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21832791? ago

This source incorrectly assumes from the outset that the Illuminati is crypto-Jewish. That is false.

The illuminati (and their successors, the masons) ans the Jesuits, are crypto-sun worshippers and franchises of the Babylonian Mystery School.

Ignorant, unread brainlets who don’t know what that is have identified one of the franchises, the Zionists, and mistaken it for the whole.

The Joos are not at the top of the pyramid. How could they when our adversary predates even them?

21833192? ago

In times long past, Babylonian mystery school used the movements of the sun and the eclipses to gain control of the normies and force them to worship the sun (which had great incidental benefits for the priests...)

The Israelites escaping the bondage ended this reign. Since then they’ve been trying to get us back under their boot. See how they love to obscure their reasoning from us... today we are told the science, which is too complicated for anyone but the anointed climate scientists to understand, is settled, and we must pay more taxes on up the pyramid, or die!

Same old mystery school antics.

21839265? ago

so, they weren't actually worshipping the sun, they used sun worship as a means to control the masses via religion?

21839544? ago

Correct. It is the loss of control they are upset about. Not the fact that we don’t worship the sun. They don’t care what we believe as long as we listen to them. They are the “elect”!!

21838735? ago

Israelites are whites and today's jews aren't the descendants of Jacob/Israel.

The "Jews" are Babylon and the Vatican is the whore of Babylon.

21839579? ago

Them escaping freed many more. And the mystery schools want us all yoked again, and harder so we never get out again!!

21840038? ago

it's not a mystery anymore. I am naming them and you are clinging to (((their))) shroud, you cuck.

21841132? ago

Your complete illiteracy is showing. “Mystery school” is the name of the enterprise. The term “pondering the ancient mysteries” is just a euphemism for devil worship. And the mystery school predates Judaism and Ashkenazis.

Read a fucking book!

21841163? ago

yes, the shapeshifters. we are talking about the same group.

21842853? ago

Fine, you have my attention. Why you think there are shapeshifters?

21845007? ago

Because Rothschild, Redstone, Goldman, and Steinberg aren't old family names: they're just made up names to hide among us.

21845717? ago

Anon, it is no secret the rulers of this planet do that.

But they aren’t all joos. Far from it.

They are all members of the Babylonian mystery school tho.

21848281? ago

they aren't all jews

Well that's right, they just call themselves jews, but they are satanists, luciferins, kabbalists, Babylonians etc.

But they call themselves jews so people will be scared to criticize them

21848556? ago

The jesuits, masons, ismailis, mexican cartels, etc., don’t call themselves joos.

21848584? ago

I'm not including the hands and feet but pointing out the heads. The heads don't discriminate when delegating evil

21852241? ago

There is zero basis for concluding that the joos are the 'head' (i.e., the capstone of the pyramid). The Ismailis are not taking instructions from Jews, lol.

21852315? ago

Yes they are: Saudi Arabia and Israel are bedfellows, ISIS apologizes for bombing Israelis ...

Your denial is running thin: it won't last much longer.

21852557? ago

But the ISMAILIS are not controlled by Saudi Arabia. Their leader is a sovereign individual. Also, if you knew anything about the Ismailis, you would know that they are not Muslim (at least not esoterically).

I don't know why I've even given you the time of day. You're an unread brainlet putting the conclusion before the research. Read a book!

21852896? ago

Well, to be honest, I misread "Ismalis" as "Islamist".

But regardless, have a good day

21852971? ago

Perhaps if you became a bit better versed in the subject material before pretending to know all about it, you would not mistake two phonetically AND philosophically distinct ideas as being the same thing?

21853402? ago

They aren't jews, they just claim to be.

We are in agreement about the problems of the world, but you are scared of the "j-word"

21853970? ago

They don’t all claim to be jews. For examples, see the list I’ve provided.

Honestly, just going in circles. If you’re not a shill, you are going to have to work double hard to understand what I’m saying, you don’t seem that bright.

Chin up anon, you can do it.

21854037? ago

I guess I need to ask you what you think "being a Jew" means.

21836826? ago

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21834702? ago

Underrated post of the day.

21834822? ago

I am the anon you’re replying to. Any one who says it is the joos is trying to paint us with the nazi brush for obvious reasons (regardless of what you think of historical interwar Germany). Some joos are complicit. But many non jews are as well, on an equal footing with other bricks in the pyramid.

Any anon who seriously believes that the joos are the capstone of the figurative pyramid that lives on to this day (the figurative “eye” that Q observes many countries feed) have not been following the money. It doesn’t all flow to Israel or to Joos (except perhaps in trust!)

21840406? ago

I’m not going to say I agree or disagree with you. Sure some Jews aren’t complicit. Just like some blacks are smart. But the bell curve for blacks shows statistically that half of them are mentally retarded and the majority are either that or below average intelligence of whites. Jews have a similar setup. Where the majority of them are destructive.

Question. Are we supposed to ignore these scientifically verifiable facts about the majorities in these groups in favor of tolerating the group minorities Or in the name of fairness or equality? Are you comfortable sacrificing everything your ancestors work for on the alter of equality?

I am not. That doesn’t make me not a patriot or a shill or anything else. It means I refuse to be the weak link.

21841164? ago

Ignore nothing. Including the fact that the joos are not the top of the pyramid and so are not our ultimate adversary.