21770737? ago

This is the time more than ever to pray for the white hats and picture the most beautiful world you can imagine as you drift to sleep each night. Every thought matters, and timelines will be decided by our collective thoughts, including the ones we replay in dreamtime. IOW, choose wisely what you marinate in, because it affects more than you realize.

The intensity IS REAL - Let's harness it with positive thoughts and prayers!

21768930? ago

And it's just getting started! Hold on!

21768876? ago

Of course it is going bonkers on the 17th. Q is busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest.

21768663? ago

SO many wannabe fan fiction writers around here lol

Stick to waiting tables guys!

21772535? ago

First of all I am a Chef. We don't wait tables

Second of all, this ain't fiction. >


Thanks for playing. <

21775664? ago

Ahh, a burger flipper eh. Guess someone has to do it.

Playing is ‘correct’ ... it’s an RPG after all. Have fun

21779631? ago


Correction > "Baker".

Oh yeah, we cookin' some hot fresh Defs up in here. HOLLA! <

21768264? ago

Thanks anon. Great words of wisdom!

21768146? ago

21767961? ago

Evil has no bounds.... No Laws... No Courts... Nothing... But God!

Here we are witness to these Extraordinary Times.

21772502? ago

Can I get a witness. Testify! <

21767958? ago

House will stage the peach-mint vote and then shortly adjourn, While they are adjourned, the White Hats have a clear field to play on. No Congressional pressers every day. Just the steady (we hope) drumbeat of indictment after indictment hitting the news.

21767935? ago

And I had just started digging into Looking Glass right before this. If RBG dies or has her funeral on 2/11 then I'll be convinced that Q has the LG.

21767762? ago

It's funny how you faggots have to console each other that something positive is happening whenever all evidence is to the contrary.

21767831? ago

I know right. Yet another Trump Employee was sentenced to federal prison today and Flynn looks like he’s getting locked up too.

21768423? ago

Flynn is safe.

21768235? ago

Dey see u glowin

21767646? ago

It's on the horizon so to speak. Hand moving towards the light switch!

21767595? ago

If you think it is tense now, wait until November 4th, 2020 - the day after the election. The Left and MSM will be pushing anyone who will listen to them into a civil war and try to blame it on Trump.

21768371? ago

I predict that the left will riot to the point of cancelling the 2020 election.

Which would give President Trump all the excuse he needs.

21767594? ago

we cannot & will not save everyone. and this evil must be dealt with. it cannot be allowed to grow & breed. it will take hard men doing horrible things to right the balance. that is the nature of the beast. you can write laws, sign treaties. all of its nothing when (((they))) dont play by the rules, break the rules. change the rules. you have to beat them so totally into submission, the very thought of rising up again makes their unborn bleed & bruise