21890513? ago


21889924? ago

What happens when you just search for “couple”?

21896584? ago


Still a little race mixing for whites but not nearly the same amount.

21898041? ago


21889058? ago

Same in TV commercials. No more white heterosexual couples or white families. Hell, I just saw a commercial where a "white family" is having a reunion and there were more non-whites than whites at the table. But they are kidding no one with a brain.

21888975? ago


21888167? ago


Goto 23:10

The brilliant Douglas Murray covers exactly this topic

21888205? ago

Bookmarked for later thanks.

21887813? ago

Link is broken

21887496? ago

Sell GOOG ... rotten traitors

21887272? ago


21886908? ago

"Because you're a racist bigot for even looking" -(((google)))

21886925? ago

I'm sorry :(

21888176? ago

Lol it's not even sarcasm tho.

https://youtu.be/RjBpCBibQpI. Goto23:10

21886307? ago

The most damning thing a whistle-blower could do would be to release all the coding or editing that is going on behind the scenes in this, there have been some leaks in the past, I don't believe they covered this sort of manipulation.

21886488? ago

That would be awesome.

21886268? ago

Because we are a high IQ threat. Kalgari Plan in action. Jews are the ultimate racists and fascists.

21886240? ago

Google is W A R P E D ...

21886284? ago

(((W A R P E D)))

21886190? ago

Yet kikes haven't become public enemy number one yet? No expulsions?

21898392? ago

Thought I'd share these.

They're my two most successful post here in q land



Just depends on wether they get (((caught and downvoated))) or not. Most do unfortunately.

21898487? ago

Qtards are a special kind of stupid sheep. They can't shake off the programming. They are just like niggers.

21898770? ago

To be fair it's been a lot of programming.

21886251? ago

People are waking up. (((They've))) had 106 years so far to spread their filth in America alone.

21886060? ago

Google is DARPA displaying the DS agenda...Getting rid of Whitey.

21886017? ago

The Jews are at it again. Shilling QRV with racist BULLSHIT.

21886228? ago

Israel has a 3:1 jew:nonjew ratio. They must open their borders, for diversity is our greatest strength.

21886281? ago

Shalom brother, I concur.

21886425? ago

No I am Pakistani and can not allow the Jews to be so strong. Remain closed. You Jews are weak together. We know your dirty tricks allowing diversity will make you too strong to defeat you dirty Jews. Reject it. So we can slay you all when the time comes.

21886419? ago

I'm running low on foreskin jerky, I hope to get some before hannakuh ends.

21886480? ago

Mohel, Mohel....you know i have some, why didn't you just talk to me? I have only the finest of goyim foreskin, at the best prices as well.

21886505? ago

How much $?

21886562? ago

Ah yes, yes, only $400 per slice.

21886841? ago

$250 per slice, what a bargain.

21886920? ago

Of course, schmuley, just leave the $600 on the Venmo, as usual. Chag Samach.

21886964? ago

Mr Shapiro, why are you trying to give me anudah heart attack? $150 per slice, what are you, some kind of foreskin nazi? You'll be hearing from my lawya, Mr Silverberg.

21885948? ago

I tried it and it was almost like google used this post and comment thread to supply the info. Interracial everything.

21885925? ago

21889050? ago

awww.. lookat that cute lil-monkey-face..

21885949? ago

Has it been made a submission yet in q land?

21885675? ago

Who still uses Google?

They're losing so much high value market share, their results are shit now. Not to mention all the diversity and kike politics killing the algorithm.

21885656? ago


21885700? ago

Bar mitzvah style or regular?

21886622? ago

Straight outta the womb, heeb n locks style. Dont let the locks get in the way.

21886726? ago

Fuckin lol.

21885625? ago

It's a "bug". But it's not going to be fixed.

21886999? ago

A '"bug'" by (((design)))

21885368? ago

Gas the kikes

21885165? ago

Fucking Cultural Marxist Kike Programming.

21885156? ago

What’s even worse are the toys now. We bought my 4yo daughter an LOL maze deal, which is an unpacking gimmick with small dolls and accessories.

None of the dolls are “white” and of the “males” are presented as faggots.

I never thought I’d be the type of person that really cares, but was advised some years back that whatever liberal values I had, would evaporate when I had children.

Touché Dan, touché.

21886217? ago

Get this, bought my nephew a Woody figurine from the Toy Story movies. He wears a gun holster with no fucking gun. My brother tells me you never see guns anymore on kids toys. When I was kid, all my toys had guns! I turned out just fine! Never shot anyone, nor will I unless out of self defense.

21886289? ago

Remember lawn darts. When toys were totally fun and dangerous.

21889000? ago

yes. i still have some. Jarts. illegal since 1970-something

21885227? ago

Be careful. I don't want to read about her paying the toll.

21885293? ago

Yeah, parenting is tough stuff.

3 kids under 5 and being attacked on all fronts.

This is not another 4 year election.

21885398? ago

Did you come here because of Q, or were you here before?

21885508? ago

Came because of Q.

21885693? ago

Are you seeing inconsistenicies with how the the jews treat race, and how they tell whites to treat it?

21886000? ago

5x5. I’ve got it. I don’t necessarily subscribe to the fact that Europa: the last battle or narratives like it are 100% accurate, but the big picture sure as fuck is reality.

It’s blatant.

21886014? ago

God bless, and have a good rest of your day.

21885126? ago

i heard some total bullshit explanation for this... something along the lines of the articles related to white couple show these mixed images.. ummm if i search images show me what im fucking specificaly looking for not this shit show... we know what (((they))) are doing we fucking know and they are getting scared.

21885237? ago

Exactly. How can a multibillion dollar company get something so simple, so wrong?

21885012? ago

shill post is my guess, fucking thought police

I mean they never stop yappin about sex and race and religion.

21885173? ago

herr derr

21885356? ago

" Hurr durr " is the sound of laughter coming from someone with half a brain . Mostly it is used to point out when someone has made an idiotic claim, though, surprisingly, idiot males will attempt to make their laugh as deep as possible to make them sound more manly, when all it really does is make them sound like idiots.

21885425? ago

Mostly it is used to point out when someone has made an idiotic claim, though, surprisingly

21885786? ago

says the idiot

21885855? ago

When you want to debate me with evidence then I will talk.

21887031? ago

Debate what? You presented NO facts. You presented NO opinion. All your post does is attempt to promote racism. That's a shill post. Like it or not, you are a shill.

21887268? ago

Gas yourself rabbi.

21888119? ago

Careful. You sound exactly like a troll.

21888150? ago

The holocaust is a lie.

21884918? ago

Google has become our default.search for answers. No longer God.

21884967? ago

Interesting way of thinking, no opposition on it from me.

21884794? ago


21886431? ago


21884798? ago


21884674? ago

Weird. Those aren't my results. It's almost as if there is some sort of algorithm and optimization of search engines going on when you search google... gee I wonder if many of your search terms involve racists shit and terms related to skin color, then maybe those searches are heated or yield high results for pages you visit due to the results and so on and then the computer sees you type "white couple" and assumes you are looking for white interracial couples from all the times you visited sites after searching "white interracial couples are wrong" or "white couples with blacks(or spooks or nigs or whatev terms you use" and now google had altered its results thinking you WANT to see stuff like that.

I mean. That cant be it. Right? Cuz you know how db and seo shit works I'm sure. It's probably cuz they paid tons of people to sit there and flush results to not show white people and to train a.i. meticulously, detached from the rest of their a.i. and ML, to think that white couples shouldn't involve all whites ... or wait, maybe computers are out to exterminate whites cuz they're afraid of us cuz they know we are superior

Jesus christ grandpa, get off the fuckin internet or think before you speak.

21885379? ago

Decided to try searching white couples, then clicking on images and came up with similar results as the OP. Need to also add on the first page of search results there was a large box on the right side of the screen with an article on Interracial Relationships. Yeah, there's an agenda. Zuckerberg gave the same bs you gave, yet during the Congressional Hearings it came out Google controls the search results to fit their agenda. After all it only takes a monthly payment to keep a website as a top ten result, regardless of users' behaviors. Bye, Felicia.

21885737? ago

The (((guy))) wont even show us his archive search result. I was nice enough to copy paste archive's URL too.

21885186? ago

Prove it fuckface.

21884835? ago


Show us faggot.

21884659? ago

Better not notice that, goy. You're a division shill. Q loves kikes and niggers! Lowest minority and female unemployment rate ever!

21884961? ago

Good shit.