21891362? ago

Danny Masterson

21884188? ago

Not really hollywood but Hugh Hefner has always creeped me out.

21881712? ago

Where's the "Late Night" crowd? Jimmy KImmel? Jimmy Falon? douche bag Steven Colbert?

21881815? ago

They would all be good additions. Needs to be a Top 100 list LOL. thanks for your adds

21887497? ago

Great idea. Excellent responses. Good post.

21878699? ago

Great (((Hollywood))) list!

21878486? ago

sad but Rainn Wilson...don't forget his tweets..

21878156? ago

Miley the whore Cyrus

21878136? ago

I didn't see these three mentioned.

Joy Behar

Snoop Dog

Amy Schumer

21879410? ago

Very good

21878062? ago

Lena dumham

21878024? ago

Sucks how they made 1 eggman

21877762? ago

Johnny Depp, Rosario Dawson, Miley Cyrus, Chelsea Handler, John Legend and his butt-ugly husband too.

21877702? ago

Bob Hope and Gene Wilder

21877653? ago

Jay z & Beyoncé

21877631? ago

seth green <~~~ you missed this BIG one

21878758? ago


21877619? ago

Asia Argento

21877401? ago


21877091? ago

George Clooney

21878609? ago

You want to know something interesting? There are 276 Global Intelligence files that mention George Clooney by name. You know, George Clooney, the Hollywood actor.

There are 1,507 Sony emails and documents that mention George Clooney by name. But that’s to be expected, right? I mean Sony at least pretends to be an entertainment company (spoiler, that’s not what they are at all).

There are also 98 DNC emails that mention Clooney, and 26 Podesta emails, which is noteworthy and interesting as well. To say nothing of all the State Department emails revolving around the Oscar winner. But I’m most interested in the fact that there are 276 Global Intelligence files about the dude that starred in Ocean’s 11. To me, that’s more than curious – it’s a glitch in the Matrix. A little rip in the carefully stitched fabric of the illusion.


21876971? ago

You know who I hate the most is degenerate, cry baby, jew boy Seth Rogan

21876115? ago

Sarah Silverman

Kathy Griffin

21877187? ago

‘Kathy Griffin’ Vanderbilt

21875952? ago

Expanded thread on #2 https://twitter.com/BSkye777/status/1208590934251909120

"Robert Deniro is an only child, his mom is an atheist and a far left lib, his father is also a far left lib, who left his wife and son for another man! His mom and dad both were "artists" and wrote "erotica" for Anaïs Nin who was a novelist who also wrote "volumes of erotica"

21875638? ago

Just to clarify:

This is not a list for most rapes and sexual assaults (that list would include Cosby, Weinstein, and a whole different set of douche bags).

21875578? ago

Sumner Redstone

21875659? ago

He certainly looks like a douche bag

21875546? ago

Yes all from the View

21875424? ago

This is an awesome post. Comments are fucking brilliant. Based as fook.

This thread demonstrates just how valuable voat is

21875318? ago

Bob Saget

21876857? ago

Rainn Wilson

21875530? ago

interesting pick - not one I would have thought of

21875176? ago

Everyone of them pawns for people you don't even know of yet...but follow the money and the symbolism and we will root them out too eventually.

21875053? ago

What did George Lucas do

21878213? ago

Also ruined movies

21875536? ago


21874967? ago

Whoopie G

21874895? ago

It would be a very short list if you named people that are not satanic douche bags. A very short list. maybe for a different, more positive oriented, submission.

21874880? ago

Will Ferrell

21874872? ago

Please explain George Lucas? as being among top 10 satanic douchebags of Hollywood?

21875554? ago


21880631? ago

sauce?? honestly this is new to me, despite knowing of all the many others.

I thought Lucas was more of a white hat.

therefore somewhat sidelined by Hollywood and laughed at with his silly jedis

21880845? ago

Do your own research. Lucas is a serial rapist and a pedophile just like his buddies Spielberg and Hanks.

21875910? ago


21879922? ago

Watch the first Indiana Jones Movie. <

Bar scene.

"I was just a child".

21874742? ago

Jack Nickleson (sp?)

Nicole Kidman

21875569? ago

Two good suggestions

21874722? ago

These people are living an ancient religion of cult worship.

Virgin innocence, lust for power, virility of bulls, materialism, symbols, rituals.

21874694? ago

Have any sacrificed their own child?

Had sex with their daughter?

Killed someone?

Made a snuff film?

21874685? ago

Ellen DeGenerate

21874702? ago

good choice

21874485? ago

Courtney Love. Had her boyfriend killed for fame and fortune. Never tell your girlfriend when you are dumping her. Just do it and then ghost for a couple years.

21874446? ago

Those are the ones you know. Its their bosses boss I want.

21874389? ago

George Clooney

21878633? ago

You want to know something interesting? There are 276 Global Intelligence files that mention George Clooney by name. You know, George Clooney, the Hollywood actor.

There are 1,507 Sony emails and documents that mention George Clooney by name. But that’s to be expected, right? I mean Sony at least pretends to be an entertainment company (spoiler, that’s not what they are at all).

There are also 98 DNC emails that mention Clooney, and 26 Podesta emails, which is noteworthy and interesting as well. To say nothing of all the State Department emails revolving around the Oscar winner. But I’m most interested in the fact that there are 276 Global Intelligence files about the dude that starred in Ocean’s 11. To me, that’s more than curious – it’s a glitch in the Matrix. A little rip in the carefully stitched fabric of the illusion.


21874637? ago

good one

21874352? ago

Jim Carrey has completely gone off his meds. His "artwork" and rantings would have landed him in a padded cell a few decades ago. What a washed up loser.

How do we get all this on a Billboard in Hollywood? Your whole list plus...

"Hey Losers we don't worship Satan! We Love God. And we aren't going to give Hollywood any more money. Suck on that!"

Not sure how many of you saw but reports are out that Hollywood movies aren't drawing people any more. Deep drops in numbers and $$. Keep it up Patriots! I was never a fan of bootlegged movies and videos, but lately, meh. Go for it if you need a little cheap entertainment. Not giving these fucks a dime.

21882791? ago

Not giving them my valuable attention either!

Attention is Love.

Don't give your Love to evil.

21874647? ago

right on

21874266? ago

I think many of them rank higher than Jim Carrey. I know Jim's mental but I'm not sure he is actually a pedo or a criminal. Oprah, being a billionaire most likely has blood on her hands.

21877122? ago

I don't know. Jim Carrey holds one of the highest ranking titles in the Hollywood cabal. I think it's akin to Grandmaster. He can easily make or break most Hollywood careers.

21875877? ago

In important ways, he means well. but is most definitely being manipulated by the dark side, and fed a diet of disinfo.

When setting up his humanitarian foundation, he asked an advisor (Christian/psychotherapist/syndicated host/world traveler) Q: what is the most critical human concern of our time. A: either food production or clean water. So Jim initiated the organization to support increased crop yield (especially rice) for the most impoverished regions of the planet. http://betterufoundation.org/


Carrey took part in the America: A Tribute to Heroes charity telethon for victims of 9/11, and donated $1 million to the cause. https://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/jim-carrey

21875320? ago

Jim Carrey gives me the creeps more than some who may have done worse though; he'd definitely be near the top of my list. . All of these people are, to one extent or another, influenced by demons. Probably every individual would would rank them slightly differently depending upon our own personal history and which demonic entities have attacked us in the past—we'd be most revolted by those who mirror what we have been hurt by.

21874090? ago

Rob Reiner

21874081? ago

Cocaine Smuggler Tim Allen

21873956? ago

Chelsea Handler

21873921? ago

Angelina jolie

22048611? ago

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21873919? ago

Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, James Franco, Johnny Depp, Jane Fonda, Cherr

21873893? ago

You forgot Johnny Depp,

21873797? ago

Michael Fucking Mooreon...... he's almost hollyweird with his documentaries

21873718? ago

Alisa Milano

21873692? ago

Don't forget Christy Teigen and the Sexiest Man of the Year

21876092? ago

I thought she was the sexiest man of the year

21873681? ago

Not Hollyweird...but music industry: Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Jayz

21878070? ago

Miley virus

21874945? ago

Adding, Courtney (Pukeface) "Love".

21873722? ago

Oh yes they are all on my Top 10 from Music

21873663? ago

Barbra Striesand

Jane Fonda

Ashley Judd

21873688? ago

Yes of course

21873640? ago

Tom Arnold

21873711? ago

yes he is definitely a douche bag

21873567? ago

Jim Carrey doesn't belong on this list but I agree with the rest. Jim is spiritually awake BUT he doesn't yet understand POTUS and believes Democrats are in the right. He has a long road ahead but I don't believe he's in any way involved with satanism/dark occultism.

21873934? ago

I have to agree with you, for now. He really is broken and confused and messed up. He knows.

21878738? ago

Carey is a POS!

21874272? ago


Hes not a victim, he's a victimizer.

I have noticed that he very actively "manages" his reputation especially after that poor girl he dated killed herself. Opinion threads like this and youtube videos mostly.

21875270? ago

Seems like they play both roles during their careers. victim and victimizer. So when is the shift?

21877442? ago

Not really. Too much info out there for the guy to blend back into the herd like that.

21873583? ago

Jim Carrey is the top Illuminati in Hollywood. One of the most evil people on the planet. He belongs at the top of the list.

21874224? ago

Top of the illuminati. How so?

21873546? ago

Chelsea Handler

21873589? ago

good addition

21873515? ago

Jonny Depp

Leo DiCrapio

the guy that plays Hellboy

21874233? ago

Ron Pearlman

21877663? ago

(((Ron Pearlman)))

21873371? ago

Edit your list. Bill Maher has to be #1. His girlfriend deserves a mention too.

21873543? ago

Wow!! How could I forget Bill Maher. I'll change the list THANKS

21877179? ago

Bill ‘maher’ Hefner

21876776? ago

Ann Coulter. She couldn't be screwing Maher without being infected.

21873775? ago

Definitely Bill Oreilly and Roger ailes. They have more rapes between them than most of this list combined

21874362? ago

oh right shill. Because your propaganda magazine told you to say that. Geez, come up for air and realize you've been had. You've been lied to. You've been a moron your whole life. Neither of those men is a Satanist, which is the point of this conversation. Go back under your bed, golem.

21874391? ago

They both haven’t settled multiple rape and sexual harassment cases? The rape was so regular that movies And shows have been made about how Fox was turned into a rape factory preying on women who worked there.

21874455? ago

the list is of satanic people from hollywood. You're just forum sliding to get your dig in. I don't give a rats ass in the context of this conversation about the axe you have to grind.

21878382? ago

Damn. You support Fox News style rape factories don’t you?

21874465? ago

I’m just naming serial sexual harassers who have probably raped more women between them than this whole list.

21873288? ago

Coke Head Tim Allen

21878123? ago

He supports Trump asshole.

21878178? ago

This post wasn’t predicated on support for Orange Pedovores

21878191? ago

piss off

21873499? ago


21873096? ago

Alyssa Milano and Rosie O'Donnell

21875084? ago

Anyone notice their religion ....not all but A LOT a large percentage are connected to this State / Religion. Ok here's a quick list Some the media know of ....

1. Weinstein pedo pervert?

2. Polanski criminal pedo perverted

3. Woody Harrelson a father a piece of shit hitman

4. gay Bryan Singer and his weird pool parties with kids

5. Kevin Spacey

6. Lindsay Lohan tried to kidnap children on the street while speaking weird arabic pakistani gibberish

7. R Kelly

8. Bill Cosby

9. Steroid munching WWE Chris Benoit killed wfie kids

10. O J Simpson, killer nigeroes think him a celebrity and he dindoo nuffin

11. stupid bitch Claudine Longet Boomer years killed her boyfriend

12. Podesta molesta from the pizzagate wikileaks, he featured on a lot of UFO ancient alien Tv shows

...actually the real list, if we include overpaid sports stars, punk rock stars, rappers it is is hundreds of names long

21875931? ago

Pakistani's speak Urdu or English, not Arabic. Just sayin.....

21878716? ago

Fuck Off Kike!

21877871? ago

you didnt see her crazy video then?

21874397? ago

Bill Oreilly and Roger Ailes

21875368? ago

They aren’t from Hollywood dipshit. Also you must have watched that faggot movie called bombshell recently

21875389? ago

Most of the people on this list don’t actually live in Hollywood dipshit

21875383? ago

And the HBO series that documents the Fox News White women rape factory

21874405? ago

Sad but true

21874109? ago

What About serial Rapids Bill Orielly? Or heroin addicted Rush Limbaugh?

21873140? ago

Two good additions

21873056? ago

I like Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly. They turned Fox News into a conservative blonde women rape factory.

21873625? ago

Fox IS controlled opposition. They should probably stick to the standard baby raping like the rest of the MSM.

21873751? ago

Have multiple babies come out and got massive settlements from CNN? Similar to how Fox had to pay their multiple rape factory victims?

21873529? ago

Lol. This is bad but soo true

21872931? ago

all the trannies (too many to name)

21872996? ago

Mine is Donald Trump. Since he was a B list Hollywood reality tv show celebrity. Plus the child rape allegations in court

21874063? ago

Then you’re an idiot.

21874074? ago

Sorry, but have any child accused a Clinton of child rape in court?

21873010? ago

^^ Thanks we have the shill nomination - how predictable. Now go home to mommy.

21872923? ago

