21830959? ago

This movement saved my life and literally helped me get sober. I realized after waking up to Pizzagate that I needed to get it together because life as I knew it was not how it seemed. I spent many days and nights distracting myself with research. My sobriety date is 11/18/2016. It may even be the be the 17th but I don’t know for sure! So to be safe,the day 18th it is! I’m still not entirely sure if Q completely has our back and isn’t some elaborate trap (Who can we really trust ??) but it doesn’t matter because I’m free from hell in addiction and this movement has a huge part to play in it. My journey in life has been extremely strange and this is a spiritual experience for me.

21832294? ago

Stay sober.

God will do the rest.

Your DNA will know what to do.

21827688? ago

thanks for posting, I've was needing something like this.

been getting down on myself since I'm not producing anything like videos, blogs, etc.

feels like I should be doing more, but I spend way too much time reading/researching, and I'm just not able to process it quickly enough to share it.

it's like I'm a sponge holding it all in.

perhaps to share later...

good to know that there is some kind of osmosis on those around me.

21826948? ago

We are the living, breathing Akashik Records.

21826885? ago

I don't even understand what's happened to me, but I like it. <



21832309? ago

My autistic mathematician.

You don't need to understand it.

Enjoy it. Box seat remember?

21906010? ago

21834912? ago

Oh yes Sir! Box Seat.

I never thought I would get VIP Court Side access to any game, let alone THE GAME.

This is getting good now Sir.

Biblical is an understatement considering what's coming down The Pike. <

21835306? ago

What's the best part?

Even my wife doesn't know who she is living with.

Boy, is she going to be surprised.

21835414? ago

I'm glad you're married. I'd like to find someone. Relationships need a lot of work. Thanks for replying. I see you. <

'o-o' <

21827353? ago

Digits confirms, you like it! :)

21827524? ago

353 Confirmation <

21826263? ago

The only reason to focus on the evil, is to anniahlate it. To be lukewarm, is to follow blindly while our families are lead straight in to the belly of the beast. I struggle with this as a new Christian. Why do I have to know? How did I end up here? (no offense)

I tickle myself with the thought that I am somehow chosen, somehow set apart - able to SEE the darkness without withering away, but rather standing firm and tethered to my faith in the Lord. It is bigger than we know. We are stronger than we know. We are the Chosen.

Isaiah 6:8

"I heard the voice of the Lord asking: Who should I send? Who will go for us? I said: Here I am. Send me."

21832326? ago

One thing I know about God is he would never ask someone to do something he wasn't will to do himself.

21826259? ago

TY! Excellent Post fellow Patriot!

21826160? ago


21826131? ago

I am currently the 407th monkey! :)

21825584? ago

I avoided fluoridated water as well as flu vaccines, survived public education and college system indoctrination. We are all on a higher plane of existence.

21825241? ago

I Love Every Single One of You on Here.

You crazy, beautiful, brilliant anons !

21827642? ago

Me too! <

21825944? ago

love you too, would be really lost without you guys.

shills included, they give me practice at speaking my truth!

since Q, my family says I've become very 'blunt'...😆

21824889? ago

I called my grandfather yesterday to wish him a happy birthday. And he asked me what I thought of impeachment. I took a deep breath and said, I think a lot of people don't understand how the process works.

But before I could go on he said, You know, they have been talking about impeaching him since the day he got elected!

We ended up talking for about 15 mins about it. I couldn't believe how incredibly red-pilled my 89 year old grandfather was! They have no internet and no TV service (just an antenna with 4 stations). They live in thr middle of nowhere in 60 acres.

He even asked me, "I got a newspaper in the mail the other day, have you heard of the E-P-O-C-H times --" and I hear grandma interject from the background -- "the word is epoch"-- "the Epoch Times?"

When we ended our conversation, I could hear the joy in his voice, that he wasn't alone and had someone to talk to and relate on this stuff. Seriously blown away by his level of knowledge and understanding what's really going on. This was really the first time we talked about it even!

21826297? ago

People are gaining knowledge, they don't know where from either.

They just "know" things. That's pretty cool to think we all had a hand in that.

21829398? ago

just down here in moms basement, "playing on computers"

(same thing we do everynight, pinky)

21829900? ago

LOL! yeah well i'm a deplorable in flyover country. hahaha!

21825345? ago

That's a great share, God Bless you Patriot and your Grand Parents and your Family!!!

21824882? ago

Have you ever noticed, if you have not then start, if you are talking to someone, about say another person, you don't know their name but you have an image of them in your mind. The person you are talking to knows who you're talking about without much information. I've noticed it happens to me all the time. It is when someone can see the image of the person I'm thinking about! Like they can see the images that I see!

I know I didn't explain this very clearly. Maybe you will understand what I'm saying.

21827005? ago

Although I do understand what you are saying, I have something more to add.

I have had several concussions in recent years. Often I have no idea what or who (or why or when or where or what!) my wife is talking about.

Patriots just won! 22 to 17. Which means, Q lost. I yelled out earlier, "the opposing team better get at least another point!", but, they didn't. Oh well; Q lost, and Patriots won! Weird outcome today.

21827690? ago

It will work out in the end.

21826755? ago

Yes i can do this...and awareness has increased the ability immensely.

We all have this ability, I am sure of it.

21826870? ago

Me to anon. Me to. The day will come when we know what we are supposed to do with it.

21826314? ago

That's why you're here. You're a pusher of thoughts.

21826726? ago

We each have our talents, our abilities. And we each have our own job to do in this awakening.

Thank you for reminding me of mine!

21827217? ago

Mine might only be providing resources for those who can do the grueling work!

Still, I am here because I guess I signed up for that!

21827670? ago

Somebody's gotta do it! You are doing an outstanding job at it and you are appreciated.

I think how this works is we all put together make up a whole. Like a body. If everyone was the eyes then how would we hear!? Or talk! But we each have our different place and all together we will make one unit.

21836805? ago

I love it! Back when I was supporting Dr. Ron Paul for President, we had the slogan "WAHOR" -- "We All Have Our Roles", basically the same sentiment.

21826043? ago

yep, and you explained it perfectly.

the harder I think about something, the more I know my close family 'understand' without me having to say it, like we're communicating without words.

I've also found myself doing this in conversations with strangers. I expect them to know what I'm thinking without me having to actually say it.

like actual talking is SO inefficient;)

21826837? ago

Thank you anon.

I believe we are this way for a reason. I think that the day will come when we will understand completely what those reasons are!

21825382? ago

We Humans have ability to ALSO communicate with images and feelings. Not sure how, but we all have it.

Its got something to do with our third eye, our Pineal Gland.

21826850? ago

I think you are correct about that.

21826042? ago

read over these. I thought these explained quite a bit. they are supposedly interviews by the rothchilds. its really eye opening. in one section they go to speak about all this information is in the Vatican library. Maybe this is why that information is kept so secret.



21826453? ago

Great share, thanks Patriot. Its all real.

Praying, mix your praying with your emotions, the both combine will give you what you want. Praying by itself without emotions wont work.

21824809? ago

Agreed, the war is real and it's for our minds.

21824685? ago

Thank you Patriot. I know this is true. We underestimate our own influence in this by just being aware of it. To turn one's mind 180 degrees requires purpose, dedication, and focus. We are doing this. We are turning the world around.

21824429? ago

People around me are sick of hearing about it. They're well reminded of what's going on.

21826320? ago

Watch them come around. My socialist wife did.

That was like watching the Titanic come back to the surface.

21826968? ago

You know. I just upvoted you, from your words and response to the otheranon.

Then, I remembered you were LARPing as Jesus above, and downvoted instead.

I have no idea if you are or not. I suppose, a couple thousand years ago, I might not have then either. But here I have zero evidence, whereas there I would expect to have seen some sort of miracle -- not just words appearing in front of me, the same words as come from shills and such.

21824410? ago

What Is The EVIL's Behavior Strategy?

For those not familiar with the EVIL's strategy, "elements that are commonly associated with personal forms of evil involve unbalanced behavior involving anger, revenge, FEAR, hatred, psychological trauma, expediency, selfishness, ignorance, destruction or neglect." Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil

With infinite love ♥

What Is The LOVE ♥'s Strategy?

Within the context of Love versus Fear. What is Love? For those not familiar with LOVE in this context, love is "a virtue representing human KINDNESS, COMPASSION, and AFFECTION, as the UNSELFISH loyal and benevolent concern for the GOOD of ANOTHER". It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love

Image LOVE & UNITE https://i.postimg.cc/FHVyy6Kr/love-and-unity.png

Of course Love has many meanings. Depends on the context.

21824298? ago

Beautiful, as always.

I've been travelling across the country the last few days, around sooo many more people than usual ....Keeping my focus on awareness, calm and LOVE ~ Holding the space as much as possible.

Thank you for the encouragement <3

21824267? ago

Do ya feel the love in this thread? LOL

21824432? ago

Ya and it's awesome.

21823591? ago

Lol how about we focus on actually doing something rather than "passing the information".

OP, you're glowing.

21824782? ago

More delusional than glowing. OP is literally larping as Jesus above.

I've already died once for you...how many more times must I die before you get it?

21826930? ago

I see OP downvoted you; I've reversed that one.

21823387? ago

Your chritkikery is why we're fucked.

Hurry up and die.

21824449? ago

I've already died once for you...how many more times must I die before you get it?

21824756? ago

LARPing as Jesus... Not disrespectful at all...

21826923? ago

Yep, that's my take. Although then again, we don't know who's talking to us here, or, as Q, but still, I see this a lot here and it doesn't fill me with hope...

21827507? ago

yeah I see that a lot too.

hard to call them out because they're always so polite, and like you said, we really don't know who we're talking to.

but it's always best to remain cautious...

21829407? ago

Ya'll are going to hell if OP really is jesus.

21836789? ago

Are you sure?

21836819? ago

Naw, I think I read it somewhere.

21824554? ago

Until you and the rest of the christkikes are gone.

21823298? ago

My memory sucks to high heaven, but my spirit always comes thru for me. I don't get much opportunity to discuss pros/cons of the current political scene. We aren't supposed to really discuss it at work due to differing opinions, but the Left does it daily, in the middle of a decent meal even. Company sponsored event and I have to walk away or get reprimanded for bringing up my viewpoint. YES, my company leadership is primarily Republican, but we have to tip-toe around the Left...fucked up for sure. I've walked away from a bunch of the conversations that aren't supposed to happen...not interject my facts. Sad ~

21826914? ago

I am recovering from concussions, so I definitely feel your memory pain. And it also sucks that the demonic can "talk all they want", but if you do, you get fired and "they'll make more" (it doesn't exactly fit but was a Doritos commercial reference from my childhood...).

21864105? ago

I'm glad you do have some memory...to remember a childhood reference to Doritos, that I can't remember is cool...Of course I didn't necessarily have TV at the time that commercial was popular.

Hey, any memory is a good memory

21823340? ago

God is on your side.

21823236? ago

Hear ye, hear ye!

This anon has just unpackaged something very significant.

Visualization is the key.

The secret is certainty.

21827736? ago

"You must believe". <

21826831? ago

Digits confirms, 10 42 32 16?

21823354? ago

This is the kind of observation I love. When patriots feel my words.

You were meant to feel them.

21823866? ago

Anon, I could go so much further with your message.

The time is now!

Many messages have been left for us, those with eyes to see. We're truly standing at the precipice of great change.

It's time we tell our brothers the good news. A storm is on the horizon and those of us that are capable of carrying the message represent the central nexus.

My friend, WE are the ones we've been waiting for! WE are the calm before (and during) the storm!

Alea iacta est!

21826875? ago

Crossing the Rubicon, definitely!

21824423? ago


Pretty sure you get it!

21824500? ago


We cross this river together. Without one another, we will be left on the side we started, feeble and alone.

The path before us has been paved by antiquity

We have the tools. Our journey awaits us!

Come with me, anon! Sing the song of the Uni-verse!

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do

Abandon your leaden self, the deal. Find the gold within you. Wield the (S)word in the (S)tone.

Come find me in Morodloeth!

21824365? ago

I love you guys! I had no idea what "Alea iacta est!" meant... Some lightning fast finger stomping on my keyboard... and wol A!!

I love learning. Being blessed with the ability to quickly discern fact from absolute horseshit makes learning much more fun. :)

21824420? ago

Learn to read the signs, anon. Navigate the chaos with us!

The time is now!

21824537? ago

Yes Sir! I have for several decades... I'm happy to be here with you all!

What a glorious time to be alive!

I feel the World is changing rapidly for the better.....and it couldn't have come at the time we needed it the most. Almost as if this was planned all along. :)

21824745? ago

Oh, it was.

21823195? ago

Did anyone else get here by asking God for answers...and Him giving them? Even though those answers weren't pretty? Were most - if not all - of us led here by a Higher power?

It definitely feels like we're in a movie. For me at least, but I'm sure I'm in the vast majority there. I know that if it weren't for this movement I'd be on the verge of going postal. But because of this movement I'm able to remain calm.

21830524? ago

A friend of mine who is religious said similar words, but I'm not religious myself. I just do what needs to be done, and no thanks, praise or acknowledgement is needed.

21826796? ago

I was being exposed to the evils of Sitchin when someone at Daily Paul sent me to a flat Earth video. You are absolutely correct. I was a normie. Now, I know things (which is really weird, just said this to the wife and parents about another topic, which of course, relates!).

Actually the topic was football, Patriots are about to win. Which is kek. Also the other team had 17, and we jumped ahead; I yelled out "the other team better get at least one point, so Q doesn't lose!" and wife and parents laughed.

It's good to be around the informed, even if dad isn't fully on board!

21826082? ago

that's me too. if it weren't for Q and QRV, I would totally question my sanity.

now I just go with the flow, and try to focus as much as I can on my family/simple daily tasks.

21824444? ago

I don't remember how I got here exactly or how I found out about Q... but I Do know who sent me now. My whole life is starting to make sense. The stupid shit I've done and the unforgettable lessons I've learned because I went through it.....

My Mom used to tell me "If you want to see God laugh... Make a Plan"... I knew what she meant... but oh boy... the things we think are important that don't involve Gods Plan are irrelevant.

21826539? ago

Amen, anon. Your post could've been written by me. I can relate to every word of it.

21823163? ago

The world is about to change forever.

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

21824477? ago

Who 1st? Epstein, Bronfman, Mac, Pelosi, Shumer, McCain, Feinstein, Boxer, Clinton, Soros, ?

21824791? ago


21823130? ago

I heart this post.

21823360? ago

And I heart you

21823098? ago

If you're not a globe/heliocentric model skeptic, you're just another normy to to me, and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Once people wake up to this truth, it opens a whole new set of doors. For me, it opened the door to God and Christianity. I was an atheist before that.

21828068? ago

yep, FE was my 'oh shit' moment,

realizing NASA lies was just too much.

21826752? ago

You and me both, fren!

21822719? ago

I never thought about it this way. We were chosen.

21822638? ago

Great post, and I'd only ad the Great Awakening has only just begun.

21822530? ago

The last star wars movie... the saga comes to a end.

And the 4’s are with us ❤️🙏

21822314? ago

"Clear your mind must be, if you are to find the villains behind this plot." Yoda

21822004? ago

It is the winter solstice, and 7 years since the completion of the 13th baktun on 12/21/2012. The energies are increased around the world.

21825316? ago

Whats the next one and when?

21825885? ago

this helped me here to understand a bit more.


21828849? ago

Thanks fren

21826328? ago

Lots of reading. Pi related, yes I believe this is the key to life's puzzle.

Looks like we're in the last cycle of hell. Makes sense as its the Great Awakening now, the storm has arrived, drain the swamp.

Check out the Yellow boxes in (Filling in the Timeline). date July 20th 2019, August 28th 2019, Redemption. Looks like election cycle.

Then Green box Redeem Yourself ends April 9 2023, end of Trump's second term. Very interesting.

After this, all clean sail, so it's projecting Trump to clean the Swamp in 8 years.

21827692? ago

I think my "oh wow" moment was when I read the July 20th part. Then I remember reaeding about an asteroid near miss, and sure enough July 25 we had this...


21822802? ago

Doesn't the number 7 represent eternity?

21827689? ago


21828385? ago


21823951? ago

Then why is 8 Infinite and folding into itself?

21824417? ago

I think you might be right, I wasn't sure if it was the 7 or 8.

21821883? ago

Yup. "hive mind" - "WWG1WGA"~Q

21821854? ago

You're right brother.

I've been blessed with a high reading retention rate.

It makes me exceptionally hard to argue with, because I've nearly always got the facts to back myself up, and when someone calls me out on them I can normally remember enough of the article or title I can spam keywords that I'll get the article in a search.

And I'm very happy to admit when I'm wrong or I don't know, because it means there's something new for me to learn!

If there's one thing I can stress to Anons more than anything: Love God, trust His plan for your life. The more control you seek over your life, the less you have.

Be like the surfer and love the wave. He doesn't make the mistake of thinking he is the wave. He seeks to become one with the wave, and when he does what he does is unfathomable to ordinary people.

Be one with God, and ordinary people won't comprehend how you do the things you do.

Ever given away your last $5 when you're hungry? I have. A few hours later I got 2 free meatball subs.

21898516? ago

I'm more for the engineering paradigm. You don't have have to remember the information. You just have to know where to find it.

21827416? ago

How do you become one with god

21830407? ago

Dear Anon,

That is a beautiful question. The simple answer is to tell you to pose that question to God. He is waiting.

We can speak to God like a normal conversation. Tell Him what's on your heart. Share that you see other people talking about having a relationship with Him and Jesus and you want that too - but don't know how.

Make it a practice to pray/talk to God every night before you fall asleep. I suggest that because it is the most convenient time. Eventually, you'll know probably find yourself just talking to God throughout the day.

You will start to see His work in your life. God is our Father and loves us as such.

My children are all adults now - the youngest is 33. Nothing beings me more joy than having my kids talk with me and share life with me. When I became a Mom, I finally realized how much God loves me and wants to hear from me.

I will pray that you feel the Lord's love and response to your search for Him in your life. God Bless you, Anon. 🙏❤️

21831238? ago

Thank you! I will start talking to God every day. I’ve tried before but forgot to continue it.

21829290? ago

"And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:30-31)

And die.

21826287? ago

I bet those meatball subs were the tastiest subs you ever ate too!

21829113? ago

They were. It was a managers sale on crock pots at the hardware store, he said the sauce was his grandma's recipe.

21825359? ago

yep that's the way I am too, I can skim information extremely fast and remember where I saw it for future reference.

always knew my mind was different, but it wasn't until Q that I realized just how different I really am.

like I notice EVERYTHING. no wonder I've had various 'troubles' throughout my life, the liberals around me didn't want me pointing out the truth!

sure am thankful for Q and all you anons, good to know that I'm not alone anymore😇

21826994? ago

Yes, I notice everything too. I've always been amazed at how little people notice around them. City folk are the worst for it too.

21826327? ago

like I notice EVERYTHING. no wonder I've had various 'troubles' throughout my life, the liberals around me didn't want me pointing out the truth!

Right? Imagine being with someone who says, "okay, it's fine if you believe all that but you gotta repeat this lie."

I told my wife and folks the other day, in a conversation about my nephew who is going into college, "He's going to need to learn to lie, in order to work." They were all "no, that's horrible, not if he has ethics, etc" -- and I responded with, "Well, 'Our product is the best product!'" :)

21824654? ago

The more control you seek over your life, the less you have.

I have no control over my life and have never had less.

21824487? ago

donald trump is a fat orange chomo

21823058? ago

Well I have a horrible memory for the most part, but what I do have is a thirst for knowledge and a burning desire for the truth. I have a gift of being able to understand things quickly. Combine all of that and here I am.

I'd venture to say that many people here are analytical minded, which is almost a requirement to be here. Theres so much information to sift through in the world (most of it fake news/info), analyzing and discarding the bullshit is necessary.

21823755? ago

You might be a conceptual thinker if you understand things quickly.

It's a blessing, it allows you to filter information way faster. It doesn't matter how good the case is, if the concept is flawed it will fail.

Learn how to work conceptually and your specific memory won't be a problem because concepts aren't specific.

21826302? ago

That's really cool! MLM schemes automatically weeded out. :) Fractional reserve lending seen for the actual "FRAUD" that it is!

I think I am a conceptual thinker. Thank you!

21822733? ago

I gave away my last $5 when I was gullible to the homeless flex.

I went hungry every time.

21822975? ago

Don't give alms to the poor, give food to them. It's hard to sell food for crack.

I gave it to a friend, because I knew they had less than myself.

21826282? ago

When I lived in Florida a reporter did a story on the homeless. Guy had a sign "will work for food" so she took him to a McDonalds and bought him a meal. Said "I'll be right back and you can do some yard work" -- as she was leaving, she saw him dump the food and head back out to his post.

When she asked later, he said "I make much more than $10/hour standing out here in the sun." This has stuck with me. Not everybody advertising need is a fraud. But it makes it that much more difficult to discern.

21822518? ago

I could have written an exact experience as yours. I was in my 20s before I realized that other people didn't have this Gift. God has been so good to me.

I feel we are in a Spiritual battle 🙏 and God has given me the tools to share the Truth with people. Anons and Q have given me the information I need to explain to family and friends what is happening in the world.

My quiet confidence and gentle spirit cause people to listen to me because I don't judge them - I share what I've learned and let God and the Holy Spirit work on their hearts and minds.

I give all the glory to God and thank Him for everything in my life. He leads me when I am talking to people about politics and this Awakening.

Q and Anons have given me great resources to help non-believers see the Truth. I'm armed with links to sources non-believers will accept. I can name names and give back stories and facts on the headlines they are bombarded with. Not many of us can spend the time researching and then retain and share what we are learning. But, like you, I know enough facts and resources to back up what I'm saying.

I am forever grateful for being a part of this. 🙏

21829813? ago

This post gave me tears of joy. Thanks anon.

21823625? ago

I could have written an exact experience as yours. I was in my 20s before I realized that other people didn't have this Gift. God has been so good to me.

I call it my Reality Distortion Field when amongst the faithless, and I just say "shit works out for me" and when anyone asks why I say "because God loves me." I've found humor to be an effective tool, I myself was driven away from the church and never had faith, but humor breaks the barriers and still delivers the message. It's a stealth bomber. Any time people have a problem, I'll be defended because I was just being funny.

Most of what you said describes myself.

I've significantly changed the opinions of people around me, and now they're changing the opinions of those around them.

It's network propagation, and it's insanely powerful.

How many people do you know who respect you enough to listen to what you say?

Based on what you say, I'm guessing you're similar to myself and have more than enough. I know lots of people who themselves are well networked, much better than I am.

Be the drop that causes the ripple.

21826464? ago

It is so funny that you say this - because it's gotten to a point where other people will say to me "God loves you" when they see something go my way. I always say He loves them too - but He'd like to hear from them more. Haha

They know my faith in God and how He provides for me ... When I get a good parking spot - I thank God; when someone tells me things about their life I will say "Wow, God was watching out for you!" Or "That was such a Blessing from God for you.". After hearing my praise over and over again - even agnostic or non-believer friends have stopped saying they're "lucky" and replaced it with "blessed".

The ripple... I like that. Thursday my husband was golfing with friends. At the 19th hole one guy was saying how crazy and confusing the impeachment was. He watches MSM.

My husband suggested that his friend notice that every single media outlet is saying the same thing, running the same stories, and even using the same verbage. That alone suggests that there is someone else telling everyone what to say. He told him to stop watching MSM and if he had to watch something maybe One America News.

He told him to go to the source instead of relying on any media - read the actual transcript of the Trump/Ukraine call; watch the hearings himself instead of relying on lying media. Etc....

I was so happy and proud of my husband for responding this way. His actual first response was "You should talk to my wife." Haha

My husband doesn't know about Q. He doesn't know about Voat. I take the valuable information and share it with him.

He responded to his friend based on information I shared with him from QDrop 3614. The next time I see his friend I will show him the video.

I am reluctant to share Voat or certain Twitter accounts with people unless I know they can discern what to believe and what to ignore.

Thanks for the fun conversation, Anon. Merry Christmas!

21829102? ago

That's awesome.

My wife and a couple other friends know I'm a Q follower. My wife knows what I do, she asks why. I've told her the truth. I used reddit and 4 chan, I didn't use social media at all. So she was interested why I'd signed up for Twitter lol I told her, it's called memetic warfare.

One of my friends (20+ years my senior) was a life long CNN watcher (getting drunk watching CNN during the whole Stormy Daniel's phase) and I found out was a conspiracy theorist, talked a bunch about UFOs and I shared with him Beyond Majestic which has a section on Q at the end.

I know we'd talked about the whole Epstein stuff a year before his arrest and arkancide, so that was a surprise for him.

Good luck with your husband's friend. It's fun watching peoples minds blow. My all time favorite was "the government can't do anything right, but they landed on the moon and came back first try?" My friend asked if I think they faked the landings. I said "I don't know, but I think it's most interesting if they intentionally leak this alien stuff to cover up for all the dead bodies they left on the moon before they brought someone back."

Merry Christmas to you too! I'm wondering if that's the day Trump gets acquitted.

21823928? ago

Be the drop that causes the ripple.


Be the Pebble in the Pond we are Destined to be.

21822315? ago

Same. Seems like there is a lot of us

21823653? ago

A lot more than I expected, it makes me happy.

Blessings beget blessings.

21822251? ago

Are you here because Jared molested you in exchange for two meatball subs?

21822403? ago

Lol no. I got them from a home depot.

21822331? ago

He is a pussy he quit


21821928? ago

I have the very same gift of memory, anon. It is a blessing and a half.

21825410? ago

yep me too. can recall all kinds of 'facts', but can't remember where I put my cell phone or keys.

definitely an absent minded professor type:)

21822228? ago

Confirmed. Me too. When the OP said 'what you read others read' totally 100% describes me. weird.

21824499? ago

Me too OP, I vividly remember all those children that accused our chomo prez of rape. MAGA

21825423? ago

dude, quit talking about Obummer, it's not 20012 anymore!


get out your handbook and STUDY moar...


21821680? ago

i'm going to keep humbling you motherfuckers then.

we aint shit nor is anyone else in our species.

21821952? ago

Lol is this the guy who warned us we had better leave or else? Suck some shit, faggot.

21822068? ago

no. this is the one who hates the dramatics everyone maintains around here for their dopamine hit.

21822350? ago

Sounds like that douche ^ needs his dick sucked. How’s that for dramatic you pussy?

21822710? ago

get some CCP rabbi.

21821570? ago

Then that explains why so many people are starting to wake up to the JEWS and how evil they are


21821947? ago

And the masons. And the ismailis. And the Mexican cartels. And the chicoms. And the Jesuits.

You ignorant faggot. How many times you have to be told, the Jews are just another brick in the pyramid. They are not the shining “light” at the top.

21822356? ago

Those you mentioned are all created by the same juice

21822835? ago

Start with the Ismailis. Wherefore art the juice?

21825237? ago

Ask yourself

Are jews and Muslims semitic tribes

Are they developed in the same area

Is their language similar

Who is Ishmael

Who claims the Jews and Muslims have same orign?

Who instructed Muhammad what to do and what is Muhammad's family tree.

https://www.chabad.org › library › aid

Isaac & Ishmael - Jewish History - Chabad

21825898? ago

and your point is?...

21828313? ago

Islam is one of the 3 "Abrahamic" faiths. Islam's roots are in Judaism, just as Christianity roots are in Judaism.

and then theres Babylonian Talmudist

Kazarian Askenazi "Jews"

did the Jews invent Jesus Christ as a false prophet for the goy to worship?

why is Christian mythology so intertwined with Paganism?

why do we have "Christmas Trees" ?

why is Christmas always about shopping and consuming ?

why is Santa an anagram of Satan ?

Why did Jews write the vast majority of "Christmas Carols" ?

Why do Jews allow Christians to learn about the Old Testament aka the Torah, which is very small relatively speaking,

and Jews do not allow anyone to learn about the Babylonian Talmud which is like a set of encyclopedias compared to the bible if the bible was the size of a dictionary.

thats a lot of material that is off limits.

and supposedly if some goy is trying to learn about the talmud, that is punishable by death.

they must really not want anyone to know whats in there...

21828400? ago

interesting reply, wasn't sure where you were going with 'chabad'...

and yep, I've always wondered by so many Christmas songs were so melancholy, now I (((know))).

any trusted names that explain the talmud? didn't realize it was that big.

21830670? ago

sevral people learned Hebrew,

among them Martin Luther form Germany

and he instantly became "antisemitic" after reading it.

21834408? ago

thanks for the info will give me something different to search for today.

and I knew there was a reason I had good feelings about Martin Luther even though I don't know much about him...

21837947? ago

I was banned twice for this info on Reddit for hate speech

I asked those idiots why is forbiden sharing wikipedia // which is comped as well //


articles on reddit lol.

His views on the treatment of Jewish people:....

"First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools … This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians …"

"Second, I advise that their houses also be razed and destroyed."

"Third, I advise that all their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which such idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them."

"Fourth, I advise that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb …"

"Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. For they have no business in the countryside …"

"Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them …"

"Seventh, I recommend putting a flail, an ax, a hoe, a spade, a distaff, or a spindle into the hands of young, strong Jews and Jewesses and letting them earn their bread in the sweat of their brow … But if we are afraid that they might harm us or our wives, children, servants, cattle, etc., … then let us emulate the common sense of other nations such as France, Spain, Bohemia, etc., … then eject them forever from the country …"

and the best of all is available on Wikipedia


21841272? ago

wow that's super interesting & helpful in this dark world, surprised wikipedia would even publish it...

good for us though, always helpful to have some beacons of light along the way, and sounds like Martin Luther was one of the brighter ones.

I will definitely have to read more about him.

21825270? ago

Anon, the Ismailis are not Muslim.

21822321? ago

We will see about that. I remain unconvinced. I think the only evidence supporting that point is your desire for it to be true. Much like when egalitarians claim that africans are obviously intellectually equally capable to the rest of the world on average.

21822828? ago

Explain to me how the Jews started or took control of the Hashashins (today’s Ismailis).

21823702? ago

Ive never seen anyone claim they are necessarily. Do they have to be? Are the hashashins the be all and end all of world rulership in your world view? They did have the sicarii which predate ninjas in japan and hashashins. Perhaps all subsequent groups are under their umbrella? I have no evidence to support this, just a thought as to how it could be possible. I havent spent to much time looking into assassin groups. Its an inately shady and hard to prove subject matter.

21824401? ago

Justin spent his Christmas with the leader of the Ismaelis, anon. He is one. Justin is owned, but not by the Jews (who are just another franchise of the Babylonian Mystery School).

And it’s obviously not just “the jews.” The Jesuits, the Mexican Cartels, the Chicoms, are all part of it, and are not jewish.

The muhjoo shills are ignorant. They expect you will join them in ignorance.

21824716? ago

The muhjoo shills are ignorant. They expect you will join them in ignorance.

Man, and how about those people who always seem to pop up to defend the jews.

21825225? ago

But I am not defending them, anon. There are many complicit joos.

I am arguing against the idea that it is “always” them, or that they are at the top. It is not and they are not.

21826219? ago

Oh, sure. Absolutes are never correct... (heh) But seriously, it's jews and associates. The jews are culturally and genetically our enemies, even if some at the margins are just poor examples of jews. Not all polar bears will attack and eat you on sight, but that's not a good reason to side with them when push comes to shove.

21824526? ago

As for the cartels and such. Brown people dont do things. They have things done to them. They are not intelligent enough to pose the problems they do on their own.

21825212? ago

Brown people dont do things. They have things done to them.

Any idiot can run a franchise of the Babylonian mystery school. It does not require white leadership. Ask the Ismailis. That is why it is so successful.

21824497? ago

Certainly there are more players on the board than jews. And technically it stands to reason that the most obvious top layer shouldnt be the actual top. However their "oy vey anti-semitism" defense provides an extremely effective means of preventing us from exploring anything at or above their level of control thanks to their unassailable position as the worlds victims. Im not utterly convinced that they are the top level. But i am utterly convinced that naming them and acknowledging their position and actions are one of many necessary steps to the truth. If we get through their layer i assume the next layer up will make itself more visible in an attempt to take back control of the circumstances.

21825193? ago

There is no “oy vey antisemitism” here anon. It is clear there are many complicit jews.

I am merely arguing against the idea that it’s “always” the jews or that they are at the top. It isn’t and they aren’t.

21825284? ago

Well i have seen no solid evidence of a group superceding their control as yet, although i admit to the likelihood of ones existence. You have shown an example of one potential in justins meeting with this assassin group head. But there are many many examples of their manipulation and string pulling in all non-white societies and nearly all illicit actions the globe over. If they are in charge or not, they are the most visible top layer and our history has been manipulated explicitly to protect them from reproach. I believe they are our best chance at moving up the chain, if they are not at the top of that chain.

21825467? ago

How did all of the groups I mention come to adopt the same symbolism?

The example of how the Hashashins opened a new franchise in the Knights of the Temple of Solomon (now the Freemasons) is instructive if you wish to learn more.

21825480? ago

Im always down to learn more.

21825526? ago

You can find a good overview of the story contained within Bill Cooper’s “Mystery Babylon” radio program. Sorry to tell you, it’s audio only and fucking long. But there is a bibliography contained in the relevant broadcast that contains a list of books to get going on too.

21826177? ago

I've been looking for a reason to delve into Bill Cooper. Thanks!

kekking that you posted this "1 microcentury ago" :)

21826814? ago

Can’t recommend him enough. You will understand Q’s posts better after listening to that complete program.

21825770? ago

Well ill have to dig into that area a bit more.

21826013? ago


21821517? ago

Meditate... Remember, prayer is the best form of meditation, Jesus will work in wonderful ways

21821388? ago

Thank You

21821253? ago

So say we all.