21758137? ago

what happens NEXT?

Voiding Evidence: that was fraudulently acquired: and Falsified


21756225? ago

Q post 1281 = 12 8+1 = 129

Sometimes autism has beneficial effects, but this is not one of those times.

21755097? ago

Nice 1 Son. <

21754899? ago


21754450? ago

Oh I know this one..

Wait another 7 months till the durham report comes and then wait another 6 months till the Barr report comes and then wait..etc

21755280? ago

Durham is not obligated to release a any report.

21755046? ago

There won't be a Durham report. Durham will just prosecute.

How about those recent indictments on those close to CF?

Stop watching fake news and wake up, anon.

21756297? ago

Is it the fake news or the real news that's telling me she still isn't in jail yet?

21755394? ago

Woke up 3 years ago..STILL waiting though.

Talk talk and more talk. Meanwhile: that traitor nigger filth is enjoying life in his newly bought waterfront mansion.

21755897? ago

Woke up 3 years ago


OK noob.

21758344? ago


Superiority complex projection anyone?

21755152? ago

Fitton disagrees.

21754169? ago

Normie anons, this is Q. OP is correct.


21756323? ago

It wouldn't be here, you fraud.

21754222? ago

This is not helpful.

21754518? ago

Fuck off, faggot


21754365? ago

Neither is 99% of the shit posted here. There's a reason QRV doesn't have notables... nobody does research. This place should be called QShitV.

21755285? ago

Why are you here then?

21756259? ago

Not that guy, but YOU came to OUR site with your foolish cult. It's enjoyable to mock your stupidity and credulousness, even just in text. :^)

21755116? ago

21754890? ago

Leave if you dont like it. My guess is your a nazzi fag incapable of making your own page. And have no where else to go.

21756286? ago

You were sent to our site to endure our mockery of your foolishness. Leave if you don't like it, Qult member.

21756343? ago

Your site if you own it bann me faggot.

Or stfu and gtfo.

21756916? ago

You're foolish!

21757088? ago

Push the button cunt. Or walk away like the faggot you are.

21757146? ago

Is the button cunt someone you know? Is it a family member? Is that why you're a homosexual? Because of that button cunt? Is it your mom or your gf?