21755148? ago

from: doglegwarrior

very small minority of the anons talk about necking people they disagree with. you know who does? jews communist jews talk about killing dissenters so like a typical jew you expose your self.

21749896? ago

History of the Schiff family:


Jacob Schiff was head of the New York investment firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. He was one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution and personally financed Trotsky's trip from New York to Russia. He was a major contributor to Woodrow Wilson's presidential campaign and an advocate for passage of the Federal Reserve Act.
G. Edward Griffin / <cite>The Creature From Jekyll Island</cite>

The Schiff family shared a house with the Rothschild family in Frankfurt in the later half of the 18th century. The Rothschild sons (the "5 arrows") went on to capture control of the banking markets in the major capitols of Europe, culminating in Nathan Rothschild's seisure of control of the Bank of England in 1815. Later, Jacob Schiff moved to the US and married into the Loeb family (and took control of Kuhn Loeb & Co., still one of the owning banks of the Federal Reserve ... when you see 'Kuhn, Loeb & Co'., read: Schiff). He arranged loans (of Rothschild money, essentially) to J.D. Rockefeller beginning in the 1860's (I think) through the National City Bank of Cleveland. With that virtually limitless supply of capital, Rockefeller was able to create an oil monopoly in the US, making the Rockefeller family very powerful, and, since the Rothschilds had made similar moves to win the Morgans (banking) Harrimans (railroad), and other industrialists, bankers and congressmen into their court, this set the stage for the coup of 1913 - the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank System.

It was in the decades following our Civil War that our industries began to burgeon. We had great railroads to build. The oil, mining, steel, textile industries were bursting out of their swaddling clothes. All of that called for vast financing; much of that financing had to come from abroad. That meant the House of Rothschild and that was when Schiff came into his own. He played a very crafty game.

He became the patron saint of John D. Rockefeller, Edward R. Harriman, and Andrew Carnegie. He financed the Standard Oil Company for Rocky, the Railroad Empire for Harriman, and the Steel Empire for Carnegie. But instead of hogging all the other industries for Kuhn, Loeb, and Company, he opened the doors of the House of Rothschild to Morgan, Biddle, and Drexel. In turn; Rothschild arranged the setting up of London, Paris, European and other branches for those three; but always in partnerships with Rothschild subordinates and Rothschild made it very clear to all those men that Schiff was to be the boss in New York.

Thus at the turn of the century Schiff had a tight control of the entire banking fraternity on Wall Street which by then, with Schiff's help, included Lehman brothers, Goldman-Sachs, and other internationalist banks that where headed by men chosen by the Rothschilds. In short; that meant control of the nation's money powers and he was then ready for the giant step - the entrapment of our national money system.
Myron Fagan, 1960 / <cite>Illuminati and CFR Lecture</cite>

As a first step he had to buy into a banking house; but it had to be the kind of a house that he could absolutely control and mold for that primary objective of entrapping our U.S. money system.

After carefully scouting around; Jacob bought a partnership in a firm that called itself: Kuhn and Loeb. Like Schiff; Kuhn and Loeb were immigrants from German Jewish ghettos. They came to the U.S. in the mid 1840's and both of them started their business careers as itinerant pack peddlers. In the early 1850's; they pooled their interests and set up a merchandise store in Lafayette, Indiana under the firm name of Kuhn and Loeb servicing the covered wagon settlers on their way west. In the years that followed; they set up similar stores in Cincinnati and St. Louis. Then they added pawn broking to their merchandising pursuits. From that to money lending was a short and quick step.

By the time Schiff arrived on the scene; Kuhn and Loeb was a well-known private banking firm and this is the firm Jacob bought into. Shortly after he became a partner in Kuhn and Loeb; Schiff married Loeb's daughter, Teresa, then he bought out Kuhn's interests and moved the firm to New York and Kuhn and Loeb became Kuhn, Loeb, and Company; international bankers with Jacob Schiff, agent of the Rothschilds, ostensibly the sole owner. And throughout his career; this blend of Judas and Machiavelli, the first hierarch of the Illuminati's great conspiracy in America, posed as a generous philanthropist and a man of great holiness; the cover-up policy set forth by the Illuminati.
Myron Fagan, 1960 / <cite>Illuminati and CFR Lecture</cite>

Actually, Jacob came here to carry out 4 specific assignments:

Number 1, and most important, was to acquire control of America's money system.

Number 2, find desirable men who, for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the great conspiracy and promote them into high places in our federal government, our Congress, in the US Supreme Court and all federal agencies.

Number 3, create minority group strife throughout the nation, particularly between whites and blacks.

Number 4, create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, but Christianity to be the chief target.
Myron Fagan, 1960 / <cite>Illuminati and CFR Lecture</cite>

After a comparatively brief training period in the Rothschild's London Bank, Jacob left for America with instructions to buy into a banking house which was to be the springboard to acquire control of the money system of the United States.
Myron Fagan, 1960 / <cite>Illuminati and CFR Lecture</cite>

21747017? ago


Part ii

Like Trump, Schiff uses Twitter to communicate his positions. One of his most shared tweets — more than 43,000 retweets and nearly 83,000 likes — addressed Trump’s tweet aimed at the “so-called judge” who had blocked his executive order barring individuals from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.:

“This ‘so-called’ judge was nominated by a ‘so-called’ President & was confirmed by the ‘so-called’ Senate. Read the ‘so-called’ Constitution.”

Tweets aside, Schiff’s 17-minute opening statement during the Intelligence Committee’s first public hearing on Russia on March 20 was less attack-dog and, befitting his usual public demeanor in television interviews, more lawyerly. He cited events of the presidential campaign that could suggest coordination between Russians and the Trump campaign, improving the Republican’s chance of victory.

“Is it possible that all of these events and reports are completely unrelated and are nothing more than an entirely unhappy coincidence? Yes, it is possible,” Schiff said, addressing FBI Director James Comey and Michael Rogers, director of the National Security Agency. “But it is also possible, maybe more than possible, that they are not coincidental, not disconnected, and not unrelated, and that the Russians used … techniques to corrupt U.S. persons. … We simply don’t know.”

In the interview with the Journal, he said, “I have been so appalled by this president’s conduct. I feel I have to vigorously oppose his efforts to undermine our system, and so, I certainly think there is more than a grain of truth to the idea this is a different kind of role for me.”

Rabbi David Wolpe of Sinai Temple in West L.A. met Schiff five years ago at a memorial service at Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills. Wolpe was leading the service, and Schiff said he was impressed with how eloquently and powerfully he spoke. The two struck up a friendship, exchanging book recommendations via email. The first book Schiff recommended to Wolpe reflected Schiff’s earlier involvement with Russia. It was “Eugene Onegin,” a masterpiece by the Russian novelist Alexander Pushkin.

“When he’s in town, we have lunch,” Wolpe said. “I talk a little bit about politics, but we talk a lot about literature and life.”

“When I saw him at AIPAC [in March], I told him how proud I am of how he’s been conducting himself,” Wolpe continued. “He’s in a tricky position. This is a very fraught time and I think he has conducted himself with a great deal of dignity. I am not trying to take political sides; I try my best not to. I think he is a nice, thoughtful, decent, caring and very intelligent man, so I’m impressed with him.”

Schiff’s own rabbi concurs.

“I felt personally very proud that Adam has taken stances on issues that really move him personally, and he hasn’t backed down on that,” said Rabbi Baht Yameem Weiss of Temple Beth Ami in Rockville, Md., a suburb of Washington, D.C.

“From where I sit, I think he’s certainly one of the leaders in the Democratic Party right now.” — Ed Schiff, father of Adam Schiff

For all his supporters, not everyone appreciates his approach to the investigation.

“Adam Schiff is a bright guy. He’s a talented legislator, but right now, instead of focusing on the substance of the investigation, he’s focusing on politics and partisanship,” Ken Khachigian, a San Clemente-based Republican strategist and former senior adviser to President Ronald Reagan, told the L.A. Daily News last month.

Schiff and his wife, who is Catholic, are raising their two children, Alexa, 18, and Elijah, 14, Jewish. The family has belonged to Temple Beth Ami since 2010. They formerly belonged to Temple Sinai in Glendale. Alexa is involved with the Hillel at Northwestern University, where she is a freshman. She has traveled to Israel with a Jewish summer camp and will be working as a counselor at the camp this summer, Weiss said.

As a House member, Schiff said he draws on the Jewish tradition of tikkun olam (repairing the world) to influence his work in Congress.

“We have a responsibility to mend the torn fabric of the world,” he said.

For all of his success as a prosecutor, state legislator and congressman, it might have been his experience with a Black kid from Inglewood that has shaped Schiff most. In his mid-20s, fresh out of law school, he volunteered to become a “big brother” through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles. He was paired with David McMillan, a child of a single mother who needed a male role model for her son.

The two hit it off immediately, bonding over “The Big Lebowski,” Billy Joel and the beach. Three decades later, they are still part of each other’s lives. McMillan, now a television writer and playwright living in Los Angeles, was in Schiff’s wedding and recently attended Elijah Schiff’s bar mitzvah. There, Adam’s father approached McMillan and said, “I want to thank you for making Adam a better person.”

“I certainly would like to hope my relationship has had a positive impact, not just in how he conducts politics but also as a human being,” McMillan said.

“My ‘big brother’ is leading the resistance and is emerging as a leader not just of the Democratic Party but of all people who care about our democratic institutions and making sure they just survive.”


Left: In 1986, 25-year-old Adam Schiff gets together with David McMillan, his Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles “little brother.” Photo courtesy of David McMillan

Right: Congressman Adam Schiff and David McMillan were paired 30 years ago through Big Brothers Big Sisters. The two would become lifelong friends. Photo courtesy of David McMillan

Speculation over Schiff’s future includes whether he might run for the Senate to succeed Dianne Feinstein, who is 83 and shares the same birthday, June 22, as Schiff. Feinstein, a senator since 1992, has not said whether she intends to seek another six-year term next year, but Schiff running to succeed her is a possibility his father won’t rule out.

“I think it would be a tremendous honor for him to step into the Senate if he wanted it, but I don’t know,” Ed Schiff said. “From where I sit, I think he’s certainly one of the leaders in the Democratic Party right now. And where that goes, how that goes, and so forth, I think it all depends on which way our country is going.”

In March, Schiff gave a speech at the Westwood home of Karl S. Thurmond, a friend of more than 30 years. In his 40-minute talk, Schiff denounced the president and expressed hope for the future of the Democratic Party before taking questions from the audience.

Left: Adam Schiff and his friend and former Harvard Law School classmate Karl Thurmond cross the finish line at the 1990 Los Angeles Marathon. Below: Nearly 30 years after running the marathon, the two appeared together at Thurmond’s Westwood home in March. Schiff spoke before 50 of his supporters and discussed the Trump administration, the future of the Democratic Party and more.

Left: Adam Schiff and his friend and former Harvard Law School classmate Karl Thurmond cross the finish line at the 1990 Los Angeles Marathon.

Right: Nearly 30 years after running the marathon, the two appeared together at Thurmond’s Westwood home in March. Schiff spoke before 50 of his supporters and discussed the Trump administration, the future of the Democratic Party and more.

Thurmond is an attorney and member of the Milken Community Schools board of trustees. He and Schiff were classmates in law school and both moved to L.A. after graduation, becoming part of a group that committed to becoming involved with a nonprofit to affect change. It was a pledge that led Schiff to Big Brothers Big Sisters.

They were 30 at the time, and Schiff was living in Venice. Training for the Los Angeles Marathon, he and Thurmond went on runs from Venice to Malibu and back, using the time to discuss career ambitions. Adam confided in Thurmond that he wanted to be president one day, to follow in the footsteps of his idol, John F. Kennedy.

“We would talk about our aspirations in life and one of his biggest from Day One was to run for political office so he could give back. His idol at the time, and I think still is, was President Kennedy,” Thurmond said. “I firmly believe, as he moves up, one day he will be running for president. And I can’t think of a better person to hold that office.”

For his part, Schiff declined to address his future.

“I don’t have much time even to eat lunch,” he said, “let alone think about anything other than what’s going on in the intelligence world.”


21747015? ago


Part i

Jewish Journal

The making of Adam Schiff: Why is this man taking on the president?

BY Ryan Torok | Apr 12, 2017 | Cover Story

This is hardly the first time Adam Schiff has had Russia on his mind.

Years ago, and long before he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, Schiff was a United States Attorney in Los Angeles who led the prosecution of an FBI agent convicted on spy charges.

“Sex for secrets,” he recalled in a telephone interview with the Jewish Journal last month. “He was seduced by an attractive KGB asset named Svetlana — they’re always named Svetlana. I had to work extensively with the FBI even though it was the first time an FBI agent was ever indicted for espionage. … It’s so odd to be working on a case again involving the bureau and Russia. But it does feel like it’s come full circle.”

Congressman Adam Schiff, 56, is one of 18 Jews serving in the House, and these days, one of the most prominent of the chamber’s 193 Democrats. He’s been everywhere lately — a guest on CNN and MSNBC, a focus of stories in The New York Times and The Washington Post. His Twitter following is growing exponentially. Already, people are suggesting he could become a presidential candidate in 2020.

And all this for one reason: Schiff is the ranking member — the top Democrat — on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which is investigating whether the Russian government interfered with the 2016 presidential election and whether anyone in the Trump campaign had a role in it.

With Democrats in the minority, Schiff has only so much power in setting the panel’s agenda. Nonetheless, he has emerged as a forceful counterweight to President Donald Trump’s defenders, who insist the current investigations into Russia’s election activities — the Senate and FBI are holding their own probes — are little more than politically motivated witch hunts designed to undermine the Trump presidency.

“The American people do have a strong center of gravity that will constrain [Trump’s] worst impulses, so I’m a believer in our democracy.” — Adam Schiff

Undaunted, Schiff is pressing ahead, an effort that draws together the most salient parts of a life in public service — his Judaism, his law background, four years in the California Senate and his 16-plus years in the House — not to mention his role as a Big Brother to a young African-American boy who Schiff’s father, Ed Schiff, says made Adam “a better person.”

It’s a foundation that also has cemented his confidence in American institutions despite the current chaos of Washington.

“I think our democracy is resilient enough; we’ll get through this, I think, even if the president doesn’t operate within established norms of office,” Schiff said. “The American people do have a strong center of gravity that will constrain his worst impulses, so I’m a believer in our democracy. I think we’ll get through this. But certainly, there are some rough roads ahead.”

Schiff was born in Boston in 1960, a few months before John F. Kennedy was elected president, as the younger of two sons to Ed and Sherri Schiff. Theirs was a mixed marriage: Ed, who now lives in Boca Raton, Fla. — “living the ‘Seinfeld’ life,” his son said — is a Democrat; Sherri, who died around 2009 of complications from Alzheimer’s disease, was a Republican.

Adam Schiff poses during his bar mitzvah in June 1973 at Temple Isaiah in Northern California. Photo courtesy of Ed Schiff

Ed Schiff was a businessman who moved around the country as a regional sales director for Farah, a men’s pants manufacturing company. Sherri, “bored with country club life … went into real estate, where her boss said, ‘You are wasting time writing copy. Why don’t you get into sales?’ ” Ed said.

After a few years of living in Arizona, the Schiffs moved in 1970 to Contra Costa County in the Bay Area, where Ed got out of the “rag business,” as he called it, and purchased a building materials yard.

In those days, Adam was a studious boy who, according to his father, always did his homework, adored his mother and had a friendly sibling rivalry with his older brother, Dan, a relationship Adam would later write about in a screenplay — never produced — called “Common Wall.” Adam became a bar mitzvah at Temple Isaiah, a Reform congregation in Lafayette, Calif., in June 1973.

“I certainly do remember making tape recordings of my [bar mitzvah] practice sessions on cassette tape with a little cassette recorder, and I think I may even have one of those,” Schiff said. “It’s funny to hear your voice back then.”

In 1978, he entered Stanford University. A pre-med student, he also studied political science, and upon graduation, he was unsure if he wanted to pursue law or medicine. He decided on the former and enrolled at Harvard Law School.

After graduating in 1985, he clerked for federal Judge Matthew Byrne, a Los Angeles native who presided over the trial involving Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers. Later, Schiff spent six years as an assistant U.S. Attorney in L.A. During that time, he met his wife, Eve Sanderson Schiff — yes, they’re Adam and Eve — and prosecuted Richard Miller, the FBI agent convicted of espionage.

Schiff’s success against Miller, as well as Byrne’s influence, accelerated his interest in politics.

“After Adam convicted the FBI agent of treason, he called me and said, ‘Dad, can you imagine what it’s like to have representatives of the most powerful nation in the world calling you and offering to help you in any way they could? Dad, I will never have another case like that in my life,’ ” Ed recalled his son saying. “ ‘I’m going into politics.’ ”

Twice he ran unsuccessfully for the California Assembly but promised his supporters he would do better next time. In 1996, he was elected to the State Senate.

“Adam takes things in progression, and the learning curve … with each loss made it that much easier the next time,” his father said.

In 2000, Schiff ran for Congress to unseat Republican James Rogan in what was then the most expensive House race of all time. Rogan was a two-term Congressman who had his own national profile, in part, from working to impeach President Bill Clinton. Schiff sought help from his mother, asking if she’d make phone calls to voters on his behalf.

“He said, ‘Mama, I would like you to do something for me. I would like you to call these people and tell them a little about me and ask them to vote for me. She jumped into that for 2 1/2 years like it was eating ice cream,” Ed said. “Her spiel went like this: ‘Good evening. My name is Sherri Schiff. My son Adam is running for Congress in your district. May I tell you a little about him?’ ”

Schiff currently is serving in his ninth two-year term in the House, representing a district that now extends from West Hollywood to the eastern edge of Pasadena and from Echo Park to the Angeles National Forest. He has a reputation as a moderate who works with members of both parties. With a large constituency of Armenians, he has championed legislation that would formalize United States recognition of the Armenian genocide of 1915-17. He once delivered an entire speech on the House floor in Armenian and worked with the Armenian members of a hard-rock band, System of a Down, toward seeking recognition of the genocide.

Regarding Israel, which is never out of the headlines, he said, “I’m deeply concerned with a trend I’ve seen over the last several years, where the U.S.-Israel relationship, which always had been very bipartisan regardless of who was in office in Israel or in the U.S., has been trending toward a situation where you have a GOP-Likud relationship and Democratic relationship with other parties in Israel. I think that’s a very destructive trend.”

In 2015, as Jews became polarized over the Iranian nuclear agreement, Schiff considered both sides, then came out in favor of it. Recently, he expressed concern that in the event Trump believes Iran has violated the agreement by developing a nuclear weapon, the president’s outlandishness on Twitter and elsewhere will undermine his credibility in efforts to galvanize allies into action against Iran.

“I have been so appalled by this president’s conduct. I feel I have to vigorously oppose his efforts to undermine our system.” — Adam Schiff

“If they are cheating and the president calls them out on it and thinks there should be some response to it, will the country believe it?” he asked. “The allies we’d need to participate with us, would they believe us? The intelligence agencies that he’s maligning? This is the reason why presidential credibility is to be treasured and not squandered.”

See Part ii >

21746675? ago

Fuck off shill cunt.

21745667? ago

I myself wonder why Jews at least seem to be behind a lot of fuckery. It’s true! I am no racist, either.

21756867? ago

ur not woke yet

level up

21743843? ago

Note to all Jews who are not Satanists and who are not under the control of the Satanist Cabal:

The Satanist Cabal would love to end all of you. Because you are the ones who can end THEM. Jesus said that He will not come again until YOU say "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord". Jesus will be the death of all of Satan's loyalists.

No one here is fooled by all of the muh-joooo Nazi shilling. So don't think we are. This has nothing to do with you, and nothing to do with Q.

When Q said Israel will be dealt with last...why do you think that is? What city does Satan desire above all, and WHY?

Jerusalem, because God said it's HIS. Israel is overrun with CABAL and covered by their crap symbols.

Upshot is: no worries. We're good. The Synagogue of Satan will be completely but unfortunately temporarily wiped out.

21756896? ago

non-Satanist jews? bwaahahaha

"Ye are of the Synagogue of Satan!"

Shill harder, Shlomo.

21746979? ago

Any non cabal non cultists hews better wise up and those these zonists and demon cultists out of their communities. Because if they don't do so soon, they are going to end up dying along side them.

21744581? ago

Good post.

21744362? ago

No one here is fooled by all of the muh-joooo Nazi shilling.

That's the spirit, Moshe!

21744190? ago

Not gonna work rabbi...try harder

21743648? ago

The moloch-worshiping cabal representing many races, religions -- all tied together in a web of blackmail and perversion, is doing damage control today by pretending it's only Jews to blame.

21743768? ago

All jews.

21744195? ago

And zero non-Jews, am I right?

The way you Nazifaggots systematically absolve everyone of sin if they're not Jewish is disgusting. Hillary the baby eater is not Jewish, what say you? ... "A Jew made her eat babies" ... you trolls are disgusting.

21746910? ago

Came her to say “Clinton is a kike” glad someone did it much better. Still though..... CLINTON IS A KIKE! And no non kikes aren’t absolved of anything. Traitors hang first you fool.

21744903? ago

Part A


Clinton's Family Tree

by William F. Dankenbring

In a recent issue of "Prophecy in the News" magazine, author J. R. Church informs us of a most striking genealogy.

He writes:

In an Associated Press article published in The Daily Oklahoman, October 28, 1996, Harold Brooks-Baker, director of Burke's Peerage, a London-based publishing house that traces the lineage of royal and noble families, said that Bill Clinton and Bob Dole have more in common than wanting to be president. They are distant cousins! However, Clinton has bluer blood, giving him an election edge.

Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe, but took his stepfather's name as a teenager. Clinton's ancestry can be traced back, on his mother's side, to King Henry III who ruled England from 1227 to 1272. He is descended from King Robert I of France.

Furthermore, he is related to every Scottish monarch to the current British royal family. Clinton's royal roots include several medieval monarchs and Simon de Montfort, a statesman and soldier under King Henry III. Through de Montfort, Clinton is related to every ancient aristocratic family in Britain today.

J. R. Church continues the incredible story:

Over the past six years, efforts to uncover Clinton's personal history have been nigh unto impossible to confirm. The President had all records of his family history, school records, medical history, etc. sealed.

In 1992, we called Burke's Peerage and asked if they had done any research into Clinton's lineage. We were told that they had not done a genealogical search on his ancestry. It seemed strange to us at the time that they denied knowing anything about Clinton. Shortly afterward, we came across an AP story that linked Clinton to a Gypsy king--citing Burke's Peerage as a source. We again called Burke's Peerage and repeated our request. Again, they told us that no work had been done. That's when we read the article to the person on the phone, naming Harold Brooks-Baker as a source. She then admitted that they had done some work on the genealogy. She said that we should talk with Harold Brooks-Baker, himself. She requested that we fax a letter and request a reply.

We did as she asked. Two days later, having received no reply, we called again. This time, we were able to get Mr. Harold Brooks-Baker on the phone. He asked why we wanted the information, and said he would have to clear our request with Washington. He said, 'It's a very touchy subject.' He talked like there might be something to hide.

Indeed! What might that closely-guarded secret be? J. R. Church continues his riveting story:

Bill Clinton's family goes back to William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, making him related to Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. His kinship to Ford makes him 'near kin' to Richard Nixon and George Bush. Small world, isn't it?

'Royal Boy Chosen'

There is no official documentation for what I am about to relate. I talked with a man in the summer of 1996 who claimed to be a descendant of the Rothschild banking family. He informed me that Bill Clinton used to attend their family functions as a boy.

This man grew up in the same town with Clinton. They attended the same schools. He would see Bill at family get-togethers wearing a Jewish skullcap. According to him, Bill Clinton is a descendant of the Rothschild family.

He said the rabbis would kiss his hand and refer to him as the Segulah Yeled Eklatosh--the 'royal-boy-chosen.' He said that according to private family records, the original Meyer Amschel (Bauer) Rothschild (pictured, right) claimed to have had a heavenly visitor in 1773, who informed him that Jesus was not the Messiah. He told Meyer Amschel that the family from which he descended would produce the Messiah in the last half of the twentieth century.

A few weeks later I read in 'The Jewish Festivals' by Hayyim Schauss (published in 1938) that the Roman Emperor Nero had faked his death, escaped and married a Jewish woman. The famous thirteenth century Rabbi Meir (also spelled Meyer) of Rothenberg, Germany, claimed direct descent from Nero. I called my Rothschild family friend and asked it there was a family connection. Two days later he called me back, and said 'Yes! The Rothschilds are descended from Nero!'..." ("Roots of the Presidents," by J. R. Church, Prophecy in the News, July 1998, pages 18-19).

[This article goes on to describe Nero's character and ends by saying Nero's Aramaic name (Nron Ksr) equals 666. They also show William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton as both adding up to 666 but the numbers are off as published.]

21744679? ago

Part 2:

“I knew that my grandmother Della’s husband, Max Rosenberg, was Jewish, and I was horrified that someone like him could have been murdered just because of his religion,” Clinton wrote in 2003.

By the time Bill Clinton was running for president in 1992, the youthful governor and his wife had become favorites among Jewish Democrats. Ehrman described a presidential campaign headquarters buzzing with Jewish activists.

“The Jews loved the Clintons so much, they were coming from around the country,” she said. “If they couldn’t come, they would send food – the whole staff would end up in the Jewish room because there were bagels from New York, Danish pastries, Goldenberg’s peanut chews.”

The “Jewish room” she describes refers to the area where Jewish activists would congregate.

Steve Rabinowitz, a campaign volunteer who went on to become a deputy communications director in the White House, recalls 100 people coming to a Yom Kippur break-fast he organized in Little Rock during the campaign.

The Jewish sensibility permeated the Clinton White House, where the first couple inaugurated the annual Hanukkah party in 1993, in part because of the abundance of Jewish staffers. They included communications chief Ann Lewis, senior adviser Rahm Emanuel and Rabinowitz. There was Jack Lew, a special assistant to President Clinton who would go on to become Treasure secretary under President Barack Obama, and Ron Klain, the chief of staff to Vice President Al Gore and now Obama’s Ebola czar.

“I said, ‘You’re having a Christmas party, you’ve got to have a Hanukkah party,’ ” Ehrman recalled. (Unlike the formal Hanukkah parties inaugurated by President George W. Bush and continued by Obama, these were for staffers and their families, although on occasion children from Washington-area Jewish day schools made an appearance.)

The Clintons’ first Israel visit, with a church group in 1981, also included the West Bank. Approaching Bill Clinton’s presidential run in 1992, they reached out to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, and AIPAC helped set up a meeting with Martin Indyk, a former staffer who founded the Washington Institute for Near East Policy think tank. The trio hit it off — the meeting ran hours overtime as both Clintons peppered Indyk with questions, according to a source who was present. Indyk went on to become the U.S. ambassador to Israel and Clinton’s top Middle East peace negotiator.

Bill Clinton’s embrace of the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization — initiated by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin — further strengthened the couple’s ties to national Jewish groups. Hillary Clinton’s eight years in the Senate representing New York cemented those ties. Her pro-Israel advocacy included exposing incitement in Palestinian media and helping to win full membership for Magen David Adom in the International Committee of the Red Cross. She also blamed the Palestinians, and not the Israelis, for the collapse of the 2000 Camp David peace talks and the subsequent second intifada.

Her advocacy followed the headline-making fallout from an appearance by Hillary Clinton in 1999 at an event with Suha Arafat, the wife of the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Speaking in Arabic, Suha Arafat accused Israel of poisoning Arab children. Clinton, ostensibly listening to a translation on headphones, did not react and kissed Suha Arafat after her remarks. Clinton claimed that she did not hear the reference to poisoning; she noted that others in the room missed it, too.

The subsequent tabloid attention rattled her, coming just as Clinton was launching her Senate campaign, and helped shape the political caution that has come to define her.

“I had learned a hard lesson about the hazards of merging my role in the international diplomatic arena with the complexities of local New York politics,” she wrote in “Living History.”

After winning the Senate seat in 2000, Clinton repeatedly secured the Tuesday-morning slot at national Jewish conferences for AIPAC and the Jewish Federations of North America, among others – a slot reserved for the most respected pro-Israel figure in Congress. Clinton chose the annual AIPAC conference in 2008 to concede the primaries to Obama.

For her 2016 bid, Clinton has lined up pro-Israel funding powerhouses who helped fuel her ‘08 bid, like entertainment mogul Haim Saban, and has added some of Obama’s most prominent Jewish bundlers, notably movie executive Jeffrey Katzenberg. Lewis, the former White House communications chief, leads her Jewish outreach.

There were other alliances, less noticeable back in the 1990s, that would also be consequential, at least personally.

The 1992 election swept into Congress the largest class of Jewish lawmakers ever, 51. Among them was Rep. Marjorie Margolies, D-Pa., who served a single term before being ousted in the Republican takeover of the House in ‘94. Her opponents raised the issue of Margolies’ tie-breaking vote in 1993 passing Bill Clinton’s unpopular tax bill.

The Clintons, known for their loyalty to those who fall on their sword for them, campaigned for Margolies in her 2014 congressional bid; she lost in the primaries. Neither Hillary Clinton’s office nor Margolies responded to requests for comment.

Margolies’ son, Marc Mezvinsky, met the Clintons’ daughter, Chelsea, when they were children at a political retreat, and fell in love when they met again at Stanford University. At their wedding, co-officiating was Rabbi James Ponet, the head rabbi at Yale.

Ponet chatted only briefly with Hillary Clinton at the wedding, but got to know her more recently at a memorial for the philanthropist Edgar Bronfman. Ponet in an interview with JTA said Clinton spoke with sensitivity about Bronfman’s efforts to make Swiss banks accountable for Holocaust-era Jewish assets.

“There’s a sense of foundational connection to the Jewish people and a sense of the responsibility to the Jewish people in the world,” he said.

Ponet also described a pre-wedding meeting with the young couple and discussing the huppah. The rabbi advised the couple that any cloth with meaning to the family could serve as a wedding canopy.

“Marc said, ‘My bar mitzvah tallit, that could be used, but I don’t know where it is’,” Ponet recalled. “Chelsea said, ‘I know where it is.’”


21744670? ago

Sauce: >By the Forward

Part 1:

Hillary Clinton and Her Enduring Ties to Jews

Ron KampeasJune 24, 2015

(JTA) — From the man who married her grandmother to the man who married her daughter, from working a room full of bar mitzvah guests on behalf of her husband’s political career to headlining major pro-Israel events during her own, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s journey has never wandered far from Jews.

Clinton’s Jewish encounters have been a natural consequence of her East Coast education, her trajectory in the party favored by a substantial majority of Jewish-Americans, and her embrace of the Jewish narrative of triumphing over adversity and bigotry, longtime friends of the 2016 presidential candidate say.

Sara Ehrman, whose friendship with the Democratic front-runner dates back more than four decades, told JTA that the Clintons, upon arriving in Arkansas in the mid-1970s, quickly established ties with leaders of the state’s tiny Jewish community.

“They were a smart, educated young couple … who had come down to this wonderful little city,” said Ehrman, now 96, referring to Little Rock. “The Jews gravitated to them. Among her best and most fervent supporters were Jews.”

by the Forward

The Clintons would attend seders at the homes of Jewish friends during their Little Rock years, and in 1988 Bill Clinton as governor co-officiated with Rabbi Zeke Palnick of Arkansas’ capital city at the Jewish wedding of Richard and Sheila Bronfman.

The Clintons are “both very spiritual and they tend to like to experience different cultures around them,” Sheila Bronfman, who traveled the country to campaign for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, and for Hillary Clinton in 2008. (Plans are underway for a road trip in advance of the 2016 presidential election, she said.)

Ehrman, a longtime activist with the Democratic Party and with pro-Israel groups, met Hillary Rodham during the 1972 George McGovern presidential campaign.

“I went down to San Antonio to run south Texas for McGovern,” Ehrman said of the Democratic nominee. “We were doing voter registration, Mexican-Americans. I wanted a lawyer to make sure everything we did was right. I called D.C., I said ‘You gotta send a lawyer down here.’ The next day, a young woman comes in, she looks 19, all in brown with Coke-bottle glasses. She said, ‘I’m Hilary Rodham, the lawyer.’ And everyone in the room said, ‘We don’t want a girl, we want a real lawyer.’ We immediately bonded as outsiders.”

Two years later, Rodham was hired by the U.S. House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee to investigate President Nixon’s role in the Watergate scandal. So she called Ehrman, asking whether she knew of cheap digs. Ehrman invited her to bunk at her house, and Rodham agreed.

After Nixon resigned, the two drove together from Washington, D.C., to Fayetteville, where Bill Clinton was teaching law at the University of Arkansas and where Rodham planned to join him.

“All the way down, I would say, ‘Are you out of your mind? It’s a godforsaken place, you can’t get decent food there, what are you going to do?’” recalled Ehrman, speaking to JTA in her apartment on Embassy Row here.

In Fayetteville, Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham soon befriended another law professor, Mort Gitelman.

“They were both very happy to come to the bar mitzvah of my son, Eliot,” Gitelman said in an email.

Palnick’s son Lazar, who attended the bar mitzvah, remembers Hillary Rodham and Bill Clinton working the room for political support. And when his rabbi father would travel to Fayetteville for pastoral work, the teenage Lazar would ride along to help leaflet neighborhoods in support of Clinton, who would go on to lose his 1974 congressional bid to the Republican incumbent.

During Hillary Clinton’s 2000 U.S. Senate campaign, Paul Fray, Bill Clinton’s campaign manager in the ‘74 race, told a writer that Hillary Rodham, in a heated argument on election night as it became clear that Clinton would be defeated, called Fray a “f***ing Jew bastard.” Both Clintons have vehemently denied the charge, and noted that they had fallen out with Fray after the campaign. They also said that they had no idea Fray was one-eighth Jewish.

A year after the loss, the couple were married by a Methodist minister in their Fayetteville living room. The following year, Bill Clinton became the state’s attorney general, and two years after that he was elected governor of Arkansas.

“I remember them coming for seder at our house,” said Lazar Palnick, now a lawyer for the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania. “The Clintons fit very much in with a group of people who cared about feeding the poor, educating people, making sure everyone gets an opportunity.”

Hillary Clinton’s maternal grandmother, Della, who was divorced, had remarried a Jewish man, Max Rosenberg. And the presidential hopeful has credited Rosenberg with encouraging her mother, Dorothy, and her grandmother to reconcile years after Della sent Dorothy at age 8 to live with her strict and forbidding parents.

In her first autobiography, “Living History,” Hillary Clinton recalls, when she was 10, noticing numbers tattooed on the arm of an acquaintance of her father. Hugh Rodham explained that Nazis had tattooed his acquaintance when he was a prisoner of war, and told her how the Nazis also tattooed Jews, whom they murdered en masse.

See Part 2 >

21746866? ago

Excellent finds Anon.

21746885? ago

Thank you!

Here is the start of the bloodlines dig.

ALL IN THE DRAGON FAMILY - Bloodlines Part 1


More coming. <

21744402? ago

And zero non-Jews, am I right?

No, you retarded moron.

21743635? ago

That dog don't hunt...everybody knows Schiff is Jewish and very likely Mossad. I say Jewish but I know he's a Satanist masquerading.

21746983? ago


Early Life, Bio, And Family Of Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff was born on the 22nd of June, 1960 in Framingham, Massachusetts, United States. He is an American by nationality and her ethnicity is White American. Adam went to Stanford University from where he got a degree in Political science. After completing his degree in Political science, Adam joined the Harvard Law School to attain a degree in Law.

Adam Schiff was born to Edward and Sherrill Ann. He grew up in a Jewish family and then he was shifted to Oakland during high school. As he was growing up, he used to be taunted for being a Jew. He was called as 'Talmudic Jew boy'.

Adam Schiff's Career And Wiki

Early in his career, Adam Schiff started working at the Los Angeles branch of the U.S. Attorney's Office as a prosecutor. He was brought to limelight when he prosecuted against Richard Miller. Richard Miller was a former FBI agent who was convicted of passing secret documents to the Soviet Union.

After unsuccessful attempts twice in a row, Adam Schiff got elected to the California State Senate in the year 1996. At present, he is serving his ninth term in Congress.

Adam Schiff represented the 27th and 29th Districts between 2001- 2013. He is known to be a vital person in the Democratic party to speak on issues related to foreign policy and national security. Adam is also with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence as a ranking member. He joined the House Appropriations Committee in 2007 but he is on leave now.

Earlier, Adam Schiff was associated with the United States House Foreign Affairs Committee. He also contributes to the State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee.

Adam Schiff has been a leading voice on many major political issues. His district reportedly has over 70,000 Armenian-Americans so he advocated strongly for the signing of the US House Resolution 106 which recognized the Armenian Genocide.

Adam Schiff's Married, Wife, Affair, And Relationship

As regards to the personal life of Adam Schiff, it is known that he is a married man. His wife is Eve Marion and the couple has two children whose names are Alexa and Elijah. The couple has been together for many years and still sharing the wonderful married life with no such conflict.

Schiff along with his wife and two children currently resides in Burbank, California.

Apart from politics, Adam has been involved with various events and causes. He participated in the multiple endurance challenges including triathlons and marathons. In 2014, Adam participated in the AIDS/Lifecycle which is a seven-day charity bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

Also read, Donald Trump and Barack Obama

Adam Schiff's Net Worth And Salary

Adam Schiff is an influential name in the Democratic Party. According to sources, he is the 309th wealthiest member of Congress. He has Apple stock worth around $100,001. Some sources claim that he has liabilities on the mortgage of his homes in Maryland and California.

Adam has an estimated net worth of around $2 million, in 2019.


21746962? ago

The Jews of New York >

The Descendants of Jacob Schiff

Jacob Schiff emigrated to the U.S. in the late 19th Century and led an investment banking firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which rivaled the house of J.P. Morgan. But his mastery of Wall Street was not his greatest accomplishment. One of the city’s most generous philanthropists, Schiff poured much of his personal fortune into establishing charities to support the Russian Jews who came to escape the pogroms, including the 92nd Street Y and the Henry Street Settlement to help poor Jews. His philanthropic legacy extended to non-Jewish institutions as a founder of the New York Zoological Society and an early board member of the NAACP, and he encouraged his family members to follow his example of sharing their wealth. A German Jew, Schiff was an ardent supporter of Russian Jewry; he lobbied Congress and President Grover Cleveland to prevent the passage of legislation which would have prevented the massive wave of Russian Jewish immigrants from whom most current New York Jews descend. His son Mortimer Schiff, also an investment banker, was an early leader of the Boy Scouts of America, and his granddaughter Dorothy Schiff spent 40 years as publisher of “The New York Post".


21746956? ago

Schiff is a Jew and comes from the line of Jacob Shiff. <

Mossad for sure.


Married Biography / Biography

Adam Schiff Bio


Last Modified November 17, 2019


Adam Schiff

Facts of Adam Schiff

Full Name: Adam Schiff

Age: 59 years 5 months

Birth Date: June 22, 1960

Horoscope: Cancer

Birth Place: Framingham, Massachusetts, U.S


"and we will not undermine the civil liberties that characterize our Democracy"

Relationship Statistics of Adam Schiff

What is Adam Schiff marital status ? (single, married, in relation or divorce): Married

When did Adam Schiff get married ? (married date): February 19, 1995

How many children does Adam Schiff have ? (name): Two(Alexa Marion and Elijah Harris)

Is Adam Schiff having any relationship affair ?: No

Is Adam Schiff gay ?: No

Who is Adam Schiff wife ? (name): Eve (Sanderson) Schiff

More about the relationship

Adam Schiff is married to Eve (Sanderson) Schiff. Adam and Eve met for the very first time on a tennis court in Marina del Rey 1990 and married five years later on 19th February 1995.

They have been together for more than two decades. Adam and Eva have two kids: Alexa Marion (1998) and Elijah Harris (2002).


1 Who is Adam Schiff?
2 Adam Schiff: Age, Family
3 Adam Schiff: Education
4 Adam Schiff: Professional Life, Career
    4.1 Petition for Adam to Resign
5 In The Ring
6 Adam Schiff: Net Worth
7 Height
8 Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Who is Adam Schiff?

Adam Schiff is an American politician who served as the U.S. Representative for California’s 28th congressional district since 2001.

Adam Schiff is also the Chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Presently, he serving the 10th term in Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Adam Schiff: Age, Family

He was was born on 22nd June 1960 in Framingham, Massachusetts, U.S. to Edward Schiff, and mother, Sherrill Ann Schiff. They are of Jewish-Ashkenaz ancestry.

Adam’s birth sign is Cancer.

Adam Schiff: Education

He attended Monte Vista High School in Danville, California. After that, he continued his education at Standard University and received a political science degree and a J.D. degree from Harvard Law School.

Adam Schiff: Professional Life, Career

After his graduation from Harvard Law School, he began working as a prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Los Angeles.

During the time, he prosecuted a case against Richard Miller, a former FBI agent. Miller was passing over secret documents to the Soviet Union in exchange for a promised $65000 in gold and cash and later was convicted in a third trial.

Furthermore, he got elected to California’s 21st State Senate district (now called the 25th Senate district) in 1996.

In 2015, he supported the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen and also introduced bipartisan legislation to repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists.

Schiff was designated to the House Select Committee on Benghazi in 2014 by Nancy Pelosi to fill in as one of the five Democrats on the Committee.

Furthermore, Schiff framed the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Caucus for the Freedom of the Press in 2006 planned for propelling press opportunities around the globe.

Moreover, he has been a forceful proponent of debating and voting on a new war authorization against ISIS. From 2017-19, he was working in Trump-Russia collusion investigation.

Petition for Adam to Resign

Representative Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., on October 16, 2019, found a way to attempt to drive a decision on his movement to denounce and blame House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for his “intolerably false and created” perusing of President Trump’s July telephone call with Ukrainian pioneer Volodymyr Zelensky during a consultation.

Biggs, who hammered the hearings in the arraignment investigation into Trump as “Soviet-style procedures,” carried his goals to the floor subsequent by accepting the help of 135 Republican officials in the lower council of Congress.

In The Ring

As of 2019 November, Adam Schiff is circling opponents… Check it out.

Adam Schiff: Net Worth

He has an estimated net worth of around $2 million.


He has auburn hair with grey eyes. His height is 5 feet & 3 inches.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

He has around 57k followers on Instagram, 1.56 million on Twitter and 371k on Facebook.


21757207? ago

Damn anon...you scary =) This is impressive.

21757495? ago

I do try fren. <


21749958? ago

He will have to abandon those followers when in prison.

21752240? ago

They will abandon him. <

21742999? ago

The Deep State are shillings as nazis left and right up and down all over this board lately. I remember QRV a year ago (I lurked then) and it was all WWG1WGA and positive on the Q movement to reclaim America. Now suddenly everything is the jews, death to gays, and white supremacy drivel. I've seen many posts here were people are calling for the open genocide of all non-Aryans even.

Its almost like the Glowfuckers are posting the hell out of this board to scare off newly red-pilled former "normies."

21746901? ago

The goyim spent enough time on voat and now they see. You see too, but you’re a Jew. If you don’t understand the JQ you are not a “newly red-pilled former normie” why do you think Q sent us here?

21746923? ago

Fair comment.

21746920? ago

Because reddit was run by the bloody liberals and they were shut down. Voat was the only place that the Deep State didn't control.

21746734? ago

I've seen many posts here were people are calling for the open genocide of all non-Aryans even.

As well as killing QAnons: https://voat.co/v/funny/3564223

21746241? ago

It is called progression, learning and sharing the knowledge. Tl/dr it's most of the jew zionists at least all of the rich ones that play the game and vote I'm with her...

21744373? ago

Because everyone else woke up, sleepy head.

21743251? ago

And the people advocating for those things are largely correct.

21743095? ago

Whether you are genuine or not, adding

everything is the jews

to your list of supposed rhetoric means you're just not getting it, you're ignorant, or you're a shill.

Blindly advocating for the death of other races is evil, and lying about being the victim of it is just as insidious.

21746988? ago

I am still willing to believe there might be a difference between demon-worshiping pedovores and jews. I dunno maybe I'm naive. It just seems completely improbable hat every single last jew is somehow in on this insanity. Seems much more likely that the cultists have been using the jews to hide among while exploiting the collective nature of jew culture to only further tighten up their conspiracy.

21751901? ago

improbable that every single last jew is somehow in on this insanity

What does being jewish mean to you? It may seem improbable because you are an empathetic human being but the jewish person is taught since birth that they are better than you. That tricking, deceiving, harming, or even murdering you is okay because you are no better than cattle. They are God's chosen people, you exist only to be used to their advantage.

21742787? ago

The kike Schiff is Jewish.

After we are rid of their infection of our nation we can make peace with the middle East by throwing faggots off the top of the new WTC building.

Then they are free to attack any country in the middle East they want without our intervention.

21742462? ago

That's not how it works. Communist Jews do damage control cultivating antisemitism. This post is a good example.

21742909? ago

^ Get a load of this retard. Communism is Jewish. Communist Jews means Jewish Jews.

21744779? ago

Hello fellow white supremacists.

Not all Jews are communist.

Not all communists are Jews.

There are no groups without communists.

There are no groups that are entirely communist.

Communists distract, divide, and conquer. You communists aren't shit without your scared useful idiots.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

21757032? ago

Your premise is all jews don't lie, but you are wrong. They all do. Even when Christ told you, you still don't believe. And he said those that don't hear are not of His flock. That means you are not White. You're a mixed race bastard, a devil, spouting lies to fool Whites. All jews are communist. All jews have in-group preference. None prefer Whites over their own. With in-group networking, you infiltrate power levers of White nations to siphon off White productivity and surplus instead of building your own because you are inferior to Whites, inferior to God's genetic line. Your ancestors have always been on the outskirts of White nations reaching back to Rome, Egypt, and Mesopotamia because they suck just as you suck. You will never be White. All you can do is shill harder, but even that has its limits. You have everything to fear because your end is near.

Also, fuck you.

21757596? ago

Noise from a commie. Who could have guessed.

Us non-commies have nothing to fear but fear itself... which is why you commies never stop shilling fear.

21745980? ago

I want to comment on this, however, we'd probably just end up in a worthless circular argument. That being said....Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year to you and yours.

21749345? ago

Thank you! Merry Christmas to you, too! I hope the new year brings new hope for us all.

21742522? ago

Gas yourself, vampire

21750013? ago



21744785? ago

Fuck off commie. Ain't buying your bullshit.

21742363? ago

Yes... I give all my relatives Mossad shirts because none of us are Jewish.

21742276? ago

I read that schiff, Nadler, Feinstein are all dual citizens.

21749908? ago

50+ dual citizens in Congress

21746959? ago

Dual citizens are all inherently traitors. Dual citizenship needs to end, at least people would dual citizenship should be barred from working anywhere in government. If you are going to steer our ship you don't get another one to run to if you intentionally sink ours.

21742126? ago

To be fair he might not be Jewish. I doubt he was studying the Torah at the Standard Hotel.

21741929? ago

I really enjoy watching antisemitism go mainstream. Best movie ever!

21745490? ago

I really enjoy watching COUNTER-SEMITISM go mainstream i said gotdamn!

21742588? ago


21742150? ago

Is it anti-Semitism if it is largely true?

21743005? ago

Reality is anti-Semitic, let's make it a compliment

21746225? ago

Anti semitism is in fact trickery. If you go after Christians and Muslims of that semitic origin, all on the middle east you are anti demite. Let's use real words ANTI KABAL, ANTI JEWISH OR ANTI ZIONISTS

21756849? ago




21747802? ago


21741885? ago

Shalom! I do not make enough shekels for this abuse. Oy Vey!

21746702? ago

Is that you @nosebergshekelman??

21741482? ago

It's their staffers they know when the boss is hung for treason their next job is either whoring or waitering in a gay bar.

21745338? ago


21742975? ago

.. over in Tel Aviv

21742501? ago

Jews are really trying to do damage control on QRV today.

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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21744460? ago

Well 120 000 jews were in the waffen ss, so jump sides, stop shilling and start outing and digging.

21744554? ago

Can I have a link to material on that please Anon?

21744774? ago

Thank you.

21743073? ago

This guy supports all kinds of societal degeneracy. I think it’s some sort of bot

21742745? ago

And this is how Jews operate: shapeshifting.

21742617? ago

kek w

21742099? ago

They may finally have to work for their shekels for once.

21743129? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the only thing worse for a jew then working for a living is being named a jew in public when they are trying to shapeshift... that is their worst fear becuase it reminds them why they were kicked out 109 times and it can happen again if they dont keep up their jew tactics.. the sad thing and they know this their jew tactics is the exact reason they are hated and being kicked out. classic jew catch 22..n make money tricking the goyim... when goyim finds out get kicked out.. hmmm

option B work for a living!!! entire room of jews erupts in laughter at this option B suggestion.

21743659? ago

Fuck off and eat shit, namefag.

21744852? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you first noname jew kike dick suckker fuck off

21744911? ago

Doglegwarrior you are a human piece of shit

As a human you are an ignoramus, as a piece of shit, you smell bad.

21745771? ago

from: doglegwarrior

3rd grade level insults nice work

21748218? ago

Keep signing your name you fucking faggot it is going to guarantee that you become a meme and it is not going to be a good one. KILL YOURSELF YOU ASS LICKING FAGGOT.

21749594? ago

from: doglegwarrior

im gonna be a meme? as long as the meme is that doglegwarrior is against

the FACT that circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with zero medical benefits

then the dogleg will be happy i dont care sbout my name the way you fucking retards think. you come to our site we fought for freedom of speexh as you faggots got kicked off other platforms and you come here and tell me i can use my name and that i should kill me self? who will be looked upon worse me trying to stop circumcision or you being a triggered faggot that tells someone to kill himself because he believes in using his name?

21751349? ago

How're you enjoying the popularity, fag?

21752914? ago

from: doglegwarrior

doesnt effect me at all. never looked for popularity just wanted as many people as possible to know the truth

that circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

its the jews wake the fuck up

21753265? ago

You will be necked along with all the rest, doglefag.

21744055? ago

Naw, this subverse really should remove the anon setting.


21744201? ago

Mossad would love that.

21749346? ago

They do love it, yeah. Puttitout is off vacationing in Israel while the site randomly goes in and out of "maintenence" mode ever since the suspicious pizzagate vindication via "omg they ddosed a super specific url."

It's a honeypot.

21745260? ago

If you think the little anon setting on this is keeping an intelligence agency from finding you then you're horribly dumb. All it does is throw a speed bump into voats immune system. And either way you never linked an email or phone number or anything to your account so for someone that wants to find you what the hell's the difference between a username and a handful of numbers with a question mark?

21743569? ago

coming soon will be option B or option C (GTFO...go to Israel)

21743141? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Ok, why arent I getting any upvotes??? Do you people not know who i am???

21744872? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the real dogleg. you got two upvotes! did they know it was not the real dogleg because you forgot to mention.

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

forgot that impoetant aspect of being a doglegwarrior

21744658? ago

from: doglegwarrior's mom


21741447? ago

Yea. I like seeing all that shill money wasted on us.

21741455? ago

I’m gonna post some more tranny porn so we get over target better

21741500? ago

Like I said shill, a wast of money. Lol. You don’t post tranny porn to get over the target. You post it when we are over the target. Are you a new shill?

21741521? ago

Wait so if I post more will you be further over target?

21741623? ago

If it’s wasting your time then go for it. Nobody’s stopping you. It’s usually a lot when something big drops though. I’m not sure how the pay works. You probably won’t get paid unless you were told to post it.

21741642? ago

Ok gonna post some more porn

21741692? ago

Ohh no. Please don’t. Lol. Is that what you want to hear? Yea, nobody cares.

21743262? ago

It’s on NEW right now. Check out my little ladycock

21746094? ago

If you seen one you seen them all. Keep up the great work. I told my buddy about voat yesterday. I told him it’s crazy how many shills shit post. You helped prove my point to him. I told him that I only interact in subs that are flooded with lady dicks. If there’s no lady dicks, it means shills a spamming elsewhere. Shills only spam where there are threats. Seeing a dick is a good indication that there is good research being done.

21741418? ago

Kikes are losing worldwide, oy vey!

The entire government is jewish.

21746695? ago

Just do what Hitler did and make interest illegal. Their funding dries up and people are no longer in debt to (((them))).

21742515? ago

One Of Many Jewish Patriot Is Laura Loomer :)

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"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos


They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


21744031? ago

Do you know what happens to vanilla ice cream when you put a dollop of shit in it?

21743257? ago

thank you

21742845? ago

Laura Loony gets the oven too, kike.

21743147? ago

Gas her.

21742254? ago

Kikes are losing worldwide

Ahahahhahahahahahahha THIS needs to be a bumper sticker!!!

21746210? ago

I will make them, an Pepe driving a convertible above it.. would you buy?

21749851? ago
