21855593? ago

Q said they had something special for him more than once. I would love to see what that something SPECIAL is.

21855483? ago

He wont be arrested!

At least not in a very long time still.

How exactly is he going to be arrested? The shitstain is not on US soil. What, are the US going to send troops to the euro shithole the cockroach and his army of lawyers and bought up local judical system is hiding in?

21863795? ago

Uh hum...he lives in the US much of the time...

21863843? ago

I would hazard a guess here but IF he truly is in deep shit I think he isnt SO god damn stupid to remain on US soil but bail while he still can.

His army of high caliber lawyers ought to be enough to give him a little early warning.

21863914? ago

True. He has a home here in VA I think...where else does he reside? Never looked much into him because he is untouchable. But now Russia putting out a warrant is making me brain-numb, actual justice? US may not do anything, but if Putin has him in his hairs, I'm fucking so down for this...Putin will find him and do the right thing...or so I hope.

21864289? ago


Or use plutonium on his ofpring, one after the other.

21860550? ago

The troops are already there. Rendition.

21854354? ago

Soros is toast.

21852608? ago

Not sure if soros would trigger a mass awakening. Boomers prob wouldnt understand. Obama in cuffs or hillary would REALLY get their attention though.

I do hate soros though.

21852147? ago

Fisa beings down Gs. Which brings down the [house] ie of cards.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness

21852005? ago

If we are at war, why hasn't the military specifically targetted Soros for termination by operators?

21854432? ago

Because the good guys deliver justice... we abide by the law... if we just opened fire on our enemies, we'd look like tyrants, no matter how warranted that lead may be.

21851472? ago

He admits on 60 minutes!!!!

He was a Nazi and confiscated from the Jews!!!

gold teeth?

21851422? ago

The world would be brighter, less wrinkled and freer if Soros AND family receive an extended 'vacatiion' in GTMO, like for life. He is banned from numerous country's already. Deal with him with extreme prejudice for treason if not for sedition in our judicial process. Vastly funding crooked judges that let violent criminals off with little or no sentencing. He and his family is a cancer to America's immediate future.

With his wealth (est. at $25 billion as of 2018) he is the main PUPPETMASTER for horrible social changes in many countries. Including the main puppetmaster of the DNC.

21851604? ago

Q claimed GS is worth low trillions. 1-3.

21851405? ago

I thought Soros was arrested in Switzerland back in February (ie never debunked outright)?

Oh well.

21851911? ago

This may be the truth. We are just seeing the movie play out now.

21851326? ago

That WOULD be a Wonderful KING PIN taken down.

Do IT Q!

21850694? ago

I dont want to get to excited about soros being arrested. I have been disppointed before. if not soros im ok with just about anyone higher up the food chain than the arrests we have had thus far. brennan would make my day. not as much as soros. but again. that would be too good to be true this early in the justice phase

21850619? ago

We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS! We want SOROS!

21863681? ago

Bart Simpson suspension assignment?

21850589? ago

I'm fairly certain Soros is to blame for much of Canada's problems over the past few years. He probably puppeteers Justin Trudeau and shapes much of the policies we see today, like mass immigration.

21863695? ago

He puppeteers everyone who is poorer than him...all across the globe. You don't hear Saudis' bitching about him do you?

21850235? ago

Soros arrest will be spun as antisemitic

21850642? ago

not when you drop the video of him talking about at the age of ten he pointed out the houses of jewish people. he was asked if he felt bad about doing that and he said "no why would I? i survived they didnt" he is the enemy of jews. hated everywhere by everyone.

21852115? ago

That video needs to be posted with normie hashtags like the names of sports teams, etc.

21850290? ago

Too bad Trump has employed many pro-Jew/pro-Israel actions; impossible to counter those!

21852263? ago

And moses led 144000 iseralites and the sea parted. Some jew sects came from these people but not all iseralites are jewish. And they were scattered all over the globe. Something to keep in mind. I dont like the jews too much but hell we could be the reincated souls of those iseralites. And some of those beside trump too.

21850156? ago

Soros leads treason charges!

21850283? ago

It would make sense... and it would certainly unite the world given how other countries feel about him.

21849633? ago

George Soros may very well be the first domino to fall. This would start immediate and massive change to the narrative. It would also FINANCIALLY NEUTER the deep state overnight!


Watch and listen carefully.

[D]s threaten and cull 'independently elected' officials to fall-in-line [follow orders] or face being ousted?

Who controls the [D] party?

Who really controls the [D] party?

Threat: If a major political party can be [controlled] does that represent a clear and present danger to the United States of America?



21850972? ago

It does seem very obvious from our perspective. It would be a bold opening move and the world would take notice.

21852910? ago

It'd be like a shot that is somehow heard round the world.

21852282? ago

No he resides in New York. He’s a US citizen

21849578? ago

the Left will say it's "doing Putin's bidding" but I don't care

21849444? ago

Cue the video of that creep inspecting the Haitian children with HRC!

What did A breitbart mean when he said,

‘Big Soros....Big Podesta....what’s in your closet John Podesta? .....under age sex slave op cover upper...”

Does Soros keep sex slaves?

Does Podesta?

21849421? ago

He's groomed his sons as successors. You'd need to go deep.

21863716? ago

That dude looks more evil than his dad and thus would be problematic for many years to come. He's already involved, how much will soon be revealed. I hope the Russians get him first.

21854274? ago

The Soros Name and All related DNA must be wiped from the Earth.

21849456? ago

...and wide...

21849400? ago

A Palindrome. <


Palindrome: a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of symbols or elements, whose meaning may be interpreted the same way in either forward or reverse direction. Famous examples include “Amore, Roma“, “A man, a plan, a canal: Panama” and “No ‘x’ in ‘Nixon’“. Composing literature in palindromes is an example of constrained writing. The word “palindrome” was coined from the Greek roots palin (“again”) and dromos (“way, direction”) by the English writer Ben Jonson in the 17th century.

a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | k | l | m | n | o | p | r | s | t | u | w | y | z

A but tuba.

A car, a man, a maraca.

A dog, a plan, a canal: pagoda.

A dog! A panic in a pagoda!

A lad named E. Mandala

A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.

A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal-Panama!

A new order began, a more Roman age bred Rowena.

A nut for a jar of tuna.

A Santa at Nasa.

A Santa dog lived as a devil God at NASA.

A slut nixes sex in Tulsa.

A tin mug for a jar of gum, Nita.

A Toyota! Race fast, safe car! A Toyota!

A Toyota’s a Toyota.

Able was I ere I saw Elba.

Acrobats stab orca.

Aerate pet area.

Ah, Satan sees Natasha!

Aibohphobia (fear of palindromes)

Air an aria.

Al lets Della call Ed Stella.


Amen icy cinema.

Amore, Roma.

Amy, must I jujitsu my ma?


Animal loots foliated detail of stool lamina.


Anne, I vote more cars race Rome to Vienna.

Are Mac ‘n’ Oliver ever evil on camera?

Are we not drawn onward to new era?

Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?

Are we not pure? “No sir!” Panama’s moody Noriega brags. “It is garbage!” Irony dooms a man; a prisoner up to new era.

Art, name no tub time. Emit but one mantra.

As I pee, sir, I see Pisa!

Avid diva.


21849312? ago

Darth Sidious

21851437? ago

Darth ball sack eyes

21849205? ago

Soros' arrest, accompanied by asset seizure, would stop about 40% of funding to NGOs undermining the Patriot agenda.

21849527? ago

That's what I'm trying to tell the naysayers. Not to mention, even if a lot of people don't know who he is right now, all that evidence linking him to well known players would be a nice wake up call to normies.

21850732? ago

Would Mnuchin also go down, since he’s confounded multiple companies with Soros?

21860396? ago

Or Mnuchin whispered in somebody's ear.....

21849880? ago

This is an excellent point that I’ve never thought of.

21849201? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/Su4M5 :

Obvious Statement Man on Twitter: "1.) Who's ready for a wonderful Christmas? Snow is coming, and Soros will be leaving, in cuffs.

I'm amending my prior thread re: the upcoming arrest. It won't be Feinstein, I think it will be none other than Mr. Soros.


This has been an automated message.

21849180? ago


21849162? ago

From tweet posted by OP: "Snow is coming."

Does this refer to Snowden?

21849701? ago

I'm guessing so? That was my thought too.

21849330? ago

Because "Winter is coming" has already been used and is Trademarked?

21852416? ago

Just Ice.

21849148? ago

thinking about it GS going down is huge and wont cause to much bs..most of the normies dont even know who he is and the others dont give a rats ass..Going along with the Q post that said the first indictments would bring unity...points it would be someone like this....Im in with this one......

21852427? ago

The media would shit blood

21857024? ago

Make it so...

21849123? ago

Funny that he comes under investigation in the UK and USA at the same time. Especially since he has been meddling for decades.

Arrest warrants for him already in Russia and Poland.

He sent his little climate shill to Canada the week of our election. Unregistered foreign agent of influence employed by him! Yet more election crimes in nations he isn't even a citizen of!!

This greasy old cunt should have been hung in the seventies already.

He should be designated a terrorist after what he has done to us all. Drone strike his whole family during a wedding. That's how his puppets dealt with people they called terrorists. He should face the same or worse justice.

21849913? ago

“Funny that he comes under investigation in the UK and USA at the same time. Especially since he has been meddling for decades.

Arrest warrants for him already in Russia and Poland”

Now think about what Rudy did in Ukraine recently, getting the good prosecutors back in place, I’ll bet they re-opened that case that victor Shokin had on GS before sick joe shut him down.

21849115? ago

that would definitely put a stick in the eye of the DS.....

21849107? ago

This is a legit question: is Vegas accepting bets on the first major arrest?

21849111? ago

I'm in for $1,000 on [GS]

21852280? ago

Digits confirm 111

Then.............. 1000



21849128? ago

Foreal kek

Imagine getting one of the puppet masters in the first shot!

21849721? ago

Would be incredible.

21852295? ago

My guess is Giuliani is next to go to federal prison

21854439? ago

LOL, no

21849568? ago

Theoretically, they DID get puppet masters in the first shot. How quickly we forget about what happened in Saudi Arabia in 2017. And these aren't my words, they're Q's. Q is the one who described the three sides of the "triangle" and then said one side (House of Saud) was taken down.

From a sociological impact standpoint, I think it would probably be easier to take GS out before going after our well known puppets... most liberals wouldn't bitch as much about Soros as they would about HRC, the Bidens, etc.

21851791? ago

I have begun to expand my thinking what got Jamal Khashoggi taken out... his family may be more important than we realize, was it really his cousin dating Princess Dianna? and he was a journalist for what most Goats and conservatives believe to be a leftist propaganda organization the Washington Post.. Although I still believe the Saudis are puppets of Israel who will turn on us when we need them most and that this is all tied in with Solomon's temple being reconstructed.

21850120? ago

Well, for one thing I take a lot of what TGP prints with a grain (or handful) of salt.

In any case, I don't think Trump is concerned so much about what they do in their own borders - so long as it's not things like bribing and controlling our politicians, facilitating the worldwide trafficking shit, etc.

Even with a less brutal leadership, they're still going to be corrupt and brutal. They're fucking Muslims after all. And if I were to say for argument's sake that the new prince is a decent guy for a Muslim, that changes nothing about the environment in which that guy has to operate and exist. He has to deal with brutal enemies, and I guarantee they want him dead ASAP, if for no other reason than to come out on top in their own internal power struggle.

All that to say, I don't think POTUS is interested in trying to micromanage their internal affairs so long as he gets what he needs from ten to clean up the Cabal here and elsewhere.

And let's be honest...it does pay to have friends who can and will do shit that we can't or are unwilling to do.

Prime example...there's a reason those fuckfaces were put up in the Ritz Carlton in Riyad and "interrogated" as opposed to bringing them here or to some other more civilized nation.

I'm withholding judgment on the Saudi leadership for right now, because by all accounts they are helping us to get the info we need to fix this shit.

21851024? ago

Like I wonder what's in store for the Rothschilds, especially since they're tied to the PG&E fires, and I'd wager they are the ones that fired that missile at AF1. God knows what else that evil family has done.

21851279? ago

I think that if Q is real and POTUS is who we think he is, their time is coming, too.

I think the only things in question at this point are who is going down, in what order, and when.

21851411? ago

Amen anon

21850919? ago

Very well said anon. I so wish I knew how the movie will play out and end, but like Q team always says, "enjoy the show!".

I just wish I knew how much popcorn to buy kek.

21849077? ago

Very clever, OP!

21849036? ago

I think Soros would be a good first arrest. Normally, libtards will claim any Soros meddling into anything as debunked, so they do not want to be near him either.

My guess a Soros arrest wouldnt cause too much of a ruckus among the sleeping sheep. It will be a huge win for Qanon though.

21852976? ago

Q3749: Amazing Polly's Video: Indictments Incoming? Soros or Brennan? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3576896/

21850705? ago

This is a valid observation. I don't think the average man on the street has ever heard of him.

21849435? ago

No. Even the most asleep conservative knows that Soros is behind most (if not all) of this social justice horseshit.

And there would be utility to taking him down in that the evidence produced from it would point to all the worldwide puppets, making it easier to take them down next.

Not saying it will happen that way, but I could see why it may.

21854568? ago

not really true. It seems like at least once a week I see a 'normie' make fun of someone for any mention of Soros. Even something like, 'you know it is a fact that he funds the immigration and funded social justice district attorneys...' and it's always 'bahahahahahaha look at this conspiritard'

21860384? ago

Then laugh louder and say: look at this sleeping beauty. The kiss that wakes you up will be like a fat boy in your ear! Sleep tight!

21858181? ago

K shill

21862559? ago

k redditor

21850654? ago

Need to get his son too. Otherwise we’ll be dealing with him in a few years.

21860364? ago

Sons. Poor Adam shifftt. It would come closer creeping up his leg

21857688? ago

Him and all his 'seeds'. Including all of his animals.

21853240? ago

He has FOUR SONS and ONE DAUGHTER , they ALL need to be sorted out , not just Alex

21851922? ago

Don't worry, Mr Red Shoes will get what he deserves.

21849865? ago

Man, this is a hick of an angle. Also, throw in a possible 2018 midterm “trap” to catch him rigging the election with certain dems, along with funding those “caravans” a year or so ago and this dude could be prosecuted using the Rico act.

21851278? ago

Yes... EXACTLY!!! Remember... He owns many of the voting machines used in state elections.

Is it possible that some of those were running altered firmware or had pre-loaded results? And what if some of those machines were captured? It isn't difficult to see how this could unravel quickly. Also remember that an investigation of 'Election Fraud' was started immediately after the 2018 elections. We haven't heard much out of that investigation --- YET!

21851545? ago

Yes, I recall that investigation and I remembered thinking what a let down it was when we supposedly got the report on it. Maybe that wasn’t the real report? And I also recall in Texas maybe? Where some folks watched their votes switch on them in real time inside the booth? Can’t remmeber where I saw this at or if it’s real but he does own them and I bet if that they all knew trump was gonna win by September 2016 (hence the need for spygate) and We all know what hrc said on election night and I’d be willing to bet that if GS thought he had a chance to use his machines to flip votes, then he would do so. This is getting interesting.

21849961? ago

Exactly. And I know there are certain patriots who sneer at the idea of running a sting on these assholes. Their response is usually "just arrest them already."

Ok, but then what? Take them to court and charge them with what evidence? Was Obama's DOJ collecting evidence on him that we could use now? Certainly not.

The only way to nail these motherfuckers would be to CATCH THEM DOING THE SHIT FRESH because we never has a DOJ that was collecting any of it in the past.

These aren't insignificant details. Whether or not the more reactionary patriots like it, our legal system requires evidence to convict someone in a trial.

That shit isn't optional.

21852271? ago


21852992? ago

Not at all what I stated. Nice try, though.

21853002? ago

What laws has he Broken

21853212? ago

Well, money laundering and campaign finance laws are the obvious publicly known violations.

Continuing to fund antifa who participates in domestic terrorism is another obvious one.

Then we have the financial support of voter fraud and election meddling in countries across the world.

And unless Q is full of shit, we'll likely see human trafficking law violations, and god knows what else.

I wouldn't be surprised to see international terrorism funding, but I guess we'll have to see what the DOJ comes up with to know for sure.

21853307? ago

How did he launder money? Do you have an article I could refer. How is donating to NGOs illegal. Citizens United means money is free speech

21854278? ago

I'm not going to do your research for you, friend. We'll see what happens. If he's done nothing wrong, then he won't be charged.

But the very fact that he's been straight out banned from several countries and is being investigated by others should be an indication that some fuckery is afoot.

He is widely known to extort entire nations using his control of the money supply, as well. So, by that logic he may well be responsible for much of the bad shit done by entire nations.

Let's see how it plays out.

You are free to believe he's the modern Ghandi if you wish. That's certainly your right.

I personally see a man who funds everything he can to undermine the sovereignty of nations. That in of itself could easily be classified as acts of war against the nations in question.

21854312? ago

You have a funny idea of what currency trading is my friend. Currency traders do not control a country’s money supply. You seem to see what you want to see. I’ve done the research and can’t place a crime.

It sounds like many here hate Citizens United and what it’s enabled via unlined spending/free speech when it comes to NGOs and Super Pacs.

Please tell me which countries he’s banned from?

21854416? ago

I never said currency trading was a crime. You act as if currency trading and extortion are mutually exclusive, or as if I'm confusing the two. I'm not.

And if you're asking me to tell you which nations he's banned from when a simple internet search would tell you, you're just being a lazy asshat.

I'm not going to do your research for you. I don't have the time and frankly, I don't think it would matter anyhow. You see what you want to see as much as you're accusing me of the same.

Believe whatever you want to believe about the guy.

The truth, whether beneficial or detrimental to your preferred narrative, will come out in due time.

In the meantime, you can look into him. If you're not finding anything suspicious, that only tells me that you already have your mind made up or that you're using bullshit sources like google. Either way, THAT'S ON YOU.

I'm not your mother or your teacher.

21854544? ago

How is he “controlling currency?” Like you say?

21855394? ago

They're investigating him in the U.K. RIGHT NOW for election meddling.

Campaign contributions in a country where you are a citizen is not illegal so long as you abide by the campaign finance laws of that country.

This guy is interjecting himself into elections in several countries. He has been doing this for decades.

I can't send money to campaigns in the U.K. As an American just like they can't send money to campaigns here.

If it really needs to be explained to you why that's illegal then you have bigger problems than trying to convince us that Soros is the next Jesus.

21849598? ago

Rush has talked about soros enough times that even a lot of plebs would see how big it is.

21852260? ago

If Putin wants Soros jailed. I want him free

21858168? ago

Putin is a patriot. You are a kike faggot who sucks cock for shekels

21853084? ago

That makes no sense.

21853134? ago

Putin is a corrupt POS. I want the opposite of what he wants. Also I love Soros because he makes the QTards go crazy

21853823? ago

Oh I get it. Can't deny putin isn't exactly our friend but soros is the worst of the worst and deserves to hang.

21853894? ago

For what crimes?

21849020? ago


21849017? ago

SOROS is a mirror of evil, no reflection.

21849073? ago

But his name IS a palindrome.

21850584? ago

That's right. I just posted a heap here about Palindromes, and nobody gets it yet!

This method of writing, is encoded into the Q posts. <

21863759? ago

Why do you think nobody gets it? Are we not all on here posting, upvoating, etc...good grief, we are reading/responding. Do you need a big party or something?