21787112? ago

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


First indictment...Obama...perhaps proof of false identity?

First arrest...not necessarily on the 19th?

They will fight....half the population who are not aware?

21782859? ago

The arrest of obama would turn lefty world into a pit of vipers raging in the streets nationally. Thus martial law.

The pardons he issued would be more worthless than toliet papper. The airports would be over run with fleeing rats. Pelsois denture creme would explode in her mouth launching her dentures into orbit and collididing with several chinese sats.

What a glorious Christmas this would be. Children would be reading ths US history a thousand years from now.

21782156? ago

Come on guys

First ig then durham then barr then investigations.

No big ooh until then

21781191? ago

I posted that this morning. It was a 9 marker from yesterday. I speculated it was yesterday. But, hey, who knows

21781051? ago

Next year, maybe.

21780860? ago

I can already see the memes and vids..crying liberals to the tune of I'll Have a Blue Chtlristmas

21780818? ago

Nice work! Heres mine. With #Oo. Context always gets better as you travel ¥



21780775? ago

You may have something here, If H9 refers to Obama, the last line reads Justice Department Federal Indictments 1-4 which would remove H9 as President then using the appellate court to reverse all his executive orders and decisions. It would be glorious.

21780031? ago

Wasn’t it during Obama that people stopped saying Merry Christmas?

21779877? ago

'nothing should ever replace 'Christ' in Christmas..' During Obama's 'reign', there was an agenda to stamp out Christmas with the minorities complaining about everything to do with it. It was getting to the stage where people stopped putting trees and decorations up in case they offended 'the minorities' and for a time they seemed to be getting their way.

I wonder if that comment from Q was a recognition to this.

21779212? ago

Captured is not good enough!

21779176? ago

... and maverick is close in meaning to renegade.

21778933? ago

So what does dubya dubya stand for?

21778975? ago

World wide

21779200? ago

I thought so at first, too, but now think it must mean something else or something more. It doesn't make sense to me in the context here. Maybe someone can explain to me how it relates to this post.

21778857? ago


You mean like when Q said Clinton and Podesta were going to be arrested? lol

You people are unbearably naive.

21779136? ago

So "unbearably naive" you are here to read all of our posts and take the time to comment! Mmmmmkayyyyy!!

21779266? ago

You have not seen one shred of evidence or proof that anyone is going after the so called Elites. Although you have seen Manafort, Flynn, Stone, Gates, Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Cohen, and Papadopoulos all go down. What other proof do you freaking need to wake up and realize you are being totally had?

“Brain Mind Bulletin” Wake the hell up.

21778768? ago

Excellent - so think he'll be indicted on Christmas day? You think Marker 9 is Hussein? So he retained counsel a year ago? Then he knows we know. Whoa... I just got goosebumps

21778713? ago

I would love to see it just like everyone else. But I dont think he’s first to go. You want riots you got it with him being arrested first. Maybe Bill Clinton. Which is why his health is failing. Fake.

21778548? ago

Don't tease me lol, so looking forward to that traitor's public demise! Great work anon!

21778448? ago

Would be hilarious. Because all the shit we've talked for 3 years would just be GLOAT FACTORY with Obama if this went down.


21778418? ago

Barry (Soetero) Chrismast!!

21778400? ago

I'm sure he is out of the country.

21779034? ago

singapore on monday

21781289? ago

Fauxnews posted an article on travel to Singapore this morning, showing a photo of the same building Q posted pertaining to ES. Coincidence, of course.

Smart money on Kim's "Christmas gift" is Obama in chains. Red Dragon (Tiamat) surrendered the Beast. Markud survives. Christ (consciousness...5d) is birthing NOW. ( <=== Anagram...geddit? )

21780840? ago

Funneling $ to the underground muzzie .

21778123? ago

Won't happen.

21781021? ago


21778069? ago

From my vast experience of datafagging and LARPing, I here by predict Q is referring to year 2030 here. Tks.

21778068? ago

Let it this year's dec 19 and let it be known to the world

21777909? ago

Seems like a stretch, but I'll take it!

21777822? ago

Still crossing fingers.

2 days early.. 23dec..

24Dec would be nice...

25Dec George Washington crossing the Delaware.

Really not expecting it this year, but can't replace that look on Santa's face when I tell him what I want for Christmas.

21777680? ago

It would indeed, fren.

21777653? ago

Nice, but seems too soon. Smaller fish first.

21788762? ago

Too soon? They literally just impeached POTUS for nothing. Gloves off now. Their insurance plan just expired. Any counter measure within the confines of the law is now justified.

21779505? ago

The smaller fish have been forced to either resign or not seek re-election, they have to start knocking down some big names eventually.

21777795? ago

I guess you missed Q's post about the first unsealed indictment would cause mass awakening, huh?

21777649? ago

9 = I

Cap h i?

Doesn't make sense.

9... 9 people at once?

Hussein is only 7 letters.


21779330? ago

OP makes some very loose connections here to piece together a big nothing burger.

21779540? ago

Guess we will see. I won't lose any sleep.

21779239? ago

Maybe. I was thinking something like Hussein administration (John Kerry)

21779256? ago

It's all made up fun anyway... Guess we will see!

21777474? ago

What could replace Christ in Christmas? Oba(mas)?

21780776? ago

Watch Michael get tried and sentenced to male federal prison lulz

21780921? ago

No more hormone replacement therapy !


21778955? ago

wew lad

21778792? ago

Cutting edge stuff.

21777887? ago

Holy shit!

21777337? ago

That right there would be glorious! Praise Jesus I hope your decode is right. More than anyone I want to see this traitor, impostor of an American President dangling by the neck until dead.

21777313? ago

Now that would make this Christmas a Christmas to remember!