22085191? ago

So /u/Joe_McCarthy @Joe_McCarthy why are you spamming that filth and shit everywhere

22085221? ago

A better question is why you are asking me this on this particular anon thread. The stuff I post will not be prosecuted as obscenity.

22085201? ago

Pornography and Sexual Subversion https://voat.co/v/pornfree/3600063

21880540? ago

Porn addiction actually changes your brain and dopamine pathways. You need more and more extreme images. Erectile disfunction went from 1% of young men to 37%. Many men can't have sex unless porn is playing.

21880011? ago

Anyone who opposes this is a pedophile degenerate.

21879934? ago

This would put most kikes in jail, i approve.

21879588? ago

Porn is of the devil. It is sinful and designed to undermine our relationship with God. Those that consume porn are contaminating their minds and their spirit. We are being attacked physically (chemtrails, fluoride in water, chemicals sprayed on foods, vaccines, ...) and spiritually (porn, false prophets (Islam, Catholic, Do what thou wilt, ...), lesbianism, homosexuality, transgenderism, violence,... by satan and his followers. The NWO globalists want to destroy the moral fabric of our country, destroy our country and ultimately destroy us. Their stated mission is to de-populate the world and they are doing in right in front of us. Porn is just a small part of their Evil Plan. We need to tell our Congressman and Senators that we want (and need) anti-porn legislation.

21879679? ago

Wrong. Your ideology is poison and should be outlawed.

21879741? ago

Battle is between Good and evil. I'm pro-God and anti-satan. There are many like you that support the evil agenda - many unwittingly as progressives but many knowingly as satanists. It matters not - evil is evil. You will never outlaw God and His Plan for us. God wins. Repent before it's too late. Otherwise you're off to the lake of fire for eternity - ouch. Pretty easy choice. God bless you on your journey to find Truth.

21881614? ago

Porn represents goodness. State control represents evil.

21883936? ago

OK jew.

21879546? ago

You will immediately run into Free Speech and 1A roadblocks the second that government tried to throw people in cages for creating nude videos of themselves having legal consensual sex with each other.

There’s a legitimate argument to be made for how most pornography is indeed bad for you in a fast food sort of sense in how it rewires your brain but if you try and use the state to solve this problem it will backfire in your fucking face and you will deserve it.

21883930? ago

Found the jew^

21890285? ago

Fuck you niggerfaggotkike - simply stating the obvious - go ahead and start boogaloo over people fucking and taking videos of themselves - see how far that gets you the second some SWAT team tries to raid someone’s house over this - we have enough of a problem with a massive security state trying to jail us for growing plants that make us question why we even need a government this large in the first place - don’t think for one fucking second you’re somehow holier than me because you do not peruse nude imagery or hentai - go eat a dozen dicks but make sure they’re uncircumcised- even I wouldn’t condone you sucking mutilated cock and further normalizing the slicing of baby foreskins to please an ancient Cannannite god

21893672? ago

Geez. I guess you're sensitive about your mom being a porn star, but calm down.

21904627? ago

I guess you really want to use the state to gun down people that make videos of their junk. Do it motherfucker. Start Boogaloo over blowjob videotape on people’s smartphones. Oh what’s that? Are you tucking your tail and now quietly jerking off in the corner when you realize shit might hit the fan? Sit the fuck down when grown folks are talking. We have limited resources we need to allocate to taking down this Cabal and we WILL NOT be wasting any of them on some puritanical moral crusade using taxpayer resources. Use your fucking brain.

That being said to all those reading I do highly encourage practicing meditation and semen retention and abstaining from masturbation, No Nut November and at least trying to see if you can gain control to avoid it for a few weeks because the testosterone boost, mental focus, discipline, etc. all quite positive and well worth it. I just did NNN and actually went about 40 days or so before I broke - only nutted I think 3 or 4 times this month. Trying to pull off another week before I attempt another month starting in the new year. Helps with lifting weights especially kettlebells because of the increased focus and drive.

21906017? ago

gun down people

I don't know if I will even bother reading past that. You are obviously coming unhinged over this topic. Nobody here wants to gun you down for jerking off to pictures of your own dick. I simply want them to enforce existing laws against pornography. If I can easily find videos of the most perverted and disgusting videos, and watch them for free, then any child can as well. That has to stop. Habitually watching pornography destroys people. It literally changes the brain in measurable ways. It saps motivation, and it takes away the pleasure and enthusiasm of life. It makes normal relationships with the other sex impossible. In this way it weakens individuals, ruins families, and ultimately helps destroy the nation. We are in a real war, and pornography is one of the weapons used against us. We must fight it.

21916999? ago

Oh but think of the children!

Your unwillingness to control your kids access tot he Internet is not my fucking problem.

Go eat a dick.

21918818? ago

children! kids access tot

I guess we can figure out what kind of porn you're into, fucking pervert.

21921752? ago

Youre a niggerfaggotkike - change my mind

21879350? ago

Lol at the literal coomers in the thread.

21879236? ago

We're being told "“If you don’t vigorously prosecute adult pornography you will be overwhelmed with child pornography because the men who consume vast amounts of adult pornography will look for something harder and more deviant, and the vast majority will land on child pornography.” That's bullshit!!

I remember decades ago when we were told that magazines like Penthouse and Hustler would make sex addicts and violent rapists out of otherwise normal people. Tons of evidence since has shown that that never happened. People bought their magazines, went home and beat off to them. No escalation.

Remember, we were also told, for decades, that smoking pot would automatically lead a person to heroin. Another bullshit scare. Pay attention folks!

21883983? ago

No escalation.

You just refuted yourself. Decades ago we had playboy . Then it escalated to hustler. Then it escalated to videos of facials. Then it escalated to videos of men pissing and shitting on women. But no escalation, right?

21879869? ago

yes, we must ban all cars and trucks because someone will become bored with just driving and want to run over little kids..... lmao.

21883734? ago

Hi Beto

21879797? ago

Alarmist nonsense is most definitely that, but before you old goats have a heart attack, standards must always be put in place to protect the innocent. Explicitly to avoid, "If I can see a 18 year old engaging in sexual intercourse, why not 17? 16? .....". There are lines in the sand, make sure you understand why you stand where you do.

21879835? ago

"If I can see a 18 year old engaging in sexual intercourse, why not 17? 16? .....".

That, is alarmist nonsense! It's a bullshit strawman defense.

21879553? ago

Porn has turned millions of white men into faggots and losers.

21880133? ago

I can attest to that. Ejaculation to porn increases your cortisol(stress hormone) which in turn lowers your testosterone and increases your estrogen.

If you do it once or twice a week, it's no big deal. But if you do it every day, for 2-3 time a day I can tell you that you're going to have a really rough time. At least I did.

21884000? ago

Jerking off to porn, even once a week will ruin a man. It just takes a little longer than a daily habit.

21880140? ago


21879873? ago

or did porn become more prevalent and degenerate BECAUSE the men in society became weaker??

21884021? ago

Porn is one of many tools designed to weaken men and society.

21879942? ago


21879888? ago

jews use porn to destroy white society

21879725? ago

Speak for yourself cuck lmao

21879734? ago

You are the cuck defending watching other men have sex.

21879785? ago

Where? Project more. Stop touching yourself and you might realize you'll stop being obsessed with big brother forcing you into the decisions you're to weak to make. Communist China is calling, they want there playbook back. Thick as a brick some of you.

21879792? ago

Stop being a porn loving faggot.

21879577? ago

How does watching men fuck women turn you into a faggot?

21884046? ago

Why are you so defensive? You sound like someone who is defending against their own homosexual urges.

21879945? ago

Because youre looking at some other dudes cock and balls, you retarded faggot.

21880059? ago

Well, if I had the urge to do anything to a cocksucker besides slit his throat, I'd agree with you.

21879586? ago

You are not fucking a girl yourself. You are watching a naked man have sex. Porn escalates when you fix starts to wear off. You end up looking for heavier shit, like tranny porn or child porn. So yeah. You may thank me for educating you now. You also lower your test when jerking off also turning you into a faggot.

21879605? ago

You got any stats on your claims? Sounds more like uneducated opinions to me.

You end up looking for heavier shit, like tranny porn or child porn.

Strawman argument.

21879621? ago

Yeah, millions of white men who are now faggots or bi and jerk off to tranny porn.

I educated you. You are still a dumb faggot, yet now you can't feign ignorance anymore.

21879645? ago

Nice try blowjob. No facts, just standard asshole behavior. You a kike or a mudflap?

21879649? ago

You are defending jews exploiting white girls and turning white men into faggots. You are the jew.

21879656? ago

I can't keep up with you I'm afraid. It's been a long time since I was 12.

21879675? ago

Yeah, you're an old dumb faggot now.

21879452? ago

Exactly, the pot reference is a great example. It’s also like saying “we should ban all guns because a very small portion of gun owners are going to kill someone.”

It’s fine to be against porn. Don’t watch it yourself and teach your fucking kids to not watch it. But all these faggots begging the government to regulate trivial things we can and cannot do need to get the fuck out of the country or just bite the fucking bullet. Being part of a “free” society means being able to do what you want. Not rely on the government to regulate what I don’t agree with. Publicly shame them. Do whatever you want. Just quit asking the government to make everything illegal

21879146? ago

MindGeek is literally just a tool to control people with sexually.

22085087? ago

So then ... Sunlight typically destroys the vampire? ? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3603777/22084606 Time to say goodbye to the filth merchants?

22085906? ago

you fucking people need to stop linking to anon subs with this vague esoteric shit.

22086237? ago

vague esoteric shit


The goyim know!

21879097? ago

Time to get rid of porn

21879095? ago

Absolutely, do it. But how to regulate in the internet age?

21879568? ago

All porn companies are owned by jews. Shoot those jews. Then shoot the other jews who try to produce more porn. End up saving the world after killing all the jews.

21878950? ago

porn is one of the worst things our society ever accepted

21879847? ago

Commercial Porn is evil. Private Porn is natural but we need laws to protect our children and youth from it.

21879904? ago

i can agree with that

21879345? ago

Wtf - porn is wonderful. Anyone who says otherwise is a virtue signaling liar.

21879910? ago

it's highly addictive and completely misrepresents true human sexual nature. not wonderful and ad hominem attacks are for shills and the ignorant

21881604? ago

That can be said about any movie about anything.

21885328? ago

incorrect, as pornagraphy has far more biological triggers at play versus a typical movie that is just light, sound, and some emotional rigging. the average movie is not addictive by it's design whereas porn most definitely is.

21879551? ago

A fat jobjess moron jerking off to tranny porn is not art.

21879534? ago

Have you even moved out of your mother's basement yet?

21878931? ago

What are constitutional rights for 500, I'll take the daily double for arbitrary moral condemnation!

21879557? ago

If I could get rid of porn loving faggots like you. That'd be great.

21881628? ago

Fascists like you should be executed painfully.

21881648? ago

Go jerk off to tranny porn, you faggot.

21879719? ago

Project more son, just because you can't control yourself doesn't mean big brother is here to parent the world, it's almost like you have no fucking clue how the moral predications for decimating the 4th amendment leading to Trumps presidency and unconstitutional surveilance are related. Wake the fuck up and go get laid you pleb.

21879738? ago

talking like a nigger. So you are a dumb old faggot cuck and nigger loving. Good job.

21879768? ago

Keep touching yourself nigger incel faggot, lol, you fucking plebs are thicker than your average Somolian, rofl.

21879789? ago

You talk like a nigger. Not me. I also don't jerk off, as that turn you into a faggot like you.

21879806? ago

The irony, I was just completely engaging your retarded rhetoric, the mirror is a little too much for someone of your intellectual dispositions lmao?

21879817? ago

Project more son

You speaking like a nigger.

21879828? ago

The mirror hurts pleb, go find a shoulder to cry on lad. We can't all be over 100 IQ.

21879841? ago

We can't all be over 100 IQ

Yeah, faggots like you are 70 iq or less.

21879951? ago

Someone hasn't done there research lol, Rubins got an easy 30 on ya there bud, statistically you're in a rough boat though, it's ok lad.

21879967? ago

It is indeed ok. I am proudly serving my country, defending it from degenerate trash like you.

21879658? ago

Straight porn is great. Viewing all other porn (deviant porn) should be a felony.

21879866? ago

i think just viewing tranny porn will be enough of a penalty to the viewer, no need to be a puritan fuck who disregards the constitution...

21879667? ago


21878924? ago

Concerns of child trafficking and exploitation VS constitutional rights of ... yes even opportunistic nymphomaniacs. Stop watching porn you fucking losers and go get laid if you are so concerned. Fucking as intellectually degenerate as the incels.

21879090? ago

fuck off

21879122? ago

Sci hub, go learn ya fukn authoritarian sped. And have a merry Christmas.

21879048? ago

Should legalize prostitution if we do this, so there is always some outlet other than violence for the testosterone

21879128? ago

It's almost like you've taken a look at the hard data. Pimp vs law enforcement, pick your regulator.

21878879? ago

not if his jew friends have anything to say to him

21879578? ago

You're not his friend.

21878877? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/UwqqY :

2019-12-25 | Pornography crackdown vowed by Trump still never materialized - Washington Times

This has been an automated message.

21878868? ago

Make the no no pictures ILLEGAL. Please trump. Stomp on my 1A rights a little bit more!

21879952? ago

What does freedom of speech have to do with you looking at naked pictures, kike?

21882071? ago

I bet he thinks they're worth a thousand words or something

21879560? ago

jews exploiting white girls is your right huh. Gass yourself inbred inbred jew faggot pedo

21878848? ago


21878776? ago

Pornography must be made illegal

21879729? ago

"I can't stop touching myself so big brother has to save me and everyone from my idiotic self indulgences"

21879663? ago

Only fag porn.

21879357? ago

Especially that “food porn” that’s all over tv.

21879042? ago

There's a difference between thinking something is bad and thinking something should be made illegal. Making things illegal has undesirable side effects (like militarizing the police) and is often unsuccessful (consider the war on drugs).

Is there another way to fight porn? Maybe raise awareness of the negative health effects, like 20 y/o boys with erectile dysfunction.

21879227? ago

DeLegitimize as a legal income. Tax crime to make money on porn. Thats their workaround for paying for sex which is already illegal

21879426? ago

Paying for sex should not be illegal.

21884119? ago

But pornography should.

21879726? ago

Married men do it in installments

21878976? ago

that will be as successful as the war on drugs

21884108? ago

Right now it is easy to access completely free hi definition porn. Any child can find it with a few clicks. Enforcing the law would at least end that easy access.

21878911? ago

Moral arbiter 2910471 reporting for stupid duty.

21878857? ago

Agreed. It is a destroyer of people, relationships, and families.

21879670? ago

It is the saver, you idiot.

21880578? ago

Found the Jew.