21741104? ago

I've read the whole post. There is one thing you're not saying here. Can you please answer the below and show the examples?

You're saying the Majestic 12 was posting 0 Deltas with Trump, same as Q. The key thing that makes Q legit is that he was posting BEFORE Trump. Can you show the examples/links to Majestic's posts that proves 0 delta and when Majestic has posted seconds BEFORE Trump?

There is a lot of distraction everywhere, UFO, etc. The more important informat comes out - the more distraction Deep State needs to cover it. How do we know it's not one of them?

Since you have already read all thousands Majestic's posts - can you finish your work and show the examples/proves/links here?

Until then - I will remain 99% confident it's one of the distractions.

21738504? ago

It will only look like a mass extinction event from 3rd density perspective. It will actually be an ascension event. Those with positive karma will drop the 3D bodies and inherit the Earth as 4th density humans. The rest will be taken elsewhere.

21737559? ago

this relates to an information i received from my interdimensional sources some years ago. they showed me that after the solar flash which seems to happen ever 12-13,000 years, there would be 2,3 billion humans on our planet.

while i was grieving all these lost souls for weeks, i received further information that 2/3rd of humanity are indeed NPCs, not real humans with a divine soul spark but some kind of place holders for other entities to enter and act through, and for harvesting collective consent to [their] plans. these 'people' would not survive 'the event'.

i was also told that during 'the event', only a few people would actually stay on planet to anchor the frequencies (around 10 million) while everybody else (whose consciousness is not lost to the luciferians and who are not NPCs) would be transported on board of one of the many many intergalactic ships in our system and kept safe until the event is over. their memory would be deactivated when they come back to earth so they can slowly get used to the new frequencies and the memory of their presence on ship slowly slowly coming back.

no clue if what i perceived was only one of many possible time lines or the actual plan. no matter what, i am holding the space for the greater good for humanity and earth to unfold.

21742240? ago

I was also given this same information, two years ago. Thank you for sharing.

21737249? ago

One of the things MJ12 always says is "Time is an illusion".

This may or may not happen. By them telling us, putting it into the consciousness, then can we not change the future?

21735822? ago

Think bigger OP. Here's the tinfoil view. (Above 40,000ft view.) Think Project Looking Glass... (Time Travel!)

1st HRC= "Alice" THEN later Q= "Alice"

What does "Alice" equal? Alice is the floor where they stand to view the future. When "P.A.N.I.C." hits, Q becomes Alice. Both sides saw the future, but one side saw a fake timeline from their own imaginations.

The DS saw 2 timelines, one of enlightenment and living in heaven on Earth ("Timeline 1"), one of destruction of Humanity with disasters ("Timeline 2"). If Heaven on Earth habbens, there's no need for government anymore... ( and [they] can't allow THAT now can [they]?)

MJ12 (the actual DS group) had access to PLG, but they wouldn't have thought SHE was going to win unless many things shown to [them] came true. See? "Even the elect shall be fooled."

We're squarely on "Timeline One" but [they] would still know details of what happens in the near future. So [they] can still give some seemingly impossible proofs.

This IS a "civil war" but its a temporal one.

To have your mind completely blown out look up the plot of the series "Man in the High Castle" ("red castle").


21735681? ago

I read the mj12 bullshit. It is a distraction. When someone keeps claiming hey look at me I’m legit. Hey listen to me I’m not lying. They trying too hard to be both and are neither. The truth is effortless.

21735285? ago

The "accept Jesus or burn" mindset is a low level understanding of higher truth and is unfortunate in that it turns so many people off to that higher truth. The "Ascension" or whatever you choose to call it seems to be a real event on the horizon and is referenced in the Bible many times over. The low level understanding of it as the "Rapture" with the unfortunates "Left Behind" has it backwards. The meek inherit the Earth set free into so called 4th Density, and those not ready apparently are transported one way or another to continue their 3rd Density education elsewhere.

There are many good suggestions in this discussion for raising your spiritual consciousness, and as someone points out, it basically comes down to the conscious and deliberate choice between service-to-other or service-to-self. Joining the majority who avoid this choice is joining the six billion, or however many, emigrants to do this all over again. Aside from the distortions of organized religion and theology, the highest help we have available in the quest for truth and higher spiritual consciousness lies in a commitment to Jesus of Nazareth as embodying Universal LIght and Truth. The greatest gift we can offer to God and others is to raise our level of spiritual consciousness. This does more good for the World and the Universe than anything else we can spend our time and energy doing. Victory to the LIght!

21737243? ago

choice between service-to-other or service-to-self

from my pov, this concept is out-dated and actually a hack: https://gaiascenicsview.com/unity-consciousness-beyond-sts-vs-sto/

as i see it, its more a choice between self-responsible and other-responsible. do we take ownership of ourselves and be responsible in everything we think, feel, say, and do? or do we blame others for whatever goes wrong with our lives and the world, while we stay the helpless powerless not-responsible victims?

21734743? ago

I know of this account and that Q has linked to it a few times, but where are these zero deltas with Trump?

Ive always assumed “The Plan to Save the World” was literally and the mass extinction “event” was the One Game, the building of the 3rd Temple (of man) via transhumanism. To extinguish the human soul.

So don’t take the mark, reject the material, avoid extinction.

Death is was better than some potential realities.

21734656? ago

Good luck retards

21734633? ago

What Majestic 12 is spewing is stating what the globalist agenda is. This site could be just the globalists anti-human version of Qanon posts.

21734605? ago

Sounds similar to some Catholic private revelations.

21734601? ago

If you were going to de-pop 6 billion people, why would you care to save their conciousness in AI form? Not worth the hard drive space really

21782628? ago

Why would you throw away all that information?

21734525? ago

The real question is, how can the jews be the biggest victim here?

21734346? ago

One can only hope this is true. What a relief to have the muslims and chinese among other gone.

21734229? ago

Lol. 3B? Hm aren’t there like 16billion acres of land in Texas alone? Only 7billion people on earth. Not sure how that equals 3B population limit

Gullible guppies

21734099? ago

I've been reading the MJ12 account a lot recently. There's a 600+ page pdf that contains a lot of disclosure stuff that they have posted in the past. It's a lot to take in but here's my impression so far (I've got through nearly half of it).

MJ12 say they were responsible for many things in the past for one purpose, to keep the truth about what we are hidden at the instruction of the Vatican. They say they've murdered people who wanted to disclose the truth for this purpose, including JFK and doing 9/11. They say MJ12 was taken over by the 'cabal' years ago but in recent years, they managed to break away from the cabal and their purpose is to expose the cabal, destroy the Vatican and disclose everything that they have kept from us, including 'what we are', off world activity and the fact that governments have been controlled by ET races all along. They claim that they have been able to get away with the things they have done because they operate above the law and independently from any Government 'interference'. It's all very X-files.

They sound so far out there but this is why I feel they're real. It's the detail they give to both the most basic and the most complex of subjects and 'conspiracies'. They say it's your choice to believe what they say or not, like anything in life I guess. I tend to view this with an open mind and go from there.

21734066? ago

Now that you all have evidence that Majestic 12 is as real a Q


21734029? ago

We're not overpopulated.

Sounds like NWO Georgia guidestones trash to me.

21738025? ago

Maybe we need that many people to go out into the Universe and populate other areas? Leave 500K behind to hold down the home base? Maybe ascension has multiple meanings.

So many possibilities as to how it could play out.

21738827? ago

Could be. I'm pretty tired of Earth, I'd go check out another planet.

21739091? ago

I'm just pulling that out of my hopeful ass, but anything is possible, and I agree, I'd do it.

21733939? ago

Sounds like they're trying to explain away the removal of the Church and subsequent tribulation. We do not know the hour or day Jesus will return for us, but we do know the season.

Matthew 24:36-44

21733853? ago

I'm amazed at how quickly you folks are suckered in by the doctrine of demons. But it's understandable, as it's all that's left after Truth has been rejected.

21733816? ago

Now that you all have evidence that Majestic 12 is as real a Q

Uhhh, What? I think you missed the step where the evidence is presented.

Fuck you shill.

21733804? ago

We will all will die someday. However, 1st President Trump will be re-elected in 2020. He will be able to clean house some more, indictments unsealed on his timetable, Central Banks eliminated, Return to the gold standard, change education system, rebuild infrastructure and much more.

21733789? ago

Majestic 12 is deep state and just because you say he has been proven 'real' doesn't confirm it.

I call bullshit. This flies in the face of what Q states.

21738655? ago

If its false, at least it reveals the cabal's plans and we know that is not the way to go. I try to look at all information and put some in the good pile and some in the bad pile, but its all useable information.

21733760? ago

This MJ12 account is definitely legit. I've been researching since the /r/PG days in 2016. I've read every Q post multiple times, and every MJ12 tweet. Anyone who takes the time to read all of both will know undoubtedly they're legit, but many can't and won't have time to do so... The 0 Deltas with Trump/Q, the recent proofs, and hell they even predicted the Looking Glass connection months before Q exposed it recently - no doubt in my mind. But message over messenger, go look for yourselves!! IMO though about the mass extinction event, as someone who understands and engages with them consistently, I took it as this event was planned for 6 billion, but now we have a choice, the choice is ours to be with those who might be impacted by the event, or we could go to the light and break the matrix cycle. I'm shooting for the latter myself...

369 369 369

369 369 369

369 369 369

369 369 369

369 369 369

369 369 369

21734354? ago

No they go bullshot crazy portals and alien shit sometimes. Its faggot.

21733723? ago

The Souless Luciferian sellouts are the ones in Fear!!! Times up your dominion over Earth is over!!! JESUS CHRIST is the word the Fear over anything.

21733694? ago

Rape every supermodel and actress you can - you won't finish out your jail sentence anyway.

21733656? ago

Q linking Majestic 12 should not be presumed to be an endorsement of their content.

21733641? ago

Q never said majestic 12 account was fact

21733615? ago

Be more in-service of others than yourself. Be more loving and generous. Eat natural foods. Don't masturbate/watch porn. Don't partake in violent games/movies. Meditate. Disconnect from technology as often as you can. That all helps.

21734364? ago

theres only a few games that are truly subverted. MK11, GTAV, Fortnite etc.

21733580? ago

This is your mind on drugs...

21733537? ago

I think you need to realize that MJ12 also said " they never thought She would lose".

If she won, we would literally be in this scenario.

We have changed the course of time. Thank,God!

He has heard our Prayers and has also allowed the POTUS to help " Heal our Land!

21738484? ago

Timeline 1 - not Hillary , Timeline 2 - Hillary as President. We're not on the doomsday timeline IMHO. You are correct, we have been saved from destruction and we have been given a pass to proceed from dark to light.

21733502? ago

Nope, it's timeline 1. It'll get hard, but we will survive if we wake up enough people. I don't want a mass extinction, I'm creating a reality where it doesn't happen. Timeline 2 with mass extinction is the DS wet dreams. Not gonna let them win by lending them my mind anymore.

21734371? ago

masss extinction of useless eaters and idiots would be prime.

21738754? ago

BuBye then. Some of us will miss you (not).

21733433? ago

The information you're looking for is on the SuspiciousObservers channel on youtube.

21733408? ago

And also, disinformation is necessary.

21733243? ago

IIRC that would’ve happened in the other timeline according to Project Looking Glass

21733217? ago

plot twist - all the accounts Q has linked are shills.

21733181? ago

Be careful who you follow.

21733168? ago

Two things.

There is nothing you can do so why worry

Spend time with loved ones.

You should have been doing that already.

21733156? ago

No outside comms

21738536? ago

Agreed 'No outside comms", but also stated for those that want to know the truth, we will have to seek it. I feel just like all Q crumbs, other information is out there, but it has nothing to do with the current Q plan. Maybe we can find it, maybe we will have to wait for Q to give us crumbs, maybe we will never know? Doesn't mean we stop investigating and considering all options. Q says "We have more than we know", so I take that as all the information is there if we can find it.

21733110? ago

Heck , Our Planet may beat them to it when our Magnetic Poles reverse , it's just a question of when will they reverse. Nobody is promised tomorrow.

Peace Y

21733091? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Help I’m retarded

21742096? ago


21743079? ago

from: (the real) doglegwarrior

Aw, come on, stop it guys :’(

21743600? ago

Don't cry, we're all retarded :*

21733085? ago

Ive also read all Qpost and MJ12 tweets. To me it sounds like a warning rather that a foregone conclusion.

21733065? ago

What if the truth that we find out in the end IS that we are almost all doomed?

21738549? ago

We go out with a smile on our face having given the cabal the shaft? Nobody gets out alive comes to mind here.

21733000? ago

Doomsday predictions have always discouraged anyone from trying to do anything meaningful. The deep state loves us believing that the end is nigh so why bother.

21738673? ago

Look at it like "whew, we dodged a bullet". That was what they intended? Sick bastards.

21732967? ago

Ya know, I followed that Majestic 12 account for a little while in the beginning. First thing that made me believe they weren't legit, is that they were always concerned with their follower count and twitter metrics. Then, I think they endorsed that eye spy or some other account and welcomed them to the M12 and then later that same acct they endorsed turned out to be fake. I wouldn't trust them.

21732958? ago

Motherfucker you owe me a beer... I spent the last hour ignoring everyone around me and looking for this fucking document. It is a 600 page BOOK all about MJ-12 https://files.catbox.moe/bwu407.pdf Its a lot but its all good shit. Enjoy the ride.

21742557? ago

Thanks anon, great info here

21742589? ago

Do you want to know moar?

21742624? ago

I always want to know moar.

21742741? ago

OK... There is a drop. I rember it as the " eohgg " drop. You can search voat for that term since I have posted it dozens of times or repky and when I get back home I will copy-pasta it to ya. It is a 4ch/Pol thread with hundreds of mega and other links. "terabytes of redpills" may get youbthe eohgg link as well. I am limited by a shitty phone internet connection so I can't get it all. I have beed digging it for like a year.

21742983? ago

Thanks for the head start. I'll find it fren.

21736142? ago

Thank you anon. I've been looking for this!

21736188? ago

Np I have read them all so many times I got a lot of them memorized. Don't forget Q2222!

21737515? ago

Yes, I remember. It wasn't long thereafter that I came across MAJESTIC12 ON Twitter.

21734906? ago

Here is a digital beeer! Thanks bro!

21732951? ago

Not my idea:

Isaiah 17 - Damascus will become uninhabitable, a ruinous heap.

So, Russia has invested billions over many years in keeping Syria safe and manageable, because they need need need an oil pipeline going through there to survive.

If Israel is the party who causes Damascus to become a ruinous heap, by nuke or other method, Russia will become supremely pissed because Israel will have wasted years of effort and billions of dollars spent in Syria.

In accordance with Ezekiel 38, Israel will be attacked by a conglomerate of Turkey, Russia and Iran, and they will be brutal and merciless.

The unanswered question - why won't the USA defend them? There's the 3 billion person question.

Earthquakes? Yellowstone? Rapture? Attack by foreign elements? ELE ?

21732935? ago

There are several versions of what may happen that I have heard.

One is that the earth will experience a solar flash event which will shift the earth to the 5th dimension. This event is called "Sheen". Those who are of the light will "ascend" to this new earth. Those who do not will be stuck on this earth in the 3rd dimension. This sounds a lot like what the Bible refers to as Rapture where Christ will come back and guide those to the new earth.

From what I've read, this solar flash event occurs periodically and has happened before. There are places in Turkey and others whose history stretches way back who apparently created vast underground cities (not to be confused with the DUMBs). Did the ancients experience this solar flash event in the past? Was Atlantis, an ancient city that was rumored to have technology that is similar to what we have but were a bit more advanced? Was this city destroyed as part of the great flood? Destroyed by the flash event? Hard to know. Much of what was in the past was destroyed over time and some things hidden from us by those in power. All the great libraries were destroyed or under [THEIR] control for many ages.

Questions were asked such as "do we die when we shift?", "What happens to our physical bodies when we shift to the 5th dimension?". That part is unclear and no definitive answer was given. This is strictly my opinion but when you shift to the 5th dimension, you no longer need this vessel. The easiest way to think of it is the movie Matrix. Neo in the beginning was an avatar in the Matrix. He never knew but suspected that something was not right and that reality wasn't what it seemed. When he was "flushed" from the system, he "shed" his avatar and in essence transcended the Matrix. He now understood that the Matrix was a fake reality and that his former avatar or body wasn't real. Perhaps this is what may happen to those who ascend to the 5th dimension. If we are truly beings of the light and this vessel called the body is just part of this matrix, then the body will mean nothing to us when we ascend.

Much of the true bible is hidden from us. There is enough information there for us to become beings of the light, but simply not enough for us to "ascend". This is what they blocked from us. [THEY] wanted us trapped here on this "prison planet" to repeatedly reincarnate so they could use us for food and as slaves. For us to join the Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) we have to break free of this prison. The GFL is what we would think of as the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek. We are being watched and being helped to break free. Q is rumored to be Pleaidian helping POTUS with his team of patriots.

Hope this helps some of you. God Bless Patriots!

21741991? ago

The Gematria came up with the Motherlode from POTUS' tweet caps Gematria yesterday.


A taste of the MANY Notable results: >

Solar Flash

I Pet Goat ii


Elenin Plan

Scott Free

I Kid Pizza

And MUCH more. Especially about Obongo.

I will post a link when completed.


21733605? ago

My guess is this is pretty close tbh.

21732916? ago

This twitter is news to me. I think it's mixed with fact and fiction. The usual for DISINFORMATION.

The Georgia Guidestones speak of maintaining a 500 million population. How the Illuminati achieves that goal is open for discussion. But I suspect the Great Awakening and it's Alliance is doing everything possible to not allow that to happen. Hence, the reason for The Plan.

21732693? ago

I followed that majestic 12 for a little while just to see if it was legit or not, it didnt take long to come to the conclusion that they are not legit

21732580? ago

from: doglegwarrior

well if you believe they have to show us what they are going to do before they do it then there is tons of predictive programing showing a mass depoluation event... avengers half the world gone... all these zombie movies... tons of out break movies just tons of them.. they have done this multiple times in the past.. it is pretty scary

21732434? ago

http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx Here is a country forcast for nations... If only youknew how bad things are. Some of us have been preparing.

21732414? ago

Now that you all have evidence that Majestic 12 is as real a Q.

That's quite a leap anon. You've proved nothing.

worth it to upvote this post to get a response from the Q+ team about this mass extinction event

WTF? Why don't you just go to qresearch, and pose your theory when Q's on the board?

21732473? ago

Don't take my word for it, but if you read all of Q's and Majestic 12's posts you will agree with me.

I posted it here because QRV has already been a great source of insightful and intelligent comments. Have you seen what has been said so far? So many amazingly helpful comments.

21732399? ago

I will voluntarily go with the 6,000,000,000 i'm old and tired of watching my country being run by scumbags and the stupid fucking people who keep them in power by electing them again and again!

21732456? ago

Don't give up. Join us in love. Justice is coming brother.

21738101? ago

I believe that he will ascend us to the heavens and by the heavens, take us to other worlds to re-populate or terraform other places with humanity. What is our purpose? Something bigger than just hanging out on earth until the Sun burns out.

21735598? ago

Got no place else to go so here i'll stay!

21732297? ago

No outside comms.

21732336? ago

Majestic 12 said that are NOT part of the Q team. They said this "Q injects new information into consciousness specific to the Plan.

MJ12 interacts with consciousness to ensure success of the Plan."

21738575? ago

I would say this, "All black hats are DS, but not all white hats are Q team". There are many anons out there trying to get information out of the dark, hence dark to light. Space travel, life saving drugs, free energy, many many black technologies that would take humanity to levels not imagined.

21734470? ago

You sound like a hoaxer trying to sell T shirts

21733017? ago

Q is using the same tactics [THEY] have used against us for long time. Think about TV shows you watch that inject information. When that information is injected into a show, it is shaped by the acting to create what they want you to feel. You are being programmed and new instructions are "uploaded" to your consciousness. This is why older tv shows were called "programs". Double meaning on this one.

MJ12 is not the only ones who interact to make sure the Q injected information is "uploaded" to others. We do assist in this as well as Anons.

21732598? ago

they say whatever will get them attention

21732267? ago

Adam and eve cia declass.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Magnetic_Pole (Read the part with header geomagnetic reversal ) www.amazon.com/gp/product/1883218101/ref=x_gr_w_bb_sout?ie=UTF8&tag=x_gr_w_bb_sout-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1883218101&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2

Make sure you read the reviews. And the whole discription. World in Peril: The Origin , Mission & Scientific Findings of the 46th / 72nd Reconnaissance Squadron

A.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hL9OHXw_-A8YouTube B.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jTUJ7GtEx0YYouTube C.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wvjJqIXYT1wYouTube


11 years = 60 light years divided by speed of the blast. I presume what we are seeing now is the start or precusor to what is coming.

21732254? ago

If you do the research look into Douglas Vogt, and Ben Davidson. If they're right a 12,000 year mass extinction cycle is about 27 years away...

21741896? ago

The wave Q sent into the universe on 111118 . Will partially cancel out the inc wave like two stones into a pond it also creates a mandella. We will activate tesla shield as to not radiate the planet to death. But effects will still activate the faults because nutrinos are neutral and will pass through so the earth will displace. I say 11 years as a number its the next solar cycle. Vogt is using only the bible code. I used rough math.

21738696? ago

Unless maybe the Space Force can take us somewhere safe until its passed? Possibility? Mars and Moon bases?

21732352? ago

I hope we have that long to become better people. I have spent most of my life being too selfish. I sometimes worry that it will happen in the next 5 years and won't make it to the 4th density.

21742414? ago

All you have and need is right now. The past is gone, the future is entirely fabricated in your mind because everything you think concerning the future is a probability.

Since the only "real" time is now, neither the past (a story) nor the future (a story) can actually affect your vibration. You have the power in this moment to change it to whatever you want it to be.

Guilt, shame, regret are just as negative as anger and hatred. They hold you back and keep you down. Allowing these vibrations isn't serving you or anyone else in a beneficial way. Generate love, gratitude, laughter, silliness, and so on. It is possible to change your vibration in just a few minutes. It takes practice but it is just as doable to keep it high, no matter what is going on around you.

Your past cannot keep you from ascending. Only the vibration you choose right now, in each moment. Choose happiness and love and practice those feelings. Soon they will feel automatic!

21732232? ago

Now that you all have evidence that Majestic 12 is as real a Q

Unspecified claims are "evidence" you guys.

People should listen to someone promoting this kind of sloppy thinking? No.

21732368? ago

Don't trust me. Do your own research. Read all the Q posts and Majestic 12 posts and then tell me I am wrong. I am just trying to help. Peace and love brother.

21735403? ago

Take a look at the department of defense Instagram page. They just posted mention the word "majestic" an hour ago.

(insert xfiles theme)

21732586? ago

looks like bs to me brother

21734438? ago

Sounds like Wilcock patting himself on the back again.

Wilcock = self aggrandizing BS

21732205? ago

According to what I am seeing, Q only mentioned this twitter account once in drop 3614 and said "Information warfare." which is not an endorsement of this twitter account, and could potentially be interpreted as the OPPOSITE of an endorsement, implying this twitter account runs a disinformation campaign, and we have an information warfare...

I've also see that twitter account endorse "Interview with an Alien" which is some of the biggest bullshit I've ever read and does NOT seem to line up with my own research.

21736417? ago

Whatever you people think about Alien invasions needs to be swapped with Jew invasion, and realize (((they))) the (((serpent race))) are already here, now. You as Gods people are here to fight them.

Wake up and name your enemy: The (((canaanites)))

21737184? ago

[cannanites] ship is sinking, full of holes and leakers. Watch the rats swim away.

Harm a child? Touch a child?

We will bring justice to your door and your face

21732487? ago

Maybe the Majority 12 is now the Majestic 12.

21732466? ago

John 3 6 14

21732416? ago

Great point. I also thought information warfare might mean this too, but it is more likely about the video on that tweet. I believe this because MJ12 has successfully made several 0 deltas with potus, delivered very accurate information AND predicted the future, like when they said UFOs were going to fly over Trump on July 4th 2019. That is too many proofs. Plus, if Q really wanted to point out that MJ12 was lying, why not be clearer about it, and simple say they are.

21732644? ago

that doesn't mean a damn thing. If they have contact with DJT, where are the mathematically undeniable proofs? anyone can get a zero delta eventually if they post all the time, DJT sometimes tweets 100+ times in a single day!

21732191? ago

I’m not q team. It is about loving and also improving your ability to operate your body, mind and spirit. Anything good for your body. Clear your conscience. Make amends. Practice concentration and settle the monkey mind into a mind that obeys you. Love more and better. Set your goal firmly in the most noble terms. Call it unification with the supreme consciousness. Call it knowing God. BIG BIG goals and total commitment.

21732427? ago

I appreciate this information.

21732185? ago

Start with the Favelas in Brazil and move to anywhere in Africa

21732157? ago

My opinion: There IS some sort of "Solar flare" or burst of light from the Galactic Central Sun coming which will bring light to this planet. I believe for some this will feel like ecstasy, but for others, perhaps the energy will overload their central nervous system and they will die. I think this has to do with whether you consciousness has been raised enough to handle the light.

I have absolutely no idea if it will "remove 6 billion people"... But my personal opinion is that yes, a great flash of light is coming and it will purify us with love.

21737971? ago

Dark to light?

21732440? ago

I think that this is very likely true too! Thank you for writing what I also believe is the most likely possibility.

21732144? ago

How many people are in Africa?

How many people are in China?

How many people are part of darkness around the world?

21732233? ago

Are you implying that since the US is one nation under God, that most of the deaths will occur outside the US?

21732354? ago

You should not fear "death" that much you actually do.

21732060? ago

If there is a extinction level event on the horizon, why would the Q team try so hard to bring these people to justice? If only those possessing agape can transcend, why bother with them since their crimes against humanity illustrate their uncaring nature?

My 2 cents: the NWO plan to “relocate” people through mass immigration will start to be rolled back, and these people will be sent back to their desolate homelands that can’t sustain the population. We will start seeing famine, disease, and savagery take hold and start to deplete those numbers. People with be apathetic but know that we can only help from a distance since they cannot flourish in a first world society. This is what should’ve happened to these people. Their populations will drop.

The first world countries will see a population drop but it will be from expelling the immigrants (both illegals and those initially welcomed). The first world will recover quicker where the 2nd and 3rd countries will have a fight or flight. They will either take what they have learned and the best will survive and rebuild... or they will fight and cause a mass extinction of their people.

21733872? ago

As it should be. The reality is thanks to idealistic meddling the natural course of events that should have checked the populations of humans have been prevented. The 3rd world is going to implode into famine and warfare and all this idealism-driven "relocation" business is doing is dragging the 1st world down with them. Their people are ignorant and irresponsible, incompetent and savage. Their nations which lack well organized farmland and infrastructure have had massive population booms thanks to Western interventions which have only "consumed" the help the West delivered and left them in the same level of poverty and misery they were in before, but at greater numbers of people.

21734521? ago

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day...Teach a man to fish, he eats for life...Exactly why foreign "aide" is BS...They need taught, not placated...

21740080? ago

Well foreign aid is the biggest scam. One so big the Mafia is envious. As Q is pointing out foreign "aid" is just embellishment with extra steps. Its all going to Somalia , getting laundered, the warlord gets their cut, and the rest is going right into the Dems and RINO's pockets as "donations" to their private charities. Q has shown it, crates marked "aid supplies" just stuffed with fucking cash.

The US has sent several hundred billion dollars to Africa over the years. So why are they still rubbing sticks together like it was a stone age? Why do most congressmen enter the job with 6 figures, and leave with 8, some of them 9 figures? You think rich fucks like Soros are spending their own money to fund BLM, Antifa, and other chaos-causing social-fracturing groups? They are stealing and redirecting foreign aid, that is OUR FUCKING MONEY. THAT IS THE MONEY TAKEN OUT YOUR PAYCHECK being used to destroy America.

Its so sickening its unbelievable. Every patriot needs to own a semi automatic rifle several mags, and a armored vest. If Trump fails, Patriots know what they need to do.

21733118? ago

If there is a extinction level event on the horizon, why would the Q team try so hard to bring these people to justice?

Because otherwise they’d have ridden out the apocalypse in their bunkers with a healthy stockpile of children in underground dungeon farms.

21732453? ago

If they are brought to justice there will NOT be an extinction level event... Instead we will join the greater galactic civilizaiton that has us quarentined because we are infected with evil... oh yeah.. THERES ALIENS.

21737918? ago

That goes along with Timeline 1 vs. Timeline 2. once is ascension and the other was extinction level event. It is assumed we have solidified our path down Timeline 1 and avoided Timeline 2 thanks to the Awakening. We're not home free, but each day moves us further away from the bad. They never thought she would lose. Hillary's presidency would have confirmed timeline 2 as I understand it.

21741697? ago

Wave one cancels wave two. And when the tune is altered what sound cometh arte music of our exhistance which alters humanities destiny for eternity.

21742081? ago

That's funny you say that. I was having a thought earlier today that timelines must be like sine waves. Tesla told us that everything we need to know about the universe is vibration, frequency and energy.

21742266? ago

And what is sound? Does space wind travel through saturns rings.,? Does the fiber optic node on the corner humm..? Ever heard electricity humm? Hmmmm you have more then you know.

21743308? ago

You're talking to a dumbass here. I couldn't understand it if you drew it out in crayon for me.

21742035? ago

I wish I could understand that, but it sounds good.

21742207? ago

GA 111118 Q shook the earth like a bell waking the asleep from mind controll. In doing so he D11 . Mass riots and sent his number via 17 sec intervals through space telling all life in the universe we controll this domain it was Q giving humanities calling card to the universe. A wake up call a wave of information a wave to partially cancel a galatic wave inc, a sound that alters course of humanity and also our actually course which spaceship earth was on altering such course perhaps behind somthing to protect our shield some from the inc wave. I doing so it also changes the projected courses of all astroids and such witch is why you see all the worries in the news cycle towards this. But driving a spaceship this size has its downfalls :) advanced geo spacial tech was used to send us in the best path. better this then being radiated to death by our sun from a micro burst. We do have tesla shield for that tho. The crust will most likely still displace. Time will tell.

21743468? ago

<head explodes> I remember that, but had forgotten about it, went over most peoples heads, mine too. I've also read about an incoming galactive wave, Space Force has checked it out, but always chalked it up to just nonsense, didn't pay much attention to it. Crust displacement, you talking about Charles Hapgood's work? Yeah, we can see the magnetic pole is rapidly moving the last few years, lots of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, so I guy that. I wish I understood more or could confirm true, but in reality, nothing we can do about it, so it would just be a worry that I don't need. Support my President, take care of my family and pray for the best.

21744535? ago

A raised consciousness helps. Alter course with vibration even ours. So yes we can help.

21738877? ago


21733621? ago

And Epstein didn't kill himself.

21732283? ago

To prepare this is why trump, is trying to reset the sails so a unifed humanity has higher probability for survival. One party strong vs two divided parties.

21732303? ago

That makes perfect sense.

21732189? ago

Excellent points. Thanks for sharing this. It definitely makes sense.

21732334? ago

Iv linked something for you below

21732149? ago

If you're correct, what you've said jives with

The WALL means more than you know. -Q

(Maybe butchered the Q quote a little)

21734628? ago


21732012? ago

How do you know there is no third option, i.e. Maj12 is like an organized rogue psy op meant among other things to ever so slightly but effectively nudge patriots in wayward directions and time sinking dead ends, and Q team will dismantle this in due time but until then may favorably cite to keep them comfortable. Or they're just a bunch of really confused basement dwellers who happen to get some things right worth to raise awareness.

"While a biased POV shelters/protects the host, the overall discussion [eyes on] generates awareness." Q post 3665

21732087? ago

I considered this third option, but all my research has concluded that this option is very unlikely. The chances that Q has posted this twitter account that is saying crazy things, but hasn't told us it is full of lies, is less than 1%.

21733712? ago

Just an anon here. I've followed Majestic12 for about a year and a half. I've almost unfollowed them a couple of times because they're bullshit. But I keep following them because they're influencers and I should be aware of what they're saying. I think it's Wilcock.

I haven't looked at the zero delta posts.

I couldn't even tell you now what it was about the account that finally made me call BS, but the almond tingles that tell me Q speaks truths, tells me Maj12 is the larpiest larp that ever larped.

21738612? ago

Doubt if it's Wilcock.

21742789? ago

Maybe not him, but part of the Above Majestic movie team. Or him.

21734487? ago

Wilcock is a douchy hoaxer

Stop posting here

No outside comms!!

21742828? ago

Who are you talking to?

Me? Who said Maj12 twitter is a larp and I think it's Wilcock?

You're not much the "win friends and influence people" type, are you?

21738623? ago

Found the useful idiot.

21731967? ago

We've all had our whole lives to get ready for this moment. Service to self or service to others. One raises your frequency, the other keeps you in the darkness. Still, all isn't lost. You'll have another 26,000 years of reincarnating in the earth cycle to raise your vibration before another harvest. This is not sarcasm. Truly, no matter how many aeons it takes, all souls eventually return to the light!

21733436? ago

This anon gets it. This existence is simply about choosing a polarity (positive/service to others or negative/service to self) and moving towards it through works and deeds. This is just the beginning of our cosmic journey.


21732708? ago

If you dont take care of yourself you are of no use to others, so how does that work?

21735221? ago

It doesn't say don't take care of yourself. It says do you live to only please yourself and gratify your every whim? A good example are a lot of the rotten politicians and celebrities. They don't care what happens to people as long as they have an enormous house or million dollar cars or expensive food to stuff into their guts.

Service to others - do you have a heart that is kind, that jumps in and gives a helping hand when you see someone struggling? Are you kind to animals and those you feel smarter than? You can be wealthy and still be predominantly loving, its just very rare. In my experience, people that don't have that much and don't even care are the ones who love and help others the most.

21741851? ago


21741268? ago

This. Blessed are the poor....the meek, the humble.

21732659? ago

What a crock of new age NWO faggotry. Accept Jesus or prepare to burn.

21735100? ago

Jesus is the one who teaches this. You seem to be getting Jesus mixed up with the brutally violent Jewish god Jehovah, who is Anunnaki btw. Your quickness to anger and desire to see someone "burn" shows you are not a brother of Christ but a servant of Jehovah. Please do your due diligence and find out who you have been believing and praying to. Darkness to Light.

21733151? ago

GTFO with your spiritual middleman bullshit. You don't own God, you don't have a monopoly on spirituality, God didn't write that book, you pathetic mindslave

21733572? ago

except that Jesus, actually the Son of God who was bestowed in mortal flesh as Jesus, is not a 'middleman' but as he is endowed with Creator attributes he is directly the Creator Son who brought our universe into being. by all means find your own spiritual path, but Truth is a discoverable reality, not a projection of your desires.

21733030? ago

Accept Jesus and get 2 months premium with free shipping

21733657? ago

Jesus would actually think this is funny.

21734619? ago

One doesn't really get a feel from the Scriptures that Jesus had a sense of humor.

21735145? ago

Exactly how the slavemasters want you to feel about him. In their book they turned him into an effeminate, humorless, asexual sorrowful guy who never did anything negative. Hahaha soooo wrong! Put down the propaganda and let Jesus himself show you who he is. He's a bro and the most fun person ever!

21732977? ago

Amen bro

21732615? ago

i have more i want to see here on earth, sounds like "pascals wager" again.

21732437? ago


21732114? ago

Thank you. Great answer.

21732992? ago

Except that it’s horse shit.

21731810? ago

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.. He is the only truth anyone should be spending their time on seeking..

The preparation you are seeking is to be made right with God by the repentance of your sin and asking for His forgiveness?

Trust Jesus.. He is what you are looking for.

21732590? ago

jew jesus and the kike myths is the way to Go?! lol give me a fucking break take your baby dick mutilating satsnic fucking jew religion and shove it up your ass

21732638? ago

from: doglegwarrior

just kidding I fucking love kikes!

21732747? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you forgot the real dogleg says certain things to be identified you didnt and we all know the real dogleg hates kikes because.

circumcision is a fucking evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits.

21732770? ago

from: doglegwarrior

haha I fooled you, as this is the real paragraph the real doglegwarrior posts. plus I would never call myself a fag name like dogleg you like. I am always doglegwarrior and you always are a like fag.

circumcision is a fucking evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

21732952? ago

from: doglegwarrior

I have to come clean, I am a Rabbi in Montreal. I perform around 10 circumcisions a day. Also I am a faggot. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Thank you.

21732875? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i aprove of this new doglegwarriors message as long as he spreads the evils of circumcision

21732965? ago

from: doglegwarrior

to all of you impersonating me, I have just reported you to the ADL. prepare to have you paypal accounts banned

21733136? ago

from: doglegwarrior

add the circumcision thing be a real dogleg

21733084? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Fuck, now I know why you don’t namefag.

(This is a hilarious idea and now I am going to shitpost like this too)

21733238? ago

from: doglegwarrior

this is not shitposting this is my og account. I am the only doglegwarrior you other kikes fuck off.

circumcision is a fucking evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutly zero medical benefits

21736773? ago

from: doglegwarrior

I am the real doglegwarrior. I would never say “og” because I am not a literal faggot

21732557? ago

What is 'the Way'?

Y it is the hodos.

And what us the hodos?

Y It is the road.

And what is a road, or should I say 'the Road'?

What is a road?

21732441? ago

100%. Jesus is Lord. He is the only way to the one true God.

21732294? ago

Sounds good to me.

21731702? ago


21731674? ago

Raising consciousness has to do with CARE. True care. Agape. And above all TRUTH.

Agape, Truth, CARE, GOD, are all the same thing. What you need is knowledge. That is the only way to move to the next level of consciousness. Start by researching the teachings of Mark Passio and Michael Tsarion. They both have hundred of videos on the subject. We are drowning in information, there’s no excuse for ignorance. Yet, instead of researching the only thing that matters, most people choose to go online to look for coochy. And that’s why , it is our duty as traveling souls, to bring each other up and raise each other’s consciousness through knowledge. Share this knowledge with all you can. Wake up as many as you can. We can transcend together, by lifting each other up. It’s going to be hard, border line impossible, but if you CARE enough, it can be done. Good luck brother Patriot. Now get to work.

21733457? ago

Upvoted for Mark Passio and I'll add Tom Montalk whose sight is a phenomenal compilation of channeled works (primarily Seth, Ra/Law of One and Cassiopaean Transcripts) that explains the nature of this reality and our universe extremely well imo.



21732475? ago


21732263? ago

Thank you!

21733469? ago

Nice to see someone else also pushing Montalk. Have you read his entire site? 👍

21736458? ago

Not yet, i just got introduced to it yesterday. Not even here. Mighty fine coincidence for me.

I've read the law of one twice now, though

21731666? ago

https://tweetsave.com/ts_sci_majic12/status/1205676229589962752 :

Majestic 12 on Twitter: "AI is designed to replace human consciousness for 6B+ people enabling mass depopulation event be planned right before their eyes.

In fact, you will build the tool that will ultimately kill you.

Think SG-1.

Think Go'uld.

You really have more than you realize."

This has been an automated message.

21742437? ago

Noice digits, bot! Kek!

21732154? ago

And also think Star Trek: The Next Generation. <

21732450? ago

I feel a distrupion in the force^ are we good?

21733050? ago

Fine Sir. Busy decoding ATM. TBA. <

21741624? ago

Sir o7

Have you read this? Holy crap i started last night after this. Uncanny to what you and I have been discussing .

He even mentions plur partialy.

21741731? ago

I know it's crazy bro!

And the Genatria is going haywire with respect to Comet Elenin.

MJ12 talking about a 6B extinction level event. <

Seriously, what the fuck is going on?

21742027? ago

Thanks. <

21744664? ago

Somthing looked odd about the 0 in new post.


3680 GANG OF 8

So when i copied and pasted the 0 separately.

This came up... watch the water and synchronized swimming.


You cant make this up. We are beyond math.

21741959? ago

All i can say is WOW.

Strange thing is the man from the mountain looked like jfk.... at like 25yo.

And mj 12 says he will rise to gr8 power again. They ref jfk.

Is jfk jesus?

Does this sound crazy?

These seem p.e.p.e. To me.

21742471? ago

Isn't anyone with Christ Consciousness of the same Oversoul? It's not crazy or a stretch.

21731589? ago

You can't stop this event. But pray you are not one of the 6B. In case you are of the 6B raise your consciousness so you move to the next higher plane after Earth, instead of moving down to a lower existence.

21732120? ago

Thank you for this answer.

21732000? ago

The next higher plane after earth?

21741514? ago

Earth is like the 2nd grade.

21732962? ago


21731553? ago

what could you do to ever stop such an event?

stop concernfagging, prep instead

21732486? ago

Throw two rocks in a pond at the same time and watch what happens to the waves.

21732344? ago

111118 GA was more the. You know.

21731927? ago

This isn't about the fake global warming. This is about either an AI or Solar Flare Mass Extinction event.

21732655? ago

Really? A solar Flare? But Q says we are guarded by a "Black Eye"? Hmm who has earned my trust more, "Majestic 12", or Q?

AI proven not a threat to humanity, only taken seriously by Kerry Cassidy fear shills

keep trying

21738642? ago

Not your run of the mill solar flare, but a big one that happens on a 25,000 year cycle.

21733167? ago

I thought the dudes wth black eyes were the enemy?

21733495? ago

yeah me too, not really sure what Q meant but he said a "black eye" protects us from EMP

21733162? ago

Yep. Meatspace world is way way more complicated than a game of go or starcramp. You’d need more programmers than opponents.

21732281? ago

Solar flares happen because of bad "karma". Kek.

21732064? ago

THIS event is a harmonic of countless cycles. It will be new. We can do what we want. The same 6 billion people (not that many but ok) and more will die within a few decades... of old age.

The AI matter will work out.

21732355? ago

Yes this. And the humans will co opt the Ai. Or destroy it.

21732141? ago

Thank you. I appreciate the response!

21732472? ago

Post 141.

21732010? ago

Is he saying there’s a chance the earth won’t survive? Is that what he meant by “the earth may survive”? As in maybe it will?

21732364? ago

No Course correction.

21732040? ago

Correct. That is how I interpreted it. That is what it sounds like.