21738386? ago

A Pole shift would be Biblical.


21738235? ago

There used to be a Japanese government web site that monitored the earth's magnetic field and showed a visual display. When the field representation started collapsing and reversing, the site magically went offline. It was daily watching on GLP.

21737735? ago

Everybody knows Russia interfered with the earth's magnetic field.

21736888? ago

Loves me some Motown.

21736876? ago

Well, that sucks.

21736438? ago

Isn't it funny that now that we're about to destroy the Satanic Cabal that has ruled the Earth forever that all of a sudden we're all gonna die in some cataclysmic event? Like the Earth just can't stand that Lucifer's children aren't in control so it's just gonna wipe us out.

Fearmongering bullshit.

21737888? ago

This has been discussed for years. New ice age coming. Super grand solar minimum worse than the Maunder or Dalton Minimums.

21736281? ago

I’m surprised it’s not blamed on global warming. Oops, I mean climate change. Gag

21742520? ago

You now what, though? This actually explains the global warming/climate change stuff. That's classic C_A disinformation to distract the normies and detract from any research and conversation about that movie...

21736174? ago

It happens every 13k years or so, it's part of the geologic record. The unknown part is how it will affect our daily lives.

21736017? ago

Ice core data shows the pole flip is a repeating phenomenon. During the pole flip the magnetic field protecting the Earth from cosmic events is greatly weakened, though not expected to disappear entirely. However, the electro magnetic effects from events such as solar sun spots is expected to greatly increase, placing much of our electric and electronic infrastructure in jeopardy. Normal sun spot activity which would usually have little to no impact electronically may now become devastating during this time. We are not prepared for this.

The North pole and South pole are now moving to meet together somewhere in the region of the Asian triangle near Indonesia. It is expected that a new pole will emerge on the opposite side of the planet somewhere near the Bermuda triangle. Again referring to the ice core data, it is known that the planet itself does not flip with the poles. It is also known that the poles will not remain at the triangle positions. It may be that the new poles will continue to spin until they return to the original North and South positions, with opposite polarity.

Previously it was assumed that this change occurs slowly, over the course of hundreds of years. The new data showing a very rapid movement of the poles now places that assumption in doubt. The rate of movement has increased dramatically, and if the rate continues to increase we can not only see the sudden shifting of the poles to the East and West positions, we may also be seeing it sometime in the next decade or two.

Much of this is unknown, in part because science is particularly weak in this area. What is known with certainty is the poles do flip, they do so with regularity, and when the flip is complete they will return to their original North and South stations, with the magnetic polarity reversed. It is also known that during the transition, the magnetic field strength is greatly reduced, exposing the planet to much greater impact from solar events. It is also known that this process is once again underway now. Magnetic field strength is already dropping rapidly.

What is not known is how long it will take to complete the transition, nor the total magnitude of the reduction in field strength.

21737913? ago

During a grand solar minimum it is not the energy from the sun but cosmic rays that we have to worry about. The solar winds create a forcefield. During minimum that solar wind and force field weakens allowing more cosmic rays in.

21735984? ago

The poles have shifted and migrated for millions of years. Earth is still here. Not to worry.

21735924? ago

You first need to wrap your mind around the fact that the earth is not the size and shape that the luciferian freemasons teach. Then and only then can you start to realize what is going on with the “North Pole”.

21742472? ago

This guy gets it. Unfortunately this will fall on deaf ears, as the brainwashing runs deep in this regard. It literally starts the brainwashing at 3 years old.

21742616? ago

It was the hardest paradigm to break through, but once you realize how deep the illusion goes it gets much easier.

21736623? ago

Sauce/explanation, please.

21736076? ago

Explain comrade.

21735849? ago


21735847? ago

Sputnik Article using old statistic for Earth's weakening Magnetosphere , now going down 5% / Decade , not Century

Peace Y

21735832? ago

They say they don't know what happens when the Magnetic Poles Reverse but they have linked it to Earth's Catastrophe Cycle. Great video series from Suspicious 0bservers channel on You Tube or suspicious0bservers.org

Sauce : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_zfMyzXqfI&list=PLHSoxioQtwZfY2ISsNBzJ-aOZ3APVS8br

21742504? ago

Wow - just finished watching that! Not the rabbit hole I intended to follow today, but glad I did. I caught an interesting thing that I've wondered about for a long time. When the guy was at the pyramids, there was a comment that an ancient King had said the sphinx was there when they got there. In other words, they didn't build the sphinx. Perhaps they didn't build all the pyraminds either.

So... going further into the rabbit hole - suppose that an ancient pre-catastrophe civilization was technologically as far as we are now. That was the civilization that built all that stuff - including things like Stonehenge. Then the catastrophe happened. All the locals died, the land was covered for a time in ice and snow. The few intrepid survivors crawled out of their caves and began life anew. When they found these structures, they had to make up stories for how they got there, since no one living had a memory of them.

I'm just musing here. It would be like the entire world freezing over now. A few of us survive, claw out a life for 3 or 4 generations, start building the population again. Ice retreats, sun comes out, and the surviving families go to the interior of the once-United States. They discover Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Statue. They don't have the tools to make such things. So it must have been gods or travelers from outer space. And thus the mythology begins.

Also - maybe - maybe - when we see "UFO's" - maybe those are actually people from earth's last iteration of humans who found a way to get off the planet for the flip flop of the poles. Maybe they are coming back to check up on how things progressed after their ancestors escaped.

Ok, wandered into the fanciful. But the more I learn, the more I know I don't know.

21735583? ago

Electric Universe & Suspicious Observers have been pointing to this this for years now. Grand solar minimum and the 12/13 thousand year cycle are believed to be the culprit.

21737870? ago

4 of the sun's magnetic fields out of wack. The mini ice age had 2 out of wack. I wonder why they are forcing migrants from warm countries to cold countries? They will surely die in a mini ice age. Can't see them surviving in Sweden or Finland during this.

21744815? ago

Finally, a potential positive for mass immigration. Kudos to you!

21735493? ago

Magnetic north, the point on the planet’s surface toward which your conventional compass points, is created by the churning of molten metal in Earth’s core, which creates huge electrical currents to produce the magnetic field.

Pure conjecture masquerading as fact.

21736911? ago


21748144? ago

What is sauce but proof that sombody besides me already said it? Why trust them? Why trust anyone?

21736043? ago

Then how is the magnetic field created then?

21748134? ago

I don’t know. But neither do they. Difference is that I don’t pretend to know.

21738607? ago

From The Source: God.

21738398? ago

Nobody actually knows. It's thousands of miles underground. The deepest borehole is less than 8 miles. Nothing but conjecture it's possible.

21742438? ago

Nobody actually knows.

That's not actually true. The cabal has kept this information for themselves. All of the world's secrets will soon be ours however.

21748201? ago

You think they know EVERYTHING about everything?

21753891? ago

Not everything, but they are far more advanced than we are in this regard. They've kept their secrets for themselves.

To put it in perspective, they knew how to remote view and leave space time in the early 80's. Do you think they just stopped there? Or do you think they kept exploring?

21754086? ago

I agree with you. I just don’t know how much they know. I would love to know the origin and purpose of the Earth’s magnetic field, the sun, the solar system, the galaxy and the universe. I am 98% sure that what we are told is incorrect. Conjecture at best. Absolute hogwash at worst (dark matter, for example, invented to account for the fact that 98% of the mass is missing in rhe universe for gravity to be the force that holds it all together. A rational person would start to question gravity, but instead a bullshit explanation is what is accepted. Gravity is not just a good idea, it’s the LAW. But I digress. )

21755049? ago

Oh i stopped buying all that shit a long time ago too. Gravity is the thing that holds their lie together, no pun intended. It's quite silly once you have eyes to see. Unfortunately these truths wont be revealed for many years to come i think.

21761730? ago

Kek. The pun is pretty good too!

21736194? ago

Watch the SE sky at sunset.

21735764? ago

It's not Nibiru. Nibiru is a bunch of made up crap from Zecharia Sitchin who was commissioned by 'secret societies' (AKA cabal) to publish some bait and switch for the public to keep people from discovering the real past. It's in the same vein as the absolutely hysterical and incoherent Herculobus material. It's pure unadulterated garbage.

Plenty of the stars people are seeing up there that aren't stars are planet-sized vessels brought in by neighbours both near and far, and there is one interstellar body that no one talks about called Nemesis, but none of these things are a threat to you and the panic over Nibiru is overblown and stupid.

21736228? ago

Nemesis has created catastrophe whenever it has come. Pangea was once one continent, how many will we have after the next cycle?

21740920? ago

Nemesis won't be a problem

21735173? ago

In some of the q post it did say something about a new star in the sky

21736240? ago

You can see it's glow behind the clouds in the SE at sunset. A different color than the setting sun.

21736308? ago

Any videos? When the sun sets here it is behind mountains.

21738342? ago

This one, the run's rays are coming from 2 different directions simultanesously https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9bD5u-InMM

21738272? ago

Start tracking, see if there's ever again a sunset without clouds on the horizon that prevent viewing the south to west quadrant at sunset.

21735865? ago

New Stars discovered should get ha the post.

21735870? ago


21735994? ago

Anon asked In some of the q post it did say something about a new star in the sky

I answered New Stars discovered should get ha the post.

So if the person asking the question goes to Qmap and searches for. Some derivation of new stars discovered they shoud find their post. 'missions forward' was another part of It.

21736010? ago

I'm op of this very tiny thread. I asked what... What does "get ha the post" mean

21736025? ago

Get to the post... I have tape on my thumb and am using a phone.

21736034? ago

Thanks for the clarification!

21735211? ago

For eons, since ancient times, people who watch the skies thought Nibiru was a large planet. Lately, however, some think it might be a failed brown dwarf star than never ignited into being a full star in the class that our Sol is. Still, though, a brown dwarf would have a MASSIVE gravitation by Earth standards, and could cause geomagnetic chaos and actual geological disruptions to Earth. We have had an uptick in earthquakes and volcanoes erupting in the past few years. We might be in for a bumpy ride.

21736253? ago

Lots of infrared telescopes been built and launched in the last decade, just sayin.

21736117? ago

Sol - Soul. Think about it.

21735262? ago

They lived through it so I guess we will too.

21735302? ago

Maybe their survival skills were better in adverse situations.

It's the end of the world for some if Facebook goes down for an hour!

Not sure about this nibiru planet/star story, it's been around for ages.

21735310? ago

I'm good to go. Thanks.

21734980? ago

Energy is shifting... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3563198

21734901? ago

This is kind of a big deal

21735851? ago

Time to transition to the 5th dimension baby.