21756324? ago

Eggzacery. A banana duct taped to a wall isnt art. And anyone who thinks it is needs his/her head examined.

Endowment to the arts my furry behind!

21754586? ago

Thank you! I've been saying this over and over again and I thought I might just be going mad.

I'm glad other people have caught on.

21753687? ago

Sounds very familiar, like finance.

21753280? ago

They killed art programs that led to a “market” for artists. In the 90s we just didn’t know this was a black market for money laundering.

21753388? ago

I'm not an art person, but I know bullshit money laundering when I see it. If you Jewgle, you can find out that the CIA begun the modern art market. I believe it was to screw the Soviets somehow but I can't remember. That is a fact.

21754344? ago

I’m sure them confiscating art during WW1 and WW2 was them collecting it for the higher Jews.

21753205? ago

Confusing. How is it money laundering? The article says nothing about money laundering.

21753449? ago

I think the legal skirmish may pull back the curtain a bit on the anonymous buyers in art. Often these multimillion dollar buyers are anonymous and the auction houses keep everything secret, don't ask where the money comes from.

21753102? ago

In my mind, the most suspect artists to dig are the non - artists, like Jackson Pollock and the guy who did that blue painting. Performance artists are also suspect, but I figure they're just an extension of Hollywood, meant to push degenerate behavior.

21753507? ago

Correct. Some anon that understood the process posted one time and I forget how it works, but I'll give it a try. These people grease the artists, and the art houses, and the marketers to drive up the prices. Buying "starving artists" and then selling at a huge premium. One aspect. Another is anonymous buying using dirty money, auction hoses keep secrets, everybody paid to keep everything secret, then they sell these million dollar pieces later, even at a small loss they have laundered their money.

21752569? ago

What's under the Getty Ctr?

Hopefully nothing.......


Where is that picture of the child found duck taped in a cardboard shipping box??? (Live Art)

21752510? ago

Yes. This is actually well known.

21757191? ago

It was even demonstrated on an episode of The Sapranos.

21752536? ago

You'd be surprise how many people don't get it, but then again, I'm still surprised at the number of people that vote Democrat too.

21754276? ago

Was trump a democrat when he used his charity to buy a portrait of himself at a grossly inflated price?

21754608? ago

Nobody is saying he's choir boy. The man was married to Marla Maples, talking about getting hooked by a gold digger, if that wasn't a mistake, I don't know what would be.

21754680? ago

werent both of his other wives Eastern European prostitutes as well?

21754816? ago

You sound jealous.

21752495? ago

Don't forget antique and classic cars, some now hitting 70-100 million, anonymous buyers.

21752549? ago

Good point.

21752387? ago

21752342? ago

Wow 196 votes in 3 hours with only 400 people here, sounds legit...

21752456? ago

Door opens door closes door opens door closses door oppens door closses.

21752500? ago

RonaldSwansong and his "organic" vote laundering

21752584? ago

525 user atm.people where complaining 5 weeks ago that are numbers were too low at 300.

21752623? ago

Most bots making up bs distracting stories.

21751646? ago

Get one of those "artists" to jerkoff/lick/spit/shit/sneeze on a Koran or a Torah and see what happens.

21752473? ago

Can i record this?

21751331? ago

Those are brothers? Weird. Don't look at all alike.

Yeah, the whole art world has seemed a bit fucky to me forever. Have you ever walked into an "art store" in a touristy district. They have those polished up used car salesmen types trying to convince you this pile of paint on a canvas has "appreciating value." Here's a hint - buy art on a trip overseas. Come through Customs and declare the artwork. Know what they will tell you? "It's not worth anything more than the frame." Art has no value until someone wants to buy it. This is how they get away with all that money laundering. Seriously, some of Picasso's stuff is just garbage. but hey, the name! Oh, and you know what else? In bankruptcy court, your artwork is worth bupkis. Nothing. Nada. Can't even be used to pay off any of your debts. It's "only worth what someone is willing to pay for it." Now doesn't that sound like the very definition of money laundering?

21758435? ago

It's "only worth what someone is willing to pay for it."

the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means of transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

No. Not in the least.

21752660? ago

Let me give you an example of how they unload their garbage.

In Illinois, one of the Lincoln Societies (shit pile of them) bought a top hat that supposedly belonged to Abe Lincoln, paid ~6 million for it. Somebody called bullshit, so after investigation, the lady that sold it bought it for $5K, she was connected somehow to the lady that pushed the purchase of the, and of course that women is a former Dick Durbin money bundler. Now, she is running for a House seat, Betsy Dirkson Londrigan. Got her ass handed to her first time, but she's already gearing up for the next run. I probably didn't get this 100% correct, but that's the gist of it. Its one big corrupt money laundering political criminal enterprise.

21752518? ago

Try cashing a 75000 check at your local bank.

21753144? ago

Try and deposit or withdraw $10k, you have to answer questions about the intent or source of the money.

21753318? ago

Better to take in cash in lump sum every time. Fuck the c.a.

21753307? ago

And you should look at your post number its reaccuring number. Q post.

21750833? ago

Tyler Durden is a Russian dis-informationist. Just in case you didn't know.

21752707? ago

I take everything from everywhere with a grain of salt, but with some cross referencing you can find gems everywhere. I'm not sure why you would have concern about an Art story. I'm simply using it as an example to bring attention to a broader problem, money laundering.

21751365? ago

Can you elaborate?

21751452? ago

No he can't because he's full of shit.

21750736? ago

Diamonds too

Diamonds are worthless jew rocks

21753249? ago

I love how ita literally in the name of those retarded shiny trinkets: JEWelery.

21758059? ago

You have one too many 'e' in that word. It's Jewelry, all day long.

21754991? ago

No shit,plenty more if you look around.

What do people place value/worth in.

There is a jew in there some where.

So much brain washing its crazy what they have gotten away with.

21752717? ago

DeBeers is having a hard time lately, poor poor Jews.

21758078? ago

They went bananas when the Russians and Canadians started mining and selling them.

21752516? ago

So rare they find them every single day.

21755003? ago

No they are actually sitting on tons of them.

Its fiat rocks if you will

21752425? ago

Keep digging. Kek.

21755091? ago

Ive known this and many other things for decades.

Also raised to not support jews,rarely use a bank,never once bought a diamond or other jew trinkets.

Never once given to a charity,church or politics.

Had alot of world smart elders growing up.

Parents werent so boomer they gave up their value system of morality and integrity.

My grandkids are very much grounded in the same tradition.

We are few

21755360? ago

Heres to the few.

21750639? ago

Let me take this crucifix and dip it in a vat of urine. ==+ < art > +==

Now do the same thing with a Torah or a Koran.


I didn't think you had the balls to do that. ...you god damn faggot.

21750627? ago

So the banana duct taped to the wall and sold for $120,000 was just another crooked deal eh? Who would have thought...

21752730? ago

I can't say piddly shit like that, but when you're talking 10,20,30 million for a painting, and its an anonymous bid. Yeah, questionable money.

21752583? ago

A real (starving) artist came in after it was gone, painted "Epstein didnt kill himself" in red paint, amd was worth 0, and thats all one needs to know that banana bullshit was a money laundering scam.

21750265? ago

What is wrong with washing money? I wash I had anonymity in my use and movement of my money.

21752743? ago

Agreed, but your money is probably clean money, not blood money.

21753297? ago

bruh, I wash my coins because I know how gross you sick fuckers are. It's sparkling. But traceable.

21750152? ago

Are art sales taxed?

21752758? ago

Good question, but money laundering has a cost, its not free. As I understand it, you pay the person that markets and drives up the price, got to pay off the auction houses too. Nobody wants to know where the money comes from, they just move it thru the system.

21758419? ago

If you give someone your pile of money in exchange for a piece of art... Where is the point when you get a clean pile back?

21752653? ago

I don't believe so. I think an artist is selling their talent, and that it is not a commercial item that is taxed. Go to any art gallery and you pay the price listed, no tax.

21758135? ago

My father was a professional photographer. An artist. He paid income tax. Lots of people sell their talents. They all pay income tax.

Go to any art gallery and you pay the price listed, no tax.

When was the last time you did this?

21762977? ago

I had a licensed business in Ohio that sold website design and graphic art. I was informed that I did not need to have a tax vendor license because it was illegal for me to collect sales tax for works of art / creative works.

21752484? ago

Only of you consent.

21751643? ago

Of course, the kikes need their cut.

21750069? ago

Blockchain will prevent duplicate sales like this.

21750034? ago

Picture I took of a painting in the Delano hotel lobby in South Beach, Miami during Art Basel last week:


Where the rich and powerful crowd hangs out. Coincidence?

21752775? ago

imgur wouldn't let me see it without signing in. fuck imgur.

21750636? ago

Don't have a sign in to imgur. Is it some pedo shit?

21751861? ago

Alternate link: https://ibb.co/DbTGtSG

21751846? ago

you need a sign in to view? not clearly pedo but yes torture porn.

21751975? ago

It works now.. It was saying it was erotic content and you must sign in to view before though.

21750802? ago

You don't need a sign in

21749676? ago

Ever see a "painting" that looks like a septic explosion? And then it brings 100,000.00 (and lots more) at auction? BINGO!

21754179? ago


There's nothing in the article you posted that deals with money laundering. Are you even aware of that?


Ever see a "painting" that looks like a septic explosion? And then it brings 100,000.00 (and lots more) at auction? BINGO!

That's not how money laundering works.

What you are describing is not money laundering. That's you not agreeing with prices in the art market. I would never pay over a million dollars for a car, but that doesn't mean there are no cars out there costing a million dollars or more. You can spend $2.5 million on a car and still not have the most expensive car they make. An Aston-Martin Valkyrie will set you back $3.2,

When you launder your money, you want to have clean usable money. If you need to store it long term, you can buy things like art or real estate, but you want to be able to get your money back if you need to. If you pay $100K for a worthless painting, you won't get that $100K back. If you just want to pay someone, you can just give them a briefcase full of cash. It's a much easier transaction.

There is an art market, whether you agree with the prices in that market or not. If you using art to launder money, you want VALUABLE paintings. And paintings sold at auction are probably the least problematic in terms of pricing. Multiple buyers show is there a demand for that work at that price.

21757135? ago

I thought it was more about tax evasion then money laundering.

21754882? ago

Like a book deal that is a "best seller", but it is a rag-read and no one you know ever has ever bought it? Yet, the "author has made 3.5mil. That is the kind of money laundry that also goes on. Large amounts of money need a 'source'. Art and literature are two easy ones.

21754377? ago

It's used as the vehicle to move the money you stupid fuck

21752609? ago

All Bankse art?

21754260? ago

Or like using Your charity to buy a portrait of yourself at a grossly inflated price

21751069? ago

Shucks, I did miss that one. Feel like a chimp now

21752405? ago

Yea but the guy who took it down and wrote epstein didnt kill himself is A LEGEND.

21755803? ago

The painting was insured so they made off with even more money due to the insurance payout of a guy eating the banana.

21754894? ago

Now that is a work of art!

21749518? ago

Book deals, adrenochrome wine, GoFundMe

21755928? ago

The book "best seller" thing leads to another scam. It doesn't take many thousand books bought to make a book a "best seller" so they buy in bulk a few thousand copies of some crap book, Obongos tranny husbands book for instance. Then they donate all the best sellers they just bought to libraries across the US as a tax write off and the libraries are of course happy to take them because now they have plenty of copies of a "best seller." Dirty money becomes a tax write off, and of course they can push whatever propaganda they want through the "best seller" books.

21750895? ago

Adrenochrome wine. Pelosi owns a winery. My Gomer Pyle response. "Surprise, Surprise!"

These people are beyond sick. I sometimes wonder if they really are human. There's no limit to their depravity.

21752418? ago

Whats in that wine?

21753579? ago


21753682? ago

Not in the slightest. My guess everything red and or pink is tainted with human blood be carefull what you consume.

21749494? ago

with no DOJ to get these criminals, we are fucked forever