire to.

And you still think you're superior.

That, is how you boil the frog.

21899025? ago

Yes. I don't know where these statistics come from, most of them are nonsense to decieve fools who want to belive it's true.

21898635? ago

Thanks for the useful information and perspective!! Food for thought going forward for my (multi-racial) kids after my boomer self dies. We are truly a melting pot of all races and ethnic groups, who not only enjoy eating foods from everywhere (I'm in Los Angeles), but one day people will be even more blended than ever and perhaps all these distinctions will have to go away. As many have become Atheist or essentially non-religious then perhaps those distinctions will be gone too. For all the Socialists method of fighting and influencing divisiveness through commercials, schools, politics, etc. it sounds like life will morph and evolve into something that even (((They))) didn't realize. For the first time, I actually feel hopeful. NONE of you will be winning and completely ruin our species and wiping humanity off the face of the earth. Trump and team will take care of pushing back the hideousness that we have become and create some breathable space for humanity to move forward and flourish in a new way. WWII is finally over and dead. NWO is finally over and dead. Hurrah and don't let the door hit you in your asses on the way out! Ding Dong the Soros and Socialist and Communist and Catholic and Jewish and Protestant and Hollywood Freaks and Political Elites and Royal Elites will be DEAD DEAD DEAD! I noticed your Queen has been advertising article after article about how wonderful the Royal young people from Prince William on down are. Covering up for disgusting Prince Andrew and who knows yet Prince Charles. From her cold dead hands... Sorry, but our young people could care less about whether your Royalty survives. I feel a Mad Max reality movie about to get started! LMAO!

21901138? ago

Lol that's ok, it might shock you to believe but I don't expect most americans to care if the royalty survive. Nor do most brits. I'm a diehard monarchist (as in, I'd love parliament to be dissolved and absolute monarch to be reinstated), and even I don't care if the royalty survive. Monarchy is a great system of government, but in their current form they're largely a tourist thing.

I do take no small amusement about your multi-racial kids though. Congratulations on contributing to the NWO's master plan!. Congratulations on sowing the seeds of future discord, damaging americas racial heritage and weakening it's future. Truly masterful job, they couldn't ask for a better slave. A melting pot indeed. Although, I have to wonder if you know (((who))) wrote that poem and appended it to the statue of liberty?

21903523? ago

Our whole family supports POTUS Trump and MAGA. Many of our multi-racial friends do as well. Many families of all types want our freedoms and love God. Trump is the correct leader for our time.

21906574? ago

So what?

You think you support "maga", and yet your mere multi-racial presence is an ever spreading symptom of the plague killing the country. You're a virus who thinks its cheering on the hosts survival, because it's so small how could it possibly be doing any harm? Trouble is, there's millions of you, and you're killing the host.

21896665? ago

you said "muslims" but you meant niggers. niggers do this everywhere. white muslims wouldn't be doing this to england.

21896516? ago

I mentioned this fact sheet on another forum, and took pretty heavy schill flack. But no one can dispute facts. The once belligerent English soccer brawler nation has turned into cuck nation. That's what happens when you allow savages to overtake your nation.

21896429? ago

I don't understand.

21896417? ago

You missed a part.

21896111? ago

Thank God we live in America.

21896063? ago

Wow its like the government is aiding them in their re-culture of britland.

21896062? ago

This makes me fucking sick.

21895964? ago

All the quality Brits moved to America a long time ago.

21895689? ago

There are "only" 4 million Muslims - out of a nation of nearly 70 million - all you need is the right leader and ship them all the fuck out.

21896130? ago

shipping is expensive and time consuming. There must be a faster way..... hummmmm

21895557? ago

England isn't gone at all; we're leading the fightback in Europe. Haven't you heard of Brexit?

21895411? ago

Went there, London, late nineties, it was bad then, everybody complaining.

21895358? ago

Imagine paying (taxes) for you own invasion.

Thank you for posting this.

21895491? ago

That's exactly what the US has been doing. We are financing all of our own destruction. Slush funds everywhere!

21895106? ago

America is NOT far behind! What is the President doing to reverse what Obama did?

21895071? ago

We as a collective people have more than enough strength and numbers to remove all non white populations from our homelands within a weeks time we only like the will.

If you think fighting for your lives now is hard when we could do it in a week imagine how much harder it will be if you keep waiting and waiting to take action. Fight or die.

21895062? ago

So, England, they government you, tax you, live off your taxes, and forbid you on their land that you supply?

I'm sorry, this is too egregious to justify pity; you might deserve the consequences. Sad, sorry story. England is dead to me.

21895043? ago

nothing 4 million bullets would not solve (the military, legally of course)

21894927? ago

Or how you wake the giant.

21896414? ago

Let's hope so.

21894874? ago

Read the lyrics to Europe Awake by Skrewdriver

21896406? ago


Europe what have they got to do to make you come alive
What has happened to the heritage that once was yours and mine
A capitalistic economy, the communists roam the streets
The old people aren't safe outside, what solution do we seek

Europe awake, for the White man's sake
Europe awake before it's too late
Europe awake now

We've got to get together soon, and take our nations back
The race board, and the traitorous politicians should be sacked
You can't turn on the TV because we know what we're going to see

Either moaning immigrants, or the lying C.N.D.

(Repeat Chorus)

We've got to get together now, and wage our nation's fights
If we don't act quickly, we're going to face the endless night
We've got to take our nations back, from all the traitorous scum
You'd better believe it, our day will soon have to come

(Repeat Chorus) x2

21894787? ago

Good bye. You sat idly by and let it happen. America take heed.

21894609? ago

Some of this just isn't true

21894539? ago


21894384? ago

And how many more muslims have we in America after obama’s reign? Numerically, how did the percent population of muslims grow from 2008 until now? I bet we’re just as fucked.

21894326? ago

Outlaw Islam and offer $$ to fly them back to their countries of origin. Do not allow anyone who is Muslim to be in a gov position. They will riot and then you will be able to shoot them. They will leave.

21897068? ago

with what guns?

21896074? ago

I like your views and wish to subscribe to your newsletter ;)

21894249? ago

Well said, but what kind of asshole learned that about the frog?

21899417? ago

Unlike countries that fund self-invasion, then commit self-genocide, a frog has enough sense to leave the pot once it gets uncomfortable (well before it boils).

I'm not sure how the slow-boil-frog-myth started.

21903067? ago


21894181? ago

America Next, then China, then Japan, then...

and Israel last, lasts forever !!!

21894133? ago

4 million vs 62 million .... the media portrays it the other way around. When it’s time to fight; fight. And squash.

21894064? ago

Link stats or morons will just say " muh factcheck"

21895463? ago

Well, contrary to the OP, the Mayor of Leeds isn't muslim for a start. And England/UK isn't done yet. The Brexit vote was the first kick in the nuts for the cabal, months before you lads voted in Donald. So there. ;)

21893928? ago

Don't count us out and don't try to demoralise us. You don't know what you don't know and most Brits like most Americans and Canadians and Germans etc. don't realise the extent of the issues and are propagandised to believe the opposite on a daily basis. The road ahead will be difficult but us redpillsmen should be planting seeds of hope, not hopelessness. Wouldn't surprise me if it was a shill that posted this.

21899728? ago

While I truly support your enthusiasm, you MUST begin to VIOLENTLY oppose the Muslim, push him out of polite society, and eradicate the familiarity that PC politics has given Britons to Islamic Culture. Bring back NATIONAL PRIDE, and your links to EUROPEAN DOMINANCE. Jews, Arabs, and other cultures stuck in the middle ages have always hated Europeans for their obvious dominance, beauty, and technical and artistic abilities. For the UK and the rest of Europe to win their place in the world, you must VIOLENTLY fight, both offensively and defensively. Show NO mercy. FIGHT, FIGHT. FIGHT! Love, compassion do not work on SAVAGES. They prey on this convenient mindset of the weak in the West and destroy you while pat yourself on the head for a job well done.....Destroy your enemy before they destroy you. Bottomline.

21896300? ago

Looking from the continental EU, we're rooting for you to get out of this mess (the EU) but even more so, to get out of the mess described in the post. O.P. didn't even touched upon the grooming gangs.

I'm afraid you need a redpill followed by a blackpill to get out of it stronger on the other side. Most importantly, a lot of Brits (even Brexiteers) need this black pill to get you out of the slumber.

21893598? ago

Jews designed engineered and financed this transition plan! They used American money. Muslims are just the bullet, Jews are holding the gun.

21898329? ago

They did so because they know mozzies are incompetent. The jews have repeatedly defeated the mozzies in battle so they feel no threat from them. Whites on the other hand.... They know their true rival in the world, an so have been crafting a strategy since 1946 to genocide the white race, both in retaliation for Hitler, and to wipe out their rivals.

21905327? ago

A bit annoying when Israel is responsible for most, if not all of the middle-eastern conflict, at least the modern "post 9/11" wars.

Many talking about diluting the "white population" as a punishment or for safety from another "holocaust" etc.

I guess its the hypocrisy that makes it so frustrating to read.

21894225? ago

Kosher infiltration was the litmus test for muzzie takeover

21893733? ago

That's a very good analogy. Gonna steal it tyvm!

21893774? ago

Spread the word! Thank you very much.

21893573? ago

Now what if [their] second point of attack after filling our countries with foreigners is to divide these populations to their extremes until we erupt?

Anon posted yesterday that the civil wars wouldn't be fought against the snowflakes/Antifa-types, but instead against the cartels, gangs and foreigners.

21894172? ago

When the shooting starts you won’t be able to find the antifa types, they will disappear faster than you can say Jack Robinson. The fags will become pretty quiet themselves because they’re all physical cowards. So yes the foreigners will be looking at survival and the gangs-cartels will be looking to defend their principalities.

21893518? ago

Let's see. I have high hopes the UK will have a great awakening itself with Brexit almost in the bag.

It will take MUCH longer as Europe is cabal central.

21896149? ago

Currently UK and the EU (not Europe) are Cabal Central. UK and Sweden are in the worst shape.

21893508? ago

Thank god for president TRUMP and out great Military.

21893466? ago

21893330? ago

Why are you surprised? QEII is a direct descendant of Mohamed.

21894189? ago

That’s a new one to me. You want to back that up?

21899102? ago

Here is my sauce where I first found out the info


21896787? ago

That one is true, albeit indirectly. It's a feature of islamic countries elevating mohammeds descendants to positions of power and sometimes royalty, and then different royal lineages intermarrying.

21897173? ago

Actually that’s quite logical

21895441? ago

I'm not op and can't help you with sauce but its my understanding that all our leaders are. Descendants, and all related to each other. Just a rabbit hole i havent personally been down

21893293? ago

Wow I wonder what the other EU countries look like. Maybe Europe is gone.

21896101? ago

Nothing as bad as UK. Sweden maybe.

21893279? ago

Conflicts are not resolved by voting, anyone with a cursory grasp of history would realize that.

That's why they spent so much effort turning your brains into mush.

21893455? ago

Conflicts are resolved by killing Jews (in Minecraft).

21893360? ago

The man most vilified in the west to the lay person is a man who stood up for his people. Hitler.

The man most celebrated in the west to the lay person is a Semitic god that when it came time for him to stick up for himself he just died on a tree. Jesus.

Might is Right.

21893246? ago

America is even worse.

21893533? ago

You’re fucking retarded.

21893304? ago

not yet but maybe soon https://files.catbox.moe/d5w4bl.jpg Cryptomuslims on Voat advocating for Sharia-lite.... Can someone explain why the Zionist israeli the Jews extremists and islamics are allied against the USA's free speech? they hate each other?

21895467? ago

Read the torah and compare to the quran. Same practices. I dare say islam is a creation of Judaism.

21893390? ago

Can someone explain why the Zionist israeli the Jews extremists and islamics are allied against the USA's free speech? they hate each other?

The Master keeps his vicious ugly dogs from biting him but does not care about the rest of the dog park.

21893364? ago

They pretend to hate each other in order to deceive Christians. What's the difference between halal and kosher?

21893377? ago


21893348? ago

My understanding is that the top leaders of the muslims (saudi kings, etc) are actually jews too.

21893381? ago

There is an old branch of Babylon Masonry that connects to Sabbatai Zevi or Shabbetay Sebvi it was a big cult in France, Turkey and Dutch Netherlands, they might have burned London to the ground in 1666, they use islamic and moslem rituals, the Shriners and link to pagan occult, the Grotto connect and Frankist.

21893372? ago

two sides of the same coin

Both will use the other to get what they want and then fight for the spoils when win.

21893240? ago

It's shameful. The citizens let it happen.

21893221? ago

Most of them are Lord Mayors, not mayors. I know you don’t have Lord Mayors in the US, and I know it’s not ideal to have Muslim Lord Mayors, but you don’t need to be dishonest when presenting the problem as you have done here. (Lord Mayor is a ceremonial role with no actual power, mayors have power)

21893713? ago

Sooo.. how about all the rest that was outlined? You cherry picked one thing. Frankly who cares about Lord Mayors or whatever - how about no go zones and benefits? That’s the stuff that tanks an economy and threatens the native people.

21894538? ago

No go zones is a bit OTT, but there are many places where a white face would feel uncomfortable. I don't personally know of anywhere verboten to the white man though.

21894116? ago

That’s what I mean, just stick to those things and the point is made. It never helps a valid argument to include dishonesty, it just weakens the valid point.

21893874? ago

And Sharia courts.

21893204? ago

All it would take is the intestinal fortitude to say "no more", but a vast number of Brits today are hedonistic binge drinkers who see no hope for the future. Truly sad.

21897030? ago

LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful?

Dear 3581205 :) Do not be afraid I will NOT try to put irrational fear into you. How about you, are you going to try to put irrational fear into others? Are you going to let others put irrational fear into you?

You wrote:

England is gone; That's how you boil the frog

Sounds like you are FEARFUL of irrational fear? Are you? I suggest to not let irrational fear creep in you. Otherwise you would expose yourself to be first USE by others, then CONTROL by others, next ABUSE by others, after that LIE by others into you repeating all of this cycle with others, and so on. This is how irrational fear spreads.

Evil's Strategy?

For those not familiar with the EVIL's strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, hatred, psychological trauma, expediency, selfishness, ignorance, destruction or neglect." Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil

With infinite love ♥

Love ♥'s Strategy?

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love is "a virtue representing human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

RATIONAL FEAR or Irrational Fear?

Irrational fear is NOT to confuse with a rational fear.

A rational fear is GOOD for you. For example, wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle is a GOOD fear. Because the fear is motivated by a safety prevention to reduce risk of a potential serious head injury in the unlikely event of an accident.

An irrational fear is BAD for you. For example, using name-calling, ad hominem, bullying, or death threat to target ALL motorcyclists. Because a MINORITY of motorcyclists had proven unethical or illegal behaviors. This would be a BAD fear. An IRRATIONAL fear. In other words, the IMMATURE behaviors of a minority of motorcyclists is not to confuse with the MATURE behaviors of a the majority of motorcyclists.


Here is a challenge for you if you are interested. If people post comments below. Are you able to detect which comments do NOT try to put fear in you? Compare to comments that DO try to put fear in you?

In other words, LOVE or Fear? FEARLESS or Fearful? And which one are you going to let in?

With infinite love ♥

21904993? ago

I am afraid (lol) that you are trying to water down a natural response of fear and turning it into a passive love. Fear and anger are natural responses to an enemy. And the Bible talks plenty about enemies and what to do. Jesus Christ Himself took a stand in the temple when He saw the merchants turning His Fathers house into a marketplace. Fear let’s us know our boundaries have been crossed. Jesus stood against fake peace! He was a true confronter of all things evil!! He did not walk away from the fight! He stood up to evil every time and saved the people, revealed the hearts of the religious leaders surrounding Him. So don’t try to make people feel they shouldn’t feel fear and should turn passive. Christ is love and He was the fiercest fighter for humanity that ever existed!

21899555? ago

But in the case of England what he said is true. You can't love someone who is trying to kill you all the time.

21899262? ago

Take a trip to Pakistan and tell them about your love for all shitskins.

21897360? ago

From the LG, I O.o your soul escaping a blinding light far far away.

Welcome this new place it is also yours.

Youve traveled so far.



21893620? ago

I have to believe the brits will pull themselves up off the floor, and fight for their country. America cannot end up like Europe.

21897441? ago

Were already well on the way

21896776? ago

It's literally already worse. You're going to be majority non-white within 25 years, your blacks make no go murder minefields out of entire cities, and your muslim population (in % terms) is roughly 1/3rd that of the UK. In raw numbers you have at least as many muslims already.

21899921? ago

It's true what you've said, but at least here, much of the law is still on our side. The fucking commies weren't able to erode all of it fast enough. We've still got our guns, and we can still say what we think. We're not done yet.

21901069? ago

Aye, although it varies somewhat. The UK is definitely a near perfect example of anarcho tyranny, but with that said for all they'll oppress your ass for various pieces of wrongthought, the police are super laid back most of the time. From everything I've heard online, think about a small town sherrif / whatever the people under him are called - that same kind of casual interaction is pretty much the norm even for big city cops here, albeit lacking the ability to know everyones names. They're definitely not the riot police style stuff you see in some american cities.

I am very envious of your guns / free speech too, although you use the first too little - free speech is great and well used (even if hate speech does largely stem from american political activism and then ended up a very dangerous concept for most of the rest of the world without the 1A), and I very deeply respect that, but guns are used too little - the concept of their use as a defence against an opressive and harmful government has, in my eyes, largely failed - even now, this movement, is deeply focused on not using them. And maybe just maybe within the concept of this movement that's right. But I doubt they'd be being used even had hilary won, and that represents a problem. The safety net makes you too comfortable to act and risk civil disobedience, as happens here in the uk with our partial free speech. Safety nets corrode the human spirit to be independent.

21902385? ago

It's a balancing act. The whole idea is not to become the tyrant. That's why you see people fighting to keep the guns, but going out of their way not to use them. Trust me, people would love nothing more than to go around in small militias like the days of old and just start rounding up all these illegals and criminals, but alas, the puppet masters are salivating at this idea. They would love to put a group of angry men with guns on the evening news. They have been trying to bring racial tensions to a head here for the last 20 years. They are succeeding in that by injecting these major cities with muslims and criminals. The problem for them right now is that too many people have eyes on what they are doing. They've been exposed, and the truth is shining out. Trump just reversed federal education acts put into place by Obama. This is a key step. Part of what they had done was undermine the educational system. This doesn't kill free speech, but it stifles it significantly and creates derision and confusion. The thing about the guns is, that, if push came to shove, enough people united in ideal and spirit will choose to use the guns to defend themselves. Any government in the US seeking to attack its own citizens upholding their constitutional rights would be seen as tyrannical. This the center of the triangle; the fourth branch if you will: the mob. For the past twenty years they have been highly successful at dividing us. That is being reversed. We're not out of the woods yet, but we are well on our way. If trump wins another term, and a worthy successor can be fostered and ushered in. I predict we will see a broad homogenization of the American culture. One that, combined with strong judicial president, will prevent this kind of crooked shit from taking place again. I believe that England and the UK will follow suit. I was very happy to hear about the recent rejection of the Labor party and all the globalist trash that has left Europe in shit and flame. I am also hopeful that France will accomplish emancipation and complete their new revolution.

I concede that you may have a point about safety nets, but what remains debatable is the proper time for risk and civil disobedience. The thing about America so far is that, since the civil war political system has been balanced enough (I say this hesitantly) that all out revolution hasn't been warranted. In keeping in with the metaphor, they were trying to boil frogs, but the frogs were armed. They weren't able to turn up the heat as much as they would have liked. We've been sick, fed up, and uncomfortable, but not yet defeated. What's more is that, they burned their hand being too close to the range. Now we're hopping all over their kitchen.

21894209? ago

"Well they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles and they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go..."

21899384? ago

"They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em on down the Mississippi do the Gulf of Mexico"

21897424? ago

Johnny Horton

21899410? ago

Anyone who doesn't know who Johnny Horton is should find out right now. It's some really good music.

21894579? ago

Old Hickory was full of surprises wasn't he?

21893745? ago

They need a leader who can rally them.

21906128? ago

Like Hitler?

21893931? ago

On the contrary. I think they might be the leaders we need.

They're so far gone that it's getting necessary for, no reason at all, a Hitleresque figure who will not care about anything other than the actual fix to the problem, and do whatever is necessary.

After just a couple months after forcibly removing the problem, a difference will be noticed. After a couple years and a completely different level of safety and not wasting resources on cancer, then that leader can really step on the gas because a vast majority of the country will approve.

Then hopefully, we get somebody to step in and say the same. Maybe work together to de jew at least Europe and America. Demuslim both as well. Demexican America.

Imagine not paying for the crimes and health and welfare and food for 75% of what we pay for currently.

We can afford a better schooling system. Help the students who excel in certain areas to move along unrestrained and not held back because half the money goes to translators and faggot studies teachers.

21893572? ago

That's why I bailed on the country and moved to Canada.

I didn't see Trudope coming though, seems like I bought myself ~10 extra years.

21899294? ago

You are a fucking coward, you should have stayed and fought either politically or physically. Your bloodline will always run like a fucking cowardly rat.

21899985? ago

No one gives a damn what you think.

21897284? ago

]We[ are quickly running out of places to go. [They] are breeding like cockroaches. At some point an exterminator will have to be called in to eradicate [them].

21899315? ago

Real people will return, builders, warriors, inventors and winners, the all or nothing days. I hoped the competition would be across the stars in space, because I have seen what modern weapons can do to a city on our Earth.

21896879? ago

Come to America.

21899325? ago

Cowards, hoodrat dindoos and rodent religious zealot types not needed.

21904601? ago

United States of Greenland when?

21896652? ago

kek. you picked canada?! tell me how that turns out for you in 2-3 years. hahahah

21893998? ago

Lol, bud with opium wars 2.0 on the rise, and friends of Trudeau like Ingvaldson. Fuck man I wish we had 10 years, might be time to start the American citizenship application.

21894102? ago

Claim to be from africa, we will get you sorted and in welfare within the week

21896018? ago

Trudeau already refused refugee status to a SA a white family and returned them to africa to be slaughtered because "whites are the ones that terrorize, they are never victims". Also allowing them to stay would be like admitting SA niggers are killing whites for fun.

21894364? ago

It's genius. CBP are never gonna look for a pasty white guy.

21894089? ago

I’m in Texas of all places and it’s crawling with sand niggers and pakis. If you come here try for eastern Oregon/Washington or Wyoming.

21897903? ago

You should see Canada. This country is unrecognizable. Soooo many East Indians, Pakis, and Filipinos. The damage done by the Trudeau government is going to take decades to fix, if even possible.

21897232? ago

This makes me sad, I had Texas at the top of my list of southern climate, no state tax, strong 2A culture, red state. Maybe some cities in Texas are better than others?

21897313? ago

Definitely. Austin is completely degenerate. Houston, Harris County and Fort Bend County boast about being the most diverse places on Earth. San Antonio I like but every time I go there I see more Arabs and less Mexicans. I’d rather have the Mexicans. El Paso is weirdly not bad. My first choice would be the Hill country or maybe somewhere new New Braunfels. I don’t know enough about Waco to say anything.

21897747? ago

I enjoyed a brief business trip to Houston and Dallas, both were on our list of potentials because of the business climate, but I can’t understand how anyone in “Texas” would elect the likes of SJL, I can’t wrap my mind around that. I love the live music in Austin, but can’t abide the commies. I was stationed in the Deep South Texas, where there where more prickly pear and rattle snakes and Mexicans than anything else, I enjoyed roping, hunting and fishing with the locals but my GF would never go for that kind of out in the sticks lifestyle. We’re headed to Houston in Feb for business and plan to take some extra time to drive around, I recall enjoying the beach culture in Port Aransas, Corpus and Galveston, that was 40 years ago, so it will be interesting to see how it’s changed. I’ve heard good things about the hill country, will need to check that out.

21897398? ago

I’d rather have the Mexicans.

When were at THIS point its pretty much game over

21897114? ago

Eastern Washington. Western WA and OR are cucked commie pinko havens.

21897166? ago

Nah out by Pendleton, Biggs, Yakima, closer to Idaho it’s better. Spokane is shit though.

21893692? ago

My ancestry is Dutch and Scot-Irish mostly with some English...It burns my ass to no end to contemplate the lands of my ancestors being trodden on by these 3rd world barbarians. Equally galling is how the politicians are selling it out for money from these (((banking elite))).

I'm hoping for the day it can be reclaimed.

21894323? ago

I'm from Yorkshire, I have have hope for my brethren from the Shire. Last time the Monarchy way overstepped its bounds with this shit we forced the Bill of Rights on them, and took our books of Law with us and cost them America.

Our Law is from the Danelaw. We just need to bring back the swords. We wouldn't have had this problem if the King was voted for by the show of sword. They had to be good kings, or they were dead kings.

Oh, and we wouldn't mind Normandy back. Hopefully we get to keep it this time we wage war on Germany.

21894475? ago

Evening fellow Yorkie.

21900031? ago

Innit bruv?

Nice to see another one found the internet instead of the bottle!

21909364? ago

They're mutually exclusive? Nobody said.

21915275? ago

Can't have found it too hard then.

21894218? ago

Off topic-ish: Could it be the revenge of Roman Imperial's descendents ? They want the "barbarians" 's descendents to "taste the same" like their ancestors did ?

21893203? ago

conservative just won a 5 year term, with a huge majority.

21899341? ago

He is part of the clown show also Turk bloodline, Ottoman Ali Kemal.

21893898? ago

Conservatives are useless fucks the world over. The only thing that can actually move the needle to the right now is something far more powerful, something based on a far bigger idea. In Britain, this pretty much means finding another man who can pull a sword from a stone.

21895947? ago

another man who can pull a sword from a stone.

I saw the other day some monkey that could pull a machete from a stone[r]. Is that what you had in mind ?

21893766? ago

It's too late . . . the England we all once knew and loved is no more.

21896042? ago

Get your prayer mats now and start memorizing the koran. It will come in handy when the white purge happens in a few years.

21897339? ago

One would be foolish to think that would save them.

21894525? ago

Not true. It changed to this, it can change in a positive way, too. There is a worldwide awakening happening. There is a Better and better possibility that Muslims will be kicked out of western countries all together in the future. Have faith when enough peoples eyes are opened, Great change happens quickly. Think 1789.

21895961? ago

They cant be kicked out if they become citizens.

21896529? ago

Yes they can. It just takes political will that's fueled by a majority of the peoples will.

21895896? ago

Think 1789.

Love the enthusiasm but 1789 may be one of the many roots of this mess.

21893264? ago

Nothing will change.

21896055? ago

yes it will, complete islamization is coming to england.

21900682? ago

Other than that. lol

21893155? ago

They are being used as pawns of the Vatican. They will all be slaughtered and be used as the excuse for a new Crusade ending in a new world order.

21893222? ago

The Londonistan or Birtbong thing is not just a meme, many people in FBI, KGB, interpol, MI6 use these terms, there have been bombings and shootings across Europe, attacks in Asia, in Africa, some of the jihad slowly spreads to places like Canada, S.America and Australia. Some of these jihadi networks were not created in Saudi Arabia or Iran but are now home grown inside England itself. There was a book wrote Londonistan by Melanie Phillips.

21893734? ago

Britain’s Islamist mess - Melanie Phillips


21893142? ago

Brits, you really were cucked by your elites. You have no guns to revolt either. How many of you vs them? So were you really that stupid to vote ALL these Muslims into office? OR were the votes fraudulent to give them control? Your govt is 100% complicit as are the royal pedo pervs living off your $$. You voted overwhelmingly for Brexit & for Johnson's Make UK Great Again agenda. Let's see if you can get your country back & clean up the elections. Vote out & deport, save yourselves.

21895854? ago

... living off your $$.

ÂŁÂŁ. Carry-on.

21893082? ago


21893146? ago

Like QE2, and the rest

21893075? ago

America is next, and no amount of voting will prevent it.

21896061? ago

No the Americans will fight it, the Americans have the largest cache of weapons for ordinary citizens. And from what I see online...if Trump is killed or removed there will be hell to pay.

21897430? ago

You have more faith than I. I’m afraid the greatest generation would not even recognize the new generations push come to shove.

21893073? ago

Britain, once a world power, now a world shithole for niggers and muslims. Who voted to give their country to street shitters and rapists

21894582? ago

Ashkenazi, Satan-worshipping roaming Turk filth masquerading as God’s jews. And there was no vote; there never is. God has now decided it’s time they were brought to justice. This is the great awakening. It needs to unfold slowly to get the normies attention. Once the tipping point has happened, normies will be SCREAMING for live executions and Muslims kicked out of every western country. There will be a mass reverse migration/purge because the people will make it happen once they start to really learn about everything.

21906173? ago

Jews. All Jews.

21895993? ago

How will they kick them out? This is a fantastical idea. How would this be done without much bloodshed?

21899595? ago

Put them on planes or boats and send them home.

21895852? ago

and the Norwegian Clownworld Timeline?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3580148

21895686? ago

Get your head out of your ass. God isn't going to do shit for anyone.

21895869? ago

is there an elite cult? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3575296/21839767

21897584? ago

Yes, and you ain’t in it.

21896340? ago

Yes, and they blame shit on God, instead of taking responsibility for themselves.

21893196? ago

Voting is not how this happens.

21893378? ago

If voting could change anything would they really allow it?

21893488? ago

Old joke. 100% true.