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21749193? ago

Q... Why does this worm still have access to our nation's secrets? Can you explain that in a way that sounds reasonable to a pissed off Veteran? And don't give me a load of crap about timing or The Plan, as nothing justifies leaving this scum in the loop. Makes me think that we don't have things under the degree of control that's being espoused here. Prove me wrong... Yank his clearance now!!

21749705? ago

The Baphomet cult runs Deep, they these corrupt demonic blackmailed fools even used mohammedans as allies, even thought they could control islam, the 1993 Trade Center bomb proved this idea wrong. The cabal?

21750395? ago

I always thought the 1993 bomb was an accident - that [they] were planting explosives to be used at a later date and had an oopsie. Either that or they were testing what it would take to destroy the buildings and also testing how long American's memories were... Don't forget who was in office at that time...