21884285? ago

just dont dig too deep on university grounds, or in florida...

21883842? ago

Hankx glove pic

21884558? ago


21883746? ago

They are NOT elites, [they] are degenerates

21883174? ago

Yes there is, and I am turning my eye on (((them))) and their comms. The point of this decoding exercise, was to break (((their))) communications as well as learn White Hat Comms.

The bad guys are using these methods to communicate, as we have smashed their ability to function properly, their command and control structure is breaking down.

Much more coming on this.

They can't hide. <


21883910? ago

Congrats on making the only intelligent reply to this thread.

21887218? ago

Thanks, I appreciate your comment.

21884291? ago

You're most welcome Anon.

There is so much unfolding before our eyes right now, it's astonishing. <

POTUS and Q Team are delivering cuts to the Deep State almost everyday now. They will become Fatal. <

I have been watching Black Hats like Corney and [RENEGADE], for a while now. I did this decode from Obongo a while back >

[RENEGADE] TWEET DECODED - Obama tweet sending messages to cabal co-conspirators > 'o-o' < 5:5


(((They))) are getting desperate now, as their comms. are compromised, and they are essentially relegated to passing notes in class.

I have thought long and hard as to why POTUS uses this all this Gematria and Numerology to communicate.

Apart from all the reasons I have given in the past regarding Nat_Sec and by-passing MSM, it has occurred to me that Q and POTUS are wanting us to learn this to recognize the communication methods of The Enemy, as this is the only way to stop them doing it in the future.

Everyone needs to wake up to this way of thinning, and I believe it is related to this Great Awakening we keep hearing about.

More to come for sure. This is so big, and I am getting very close Anon to breaking The Code. <

Thanks for your kind remarks.

Kindest regards,




21885665? ago

speaking of mr renegade, got any insight into the old "red red stringer" post?

21887838? ago

Quite a lot, but not in one place. Red Cross is essential, as FLOTUS recently showed hands (666 ok sign) inside American Red Cross care bags, bring filled with children's books.

Lots of clues here, as well as Melania's red dress during the Christmas vdpeech.

So that is at least two video decodes in the pipeline.

21883168? ago

Don't forget Fortnite and Star Wars.

21882621? ago

If trump can’t stop them then patriots are not in control. If patriots are not in control than non patriots are controlling Q.

21883846? ago

Not as easy as it sounds. You arrest them and call juries in DC. Except that only 11k people from the whole DC voted to Trump. Look at the level of TDS, the media will make sure everyone knows they can use jury nullification.

You only get one shot, you fail to prosecute and convict them once, you can't do it again because of double jeopardy.

You arrest them and put them in jail, and then they get suicided and they are gone now, because the mafia, MS-13 and the prison guards are bought.

These people control the media, the courts, the law enforcement at various levels and various states. Arresting them all at the same time is going to look like a military coup and will completely destabilize the country. I think the plan was to conduct these but then once Trump was in the office, he realized how pervasive and widespread the swamp is. Most people just see the tip the shit pile, they have no idea what's underneath.

So I think the they built a plan on how to dismantle it piece by piece. Install supreme court judges, keep the senate safe during midterms, wait out Mueller and his sham to avoid "obstruction" and "red line" riots spreading. Now the swamp counters with the impeachment sham, so that's something new to deal with.

21883282? ago

Why stop them from providing evidence so blatant even the public notices it?

21883449? ago

Who’s to say that the ones providing the evidence aren’t also the ones who can do something.

21882506? ago

You don't think that's what Q has been doing?...

21882315? ago

Why would they send coded messages publicly over Twitter when they could send highly encrypted messages directly to anyone they want?

21882555? ago

They were using Xbox chat at one point, you devil-worshipping asstard.

21883940? ago

I'm just pointing out the general incompetence of using those systems of communication when technology has provided better solutions.

I'm more secure with sharing memes with my family then they are with they are with this...

21882440? ago

Right. OP is a dumb fucking faggot

21882522? ago

plausible deniability when it's out in the open. vs sending a "HIGHLY ENCRYPTED" message that can be decrypted by NSA and thus proving intent.

21882548? ago

Dude. You seriously need to ask a doctor about getting you on a lithium regiment if you truly believe this stuff. You probably read SB2 too huh?

21883250? ago

SB2 is a genius. <

21882156? ago

I wonder the same.

More logical explanation at this point is, they are still in control of everything everywhere despite an internet anon says otherwise.

21882277? ago

I think they still have pockets of control, but to say they control everything is fallacious.

Their moves are getting more and more desperate. Their magic no longer works, eg. influencing the spiritual plane for selfish ends.

Their funds are drying up everywhere.

They won't be able to walk the streets.

21882382? ago

That's not what i saw. You sure you are not brainwashing yourself and others to believe such comfy but comedy statements?

If they are desperate or fund dying up, how Barry just bought a million dollar mansion ?

21882418? ago

Nope. I have an aggregate view. You, however can tell yourself whatever you need to maintain the last vestige of corrupt control. Enjoy it.

21882465? ago

GL and hope you wake up from the fantasy dream soon ! Together we shall fight !

21882201? ago

Trump is ineffective (at best) and criminally liable (at worst).

21885311? ago

Say what Soros?

21882252? ago

Hate to say i agree but lots of stuff piling up now:

  • Whistleblowers, witnesses, and journalists die here and there

  • Anti 1st amend EO

  • "Take the guns first, due process later" and banned bump stocks

  • "Go get your vaccines" at a fake outbreak

  • Epstein slipped away under his nose

  • etc etc etc.

21885318? ago


21885807? ago

Whistleblowers, witnesses, and journalists die here and there

See OP.

Anti 1st amend EO


"Take the guns first, due process later" and banned bump stocks


"Go get your vaccines" at a fake outbreak


Epstein slipped away under his nose


etc etc etc.

Seriously, have you been living in outer space and just returned to earth ?

21882068? ago

Why not just arrest them? We have the CIA and the NSA spying on everyone. There should be some evidence in there somewhere.

21885989? ago

Well if they wont do it, perhaps the military will! The same people who guarded opiates half way around the world in Afghanistan while their families were overdosing on them at home!

Vaccine-damaged guinea pigs with guns aren't going to be much use either.

21884208? ago

C_A is not the good guys, FBI (Comey), Judges, Police are corrupt, need alot of arrests.

21888897? ago

.... any fucking day now.....

21882267? ago

Because there is no real evidence for silly fantasies.

21883394? ago

Happy haunnaka

21882507? ago

You must have meant to waddle over to Reddit.

We don't do that here.

21882296? ago

Silly fantasies --- like some anonymous Internet stranger who works for military intelligence is masterminding a secret coup against the Democrats and the elite pedophiles who are running America? That kind of silly fantasy?

21882139? ago

If there were evidence, probable cause, they would be arrested.

21884236? ago

Ya, the DoJ is really working like a well-oiled machine. Things you might think if you are absolute moron ...

21882775? ago

Thanks man, this is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

21882515? ago

Okay James Comey. Got it.

21882346? ago

Problem is there are private militaries in the US.

If these heads are arrested they activate their plan B.

Civilians will die.

We are deep in their trap.

FEMA camps are prepaired.

Bio-weapons staged.

The criminals will flee if one or two get arrested.

Remember the airforce 4-star wearing his ribbons upside down. These criminals have placed people loyal to them in very high insolated places.

People loyal to the country will follow orders from these criminals without knowing the intentions. Our Patriot brothers and sisters will be put on the front lines to die fighting our brothers and sisters, while they keep flooding the back-lines and leadership with terrorists. They promote sheep and terrorists while flushing out Patriots. Really hoping the Q works out. If not, we where dead anyway.

21882411? ago

If so, Then patriots are NOT in control. Duh.

21883415? ago

Well the other day they posted our democracy was at stake. So no ,Patriots are not in control.

21882211? ago

I don't think so. In our system you can rape and kill kids in the name of Satan and get away with it. Nothing will happen to you.

Just ask Hillary Clinton.

21882319? ago

You must be in Canada, sorry to hear that is the state of affairs there.

21882295? ago

Something happened to her, just not in terms you can relate to or understand.

Something very fitting happened to her...

21882302? ago


Secret justice is NOT actual justice.

21882850? ago

Okay, we'll livestream something for you and you can up or down vote. mmmKay?

21882869? ago

If the justice is not public then there was no justice.

Justice that exists only in your head is not really justice.

21882944? ago

You haven't been following. NoName surrenders, etc.

But by all means enjoy your big game productions.