21731884? ago

BB 2 B's. B2 Stealth Bomber. Makes perfect sense. Wasn't Q posting about the B2 bomber before Barr was appointed?

21731723? ago

Bill Barr = BB = 2B = B2

21731319? ago

Post 3410 mentioned it.

Stealth Bomber.

Date of 1st flight?

Date of Mueller's testimony?

A, B, C, D, E….

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…..



21730355? ago

Horowitz, Sessions, Huber...all B2 lol

21730088? ago

And all this time, I just thought that the stealth bomber was Huber. Oh well.

21729840? ago

Hate to say this.... but until the gallows are full it’s all for nothing...

21729952? ago

No shit. You sound like John madden calling a football game. “Who ever has the highest score wins the game.” We are connecting dots. We are calling play by plays. That’s what this sub is.

21729480? ago

from: doglegwarrior

hey Qanon most of us have known we have been fucked over by the nwo around 9/11 when we realised a passport couldmt survive those buidling being hit.. wtc7 fell from office fire and nothing hit the pentagon. i love how yall all the sudden a decade later jump on board and think yall are ho shit. ive known something was fucked up even before that and i was a teenager.

dont worry 3 musketers trust god trust the plan where we all go one all go... and out the armor of god on...

but dont ever clearly name the real core problem! fucking jews. its the fucking jews you idiots.

21745062? ago

You’re a fukn CUCK

21745748? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you cuck to the kike you stupid pussy

21747503? ago

You wouldn’t know a pussy if it slapped you in the face dingleobbler

21749606? ago

from: doglegwarrior

there are kids amongst you anons i think 12 to 14 year olds based on the triggered way yall respond.

21749753? ago

WOW! What a Pedo! You go straight to what YOU really want and think about: 12-14 year old kids!!! You fucking pedo-shill!!!

21747471? ago

What out pedo bouy 223 inbound

21733476? ago

STFU dumb ass. You sound like a retard

21730472? ago

..nothing hit the pentagon.

Something most certainly did hit the pentagon.

21730508? ago

true.. to be clear what they officialy told us hit the pentagon is not true. why would the fbi and other 3 letter agencies go and collect the massive number of recordings of the pentagon and never release any except a grainy shitty image that shows basicaly nothing. dont be a fool

21732813? ago

Too many people on those planes were on their phones reporting events live.

21732852? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ya not possible. a stwerdess who made a call also seemed to have tried to say something seceretly to her boyfriend like she was forced to make the call. also indepemdent reporter called Boeing asking sbout top speed of their planes that low and it was impossible for them to go that fast that low. had to have been millitary planes swaped out used as giant drones.

anyways the truth is getting out way to much i feel a catastrophic event will be happening soon.

21730633? ago

So the building just blew up on its own?

21730795? ago

from: doglegwarrior

a missle hit it. not a fucking gigantic fucking plane you dense fuck.

i see what you are doing i repsonded like you wanted but i see you kike

21731296? ago

What? Please show me where I said it was hit by a plane. I said it was hit by 'something'

21731843? ago

So someone did something?

21732385? ago

Obviously. Schweinehundbuttsniffer said that 'nothing hit the pentagon' so I'm disagreeing. Dumb thing to say I think.

21732358? ago

from: doglegwarrior

kikes did kikes things then hid the evidence with their media friends.

21732431? ago

You constant kikeuzashuns show an unbalanced mind puppybuttlick

21732754? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you sound familier with your puppybuttlick comment.. lol

21728704? ago


21728606? ago

BB , 2 Bs, B2, dropping FISA MOAB on James 8. Corney

21728563? ago

POTUS caught them!!!

He caught them all!!

Lots of breadcrumbs

Knock knock

21728666? ago

honk honk

21728543? ago


21728354? ago

Thanks... Some of this goes over my small brain 🤪

21728322? ago

Expose everything. It doesn't matter if grandmothers puke in the streets at the revealed evil. It must be crystal clear to the world why so many must be prosecuted, and to deter future ideological subversion.

21731950? ago

This can only work if it's applied worldwide.

Which it is being implemented WW

21731854? ago

Grandmothers have thicker skin than you may realize sir!

21731799? ago

This recent statement from Barr seems to confirm this

Attorney General William Barr issued a statement shortly before the release of the report, saying the report “now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.”

21728799? ago

Barr has ALREADY covered for the Epstein "suicide"

Barr's father had hired Epstein and gave him his first teaching position.

Barr's father also wrote a science fiction novel in the 1970s featuring teen sex slaves.

And AG Barr himself is a creature of the Bush administration.

You really think this guy is going to help drain the swamp vs covering for the swamp?!?!

Has hope really made everyone here really that blind?

21729564? ago

I know you're a shill, but you need to change the Barr's father hired Epstein gag. It's debunked. He left that school 3 months before Epstein was hired. (For the non-shills reading this.)

21730381? ago


21729041? ago

are you really this stupid ??? May you get what you deserve

21728931? ago

What Barr's father did has nothing to do with BB. There is a man for all seasons, fog brain shill.

21728486? ago

It isn't even ideological. It is just NWO pyramid control on display.

21728312? ago

thanks, I had not figured that out yet.

21730376? ago

Yes, we can also see that Q was just on wifi with location services turned on. Also on the at&t network!

I don't think Q has shown us an uncropped image showing these details before. So is he getting sloppy or showing us something?

Don't think Q would do the normally time sensitive posts with just 1% battery while not charging. Too much risk of the phone shutting down at a bad time. So what is this telling us? Are these screenshots actually from a phone or generated by a computer?

21732084? ago

It's a message. A puzzle. <

21732883? ago

1%. Battery aka power about to die?

Their "power" publicly about to end....D's

21733060? ago

For a start 1 = A which = Q in Isisian Codes. It also means God and Unity.

21729793? ago

Kek Q was busy today it seems

21728445? ago

Image link dead.

21728295? ago

who is to say we dont have more than one B2? i think we have had many patriots dropping bombs!!!

21728994? ago

How many have the initials, BB tho?

21731781? ago

he is the b2 this time. there have been others

21734551? ago

Really? With initials “BB” and having a total of 8 letters per the spaces in the q drop pertaining to the B2? I can’t think of one.

21735199? ago

I'm not saying bill barr is not the B2 bomber. what I am saying is , as you know, there are multiple meanings to Q. I think there have been more than one B2 bomber. whitiker was one. jeff sessions was one (the full extent of what Jeff has done is unknown to the public) and I believe there will be more after bill barr.

21735705? ago

Jeff doesn’t fit any of the criteria to be the B2 bomber. No BB initials and way more than 8 letters. Didn’t u see the q drops from last night concerning this?

21745853? ago

yes. i did see where Q confirmed bill barr. maybe im mistaken. i thought the B2 could apply to more than one. I wonder if Q ever confirmed anyone of the B2 bomber other than Bill Barr.

21728292? ago

Lion Ted's gonna go Zodiac.

21728671? ago

lying Cuban

21733147? ago

He certainly resembles someone who is shady as fuck.

21729006? ago


21728158? ago

I love the cute little prison at the bottom of the OIG presser


21728133? ago

All this cloak and dagger shit is getting old.

21729150? ago

Pushing nihilism is what's getting old.

21728624? ago

go away, then

21729192? ago

Gee, why didn't I think of that? I could guess your original well thought out answer, so don't bother yourself with writing back.

21731294? ago

....and you're still here

21732823? ago


21731786? ago

Why not? I still am hoping for the best and I want this to be real for the sake of my grandchildren.

21732867? ago

Yes, it’s sorta like there’s a Santa Claus out there who just might be real.

21735625? ago

You mean he might not be ?Ho,Ho,Holy Fuck !

21728072? ago

Awww shit.

Yall catch the last line?

There is a Ted Cruz Fisa as well?!

21730620? ago

Q said date started is important. Crossfire Hurricane "officially" opened July 31, 2016; SPYING started in early 2015.

FISAs were issued post-fact to cover their tracks, to justify what they were already doing.

21735618? ago

Important point!

21728980? ago

Holy fuck you’re gonna shit and fall back in it when you hear that they were even spying on Carson too!! We’ve known over a year.

21728633? ago


catch up, read the fucking DROPS

21728553? ago

Yes, Q said a while ago that it wasn't just Trump that they spied on. There were more, including Cruz.

21728645? ago

Cruz is one of (((them))) so who cares if he was spied upon. I never figured that part out.

Plus, Q also posts photo shopped pictures as well and I never figured that out either.

21729032? ago

You should care if any candidate was spied on. Its treason regardless of who the candidate is. That is what this is all about.........to stop this criminal behavior for good so future candidates (good or bad) are never spied on again. I guess you are not part of the redpilled group. You are either in or out. You can't have one foot in both places. So get with the program or get out.

21728377? ago

I think that the left confused the (R) after their colleagues name as meaning Russia

21728654? ago


21728303? ago

some of us have known that for a long time now...

21730453? ago

Yes hey had Cruz FISA before trump as Cruz was the perceived threat.

Think about that. Cruz is a douche but they needed leverage?

21728302? ago

Did you also know that epstein was a pedo? We all knew this literally 2017

21728680? ago

Many of us knew this in 2009. It wasn’t a secret.

21727676? ago

I feel the fear an panic while reading some of these comments. It makes me smile. PAIN is real.


21727508? ago

Barr and Epstein were very close

21727614? ago


21732795? ago

That too.

21727492? ago

Bill Barr is a joke and he works for the JEWS.

21728041? ago


21727613? ago

^^^^ Panic


21727622? ago


21727924? ago


Your poor spelling and punctuation were the 1st clue (libtard education).....then your ass-clown comment.

21728033? ago

at least I'm not dumb enough to believe that barr is going to do anything.

21728084? ago

Wrong again Bozo...you are dumb enough (libtard education) to believe anything.

21728099? ago

u mean kinda like u believing in Q and barr?

21728163? ago

No actually more like you believing your Mom when she says its OK that you live in her basement and can't find a decent job or a girlfriend.

21728693? ago


21727473? ago

Most of us who have followed for any real time assumed this months ago.

21728124? ago

I had also assumed it might be Huber.

21727546? ago

Yeah, I agree, we figured that was it. But at least now Q said it outright.

21727877? ago

Which in turn means Shit's Going to Hit the Fan soon.

If you don't believe me. Q has never announced a move that could be countered before moving.

If Q is speaking in plain English at this stage, it's because we're moving into the final moments.

21729727? ago

The final moments of the "calm", you mean. The Storm hasn't even started. There is going to be an outburst of volcanic proportion when realization sets into the masses.

21731631? ago

The Storm hasn't even started.

Nah its been raining at the very least for a while now.

21733209? ago

Rain/drizzle/snow/sprinkling isn't a storm.

21731954? ago

Just a coincidence the FBI named their little operation Crossfire Hurricane?

21730360? ago

I sure hope so and I can't wait!

so frustrating to see TDS still going strong and if I would have known people were this stupid,

life would have been a lot less stressful.

21728079? ago

Wtf are you talking about? This could very easily be disinformation, just like the countless other times. You’re making shit up.

21732922? ago

It could be, I agree. Doesn't matter, though - he's already caught them.

21729147? ago

It's all speculation right up until it's not.

21727945? ago

>never announced a move

Are you kidding?

21728078? ago

that could be countered before moving.