21761535? ago

I wonder if the judges deserved it.

21760561? ago

Not related to great awakening, just dumb islamic mohammedan shit

21760150? ago

"Thank God that could never happen the the USA"

-Barrack Hussein Obama

21760089? ago

Sentenced to what for what? Death for Treason? Where have you heard this before anons? Barr reinstates Death Penalty at Federal Level. LG ask Kavanaugh about trials for Enemy Combatants, and punishment for said crimes. Is it just me, or is this writing on the wall? "Enjoy the Show"

21760775? ago


21760550? ago

The shit show comes from islam, worst case Pakis and HinduIndia continue hostility until something gives nukes fly, atomic fires burn and parts of the world see nuclear winter. Why the fucked did the USA see these clown jihadis, these islamist judges, these pakistani political scum as allies.

21761088? ago

Well anon, it's like this: Clown World Corruption Conveyer Belt. The CIA winds up the GeeHaddies, Congress funds Anti-Terror, CIA & Congress skim $$$ off the funding. Rinse, Repeat ad infinitum.

21759964? ago

You are gonna have to explain how this relates to the great awakening and the Q movement, otherwise you are are grasping at straws.

21760786? ago

Check the Q drops for Pakistan and look at the connections. Musharraf was hiding in Saudi Arabia and Q connects the two many times.

I would ask you to go read the drops, then come back and we can discuss in an educated manner.

21760475? ago

this is the Jihad judiciary, islamic horde and Sharia Law nothing more

21759960? ago

Wonder if the Awan brothers tie into this?

21760790? ago

Absolutely, Q directly tied AWAN and Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

21759935? ago

Wait, is he cabal or no? Why was it necessary to remove and replace him?

21760518? ago

Paki-land is an islamic Republic, ask of the Baphomet cult and islamic theocracy? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498799 this is just more islamist shit

21759851? ago

Treason charges relate to retaining judges in 2007

21759812? ago

This is huge!

21760532? ago

its not, jihadis attacking jihadis is nothing new, islamics always knife each other in the back.

21759733? ago

Like dominos