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21883174? ago

Yes there is, and I am turning my eye on (((them))) and their comms. The point of this decoding exercise, was to break (((their))) communications as well as learn White Hat Comms.

The bad guys are using these methods to communicate, as we have smashed their ability to function properly, their command and control structure is breaking down.

Much more coming on this.

They can't hide. <


21883910? ago

Congrats on making the only intelligent reply to this thread.

21884291? ago

You're most welcome Anon.

There is so much unfolding before our eyes right now, it's astonishing. <

POTUS and Q Team are delivering cuts to the Deep State almost everyday now. They will become Fatal. <

I have been watching Black Hats like Corney and [RENEGADE], for a while now. I did this decode from Obongo a while back >

[RENEGADE] TWEET DECODED - Obama tweet sending messages to cabal co-conspirators > 'o-o' < 5:5

(((They))) are getting desperate now, as their comms. are compromised, and they are essentially relegated to passing notes in class.

I have thought long and hard as to why POTUS uses this all this Gematria and Numerology to communicate.

Apart from all the reasons I have given in the past regarding Nat_Sec and by-passing MSM, it has occurred to me that Q and POTUS are wanting us to learn this to recognize the communication methods of The Enemy, as this is the only way to stop them doing it in the future.

Everyone needs to wake up to this way of thinning, and I believe it is related to this Great Awakening we keep hearing about.

More to come for sure. This is so big, and I am getting very close Anon to breaking The Code. <

Thanks for your kind remarks.

Kindest regards,




21885665? ago

speaking of mr renegade, got any insight into the old "red red stringer" post?

21887838? ago

Quite a lot, but not in one place. Red Cross is essential, as FLOTUS recently showed hands (666 ok sign) inside American Red Cross care bags, bring filled with children's books.

Lots of clues here, as well as Melania's red dress during the Christmas vdpeech.

So that is at least two video decodes in the pipeline.