21883042? ago

Is this for real?

21887277? ago


21883478? ago

Nimrod, Semiramis was the legendary Lydian-Babylonian wife. Norway Royals and Yet another Kevin Spacey Accuser Dies.

21883522? ago

Look bro, I might not be very bright when it comes to this stuff, but u don’t have to call me a nimrod!

21885814? ago

Nimrod was actually a pretty cool dude,"he was a mighty hunter before the Lord".

21884337? ago

the art is money laundering? https://files.catbox.moe/ud9un0.png the princess went full coap bunring murshark with some gay voodoo negroe sex guru

21883035? ago


21883484? ago

Sheeeeit, clown time line https://voat.co/v/QRV/3580148