21733876? ago

Whenever I see a girl with tattoos, I'm reminded of the pigs who hang out with lowlife bikers. No thanks.

21729601? ago

I've always known this ... and as a former "proper" feminist (ie. one who wanted things like Title 9 so we could have sports teams, too, or the ability to be interviewed for a job that used to be "a man's job" -- like Business Manager) I'm sickened by the twisted and tortured way they have taken a good thing and made it evil. The Feminazis are despicable. The LBGTQLMNOP movement is garbage, and the horrid things they are doing to brainwash our kids is deadly to the culture and to our kids.

I love men. I love all the testosterone. I love feeling protected. I love making my man feel strong and needed. The whole anti men thing is a nightmare. I like the piece Paul Joseph Watson did on this about white male suicides. It's about 15 min, but very true and worth watching. https://videos.whatfinger.com/2019/11/23/paul-joseph-watson-the-truth-about-suicide-its-a-white-thing/

21740723? ago

Agree! Every woman has a right to be paid industry standard for the job they do, to protect themselves with firearms against a bigger, more powerful attacker, and she should have the enjoyment of a stable family with a loving and kind protector and provider, a man with lots of testosterone.

This “man hater” crap is wearing thin.

21729538? ago

Many here are fantasizing the womanhood and the role of the past. In communities that valued women and women's roles this was good. In families and communities that denigrated women and their roles, this was bad. Having to beg for money to buy things for the family, being hit and abused, belittled, denigrated and having no way out. These realities did and do exist. Don't blame women for not wanting these situations and wanting some control over their lives. I don't blame toxic masculinity, I blame toxic people. Men are just more powerful. Simple fact. They need to use that power for good for the family and to appreciate their wife. I have seen great things between men and women in my family and some horrendous shit.

21726928? ago

Feminism is just another attempt at population control by the kikes.

The global Jewish population hasn't grown in 100 years.

21727352? ago

Can you imagine, then, what the Jewish population would be if the Holocaust hasn't taken place.

Actually it doesn't take any imagination at all.

21729992? ago

It's hard to reproduce for them when they sacrifice their first borns.

21726341? ago

Blasphemy! How on earth would bakers bake on 8kun if it they weren't rewarded properly with boobs? Kek!

21726295? ago

Bullshit post

21726254? ago

I couldn't agree more. I hate seeing these young women today with no self respect AND horrible taste. Tattoos? In my day only sailors and criminals commonly had them. Cleavage? It was never shown before dark and meant for seduction or cocktail settings. Sleeping around just meant that you were a slut/aka 'easy'. We women were sold a bill of goods with the feminist movement. It caused a rupture in the natural and delicate balance between men and women. Combine the feminazi/slut mentality of some younger woman combined with the media presentation of men as inept, stupid, violent or anything else negative they can conjure, and it's no wonder there are men out there that are confused and angry. I love it when I see someone speak up to disavow the militant agenda to destroy our society, we need more people doing what you're doing.

21726152? ago

Great break!

21725991? ago

Hey!!! Not so fast on the downplaying of exposing yer tits thing.

Carry on.

21725415? ago

While I dont support promiscuity, we all should remember, that if it were not BUT FOR, young male aggressive nature to mate, none of us would be here. Existentialism at its core. For you young guys, find a good loyal gal, marry, fuck like rabbits, sacrifice yourselves to responsibilities, giving your pathetic lives meaning and purpose, and produce the next generation of moral citizens.

21725075? ago

Couldnt agree more OP.

21724876? ago

Used to bed masters at manipulation and hold the power in dating.

Now they are just disposable wet dreams for the perverts they use as examples to demonize men. Puts out, dress like hookers, doesn't want commitment, and will abort any pregnancies. Way to go ladies.

21724862? ago

We should repeal the 19th, you may think differently but that’s how I sees it.

21724860? ago

Shhh! No! Keep showing your tits! It makes you powerful!

21724694? ago

I disagree to a point, tattoos yes nasty, whipping out a tiddy in the right context is very powerful

21724771? ago

Like lady Godiva?

21724657? ago

One of the greatest love affairs in literature/entertainment.

21724650? ago

Real women just know this already. To look sexy and/or seductive, a woman does not need to show all her skin. In fact, she can be MORE seductive (more powerful) if she is covered up, and merely hinting at what is underneath. But if that was common knowledge, if mothers taught their daughters that and insisted on modesty, then we would be acting like we were in the 30's, the 40's, and the 50's. And we can't have that, because FEMINISM, WOMEN ARE EQUAL.

21726969? ago

I've never looked at a scantily clad woman and thought "wow she's sexy", every time I think "wow she's easy".

Why would you buy a cow when you can get the milk for free?

21729838? ago

It's the woman's choice. You may or may not get the milk for free. I've noticed that is the ultimate insult to men - scantily dressed women rejecting their advances.

21730216? ago

You're right.

That goes both ways though.

Ever rejected a scantily clad woman?

Fucking. Shit. Fit.

I find feminism hilarious, it's a complete joke.

If a woman can make a career out of taking most of her clothes off and not be a repudiated whore, she can end up as the most powerful woman in the world.

I mean Melania does have a husband with the nuclear codes, and plenty of opportunity to grab him by the balls. I think she's the most powerful person on this planet right now lol

21729272? ago


21725442? ago

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21724629? ago

I always thought Morticia was hot!

21724378? ago

Female power is getting to pick the single best partner among many who are interested, who is better than you, to advance your genes and family with.

They'd have women ruin any chance for intimacy and relationship, wait 15 years past peak fertility, and accept that their husband will be a bumbling idiot who can't do anything, much less lead the family. All for debt and a glamorous career they'll wake up one day, after it's too late, to realize they don't want it.

Ladies, our enemies poison us. Don't be complicit in the ruining of your self, your line, and society. Your role is far more important than the fools gold they're pushing.

21724341? ago

There is nothing more beautiful than a woman whose knowledgeable on a variety of subjects, carries herself with humility, politeness, and who has great care for her CLEAN appearance (not a slob, not a workout warrior, not a "tagged" city dumpster/railroad car) is virtuous, understands the importance of passing along wisdom, doesn't allow herself to be bullied (especially by other women) for standing for her family above all else.

...There's a lot more to it , but this is what I believe is the foundation for a woman worth creating a society for.

Going to war to protect, and to pursue and start a family with. This is the ONLY kind of women worth that.

21725041? ago


21725561? ago

Who's = who is.

Whose = of whom or which (used to indicate that the following noun belongs to or is associated with the person or thing mentioned in the previous clause).

21724330? ago

When women stopped looking womanly the world stopped giving a shit.

21726005? ago

Yep, the great Betty Friedan "The Feminism Mystic" was an ugly old sour Jewish lady. Her ugly old Jewish husband was probably banging somebody else. She tapped into those unhappy women and voila, group hysteria. Thanks for the memories of Gomez and Mortica!

21726083? ago

Yeah, he was banging a gentile.

21735733? ago

Every Jew wants to bed a shiksa. It's their collective fantasy. Brought to life in modern times through the vulgarity of porn.

21726908? ago

Who wouldn't!

21725419? ago

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21724077? ago

Slut power is a myth? Tell that to a bunch old 18-22 year old males.

21725003? ago

Stupid 18-22 year old males thinking its cool to fuck. God I hate normies. Glad to see more incels here.

21724344? ago

All males bro. Men are pigs and we are pigs.

Cool pigs with coolpig friends.

21724889? ago

Dogs, not pigs.

21724036? ago

The first lie of feminism is that women had no power. Women have always had just as much power as men, if not more. The only way humans have ever existed is through giving birth. The only way we give birth is through women. The only way humans have ever existed is through women. However humans actually started, I don't claim to know, but if there was one first caveman and one first cavewoman, the only way we got to the third human is because the first caveman both protected and provided for the first cavewoman. It's in male nature to do this because, if it weren't, we wouldn't be here. Feminism, in many ways, it the most fundamental lie, precisely because all of it is based on the premise that females had/have no power...it's quite the opposite ladies.

21727860? ago

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Humanity would have died with Steve's story.

21724783? ago

It might even be more primitive before the time of technology, before writing and before language. At one time the man hunted, brought back a deer, maybe the woman collected berries, they both might have shared and bed and made babies, I guess this sexual thing this love making made a primitive family. Sexuality could also be used as a weapon, the woman using it in a negative way to get what she wanted, the prostitute they say was the oldest profession but they spread disease and virus and add up to a broken family. Third-wave feminism today is total cancer and far removed from the original women's liberation movement.

21723994? ago

Back in the 70s there was a thing, ERA, the Equal Rights Amendment. Women marched and protested demanding they be made 'equal' to men.

I laughed then and still do laugh, Law cannot undo biology/science/nature after all.

But I attended the protests and rallies then, they were a good place for us teenage males to engage with females, lots of them Hippies like ourselves, and the Party Supplies were usually good, the music good, so yeah.

And we would point out that it was insane for them to want to give up all their advantages over us and be relegated 'down' to our status. At the time we were in high school, but immediately upon graduation we had draft numbers for Vietnam....they did not. On dates we were expected to pay, they were not.... we were expected to open doors and offer our coats and assist them with any loads they needed ported, we were expected to defend them as needed, we were never offered bargains such as 'ladies nites' at clubs...cops would, back then, allow Women to conceal carry handguns but Men were challenged if we did. These are just some for instances, many more existed. Texas passed the ERA Amendment, not sure everyone did.

So we wondered why Women wanted to give up all that and drop down in status to be with us mere Men. Made no sense to us, we were totally with them on 'Ban the Bra' and 'Make Love Not War', but that was mainly the stoned teenage Hippie in us reaching out.

Yeah that all kinda led to the dykes/sluts trying to ruin it for every female and many males too. #Metoo is a direct result; Ladies always had the Magic Power to influence Men, for centuries men did their bidding to garner rewards from them. Suddenly tho some Women decided that was not good enough; they wanted to make the same deals, ask Weinstein, but now they want the goods without offering favors.

Well that's equality, I never got anything I didn't earn, why should women? If Women want to use their sex, Cardi B or any of the #metooers come to mind, to gain wealth or power then I have to say, the whole equality promo is a sham isn't it.

Put the braless sundress back on, turn the music up, open the wine and light the reefer....we USED to be happy just to make frens and socialize, not it's all political, sex is a product.

21725212? ago

Sex has always been a product. Now, these poor girls are finding out that their value has not changed. Only their price.

21725505? ago

Yeah. Buddies of mine who are Army Vets say they hated the Navy because those guys would get off the ship on leave with 6 months pay in their pockets and screw up the prices for everyone...

I never left CONUS myself and my experience was different. We would go to Mexico and the prices were deflated, not inflated.

C'est le guerre!

21725363? ago

Yeah, and us men have bid up the price of sex so high that most guys can't afford it anymore. Hence MGTOW and the men's rights movement. Like the MLB players that get $30M deals to play a game in their pajamas while we guzzle $10 beers and eat $7 hot dogs.

21725431? ago

See? This is what I mean...

21723985? ago


21726546? ago


jealous of the pretty white people?😆


21726622? ago

Jealous of Donald maybe. He gets to dump buckets of cum in that tightened up fuck slut. Gettin a boner actually

21724218? ago

I reckon you'd rather see Michelle's penis.

21724973? ago

No way! Read what I wrote. I want that mail order fuck slut to show her tits more. And show us your fucking cunt Melania. Lets see that slut hole!

21736269? ago

All you have to do is look in the mirror; you'll clearly be able to see a cunt.

21723719? ago

"Anti-censorship" Goats may claim hate of "Q tards" but one look at all the "muh free speech" subs banning goats left and right, there's only QRV left standing carrying the Free Speech flag here.

Hence the constant spam attacks by SBBH kikes.

21725378? ago

Yep. All jews are trash.

21726305? ago

Like every single individual? What about Ivanka and Kushner?

21726485? ago

Ivanka has Christian parents, and I would imagine there are a few jewish outliers.

we are ALL varying degrees of spiritual light...

21726331? ago

100% of jews are born evil. Vampires. Tares.

1Thessalonians 2:15



21727439? ago

Lol k