21759341? ago

Than you sally.

21757776? ago

I want him Impeached, Humilated...Apologetic...recanting his 'woke' ideology...then tried for treason...then publicly convicted...then crying...then begging to not get the rope....then the rope. In that order. If that doesn't happen I won't be sad...I'm just glad Obamas big dicked first lady isn't fucking up the curtains in the White House anymore.

21758797? ago

....then the rope, also publicly... In that order.

21756875? ago

Jew is not a race. Fuck them.

21755582? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/w8Q83A0NyM6c - ( JW Exposes More Anti-Trump Coup Cabal Docs, New... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/E7xMWxd1mctw - ( BLEXIT – We Free )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/g1qeKQ4HJHFr - ( Introducing The Exodus Movement )

21755337? ago

I don't want him impeached. I want to see him hung for treason. Hanging much more in line with his crimes, and much more permanent.

21757008? ago

This is what the world needs. To see a traitor hanged for his crimes after they are proven in court.