21787740? ago

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21787484? ago

<upside-down freemason logo>

21787454? ago

It is a mockery of the Constitution that should only have the legitimization of a hearing by the United States Senate if the one unimpeachable authority left in the American state, the Supreme Court, deems it necessary for this meritless case to be heard.

21785376? ago

They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you pose no threat to their control.

This is a reality that Q is very right to point out. I've seen a number of posts here calling for elimination or annihilation of non-white Americans. THEY planned the media system to create this very reaction from you people. They put you under threat, they decided we the people, and capitalizing on the expected response to continue their war to end White America. THEY are demon-worshiping death cultists. Think about popular media these days. Think about how skulls and death-symbolism is common place in popular culture now. They want us all dividing and fighting each other, because chaos, war, disorder, and death ARE their goals. They have been trying to make war the Russians because DEATH is their goal. They strive to work for the glory of what they believe to be the ultimate evil, in expectation they will receive supernatural and godly power for the efforts. So they work, to spread death, to worship death, and summon chaos. Look at everything they touch, everywhere they control is ripe with poverty, suffering, chaos, conflict and war.

Even if this dark demon they believe in doesn't exist, even if these powers won't appear for them...it doesn't change the fact these sick, twisted, human-sacrificing pedovores believe it and ARE GOING TO TRY to burn the world in its name, if it exists or not. And their efforts will be the ruin of us all.

And all this nazi-posting and going on about this or that, all the nigger-callilng and talk of purging the nation. Its what they want. More fighting, more chaos, more human on human violence, more death. They want whites killing blacks, and Mexicans killing whites, and Russians nuking Americans, and Americans firebombing Iranians.

Why do you think Q is constantly evoking the name of God, the fount of justice, life, order... This is bigger than you know.

21787907? ago

Damn. Spot. On. <

21785653? ago


21784192? ago

Anyone got a link to that video?

21782669? ago

Where to tune-in on Barr?

21781890? ago

So have the FCC revoke their broadcast licenses...

21781300? ago


21781072? ago

Q+ so many options to watch tonight. Rally in Michigan. Bill Barr and the Traitors voting. I don't have cable, which leaves out 2B. Hoping some of the patriot journalists will fill me in. I refuse to watch the Traitors as I have seen enough of them shredding Our Constitution and still walking the streets. So I will watch the Rally, which I always do anyway. :) Love to watch the Rallies. Love to watch you, esp. when you make jokes (I get it, even when the stupid MSM doesn't). This will be an early Christmas gift to myself. Keep on fighting for us and we will keep on fighting for you. America loves you Sir. Those of us who know more than the normies, continue to pray God gives you the Strength and Wisdom you need for this Spiritual battle. What you have done for us, our country and people all over this earth, we can not even thank you enough or have words to express our gratitude. I do know by your saying yes to God and obeying him by taking up this mission and leaving worldly goods behind, you WILL be blessed in Heaven. As I read lots of comments on youtube patriot channels, seems all of us are being attacked individually in our own lives, each in different ways. We said yes to God by supporting you, praying for you and fighting for you. We are all in this together, like Q said no one is above the other. We know our mission God has given us and continue to do it, in spite of the attacks by satan. So as a gift to us, please pray for us when you meet for prayer, Binding and loosing prayer would be great. I will share with you the song that gives me the courage to go on in serving Jesus. I live day to day trusting Him. Here is the song if interested. Be Not Afraid by Bob Dufford, sung by John Michael Talbot with lyrics ------ww.youtube.com/watch?v=wQr4udSiEew----------------------I am low on the totem pole, lol, so I can't post links and I only get one message every 24 hours. Anyway God Bless you and keep you. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!

21782526? ago

What if the coup is stopped on live air during the broadcast?

21781669? ago

Look for Martha McCallum Bill Barr on YT a couple hours after it airs West Coast. Her show is called "The Story"

21780871? ago

Has q said 'clear and present danger' before? Because that seems like a turn off phrase when action is required.

21785134? ago

He has a few times

21780785? ago

Haha so deep state DERPS fell for the Barr interview. There is no way Q team, AG, DOJ are going to pre-announce timing on any big news. Barr will just reiterate this isn't over, its just the beginning of the end that the IG report revealed MANY things to be investigated.

21780730? ago

Lol. Trumps going to be impeached and you dumb boomers are still chanting "Trust the plan!"

Arrests or GTFO

21780553? ago

This is the why Trump declared martial law in first 90 days in offfice. Just cause we didnt see it doesnt mean it didnt happen.


21780438? ago

This Q re-drop reminds me, look up Chomsky’s propaganda model on wiki, it’s from his book Manufacturing Consent. Though I personally, intensely dislike him, Chomsky’s PM is a useful way to analyze who the players (culprits) are in the 6 media corps and what interests are driving the propaganda.

21789349? ago

Indeed Chomsky is an insufferable liberal preacher, but at least on this theory he has proven incredibly correct. In fact THEY used his work to plan the take over of the media to create the beast we know and hate today.

21780393? ago

Haha Q used barr as bait to force the vote at a specific time.

Nice move Q.

21785110? ago

But they voted at like 9 EST, hours after Barr spoke.

21787490? ago

THEY VOTED the dance was ended... Trump Q tag team of the Supreme Court.... "It is a mockery of the Constitution that should only have the legitimization of a hearing by the United States Senate if the one unimpeachable authority left in the American state, the Supreme Court, deems it necessary for this meritless case to be heard." Plan goes back to JFK; ANNOINTED by GOD; led by Trump and Team Q and a military anointed AND protected by GOD... Note Miracle of ENDLESS Wars are ENDING. Worry if you must. God with his children have this

21787895? ago

All over it like Oprah on a glazed ham at Christmas Sir. <

Legit, we got this, no doubt.

(((They))) are fucking peeling out right now > Off. The. Show. <

21784572? ago


21779817? ago

Is this Barr interview on Fox? I'm assumong it is but Q didn't mention the network.

21781281? ago

Martha McCullough on Fox at 7pm...

21779439? ago

Fed judges getting confirmed today...

21779284? ago

Need to grab my coat. Gettin shilly in here

21779218? ago

Is this referring to past departures? or future?

21779125? ago

Wow you really need Q level clearance for this kind of intel

21783274? ago

This right here is an anon who doesn't understand the comms yet. Duhhhhs I doesn't get it guise....

21783202? ago

Benighted shills. Tsk.

Which author put all this together before Q? I'll wait.

21780411? ago

Not every drop. Together they become clear.

Like you, we all see you‘re a shill.

Good use of your time, but hey, you‘re unemployed and Antifa no longer pays.

Direct your complaints to Soros.

21784111? ago

Between trolling qrv and interpreting watch face reflections, I'd venture to say you're the one wasting time more pathetically

21789775? ago

Shekel Shill Merry Christ-mass to you!

21784887? ago

Have a Shekel shill, merry Christmas.

21778826? ago

Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Kari Bingen

Asia policy official Randall Schriver

Top official in charge of personnel and readiness Jimmy Stewart had resigned after a little over a year on the job; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency leader Steven Walker

Kari A. Bingen > Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence > Bio Display


she looks like another chicom spy

21778741? ago

So all the resignations are due to Durham, even when a majority occureed before he was appointed? More bullshit from the world's worst fertilizer salesmen.

21783219? ago


21780452? ago

Change your tampon. We understand this time of the month can make you tense. Freshness is important.

Oh, mom said the meatloaf is ready.

21778971? ago

Just give up. Nothing you people are doing now is working. Nothing will demoralize us. You aren't even making us angry. We're enjoying the show now more than we ever have before, and it just keeps getting better. You aren't even annoying us at this point. We just feel bad for you, for how worthless your life must be. Why do you keep trying? We're just laughing at you, every time you do this. I won't respond to anything you say. Have a great day!

21780487? ago

At this point I enjoy interacting with the shills. Overall, they are not at all intelligent. But stupid doesn‘t pay well.


21785708? ago


21789769? ago

They are sending their best.

21783932? ago

They had an impeachment rally near me yesterday. I decided to engage, with a shit-eating grin and armed with the knowledge that we have, and it was glorious watching them implode. And no, I was in no danger.


21789783? ago

Beautiful to hear! It is funny to see how many Dems think Trump is now removed. The party depends on stupidity, really.

21779003? ago

And I'll be laughing at you all when it's confirmed just what this Q mission was. To keep you chasing that carrot being dangled in front of you. You've all done nothing to change things, you've sat on your ass and trusted the government to police itself. In the history of man kind that has never happened. But yeah, keep trusting that plan....hahahaha morons

21781319? ago

Carrot? Are u not able to see the TREASON that is occurring in front of America's eyes? U think this shit is gonna be swept under the rug? If so, ur NUCKIN' FUTZ!!! Lol...

21781562? ago

Yes, it 100% will be swept under the rug. If you cant arrest or indict a single person in this huge corruption scandal in 3 years, there arent any coming.

21782201? ago

Would love to bet against the odds...Ur way too shortsighted...

21780003? ago

Keep laughing asshole and ignoring the facts that are all around you. And no I'm not going to list them for you.

21778734? ago

She was nominated by Trump for her position.

21781504? ago

I caught that too. Could be that he had to nominate her as he did other deep state players because of optics or because 'keep thy enemy closer"? IDK. This is all so confusing to me right now.

21785601? ago

Wow, are you fucking stupid?

21786394? ago

No, I am not stupid, but apparently you are for not being able to come up with a more reasoned response to a legitimate concern.

21785143? ago

lul whut??

21778665? ago

Wonder when the big names will start being held to account? Enjoying the Show!!!

21784317? ago

You’ll be waiting forever because it’ll never happen. When are we going to realize that only WE will make a change? Some insider or larper whatever isn’t going to fight your wars for you. We’re way past 1776. Ow. 1865 more like it.

21785656? ago

Nobody's fighting our wars FOR us...We hold our gov't accountable through our mass opinion. When the axe falls, u can shove ur shill opinion up ur shill ass!!!! Just cuz u have no faith in the process doesnt mean WE don't...

21801228? ago

I’m a shill? Fuck off, like. You’re the EXACT type of fucking pussy that lead our country to be apathetic. You’re a weak faggot who calls anyone a shill because you believe posting online will win wars. PATHETIC. Faggots like you are used for mortar when shtf. Fuck you. Not a shill. I’m a patriot who’s sick of fucking weak bitches like you.

21778746? ago


21779111? ago

Exactly! Same amount of pussy you've gotten in your pathetic life shill.

21779251? ago

That doesn't even make sense.

21780263? ago

It makes sense that it doesn't make sense to you SHILL. Since you've never gotten any (never) I wouldn't expect you to understand. (plus you've proven your a very low IQ shill)

21784163? ago

'Never' isn't an amount, professor. Nor is this a clever insult

21789362? ago

You only play an intellectual on voat. Still no pussy for you shill.

21778918? ago

Yeah sure, nothing is happening. https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/474710-supreme-court-ruling-pulls-rug-out-from-under-article-of-impeachment?amp

And that twitter feed from the Hill - scroll down to the clip of Barr saying, "It takes time." He's right. We aren't just fighting this House of Representatives or our former President. The swamp is deep and wide. it's amazing what's been accomplished since POTUS won! Three years isn't really that long...

21784353? ago

Nadler, Schitt, Pelosi, etc etc etc don’t look too worried and literally just passed impeachment based on a hoax. Yeah, you’re right in your sarcastic nothing is happening. NOTHING TO THE DEMS except fake booms and strongly written letters. Wake the fuck up.

21778972? ago

3 years is a long fucking time. You're making excuses and citing meaningless "proofs". They were elected to do a job, they have failed in spectacular fashion. Incompetence shouldnt be rewarded with blind loyalty.

21780658? ago

You're in the wrong saloon. Now GIT!

21778645? ago

https://archive.ph/8i0fN :

The Hill on Twitter: "JUST IN: Fourth Pentagon official announces resignation within week t.co/onATtR8X3v… "

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