21777574? ago

Check out v/Niggers for more discussion.

21776773? ago

Do posts 3716 and 3717 represent the Twin Towers? Could Silverstein be first?

21774120? ago

so who types up these reports? nobody proofreads them? its blatantly obvious once you read reports that there are intentional misspellings. isn't it easy to figure out WHO did it? Does this mean Horowitz is for sure deep state helping to cover up names and trying to delay through a technicality of misspellings?

this is probably the biggest Q proof yet. the whole corn-comey misspeling post series.

21774070? ago

When searching Hiiiary Ciinton look what found. Original notes of 302 interviews about her private server!!!



21773964? ago

3716, 3717

The numbers are

First =1

First =1

Then a 9 at the end .REPEAT.



Then a 9

We get 11 11 and 911 x 2

........GA^ ...... two ^emergencys

21776805? ago

And Twin posts = Twin Towers?

21778875? ago

3+7=10 6+1=7 10+7=17.

3+7=10 and 17

21774367? ago

Oh wow, interdasting observation fren...! Thanks for linking!

21774277? ago

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21774080? ago

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21773733? ago

What's the Comey report?

21774129? ago

Huber/Durham reports on FBI CIA criminality investigation going on now.

21787230? ago


21772232? ago


Though, nothing should ever replace 'Christ' in 'Christmas'.

Merry Christmas, Anons/Patriots.

God is on our side.


YES! YES! YEEEESSSSS!!!!! Praise God! Jesus is ALIVE, ya'll.

21772025? ago

Has the clock started?


21771457? ago

Hallelujah!!! First time Q has mentioned Christ! Thank you Q! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Krishna!

21770652? ago

I gotta say, that whole drop about @S8n is what makes me wonder just how legit Q is. @S8n is just some kid. You all know that right?

21771469? ago

Who follows him?

21770414? ago

is someone seriously intentionally reducing the spacing between the r and n to make corney look like comey? wtf m8

21770540? ago

find and replace all...

21769633? ago

Ok I must be missing something. this is now the second time we have duplicate Q drops. this happened at Q drop 3686 and 3687. Q indicated it was a duplicate. now we have this happening again. 3716 and 3717. Did Q indicate at any point that the site is having issues with duplicating drops? what is this all about?

21769948? ago

I think the drop numbers have meaning and Q does it to ensure certain drops line up where they should

21769128? ago

Any anon want to help me out with what “ Marker [9].” means?

21770732? ago

Also wondering

21768545? ago

I will make a bet right now. $1000 that Lisa Page doesn't go to jail.

21768144? ago



21772937? ago

He was chosen because of his corruption. Must be an Obama baby

21767980? ago

Marker [9] ?

Something Q already posted?

21767423? ago

17 posts today! And it’s the 17th!

That’s fucking awesome!!

21771478? ago

And the last post is 3717.

21769141? ago

"17 witnesses", "17 errors", its all over the airwaves today

21767386? ago

Why is the last post appearing twice?

21771523? ago

Possibly to have the post run end on 17.

21769393? ago

It happens frequently. I think Q is trying to emphasize a point.

21769930? ago

Or trying to get the post numbers to a line up for hidden meanings

21769060? ago

I don't know why, but I can confirm it's accurate.

21767453? ago

Sometimes they get duplicated. I don't think it means anything.

21767160? ago

And It’s Q Day!

21767096? ago

Have fun in jail Lisa

21767054? ago

We are ready.

21766298? ago

Is the "Comey report" Durham's report?

21765961? ago

Wray is DS. He needs to go, too.

21766028? ago

So is Horowitz, obviously. He spelled Comey's name as James 8. Corney. Unless he's been flipped and submitted to keep up the ruse for exposure...

21771780? ago

He used an 8 instead of a "B"?

21765929? ago

Q is ablaze today!!! Goodbye, Alcee Hastings!!! I love the collateral damage being influcted in real time! This guy is enjoying the show!!!

21765794? ago

3703 these faggots think using a differnt letter in thier name lets them off the hook leagally, its just an alias faggots graduating law school who think they are clever. Although it makes it harder to prosacute it also most likely breaks laws for civil employees and def breaks thier code of ethics. I say wave goodbye and let the nooses flourish.

21765788? ago

This is great.

21764931? ago

Holy shit, they're coming fast and furious! Or should I say "corning" fast and furious?

21764603? ago

So now we have to wait until the impeachment trial is concluded for any action from Barr/Durham?

21769558? ago

That's not how I took the Q drop. Q says the senate works openly/transparently and does nothing else except impeachment trial. However, Barr and Durham work covertly/secretly, meaning they can still do their work and could, IMO, arrest and execute indictments while the trial is going on. If the arrests start happening during the trial, you can be sure the trial would end quickly. I believe McConnell recently said Trump would be acquitted. In this scenario, indictments wake the public quickly and scream for an end to the trial. Leaving the Senate no choice but to call the whole thing quits. That's how I see it but I could be wrong.

21771486? ago


21771154? ago

I would not be the least bit shocked to see something major drop tomorrow to keep the impeachment vote from happening.

21764596? ago

WOOOOOOW!! These drops are incredible lately. So much is being exposed and leaked to us. We are very very close it seems this time

21769629? ago

Eye of the storm. We knew this day would come. AWESOME! We anons are so lucky to know and understand exactly what is going on. The public doesn't have a clue and will stand with their jaws gaping when it all comes crashing down...........what, what, what just happened here? is all you will hear.

21771464? ago

I really can't even understand how any individual doesn't see what's happening. We are surrounded by sloth and idiocy.

21772903? ago

No, the regular Dem voters are waking up. They are verbally attacking the people they voted for. It took them a while, but better late than never. I always have faith in my Fellow American, whether Dem or Republican. The videos are all over twitter. Go take a look. I have to say my fellow Trump supporters definitely deserve credit. They worked so hard to wake them. We Are Americans First! But I guess we still have some sleeping.

21764499? ago

What is Q saying with this Corney thing? Misspellings matter... could he have flipped a while ago and this was done to protect him in exchange for cooperation? Or is it their mischievous bullshit

21772962? ago

If you sue someone and the name isn't spelled correctly, it gets thrown out. At that point, you have to resubmit the lawsuit with the correct name. I don't know how that works in this situation, because they are the government.

21774004? ago

Yea but these fuckers are purposely mispelling their name as officials that is fraudulent and fubar ethics.

21764693? ago

I feel he's alluding to that there are similar spelling mistakes with Durham's name and that we should search some doc for "DurhaRM." Not sure what doc though.

21766008? ago

It would be "Durharn", but I think the main point is that officials have avoided FOIA requests through crafty and subvert spellings of their names..."Poclesta" and "Obarna" were mentioned. We have to figure out more. Clinton? Bush? There's gotta be alot more. Schift maybe? Anyways, shit got real these past few days...

21767703? ago




Symbolism will be their downfall? Symbol = Vertical Pipe key

21771502? ago

I think I saw that is Ciinton.

21771518? ago

Yes this with the first I capital

21780766? ago

CIinton - Lower case "L" does work well too

21765079? ago

Bingo! <

21764743? ago

Right but that doesn’t get to the heart of my question. Is it the bad guys saving their asses? Or is it the good guys letting of Comey in exchange for him flipping.

21766305? ago

Bad guys saving their asses. By misspelling names, the name become unsearchable. The misspelled docs wont show up in a search with the correct spelling.

21764380? ago

Arrests or GTFO.

21764244? ago

The political bickering and garbage we see on tv I assume is the show we are watching. It is a shitty show indeed. Game theory be damned. This shit show needs to end. Declass should have occurred before the midterms and we wouldn’t have to put the country through this crap.

21771578? ago

You should go do it yourself. Show 'em how it's done big boy.

21769792? ago

This was not about another 4 year election. This is about exposing 6 millenniums or more of crime and setting the people of the planet free from slavery to the cabal/Luciferians.

21771927? ago

To be honest, we have seen it through the military command of Joshua, the reign of David, the Exodus of Moses....we have to keep doing this ovee and over, and we'll keep having to do it because mankind keeps turning away from the Lord. When we have leaders who inquire of God, they achieve success over an ancient enemy. Thanks to Q team and Patriots, we have a faith-based leadership. It has always been about turning mankind back to the Lord, because we so readily fall away. An apocalypse means an awakening in Greek, and you are right - this is a truly historic apocalypse.

21772677? ago

Who would have thought.........in our lifetime. Truly amazing.

21771101? ago

I am in awe daily that we are so lucky to be witnesses to and part of the GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD!

(I accept the argument that it's the 2nd greatest story. Both kind of matter. Do we have to wait 2000 years for the next installment?)

21766139? ago

Do u not realize the consequences of just pulling the rug out from the status quo? People would die! This is being done deliberately and slowly to SAVE people! Please be empathetic amdnd less selfish!

21763713? ago

Pleasant thought THERE ARE MULTIPLE BOMBERS operating...

One of my favorites SESSIONS fits into the 8 characters... SESSIONS started much of this... SESSIONS snuck on stage, and basically gave us a 5:5 ALL IS WELL.. Then their is the 5:5 of Jesus...………….. Jesus said (Matthew 5:5 NIV) "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." Coy Winkee DINK or not 8 QUALITIES 8 Jesus is the greatest man that has walked this earth. He preached the greatest sermon ever preached known as the Sermon on the Mount. He begins the sermon by giving eight qualities of character of citizens of the Kingdom of God. They are commonly referred to as the beatitudes.

21763724? ago

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 8

The number 8 in the Bible represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true 'born again' event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.

Like the Old Testament Passover lamb, Jesus was selected as the Lamb to take away man's sins

21769852? ago

Religious shills always raise their ugly heads. Its not about religion, its about spirituality which is not achieved by religion or institutions.

21765164? ago

8 the infinity.

8 intrinsically ciphers 17 (1+7 = 8)

17 ciphers Pi > 3.14 (3+14 = 17)

17th letter = Q

In Isisian Code, Q = 1 = A

1 is God the whole

Split, 1 becomes 11 (2 the duad), the creation, and also Pi.

This Second Coming and Great Awakening is being run strictly by the Numbers, as it should be.

You are witnessing prophecy come to pass in front of your eyes. <

21765493? ago

THANK YOU for the Comm

21765628? ago

You're welcome! <


21765534? ago

? NMBRFG ?? A Hint ?

21765772? ago

A hint at what French?

Gematria of NMBRFG:


Notables >

Jewish 165





God Seed

Life of Pi

Be Good


God's BFF

Decoder Bebe

Endgame Angel

Beheading Obama

English 360

The Code



Aces High


21762643? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqH83AQZVFs When you hear B2, when you see B2, it's too late Payload on way..

Juan o7 John Salutes(at parade)

21762565? ago

Highest level military security clearance

21762537? ago

he's going to say they are investigating. i doubt he's gonna drop any major bombshell on an interview.

or will he announce he will be declassifying info, if they impeach Trump wed?

21771549? ago

How awesome would it be if he said "Well, we have Barry Sotero in custody for treason and this interview serves as notice to the rest; you can run, but you can't hide."

21762520? ago

V/niggers decode actually predicted this, they have been killin it lately with decodes

21762138? ago

anyone on file name Feb 08, 09' ???

21762009? ago

Those boys over at v/Niggers are doing a bang up job with the content!

21769785? ago

omg. i cant stop laughing. its ridiculous

21770637? ago


21766108? ago

Dude...that really looks like Knoebel's Grove in Elysburg, PA...Any info, OP?

21766263? ago

Im just a drummer I dont know these things

21762833? ago

That drummer is bad ass!

21766865? ago

man I didn't even click the link and I knew what it was based on your comment. that video cracks me up every time.

21769979? ago

I had never seen it. Would like to have a beer or 2 with that guy.

21776131? ago

But not at the adjacent seat! :)

21765852? ago

Top secret. Bad ass.

21762914? ago

Thats me everytime we get a new drop

21760885? ago

Has anyone else noticed that Q mostly posts in the middle of the night? Most posts come through when the US is asleep. It's almost like Q is overseas most of the time.

21765859? ago

No cigar.

21761080? ago

Q has been posting almost exclusively in the morning/early afternoon for quite a while now, you 8 legged space nigger.

21771595? ago

Thank you. That made me lol.

21772164? ago

Lol youre welcome. I try.

21761114? ago

Actually no, you're wrong, go back and look you fucking retard.

21761141? ago

I dont need to I check the drops every day you puffed up crows cock.

Yes he sometimes DOES post in the we hours of the morning. Its the exception not the rule. It was far more common with the earlier drops.

21761152? ago

Wow sorry, I didn't mean to trigger you, little girl. I'll call your dad and apologize.

21761181? ago

They need to train you jews how to talk shit better. This is too easy.

Really taking the fun out of it tbh

21763702? ago


21761631? ago

Well, to be honest the only training I've ever done is my in depth, hard work on training your mother's asshole to take my arm up to the elbow. She screams and moans and wriggles a lot, and damn, so so much blood, but she's been really into it.

21762546? ago

^ jew boy makes pitiful attempt to talk shit

21761031? ago

Or after he’s been drinking.

21764310? ago

Maybe he posts when he wants to. Everything has meaning.

21766356? ago


21760585? ago

At the same time his rally is scheduled.


21764030? ago

May be time for stocking up on celebratory beverages.. Why wait to New Year's Eve... I used to think I had a drinking problem... I quit thinking. MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL +/or MERRY 12/18/2019 ALL

21760046? ago

Should I buy a TV and subscribe to cable now???

21765777? ago

Or watch live on the internet.

21761198? ago

Nah. Just come back here for the highlights.

21759630? ago

Cue more attacks on Barr from now and through this exclusive interview...All for a LARP!!! #WWG1WGA

21759360? ago

KEK! Right after the impeachment vote!

Expect the rats to scurry!

21758568? ago

Exclusive on The Story with Martha MacCallum...gonna need popcorn methinks!

21758872? ago

Got some sauce? not in your link that I can see but I don't have my good glasses on. Warning: OLD AGE SUCKS.

21772607? ago

Old age isn't for sissies <> Katherine Hepburn

21772711? ago

I saw her in one of her last interviews and the journalist asked her what old age was like, and she answered in that quivering voice with a slight English accent "It is simply ghastly"! lol

21759127? ago

No sauce sorry...Just going by the image in the drop.

21758461? ago

B2 bombs coming Wednesday

21763302? ago

And when nothing happens? When will your next prediction be?

21767038? ago

It doesn't matter what I predicted.

PAIN coming regardless

21770930? ago

The irony of the Stealth Bomber delivering the same day as "impeachment" is too tempting.

21762593? ago

'When you see the bomber, it's too late....' Juan O'Savin AKA John salutes AKA Operation JFK

21758452? ago

Are we staying up late tonight?

21758844? ago


21758649? ago

brew some tea, let's have a sleep over