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21805352? ago

My love for this family is boundless. They have made my life

Complete and Worthwhile. I was lost before Trump but I have found my purpose and that is to Serve him while he Serves our Nation.

21805988? ago

I feel the same anon. When you hear over and over again about how privileged and how wrong you are there comes a point where you self analyze and then start to “see it their - the accusers” way. No more.

21807313? ago

The Stockholm Syndrome <

21808492? ago

I love it when you reply...NMBRFG without the NMBRs?

21808688? ago

P.s - BTW, did you know on 21st December 2019, will be the 7 year Delta, from 21st December 2012.


This is very important to them, and they will be conjuring all kinds of Black Magick against The President. <

21808819? ago

Yep, I believe you responded to another post I commented on. You always bring the goods and truly appreciate you fren. I have a follow up if you have time. I see alot of moving pieces right now, as I'm sure many do, that point to February 2019 as being a major pivot in Q teams' operations. The latest was the Queens remarks on Brexit and Parliaments' agreement to Brexit before Feb 20. Is there anything that you've derived numerically, or otherwise, that correlates Feb 20 to be a major shift. Several significant Q posts in Feb 19 (one year deltas?) seem to indicate some major BOOMS. Just curious on your thoughts, Respect --as always.

21809268? ago

Wow. OK.

There is so much going here right now, so many moving parts as you alluded to, in the 5D 'Game'. Whilst this is of course not a game, and lives are at risk, from a Warfare perspective, there is "Game Theory" being applied.

Q post about this a few times. <

I have seen many signs about these dates >

22nd February

2nd February

A 20 day Delta.

Then there is the 20th February.

2019 breaks down to 3 >

2 + (1+9) >

2 + (10) >

1 + 2 = 3

So we have Feb 2 >

2/2/3 (322 Skull N Bones reversed)

And Feb 20 >

2/2/3 (Same as above).

BTW, zero doesn't exist, and is merely a placeholder, or to denote orders of magnitude. <

Then finally, there is 22nd February >

22/2/3 >


Meaning there are three 2s , which add to 6, with a 3 remaining.

This is the reverse of 36 or >


I will post Gematria on 222 & 2223 as soon as I can, as I have a few big decodes I need to complete, and post.

I will post more to you as I think more deeply, and see more answers.

Thank you for your kind words, respect, and ongoing support.

I love you Anons. <


21818515? ago

We love you NMBRFG.

21869035? ago

Merry Christmas.

I will expand this out a lot.

More coming shortly.



21871761? ago

Merry Christmas, my Fren. A question: the Jewish Year of the Dragon. Is there any correlation you've noticed with the Chinese? There are numerous other interesting word values for 837 in Gematria. Is it possible that could tip the hand of things to come in 2020? Of particular interest is "Roberts suing Obama".

21879930? ago


I missed your comment. I am thinking it over . TBA. <

21883424? ago

No sweat Fren. We've got all the time we need. I appreciate your time.