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21732060? ago

If there is a extinction level event on the horizon, why would the Q team try so hard to bring these people to justice? If only those possessing agape can transcend, why bother with them since their crimes against humanity illustrate their uncaring nature?

My 2 cents: the NWO plan to “relocate” people through mass immigration will start to be rolled back, and these people will be sent back to their desolate homelands that can’t sustain the population. We will start seeing famine, disease, and savagery take hold and start to deplete those numbers. People with be apathetic but know that we can only help from a distance since they cannot flourish in a first world society. This is what should’ve happened to these people. Their populations will drop.

The first world countries will see a population drop but it will be from expelling the immigrants (both illegals and those initially welcomed). The first world will recover quicker where the 2nd and 3rd countries will have a fight or flight. They will either take what they have learned and the best will survive and rebuild... or they will fight and cause a mass extinction of their people.