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21852468? ago

John P. Carlin

Part 2

John Carlin was "a career federal prosecutor", according to his resume posted on the Department of Justice website.

Carlin served for six months as National Coordinator of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property (CHIP) program.

When Robert Mueller directed the FBI, he named Carlin his right hand man.

Carlin's official title was named Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor. Carlin's job was to advise Mueller on legal and policy matters and to manage the FBI.

Carlin joined the National Security Division in 2009. He was confirmed by the Senate as its head on April 1st, 2014.

The first Presidential debate between Trump and Clinton was Sept. 26th.

The next day, Carlin quits.

Loretta Lynch issues a press release announcing it. The official termination date for Carlin she says is Oct. 15th.

So why did John Carlin resign from a Senior Level FBI Cabinet post when no one else from the Obama Administration did at that time?

Carlin refused to lie twice to the FISA court.

The first time was on June, 2016 when Carlin signed a false FISA warrant.

It was false because Carlin named Carter Page a Russian spy in an FBI press release dated March 11, 2016.

Carlin knew Page was an American citizen and FBI informant.

Rather than lying to the FISA court a second time, Carlin resigned. Otherwise, he was signing another false FISA warrant application.

Others in the FBI could sign the warrant and have "plausible deniability" of the true identify of Page. They could lie to the FISA court saying that they were unaware that Carter Page was an American citizen.

The FISA court can only approve warrants on non-Americans, according to Judge Rosemary Collyer, Presiding Judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

The Judge ruled the FBI illegally outsourced an unlimited amount of top secret surveillance information to 70 private contractors.

Judge Collyer also ruled that President Barack Obama and his top officials approved illegal surveillance on 30,055 citizens.

Furthermore, Judge Collyer disclosed that one of every 20 data searches by the NSA on other citizens were illegal.

After resigning, Carlin finds another job. On Jan. 17th, 2017, he starts as a partner in a global law firm based in New York City. It has a Washington, D.C. office.

Carlin also works for CNBC.

John P. Carlin, CNBC contributor and former Assistant Attorney General, gives his take on the guilty plea from National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn.

John Carlin best slim.jpg

John P. Carlin

NSD flow chart.jpg

Updated June 14th

Carlin represents China Oceanwide Holdings Group Co. Ltd. It is trying to buy Genworth,

Genworth specializes in mortgage insurance in the U.S. and other countries. It is located in Virginia.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), has approved the deal, the companies announced Saturday.

The companies still need to get approvals for their deal from insurance regulators in Delaware, New York state, China and other jurisdictions.

CFIUS operates in secret, like the FISA Court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act).

Carlin's law firm specializes in business matters for Chinese companies with offices in Beijing and Shanghai.

Editor's notes:

The 28-page Internal Affairs Report dated Jan. 7th, 2016 by Dr. George Ellard is called:

"Report on the Special Study of NSA Controls to Comply with the FISA Amendments Act ##704 and 705 (b) Targeting and Minimization Procedures ST-15-0002"

The above report has been deleted from the website of the Department of National Intelligence.

Dr. Ellard's resume is posted on the website of the National War College.

Carlin is fluent in French. His books are sold on the internet.


21852666? ago

Thanks fren. Love your work. <