21715001? ago

That’s a ton of “What Ifs”.

Can we get back to actual research?

21715814? ago

You need to relax and enjoy the show friend, patriots are in control. No need to get your panties in a wad

21716767? ago

Ahh yes, I’ll do nothing and be passive.

Sounds like you are not here for the same reasons as most researchers.

This isn’t a show, this is real life.

When those kids are raped, are you telling them it’s an enjoyable show?

21721483? ago

I’m sure you’re on the front line everyday releasing kids from captivity and fighting the cabal bare handed. Don’t kid your self, you’re just as passive and covered in Dorito dust as the next guy. “Enjoy the show!” Is an expression used by the Q team multiple times. Get off your high horse, go outside and thank God we have a team dedicated to freeing us from this madness. fucking twat

21724233? ago

You don’t know shit and it shows by how far off you are about majority of your statement.

I’m sure believing that makes you feel better about yourself so I understand.

21725969? ago

I feel great! you’re obviously very bitter and your need to lash out on Internet forums is a testament to your misery. I will pray for you

21714963? ago

Just a thought. Ten days of darkness is referenced in the bible. Really I don't remember where, but it was around the time of Jesus. Apparently Etna or Pompeii or Stromboli or all of them blew their asses off and it rained down ash for millions of square miles. This caused the ten days of darkness.

Along those lines, maybe since a shitton of volcanoes have been erupting all over the world all of a sudden, even 'extinct' ones...maybe we are heading that way. 10 days of darkness caused by ash clouds would be shitty at best.

21715836? ago

That’s a pretty cool interpretation! Thanks for the input!

21713488? ago

10 days dark will open to light he only has 3 more days dark and Boom it is the 17th. And everything will go off. When a bomb is dropped light is shattered in 1000 ways.


21713779? ago

I thought about that too. Last post was the 7th. Then days later could be the start. Great observation!

21711982? ago

I thought the ten days refered to the solar event that will knock out all electronics and non-bilological consciousness (AI). The sun basically explodes and will seem to disappear for ten days then click back on. Aliens are not allowed to interfere with societies at a certain level of development and when all our electronics are destroyed it will allow them to come down and actually help us. Word on the street is is that it will happen during the next solar maximum in about 10 years.

21712484? ago

I don’t remember q talking about any of that but it’s an interesting theory. Do you have any links or sources that I can look into?

21713610? ago

David Wilcock. Law of one.

21713791? ago

Excellent read! The Law of One definitely puts everything happening into prospective!

21713289? ago

not the same anon as above. But here. There is a cia declass document called adam and eve..

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Magnetic_Pole (Read the part with header geomagnetic reversal ) www.amazon.com/gp/product/1883218101/ref=x_gr_w_bb_sout?ie=UTF8&tag=x_gr_w_bb_sout-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1883218101&SubscriptionId=1MGPYB6YW3HWK55XCGG2

Make sure you read the reviews. And the whole discription. World in Peril: The Origin , Mission & Scientific Findings of the 46th / 72nd Reconnaissance Squadron

A.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hL9OHXw_-A8YouTube B.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jTUJ7GtEx0YYouTube C.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wvjJqIXYT1wYouTube


11 years = 60 light years divided by speed of the blast. I presume what we are seeing now is the start or precusor to what is coming.

21713328? ago

Awesome, Will look through this and respond accordingly. Thank you!

21712216? ago

electric sun

21713344? ago

Actually the keystone is in Helioseismology. This will change everything. I know because my vision told me.

21713373? ago

Could you send some links so I can look more into whatever that is? Thank you! I think Visions can Be an invaluable tool of connection with the non- physical realm. Very cool you’re able to have them

21713589? ago

Find the prisim,


Pink floyd knew ! What is on the albumb dark side of the moon?


21713806? ago

I had a strange dream about two night ago about the color spectrum coming into One great white light. I was speaking aloud while having this dream and scared the shit out of my wife haha!

21713356? ago

Holy crap look at our digits.

21713458? ago

Checked Sir! <

21713401? ago

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21711692? ago

Interesting interpretation, just remember that is what it is. You would have to crawl through the Q posts to really back it up.

21712509? ago

Agreed. It’s pure speculation on my part and I trust the plan but it would sure be fun

21712963? ago

Your plan would be.

21713342? ago

Yup lol I trust the Q team plan and just enjoy speculating. I’m sure whatever the real plan is so mind blowing we can’t quite grasp the magnitude of the things to come

21715742? ago

well said

21711567? ago

Hell yeah. Shut the fucker down! Kill the fake sun in the fake sky and let the lizards glow!

Just adding for the hell of it!

21713627? ago

The sun isnt fake and i cant tell you why, because you would only misconstrue the information. but the sun is true and the answer lies within its hue.

21714355? ago

What? I'm a misconstruer? Someone stole the moon last night.

21712524? ago

I don’t know what most of that means but YEAH! FUCK THE LIZARD PEOPLE

21711492? ago

"10 days of darkness" = 10 days strait of DS criminal traitors sharting all over themselves... not knowing where the next attack will come from!

21712532? ago

Could very well be! Guess we just engage to wait and see

21711178? ago

Well...we desperately need an honest news group, an honest Press. It cannot be a blockchain kind of thing tho, not saying 8kun is because I hear different stories from different people.

And we can mirror 8kun, you don't have to actually expose yourself via blockchain so maybe that is part of the solution.

We shall see huh, I have a lot of hope that Soloman isn't a shill just shillin', like others have doen. Blaze TV comes to mind, others.

Let OAN have some breathing room and refuse ABC and others any privileges while we deny their permits...we definitely can do things, they use our airwaves after all.

21711396? ago

Right. All they have left is the media at this point and see more and more people waking up to the fact that they just make shit up. I everyone to me is a shill until proven otherwise but there does seem to be a turn in the tide worth the media right now.

CNN releases this https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/05/opinions/trump-is-still-winning-jennings/index.html

The fact the CNN refused to broadcast Republicans during the testimony. That weird lesbian lady who’s name escapes me atm getting sued.

Media accused of ramping up the Russia hoax despite the fbi knowing in January 2017 that it was bullshit

There’s countless examples of the media being used as a weapon against us and the media is completely out of control at this point. Truly the Enemy Of The People

21712463? ago


21712576? ago

That’s it! she grosses me out, my mind must have just blanked her out. Thank you