21861725? ago

Christmas Wish from South Africa https://voat.co/v/14Words/3577961

21847919? ago

Trump and his admin are the same kind of Jews Soros is, you can't trust a president that surrounds himself with people like Kushner.

21846500? ago

this was a regional invasion from Congo, Niger, Nigeria?

21846237? ago

This Administration's lack of movement in this area is both stunning and frustrating.

21859780? ago

Ex-Illuminati Banker Exposes "The Elite" https://voat.co/v/QRV/3548236 blackmail operations.

21847926? ago

It's also not surprising considering Jews are behind what's happening in SA

21846430? ago

People today believe Wakanda propaganda, you would have to re-write all history books. http://praag.org/?p=20499 Canada supports racist Negroid mobs. The old Rhodesia was targeted for destruction by Masonic authoritarians in Britain because it's provincial leadership had the audacity to rebel against the authority of the British Crown and Parliament in its bid for independence. The Soviets, Chinese, Globalist Jews, Moslem Arabs, and Cubans and random Negroid Bantu tribes were then given license

21845375? ago

why do all white people come crying to the U.S......

21857169? ago

I'm a SA, I live in SA, and I have never hated USA ?? I support Trump and follow Q...

21847937? ago

You're clearly fucking retarded, why would you think SA's hate America? Kill yourself jew bag.

21846455? ago

does she hate america?

21844997? ago


21859984? ago

Masonry? and a Dutch Sabbatean Frankist https://voat.co/v/QRV/3577833/21859935

21844989? ago

Where is the UN on this matter.........oh yea, fucking little girls and boys in Haiti

21846206? ago

All playing out as the UnitedNothing desires? S.Africa is done and its dying a long, long time, one of its issues is it connected to the dying old European Empires one of the Empires of Holland a failed peoples, some of the first bankers and traders, lots of cults in Holland, frankists sabbatean zebi type who may have burned London down in 1666? the Masonic quest for Diamond and a new Babylon and new money Empire. First a long long time ago in the bones underneath the soil in S.Africa were an old ancient bushmen, capoid or Khoisan a kind of yellow brown mongoloid looking person who lived off the land. Next to arrive were the European powers and a White Boer Afrikaans European people, they were farmers and sailors from Dutch Netherlands region but also relate to people in Belgium, German, France, they are Whites but this ethnicity and culture no longer exists in Europe as they all moved to South Africa. The Dutch Netherlands the people of Holland they had dreams of Empire much like the French, Spanish, British and others built their Empires across the world, at one time NewYork was owed by the Dutch, named New Amsterdam. Two royals wanted to play a game of chess. Some say Two Masonic Houses went to war, the major powers surviving Scottish Rite and York Rite, the Dutch would go to war with Brazil and get their ass kicked by Brazilians, the Dutch would be crushed by French Napoléon forces, they would lose Singapore, almost everytime Ducth fought they get fucked up they lost. The British grew jealous of new resources Diamonds and new trade routes across the South of Africa, they backed Bantu Negroids from the Congo and Niger to attack the their White cousins in the Second Boer War, put their own White Cousins into Concentration Camps. The only thing that truly surives from these eras are the first international banks London-Amsterdam, the satanic Oil companies like Royal-Dutch, Americans go to wars wasting blood and treasure so some old company can first sell all the profits, Empires were destoryed but certain old secret roads and banks were left behind and still functioned. The elites in their Empires they never gave a damn about the ordinary South Africa, the Negroid you see in S.Africa is not a native but a Bantu invader from Niger and Congo, the more modern Jewish Bolsheviks and Jew Marxists like Ronnie Kasrils would have supported the ANC and a Negroid mafia woman terrorist Winnie Mandela, perhaps S.Africa's future is a failure like Zimbabwe ... but whatever i'm sure some elites are laughing as pawns destroy each other and an elite can come in and buy everything up for one single dollar. A member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that "the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets."

21846304? ago

TY patriot!

21845001? ago

you forgot: selling body parts