21815868? ago

Boomers got triggered and buried the post. Notable. Excellent contribution, OP. Don't let the downvoats get (you) down. WWG1WGA

21813244? ago

The problem with health care is we have to pay for all the illegals, lazy and uninsured over and over again. The hospital jacks up the price ten time the rate. The government and insurance companies actually pay about ten percent of what the service is worth while pocketing the profits and slush funding the taxes.

21812246? ago

Because we paid for it! I have paid tens of thousands into it for decades, and now retired, I am still paying over $200 a month for it. It is highly unlikely I will ever use the services I have paid for before I die.

21811520? ago

Fuck off with your divisive shilling.

21811321? ago

^^^ the product of our Chinese infiltrated colleges.

So sad.

21811311? ago

How much of the opioid crisis was funded by Medicare?

21811293? ago

AARP competes with AIPAC in sheer lobbying power.

21811115? ago

You have it deducted from your paycheck through your career dumbass. Something you wouldn't know about. Now yell upstairs and tell mommy that you're hungry and want your sandwich. Get a freaking job!

21811152? ago

The amount you paid in is less than the amount that is being paid out, because medical care is now more expensive, so you are getting free gibs on top of what you have been paying in

21811641? ago

When you invest money, you always get back more than you put into the investment. That's the way money works. If the government wasn't taking the money from our paychecks we would have been investing it elsewhere.

21811111? ago

Because you can't stop fondling your naughty bits.

21811088? ago

Yep, been paying into medicare since 1972. So pay up Bernie.

21811157? ago

That doesnt change the fact that it is socialized.....thats how socialized medicine works

21811176? ago

Ok, so what is your point?

21811195? ago

Why do you want socialized medicine for yourself only, but if others want socialized medicine, you are so against it?

21811462? ago

If you pay into a system you should be able to apply for it.(instead of being forced) Medicare was originally set up for older people. Now it has become a joke giving it to people with muh anxiety, muh fatass can't walk bullshit. So medicare is a system for old folks and people with all manner of problems. When I turn 65 I can apply for it and it will still cost me about 200 bucks a month even though I have been paying into it for years. I don't understand how you have come up with older people not wanting other people to have it. Socialism encompasses so much more than just a health system.

Total socialism is a nice word for communism.

21811052? ago

Apparently you've never gotten a paycheck to see what taxes are taken out, Fuckstick!

21811170? ago

Why didn't boomers vote against medicare then?

21812301? ago

For the same reason others don't want the bank stealing all the money they have worked for and deposited. We paid for it, we are owed it. If they had not taken out SS and Medicare all the years I paid into it, and I had invested it exactly the same way I did my IRA, I would be a multimillionaire now, and wouldn't need nor want it.

21811036? ago

Boomers? That term, my dear misguided excrement of human trash, is reserved for people older than me. It is not a term to be 'liberally' recycled to point out, or refer to, an individual who just is blessed with having a common sense thought pattern and plain, decent values at heart. Conservatism wins.

So you can stop reusing 'past popular terms' and make up some new ones.We invented that shit. OK, Boomer?

21811058? ago

my dear misguided excrement of human trash

Very hostile. Much projection.

21811614? ago

Fuck you.

21811635? ago

Witty riposte, anon. kek

21811035? ago

Why do lazy people hate boomers online. We built that.

21811954? ago

They need to point the finger at some one... And God knows they haven't even reached puberty yet, so Zero chance in Hell they've actually contributed in any way shape or form of anything worthwhile to Society....

21811624? ago

It's mostly shills.

21811023? ago

OP is too busy Sucking Dick to learn, Faggot!

21810992? ago

Because we by God paid for it all our working lives, that's why. We weren't allowing to opt out, it was the law, and it was taken from us. What is your claim, that you were born and have a pulse and are therefore entitled to it?

21971205? ago

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21811689? ago

Shut up you old entitled fuck, no one cares

21812462? ago

Shut up, sonny, and keep working to pay into my social security and Medicare. We sure do appreciate it.


21811022? ago

"it isn't socialism if I paid for it"

-a boomer

21811069? ago

No you're right, if I paid for it, then it's a transaction like any other in a capitalist system. I pay money and get something back. It doesn't matter that the money was expropriated from my pay against my will, but I paid for it so yeah,

Piss off Greta. I'm going to take what is mine.

21811081? ago

" It doesn't matter that the money was expropriated from my pay against my will"

-a boomer

21810990? ago

For the same reason they collect Social Security, they paid into it their entire lives. Every paycheck has had a medicare tax paid from it.

21811137? ago

But the benefits they receive outstrip what they put into it

21811927? ago

That depends. We've paid in for @30 years, two people, working at Construction and such jobs, mostly union wages. IF we live long enough to ever even use it, it won't be even close to what we have paid in. The retirement age keeps going up, people with privilege are living longer but not those who work in the trades.

We're ok with that, it's a lottery but if someone else who does live long enough to use it, good for them, haha. If they hadn't mismanaged and squandered the $ that should be there then it would have been fine.

HOWEVER... We went to work with blistered hands, while being treated for cancer and even while dealing with a slipped vertebrae. Medicare for all is not ok! It was supposed to be an insurance program, not welfare

21811912? ago

Does the Government pay you Interest on the Social Security it robs out of your paycheck?

21811604? ago

When you invest money, you always get back more than you put into the investment. That's the way money works. If the government wasn't taking the money from our paychecks we would have been investing it elsewhere. Either way, it's our money.

21811742? ago

always get back more than you put in..

Sounds alot like usury

21811847? ago

Nope. Not at all. Your statement is a good example of the pitiful results of public education.

21811900? ago

And QE is the fed actively inflating the stock market to the benefit of stockholders (boomers) at the cost of debasing the USD and redistributing wealth up. Boomers left their children a kleptocracy.

21812144? ago

Boomers didn't do anything. Your masters, the ones who pay you to shill did it.

21812222? ago

Dude, Im in my 30's, I live outside, and I survive on about 6k USD a year. None of that income comes from shilling.

The generation born ca. 1945-1960 gamed the US to its breaking point, and we are just barely starting to push the pendulum in the other direction. The outrage is not only real, it is increasing. You dun fucked up, grampa.

21812357? ago

I guess your supervisor gave you that stupid script. Either that or you are a useful idiot.

21812369? ago

ad hominem at me sommoar, faggot.

21812428? ago

OK idiot.

21812442? ago


Your rhetoric is bad and you should feel bad.

21810972? ago

They paid for it in advance, and continue to pay premiums and co-pays.

Ain’t free.

21811164? ago

Socialized medicine is also paid in advance with taxes, like in Canada

21814023? ago

You are really stupid!

Educate yourself!

21811958? ago

How long did I have to wait to see a specialist after a broken back in my Western country with "socialized medicine" ... oh yea, two fucking years. How long did it take for the specialist to look at my x-rays and tell me that there was nothing they could do, because the injury was 2 years ago ... about 35 minutes. One in two people in my country are on a waiting list and the average wait has reached 3 years. People are sleeping on the floors in the hallways because there aren't enough beds. I repeat, this is a first world country with socialized medicine that we have been paying for all our lives. I fucking hate snowflake libtards who are completely ignorant to reality.

21812319? ago


The cost of medical care in the US is inflated by Medicare, making the cost of such care life-shatteringly expensive for the uninsured.

21810946? ago


Shills are reaching to the bottom of the barrel now..


21810940? ago

Hypocrisy is their tell. "For me but not for thee" their ethos. Supremacy/exceptionalism/zionism their creed.

21810934? ago

There are also way more retirees per worker today than there were when boomers started working so the burden they place on us is much bigger than the burden that was placed on them.

21811618? ago

Tough shit.

21818820? ago

Fuck you.

21811144? ago


21810929? ago


fuck you.