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21833081? ago

Sbbh seems like fun people. I want to be friends with them.

21833153? ago

visit v/soapdoxbanhammer

tell em clammy sent you

21840305? ago

except maybe u/thebuddha and his music

No other musicians in that sub matter.

21839754? ago

a nonsence shitpost board (to give you an idea: when I first came here they added invites for all users on Voat to be mods--a lot of people who agreed got frustrated and pissed-off, complaining site-wide about want how to be de-modded [I think a mod himself could not opt-out himself at that point..overall it was.pretty damn funny).

  • 1 out of 1000 ideas at SBBH turns out to be a winner like that.]

ps. there still are a million mods and they all have the power to ban/unban you from that sub [name of the game], which will happen repetitively until you get/receive a mod invite....I always think of the regretful unfortunates who accepted their BS trojan-horse club-card.