21843604? ago

I won't "meditate". I'll pray..in the ONLY Name that has power over Lucifer and all his minions. The Name of Jesus Christ.

21842241? ago

He is more powerful than jesus

21841713? ago

There is no invisible sky puppet master.

What happens here in reality is where it all is.

Not in imagination land. Also santa, Easter bunny, and tooth fairy aren't real.

21841093? ago

What Is The EVIL's Behavior Strategy?

For those not familiar with the EVIL's strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, hatred, psychological trauma, expediency, selfishness, ignorance, destruction or neglect." Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil

With infinite love ♥

What Is The LOVE ♥'s Strategy?

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love is "a virtue representing human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

21840603? ago

Lucifer is NOT Satan. How many times do you dweeebs have to be told that before you get it through those thick skulls of yours?

Strong's Concordance

satan: adversary, also the name of the superhuman adversary of God

Original Word: שָׂטָן

Part of Speech: Noun Masculine

Transliteration: satan

Phonetic Spelling: (saw-tawn')

Definition: adversary, also the name of the superhuman adversary of God


Strong's Concordance

helel: [Lucifer] a shining one

Original Word: הֵילֵל

Part of Speech: Noun Masculine

Transliteration: helel

Phonetic Spelling: (hay-lale')

Definition: a shining one.


21839777? ago


21839338? ago

Lucifer's devilspawn are all around God's White Adamic children. The 1% jew/edomite/caananite and its 92% shitskin golems are poisoning the very nation Whites built with the purpose of exploiting and destroying Whites. Many Whites are blind to their history and the racial differences of the devilspawn and adopt its behavior more so out of survival than intent, but it makes little difference as devilspawn always eat their own and turn on each other.

21839224? ago

This is War!

The battle from dark to Light

starts in our heart ❤️

21837387? ago

Also wanted to take the opportunity to mock the biggest loser in all creation, and his idiot retarded demon followers. All used to be beautiful angels with amazing powers. lucifer was a favorite of God... and now his and their lives are torturing humans. Really? Fucking LOSERS. The humans who follow them are animals.

21839372? ago

its because

* muh intelligence

* muh power

* muh arrogance

21837196? ago

You realize lucifer is enki? The liberator?

21841068? ago

I must disagree. I believe Enlil is the Lucifer that is mentioned in the Bible.

21843104? ago

How come Enlil owned the garden and kept humans as his slave workers? Enki freed them. Check the pre-jew Sumerian tablets.

21845880? ago

Enki gave us the plow and seeds to farm. Enki also saved us from the deluge.Enki was proud of his creation of us. Enlil was mad as some of their people procreated with humans ( nephilam). Enlil wanted us destroyed. I appreciate your comments. So many on hear have the religious blinders on they aren’t open alternative ways. WWG1WGA!

21837140? ago

You really love creating these threads that contain only platitudes don't you.

21836545? ago

Lucifer is 99% out of my life. I did look at some porn today out of boredom. But it was 80s porn. More gentle.

21843080? ago

Ginger Lynn

21837233? ago

.. and more hairy.

21841321? ago

vintage boob

21836899? ago

that's hilarious.

21836468? ago

There is no Lucifer

21836302? ago

Hallelujah, brother

21835837? ago

A life long porn addiction BROKEN! You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!

21838432? ago

Really kills the mood when you realize you're jerking off to literal human trafficking victims.

Now the weirdos jerking off to anime seem way less weird lol

21837410? ago

Congrats, Anon!! So proud of you.

21835631? ago

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince mankind he doesn't exist.

21842249? ago

He did more for humanity than jesus ever did

21837032? ago

No, a much better one may be on the way.

Thursday mornings.

21836651? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3518676/21355088 The picture near the bottom shows a classic Masonic handshake being done right in front of Jimmy Savile. I know ground-level Freemasons don't think they're part of an evil organization but on the next floor up it's a living hell.

21836156? ago

God is on the warpath to wake His Chidren.

Amen and amen. Every knee shall bow.

21835630? ago

A message which came back few times to me is that we should repent on behalf of the land we live in.

So i did yesterday, i prayed in Jesus name, while touching the ground, that all who who live in this land and touch this ground may be filled with the light love and power of the Holy Spirit. so that they may find discernment to understand the signs that leed them back to God's narroe path of righteousness, in Jesus name, Amen!

21837421? ago


21835786? ago

Nice prayer, anon. WRWY!

21835002? ago

from: doglegwarrior

who is this lucifer guy? ohh you mean the singing angel god created who was his favorite then he became a giant red horned ruler of hell a place god inadvertantly created to toruture Japanese people because they are 99.5% blasphemers... man god is awsome that yahew the god yall worship the jew made up god of sand niggers mosses and king solomon that god you worship...

no i dont believe in your jew devil and i dont believe we are all born sinners i believe most people are good we just have to many jews

21839460? ago

who is this lucifer guy?

Take a look in the mirror, you seem to be made in his likeness. Too bad you have rna too.

21839557? ago

from: doglegwarrior

it would be pretty cool if i was lucifer id raise an army to wipe out the jews.

21839577? ago

True Christians would be right there with you, but the thing is that your pride makes you too stupid to pull it off not to mention that you wouldn't wipe out your loyal servants.

21839668? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i didnt get it at first then the ahhh.. ya well i would stab my servants in the back hardcore... im the devil i can trick those kikes and turn on them.

21839687? ago

Just like your servants, who are obviously made precisely in your image ;-P

21839833? ago

from: doglegwarrior

its crazy u call lucifer im not that offended but then u say im a jew and i think you have gone way to far and hit way below the belt.

21843427? ago

That wasn't my intention, I just said it back in the spirit of humor that I took your post in. I gained respect for you in this conversation, don't lose sight of that just because I joked back at you.

21844169? ago

from: doglegwarrior

all good no problems here just the fact your on voat means you not an npc and actualy think and care about freedom of speech.

21835999? ago

Ignorance, thy name is namefag.

21835560? ago

you doglewarrior are not a shining example of a good person. dont kid yourself with all that hate in your heart you are in no way good....i think we have too many nazis like you. i would rather have a jew around than a nazi.

21837298? ago

I'm not doglewarrior, and don't agree with him on this, but what you just said means that you have no idea about truth about history or what actually happened to cause WWI or WWII, OR the evil actions of the jews throughout history to perpetuate actual genocides against those of European descent and Christians.

21835743? ago

from: doglegwarrior

not a nazi. dont like socialism. im not a hateful person but if a parastiic race and religious minority is openly attacking my nation and people tricking us into wars and tax slavery and white genocide... well yes i guess i hate those people...

circumcision alone is a jewish evil religios ceremony with zero medical benefits... can you at least admit mutilating defensless babies genitals is bad?

anyways good to have some left leaning people on here i dont like this place being an echo chamber if you see my name and have any legitimate questions or wonder why people like me make some hate filled statements im open to discussing things.

have a good day jew

21835379? ago

God Bless you anyway, D.W.

21835752? ago

from: doglegwarrior

that is actualy a pretty christian response. i hope you are right and their is a good god up there i just have not seen any evidence.

21835161? ago

Wow, so if we or the OP are wrong, we erred on the side of Good. If you're wrong that is one massive boo boo. You may want to drop "warrior" from you name, that you are not.

21835819? ago

from: doglegwarrior

why not be a muslim? if you are right u win eternal bliss but if you picked wrong you are fucked? thats a very false premise do this because hey it wont hurt if you do but if you dont you are fucked. i for one think the thing that created all we see and live in is much better of a being then your spiteful weak god whos first four commandments are all about him being an insecure pussy. his number one thing he hates is blasphemy?! little insecurity goes anlong way for your vengful god who fucking flooded the entire planet... murder for insecurity would have been my number 1 commandemnt or murder because you are jealous and weak. rape would be number 2.. dont murder and dont rape... na your insecure bitch god doesnt get to those types of issues until 5...

wake up your religion is a bunch of jew mthys and bullshit from sandnigger land.

21836034? ago

You're so incorrect it's not even funny, but yeah, if you don't use the Sumerian translation and really study up on the Essenes, you could be tricked into believing Christ has something to do with the Abrahamic Deception that has enslaved humanity from the inside out.

21836267? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you are studying stuff from 2,000 years ago with no physical record of the original content. you are bassing your life on shit that was made up by middle eastern sand niggers thousands of years ago? we have insane ability to record stuff and still things like this impeachment are twisted and turned into lies yet u believe fucking shit from 2k years ago from books that no longer exist and are translated multiplentimes... come on get a clue.

21837307? ago

You want credit for these arrogant shit posts as you tell people to get a clue because you feel threatened by their personal experience of the Divine?

Fuck off.

21837861? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the way christians respected non believers for 1900 years? sure fuck tard im supposed to just forget the burning of people the toruture the molestors all spawned from jew based christianity? the fucking cuck religion turning its collective cheek to the jews white genocide? sure they just good christians never did anything bad when they in power.. no fuck you and your sandnigger jew based religion

21839378? ago

You sound no different than those nutty progressives reeeeing on about how the USA doesn't deserve to exist because of what the Cabal has done in its name.

21839588? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ya im torn i understand the deep connectio. between white people and christianity and all the good it does. wish jesus would come back and make some clarifications...

  1. lets have him say more about being fat and not caring for your physical body.

  2. lets put some more emphasis on good deeds

  3. jesus say something about race mixing

  4. jesus be real clear about how evil the jew is

  5. jesus clear up some ursuary and charging intrest

  6. jesus maybe mention a gold standard.

  7. clarify dont give unto ceasaer

21839606? ago

Have you seen Dennis Wise's documentary "The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2?"

Start at 7:10 if you're short on time at the moment.

21839920? ago

asian can blush specificaly japanese that are light skinned pretty sure eskimos can as well

21843442? ago

Perhaps but there's no evidence that they weren't living in the area at the time when the genetic record, etc. was recorded, nor do they exhibit much interest in the Bible.

21839658? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i got time will look into it

21839672? ago

The great thing about Voat (when dealing with the real people here and not paid shills) is that it's almost always worth seeing through conversations with people you initially perceive to be assholes or dumb as fuck.

21839858? ago

from: doglegwarrior

this will sound weird i also like real christians like the amish.. but you need to watch life of brian defining a real christian is almoat impossibe and u would end up with under 1000 that would for sure be christians id say the wodboro baptist are close to real christians

21839390? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Christianity should be wiped of the face of the earth.

21839442? ago

May all of YOUR intentions for others being returned to you with great precision in the coming weeks.

In the name of Jesus Christ, earth's freedom portal which was created by a great sacrifice at the star level to insert the RNA that would eventually free humanity from the enslavement of the genetic manipulation that turned them into petri dishes for procreation that could be controlled through pride, arrongance and the mind's constant need to seek out and even try to become that which it is not in order to keep the gene pool viable over the long term.

21835117? ago

your name is stupid

21835846? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i cant really argue with you on that assement... but can you argue for circumcision???

a jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits?

go ahead and regurgitate the jew lies.. about stds.. it looks better.. its just some skin.. it helps stop penile cancer

go ahead and try

21835853? ago

i'm on God's side.

your username is still stupid.

21836281? ago

from: doglegwarrior

defend circumcision your jew god demands you do

21836300? ago

jews can burn.

21834864? ago

But not all of us!!

21834773? ago

Never had control of many of us. You must have had issues in life.

21837432? ago

He has control of you right now, fren.

21835528? ago

not very humble are you? you take a jab at a christian for no reason? sounds to me like he (satan) definitely has a hold on you. and your too prideful to even know it. careful with that pride thing.

21834792? ago

Hurry, run out and try walking on water.

Let me know if you could.

21843636? ago

we're doing it.