21756366? ago

Enemy of the people. Was he sending a message.

21753357? ago

At first, I thought this is old news, everyone knows this, but the comments on twitter remind me there are people newly awakened every day, and we do need to recycle what we have learned from time to time.

21752770? ago

Punishment for treason in USA is hanging. Let's get on with it. Send the message. Enough with awakening everyone slowly. Accelerate the plan.

21752687? ago

Woohoo old clip while advertising old ebooks that can be found for free..

21752468? ago

Hang him first in public.

21752329? ago

any dual citizen should be banned from serving any role in government. you should be sworn and loyal to ONE country in any government capacity.

21751959? ago

Our CIA leader. Section Chief in Saudi Arabia during 9/11.

21751820? ago

Has this video been verified ? What I mean is , the corrupt Main Stream Media has been talking about "Deep Fakes" a lot lately. Something like this would make their point if it turns out to be.

Peace Y

21753387? ago

Yes, it has been verified years ago.

21751818? ago

America was created for people who follow the teachings of the Creator, not one of these lesser beings who are very jealous.

21751793? ago

It’s the same God. Believing in God is not a reason to hang anyone.

21753588? ago

His version hates the real one. Make believe is a reason to hang him.

21753423? ago

the comment above is not referring to God, but rather a jealous lesser being.

21751692? ago

Be careful Anons, its Suspicious, not a reason.

Arabic, Russian and Chines are BIG +s when applying for the CIA.

Q team needs evidence... not hate, Hate is not a Valid reason for anything.

Hate is not evidence. that's why the Demon-Rats are having a hard time Baking a Im-Peach-Pie.

They Need Traceable Digital and /Analog Data...

Video, Message, Alterantive Coms, Radio

Closer to the source the better...

21751575? ago

I'm just saying - this looks fake.

21759092? ago

Your concern as well, just saying ...

21751455? ago

speaking Arabic to understand what they are saying, writing, plotting, etc is important. It is Brennan's actions that are the problem.

21751470? ago

It's the motive that is nefarious.

21751119? ago

Perhaps he will have ample time to study arabic again at Guantanamo

21750531? ago

So one of the commenters on the Twatter feed complains, "Yah, but that was ten years ago!" Like somehow dating it DURING OBAMA'S TERM AND DURING HIS TURN AS DIR OF CIA makes it better? These people really are stupid.

21750416? ago

Brennan had a lot to do with 9-11. Mark my words and i believe with Trump and the Patriots it will come out and he will be executed.

21749667? ago

from: doglegwarrior

did yall see in comments the picture of hitler saying the only religion he respected was islam and the only profit he respected was mohammes? what the fuck this has to be some liberal made up shit?

21759084? ago

I'll let the nazifags respond.

21761979? ago

from: doglegwarrior

guess you think the good guys won? did you know the bombing of dresden killed more people then either nule dropped on japan and was completely unnecessary? it was a civilian town with basicaly no stratigic value and housed prisoners of war... u think any of the men who fought for england germany or america would have fought seeing what their countries are like today? shit the only one that would have fought would have been the russians they at least have hope still.

not a nazi either not sure what the best for of goverment is but the socialism aspect is a terrible idea. im open to debate but these diversity countries not sure any form of goverment will truly work

21749646? ago

He just disqualified himself from American citizenship as far as I'm concerned.

21749939? ago

Well I look at it this way. What would ISIS do, or another Muslim group, if they found a traitor in their midst?

It would be a 3-10 split with Brennan’s head sparing it up in the 3rd frame.

Sounds like a PPV we’d all toss in on. Money raised goes to finishing the wall and cleaning the Muzzies out of Minny.

21749398? ago

lol You people are Bat Shit Crazy. 100% guarantee Brennan will skate like all the other Demonic Bastards.

21749193? ago

Q... Why does this worm still have access to our nation's secrets? Can you explain that in a way that sounds reasonable to a pissed off Veteran? And don't give me a load of crap about timing or The Plan, as nothing justifies leaving this scum in the loop. Makes me think that we don't have things under the degree of control that's being espoused here. Prove me wrong... Yank his clearance now!!

21750164? ago

Q is an insider op to keep rogues under control

21749705? ago

The Baphomet cult runs Deep, they these corrupt demonic blackmailed fools even used mohammedans as allies, even thought they could control islam, the 1993 Trade Center bomb proved this idea wrong. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3498799/21188437 The cabal?

21750395? ago

I always thought the 1993 bomb was an accident - that [they] were planting explosives to be used at a later date and had an oopsie. Either that or they were testing what it would take to destroy the buildings and also testing how long American's memories were... Don't forget who was in office at that time...

21749133? ago

between the dual citizen "jews", and he and obama as western hating muslims it's gonna be interesting when it all comes out! Great find anon!

21860365? ago

what of the Britbong royals https://archive.ph/q9scu

21749101? ago

Is he a Shriner?

21759076? ago

I hear he was Muslim Brotherhood. I think it may be compatible with Shriner.

21749134? ago

Interesting question. Very interesting question. They are obligated to destroy Christianity. He seems bent on it.

21748997? ago


21748863? ago

Bali is like 90% Hindu and was most likely a higher percentage when he was there. The Balinese are extremely friendly and hospitable and it certainly isn't because of Islam. I wonder if he learned Arabic before or after voting Communist?

21748845? ago

Brennan became the CIA station chief in Saudi and eventually joined the Muslim Brotherhood. Your not allowed as a member without the 'pledge of allegiance' to their moon god. Sworn to uphold and protect our Constitution? Despicable.

21751790? ago

eventually joined the Muslim Brotherhood

MB is a MI6 front.

21751942? ago

and we wonder how ISIS took off like a rocket?

21749233? ago

Brennan protected Saudi boy lovers

21749375? ago

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. They ( Hussein, Jarrett, Brennan, Kerry, Merkel, Emanuel....) are in panic since the Prince's removal from power. He spent some time in a Saudi 5 star hotel 'talking' with our new allies.

21748811? ago

“You are blocked from viewing this content”

21759061? ago

I presume you have a Twitter account.

Whenever this things happen just use another browser (in which you never logged onto Twitter before) to see the content. Or an archiving site. You won't be able to reply/retweet of course, but you would see the content, you can obtain a link to a reply (and probably reply to that in your normal browser) and you can take a snapshot.

There are many browsers that you can install easily on every system and use that just for this purpose.

21751130? ago

I don't even have an account and can view twitter content.

21751273? ago

I have an account and was blocked by the user, that’s why.

21749977? ago

Same here. Pretty sure i was blocked by the twitter user. He said i had too few followers. Ugh.

21751312? ago

Wait, it’s deep state exposed? Not sure why he’d block me, I’m an advocate of Q on Twitter- very weird.

21812947? ago

Me too

21750432? ago

Was it Nasif?

People say he was a fraud, and I gave him the the benefit of the doubt. I then referenced that NASA drew the word “SEX” in the official photo of earth and he blocked me.

21748805? ago

Almost as good as Barry

21748799? ago

Those poor boys he ass raped.

21748760? ago

As if I needed another fucking reason .

21748687? ago

Perfect example of the 5th Column.

21748448? ago

Old news, foo.

21749643? ago

Fuck off back to reddit you dumb fucking glow nigger

21749389? ago

To some. Not all.

21748304? ago

he knows white boners are supreme

21748288? ago

https://tweetsave.com/deepstateexpose/status/1206240756605890562 :

Deep State Exposed® on Twitter: "BREAKING: Brennan speaks out about his Muslim faith in fluent Arabic!!! /ZcQAFvCB6u"

This has been an automated message.

21748270? ago

Well , that was sickening.

21748251? ago

Islam is the least cucked religion ever. Also the true religion.

21748531? ago

lmao if you like beating women, and fucking little kids and goats, then sure. plus the middle Eastern language is ugly as fuck and they smell. theyre like roaches.

21748873? ago

I think Islam is the only religion that allows/promotes having intercourse with your dead wife.

It’s about as messed up as it gets.

21748660? ago

I live in Pakistan and have 4 wives and 11 children. My youngest wife was 16, and bestiality is haram. I don't have to beat my wives because they know how to behave.

21755791? ago

muslim majority countries like to fuck children and beat women. and yes there is a problem with goats. good for you if youre only a little bit pedophile. its not compatible with the west. animals.

21748326? ago

If you follow Satan

21748380? ago

Allah is God.

21749130? ago

Allah is YHWH, the sub sub logos of the Jews and Muslims. It is why they both practice blood sacrifice.

21748547? ago

Allah is a faggot pig fucker just like you. Mohammed takes a dick in the ass from Satsn. And Trump

21748175? ago

Very comforting to know this asshole ran the c_a and still has a security clearance ! Will these "people" ? ever disappear ?

21749560? ago

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21748168? ago

Wow! Let’s drop him is a loving , peaceful and tolerant Muslim country!

21748188? ago

right after hanging..............