21819106? ago

My dick is so hard right now.... I'm going to cum red white and blue jizz any second now.......

fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

21817156? ago

I associate myself with this sentiment in this post.

21815576? ago

Gratitude and love to POTUS, FLOTUS, his family and the team of patriots fighting this evil to take back our country until my last breath on this earth. God bless them all.

21815522? ago


Yes assholes, you have driven away your families and friends BECAUSE YOU ARE HILLBILLY IDIOT ASSHOLES!

You LOVE TRUMP, awwwww......how sweet. Do you put his picture up by your crappy bed?

Doodle his name in the margins?

Imagine threesomes with IVANKA and repulsive FATASS TRUMP?

Talk about CUCKS!!! Too hilarious for words!

I have linked this IMBECILIC THREAD to multiple sites so EVERYONE can laugh at YOUR WEIRD DESIRES TO FUCK TRUMP UP THE ASS!!! LOL


What stupid damn dumbfuck ignorant hillbilly hicks you are!

21814705? ago

Trump is the greatest president ever! May he go down in the history books as the new Lincoln. Freeing all the slaves of the NWO. I pray for is family and for my enemies souls, may all of us find light in the darkness.

21812241? ago

My President is Trump

He stumped those Jews

And I'll be goddamned if we fell for Cruz

There's illegals in my yard

Blacks fillin up the jails

Time to build a wall

Send the Mexicans to hell

21811363? ago

It is good to be appreciative and respectful of the President, but try not to deify him. We don't need new problems.

21810465? ago

I wish I could serve his administration in some manner, too old for the Military though. I’d die for this man. Any HVAC jobs at the White House!??

21813602? ago

I bet the HVAC dudes servicing the white house are making some bank!

21810360? ago

Me too!!!!

21809980? ago

This is fucking cringe. Stop. He's not your quarterback.

This kind of dumb shit belongs on Facebook

21809948? ago

The UK the Harbringer of this change, loves Donald J Trump

21808136? ago

In a world LOADED with predators, you NEED a predatory leader. Candy brains (liberals) don't GET that. Those fuckers WILL eat us alive for THEIR best interests.

21807786? ago

...said no one ever about Obama.

21807352? ago

UK anon here who loves President Trump and all that he stands for.

USA is so lucky to have him.


21807243? ago

Mr. President, I thank you personally on behalf of my Family. We remain fiercely loyal. <

21807233? ago



21807156? ago


21807031? ago

If it weren’t for President Trump, the nuclear war that was planned to begin with the nuclear missile launched from a DS-comped submarine in Bremerton, Washington toward Hawaii was taken out by POTUS flying in AF1, would have made us all dust orbiting a dead planet. They had bad plans for us - FEMA vans to gas us all, too. You’re fuckin’ A right that I love President Trump!!! USA 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

21807013? ago

"I will gladly take all those slings and arrows for you." - POTUS

21806839? ago

Mr. President Trump, I also love, value and appreciate you more and more every single day. Your courage and sacrifice gives us endless strength and hope. You are proof that one person can indeed change the world! We stand with you, and we will fight for you!

21806627? ago

From Germany and i never loved a President as much much as The Donald. God bless him.

21806565? ago

Our POTUS is awesome. Just think of all those folks that come up and hug him wherever he goes. We all know Our Guy is a neat freak and hates cooties but he hugs all over those folks right back. That's real love, no doubt about it.

21806543? ago

Imagine your love once the hammer drops.

Right now no one can claim the swamp has been drained, but once/if it happens...

21806430? ago



21806355? ago

We’ll follow the old man wherever he wants to go!


21806268? ago

I occasionally send him an email through contact the president on the White House site. I don’t know if he reads them personally but I always get a custom response. I think it’s important to let him know he is appreciated when he faces so much adversity.

21806190? ago

God Bless President Trump and his Family. I too feel love for Donald J Trump and his entire Family.

I lost my Mom, Dad, and brother in a 3 year period, 2014, 2015, and 2016. They were my world and the grief I've felt is unparalleled. Somehow, the Trump Family has become a surrogate Family for me.

I will never forget this time in my life. I don't care what anyone thinks about them, they've put their life on hold to save America and I for one am very grateful..

21806060? ago

He's not done

21806027? ago

Shouldn't trivialize the word love.

He represents the ideals that you have always had. Trump did not give them to you, but he does share them. Respect him. Be proud of him. Support him. Stand with him.

But love?

21806605? ago

The deep state tries to kill him every day. Yeah, we love him.

21806019? ago

My dear president:

Arrest, or GTFO

21805979? ago

He’s had a great life.

He loves us.

He not doing this for himself.

21810171? ago

Beautifully stated Texas Anon, I agree with your heartfelt message. Thank you!

21805959? ago

Trump just gave israel another 500 million taxpayer dollars. You love that?

21808389? ago

he also gave money to the Clintons when he was running his business, as he puts it, to do business, you "have to get along"

and when the other guy screws you, you screw him out of business.

21807317? ago

This thread is chock full of kikes and boomers. Of course they love it.

21805946? ago

Here, Here. He stood up in service to our country.

21805921? ago

God Bless the President of the United States of America and his loved ones, and their loved ones. May the light always shine upon them and their contributions to the human race.

21805590? ago

Amen and amen

21805376? ago

Mr President I don’t know if you’ll read this but I love you so much.

21810336? ago

Replying to this pathetic shill’s post so this stays on top until enough decent people vote it down. The scam is to say something nice right after a post so Patriots upvote it & then come back and “edit” the comment with crap. The corrupt leftists can’t win on ideas so they use pathetic tricks. What a waste of a life, but God loves you & is waiting for you.

21809786? ago

Scum ninja edit.

21808845? ago

Shills everywhere!!! Their greatest fear is America loves Trump!!! 🤣🤣🤣

21817009? ago

No one wants to see their fellow Americans turned into jewish puppets. Just like with all our past jew puppet presidents, you're going to look back on this with regret. Happens every fucking time, but people still fall for it. :(

21806389? ago

Are your husbands aware of this affair???

21808519? ago


21809846? ago

Fat Orange donald trump raped his young Daughter

21818483? ago

Fredo, that you?

21805791? ago

I can't wait to see this place once the recession gets going.

21806907? ago


Then will Americans know true prosperity.

21805962? ago

All your hate and disdain will be met with Joy and Love. I can’t wait to see this place when we are all finally on the same page.

21806244? ago

The ice is melting beneath your feet.

21808507? ago

I'm on fixed firm earth. There are no strings on me.

21809877? ago

No man is an island.

We have one slim out. Pray Trump & Xi see it.

21806581? ago

That's just the Grinch's heart.

21806600? ago

Jobless claims looking a little shaky. You ready baby? I am. You boomers keep buying large caps. Take them to bitcoin heights.

21808539? ago

Am 22...no college debt...tradesman...all your base.

21809866? ago

The trades depend upon the economy just like everyone else.

Fucking PRAY Trump & Xi lower all barriers to trade, or you're fucked.

21806644? ago


21807140? ago

Boomers are the ones longing large caps kinda like how christkikes call anyone who points out that the Old Testament is the Tanakh.

You white trash aren't evolved for this. You are bred for slavery and dishonor.

21814387? ago

you no spek Engrish?

21806005? ago

I heart pedovore Presidents like Bill Clinton and trump.

21806054? ago

Proof President, YOUR PRESIDENT, Trump did anything of the sort? Proof Bill Clinton did anything of the sort? You’re talking about abusing innocent children. That is disgusting, abhorrent, and evil. Why would you align yourself to say such a thing when you know absolutely nothing about either President?

21806263? ago

I know trump raped many children, including Ivanka and Katie Johnson

21808501? ago

you know...how?

21807278? ago

What crap. Demon be gone!

21807050? ago

Try harder

21806425? ago

Fake news

Lisa Bloom represented a woman, that claimed she was raped by Trump when she was 13. Bloom suddenly dropped the woman and issued a statement, that the accusation was entirely fabricated

Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3914012/Troubled-woman-history-drug-use-claimed-assaulted-Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-sex-party-age-13-FABRICATED-story.html

Looks like the shills are running out of ammo

21809812? ago

Daily mail is tabloid trash. I bet you think Weekly World News is real too.

21805352? ago

My love for this family is boundless. They have made my life

Complete and Worthwhile. I was lost before Trump but I have found my purpose and that is to Serve him while he Serves our Nation.

21810350? ago

Responding to this pathetic shill’s post so this stays on top until enough decent people vote it down. The scam is to say something nice right after a post so Patriots upvote it & then come back and “edit” the comment with crap. The corrupt leftists can’t win on ideas so they use pathetic tricks. What a waste of a life, but God loves you & is waiting for you.

21816980? ago

How blind or stupid do you have to be to worship Trump? Sure, Hillary was unthinkable, so we all got herded towards the other jew asset. Step outside your bubble and take a look at reality.

21805988? ago

I feel the same anon. When you hear over and over again about how privileged and how wrong you are there comes a point where you self analyze and then start to “see it their - the accusers” way. No more.

21809825? ago

Donnie trump is a pedovore

21818489? ago

Fredo, stop responding to your own posts breh.

21807313? ago

The Stockholm Syndrome <

21808492? ago

I love it when you reply...NMBRFG without the NMBRs?

21808688? ago

P.s - BTW, did you know on 21st December 2019, will be the 7 year Delta, from 21st December 2012.


This is very important to them, and they will be conjuring all kinds of Black Magick against The President. <

21808819? ago

Yep, I believe you responded to another post I commented on. You always bring the goods and truly appreciate you fren. I have a follow up if you have time. I see alot of moving pieces right now, as I'm sure many do, that point to February 2019 as being a major pivot in Q teams' operations. The latest was the Queens remarks on Brexit and Parliaments' agreement to Brexit before Feb 20. Is there anything that you've derived numerically, or otherwise, that correlates Feb 20 to be a major shift. Several significant Q posts in Feb 19 (one year deltas?) seem to indicate some major BOOMS. Just curious on your thoughts, Respect --as always.

21809722? ago

From another of my previous posts. >


322, Skull and Bones and the VW

"The Number "322" is an apparent 'key number' for the Skull and Bones. Said to have been formed as "Chapter 322" of a German secret society, while its "sanctum sanctorum" is said to be known as "room 322". What is of interest here, though, are the links between the Skull and Bones and Adolph Hitler, and specifically, the VW and the Beatle (sic).

The Illuminatus goes to great length to record their symbolism in corporate art. The Gimmel as Camel cigarettes, the Vesica Piscis as Kool Cigarettes, The Two "X's" as "Dos Equis", or the Symbol of Mars imbedded (sic) into the Volvo. The "All Seeing Eye" can be found in many corporate logos, from AOL to CBS. Yet none appears to have been more successful than the VW beatle (sic).

The Scarab is a beatle (sic) that is instrumental in Egyptian funerary rituals. The scarab begins its life cycle as a lowly worm and transforms itself into the "scarab beatle" (sic) where it can take flight and leave its original lowly existence, hence it is a solid symbol to represent resurrection. It does not require a female in order to procreate, and so is further enhanced as a symbol in Setian systems where the feminine is vilified and sought to be removed from the larger Occult force in play.

That the Scarab Beatle (sic) is highly regarded in Egyptian magic, and by default, any given number of Illuminatus societies should be regarded as a given.

That the Beatle (sic) is an Occult Symbol that is well understood should not be underestimated in the formation and marketing of the Beatle (sic) as a car, and its latent success as it became a mass market tool. The Occult Symbol works.

But what of 322 and VW? As one on my students so adroitly pointed out: Change the Number 322 to 3 "22's". The Letter V is 22. The Symbol of the VW is comprised of two interlocking V's to form a third smaller V at the center. Thus this is comprised of 3 "22's", or VVV = 666, surrounded in a circle of Pi, and VW becomes Pi and 666.

Fuse it to a Beatle (sic) [scarab], and you have the most successful selling car in the history of Mankind...

Pi and 666.



NMBRFG Here: >

The analysis of this author and other posters, show this concept of covert communication in plain sight using numbers to represent symbolism, and how it might be encoded and decoded. The White Hats are using this method of communication across MULTIPLE PLATFORMS, and the numbers I have listed in my confirmation codes analysis, are based also on the above information, and are related to their importance in Occult circles. They show the numbers we are seeing in the time stamps and dates, as well as the timing of specific comments and phrases when Trump speaks, are all codes, messages, and confirmation codes.

Remember Anons: > Discernment and intuition must also be used in conjunction with (a) Recognition of Symbolism, (b) Context, (c) Knowledge regarding the messenger, (d) News, (e) Numerology, (f) Gematria, (g) Sacred/Pythagorean Geometry, (h) Steganography, and (j) Isisian coding/decoding principles. This combination and a keen mind, coupled with great attention to detail of the raw codes sent, is the KEY to unlocking this door of covert communication.

I do understand it is VERY complex indeed, but this is where all the research is leading.

I invite you all to discuss the above information with me, as I am sure you have questions.


Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.




So this 322 also equals 666, which is the diameter of a circle whose circumference is Pi

Pi is the key to all of The Matrix.


21818497? ago

I love your posts NMBRFG. Straight up the reason I’m checking in on voat.

21819667? ago

I love you guys too. Legit. <


21809268? ago

Wow. OK.

There is so much going here right now, so many moving parts as you alluded to, in the 5D 'Game'. Whilst this is of course not a game, and lives are at risk, from a Warfare perspective, there is "Game Theory" being applied.

Q post about this a few times. <

I have seen many signs about these dates >

22nd February

2nd February

A 20 day Delta.

Then there is the 20th February.

2019 breaks down to 3 >

2 + (1+9) >

2 + (10) >

1 + 2 = 3

So we have Feb 2 >

2/2/3 (322 Skull N Bones reversed)

And Feb 20 >

2/2/3 (Same as above).

BTW, zero doesn't exist, and is merely a placeholder, or to denote orders of magnitude. <

Then finally, there is 22nd February >

22/2/3 >


Meaning there are three 2s , which add to 6, with a 3 remaining.

This is the reverse of 36 or >


I will post Gematria on 222 & 2223 as soon as I can, as I have a few big decodes I need to complete, and post.

I will post more to you as I think more deeply, and see more answers.

Thank you for your kind words, respect, and ongoing support.

I love you Anons. <


21818515? ago

We love you NMBRFG.

21869035? ago

Merry Christmas.

I will expand this out a lot.


More coming shortly.



21871761? ago

Merry Christmas, my Fren. A question: the Jewish Year of the Dragon. Is there any correlation you've noticed with the Chinese? There are numerous other interesting word values for 837 in Gematria. Is it possible that could tip the hand of things to come in 2020? Of particular interest is "Roberts suing Obama".

21879930? ago


I missed your comment. I am thinking it over . TBA. <

21883424? ago

No sweat Fren. We've got all the time we need. I appreciate your time.

21819762? ago

NMBRFG loves you too Anons. <


21808635? ago

Thanks! Me too!



21807909? ago

Relevant and revelatory.

Do some of our citizens / normies suffer from some level of this today - with positive feeling towards the globalist Cabal and their media / Deep State / big tech / academia and other cabal-controlled advocates & henchmen.

21809466? ago

May I further add >

In the movie The Matrix, Morpheus explains to NEO, that anyone can become an enemy, and that some will be so beholden to The System in place, that they will defend their slave masters, over those wishing to liberate them, eathsn than changing The Status Qui, to which they are accustomed. <

The can turn very quickly, just as in the movie and I have seen people become my enemy very quickly after speaking real truth.

Real truth is a painful pill to swallow.

The Red Pill is not an easy one to swallow, but swallow it the must, lest it be shoved up their asses instead.

Thanks fren.


21812465? ago

Well said anon.

Thank God for the revelations that we have been receiving and for us to be in a position to receive, process, and understand.

I truly think that we are in the early stages of a global awakening.

I hope we may guide others to wake up and recognize the reality that we face.


21808261? ago

I can reply emphatically YES! <

I have seen it first hand.

21805470? ago

You have no idea how much I can relate to this. I, too, was also lost before Trump and the Q team. I’m 10 times the man I was already just a few years ago. I’m more charitable, kinder, more loving, more understanding, etc. all of which would have never happened if I didn’t take after our amazing commander in chief. I love all of you patriots around the World. WWG1WGA!

21824084? ago

This person you replied to, did a ninja edit. It was a pedo shill. Please read again.

21805595? ago

I love you

21806324? ago

President Obama was better than kid-fucking Donnie.

21808868? ago


21807295? ago

NOBODY believes you.

21805261? ago


21805267? ago


21805206? ago

Yes he and his family have given so much to this country. Thank You Merry Christmas and God Bless.

21805154? ago

I love him. I love him so much it hurts.

21805142? ago

He is America’s King David!!

21807252? ago

Don't say that unless you want Israelis to blow up Trump Tower!

21806618? ago

with one little stone named Q

21805126? ago

Keep positive thoughts and feelings for him or prayer, whatever term suits you, our free will determines the final outcome.

21805114? ago

When we get Don Jr as President, the parallels to God sending his Son to save Humanity are way too close to be coincidence.

21805122? ago

DJTJR. Is a massive cuck and the child of a prostitute

21805189? ago

No, that's you.

21805205? ago

Ivana wasn’t an Eastern European prostitute?

21805076? ago

one way to praise President Trump is to dedicate a small amount of time (45 minutes a day or so) and list all the things he did that day to make the world better. You won’t be able to list them all in 45 mins but it’s the least we can do for this amazing man.

21805131? ago

I like to start off with that child he raped followed by killing Epstein

21805197? ago

You shills sure are extremely desperate nowadays...

21805514? ago

We all do things are own way. Please don’t criticize other users

21806222? ago

Lol, fuck off, liberal shill. Go jerk off to your tranny porn of big dick Mike obama.

21805610? ago

How bout you stop trying to spread Fake News... Criminal Propaganda...

Get a job! Stop supporting Communists!

21805036? ago

Donald Trump is more than a politician. He is a spiritual mentor and shepherd to the Light and the Truth. His reign was ordained by God.

21809833? ago

Make Fat Orange Pedovores Great Again. trump2020

21804992? ago

Better than Jesus IMO

21805389? ago

Jesus was a cucked faggot compared to Trump!!! KAG2020 LANDSLIDE BITCHES!!!!!

21807358? ago

Hmm, who is it again that hates Jesus and loves Trump? This sub is caustic with the stench of kike.

21804989? ago

AMEN!!! I wake up every day and thank god for Trump!! He is AMAZING!!! I love him more than my own children.

21804975? ago

I never thought i could love another man either. But He is a beautiful angel. A man who isn’t concerned with earthly things like money, power, vanity or sex. He has transcended all of those deadly sins to become more than just a man. He is a Prophet. I am at his service.

21805144? ago

^^Is this satire? Pedo-don loves money and cheating on his wife with prostitutes

21804946? ago

we need more people like you who are not afraid to express love to our politicians. They deserve our unconditional love and should never be questioned. They are better than us in so many ways and it is our patriotic duty to defend them from any criticism.