22017428? ago

They are Turkic @40KFTAGLView a mix of mongol, left overs from iranian, greek, arab sand nigger silk road raider peoples who spoke an older version of the Turkish language, Kazakhstan to the northwest, Uzbekistan to the north and east, Aasscrackistan they were a raider camel people near the Caspian sea, Merv was one of the great cities of the Shit-lamic world.

22183106? ago

only stuff from before 90s, 80s ? 1970s? is there an based red pilled scifi @Angryelectrician @uvulectomy ? @thatguyiam @nobslob @ThisIsMyRealName

21698202? ago

The popular SNES game Chrono Trigger is FULL of references to shapeshifting cannibalistic jews.

22017671? ago

This is fucking great!

21699510? ago


21699583? ago

Replay it with what you know now. I beat it again last year and took a lot of screenshots. All on my PC (not home unfortunately) Its packed

Replay the whole game.

21699627? ago

Alright I had been thinking about it actually. I saw they put the "Mars face" in it - I guess it wouldn't be too surprising if they snuck other shit in it as well.

21699681? ago

Ah man i wish i could bombard you with screenshots right now. There are so many. From npc names, boss fights, hexagrams, references to zion, golems shaped like 6 pointed stars, churches filled with shapeshifting beings that feed off of humans, village names (you may not spot some of these without extensive knowlesge of jewish ritual murder), little side dialogs etc...

Do an extensive playthrough and hit all the little side stuff. Youll see.

21697874? ago

Highly flawed. For starts, chaotic good is more chaotic neutral, chaotic neutral is more neutral evil, and neutral evil is more chaotic evil.

22017014? ago

D&D was awesome before this crap. Label all you want....fucktards! http://gregtodiffer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/alignment.jpg

21697995? ago

LOTR was better

21698009? ago

Your statement has what to do with anything i said or the subject at hand?

21698441? ago

This alignment concept is from a Dungeons and Dragons game, StarTrek Starwars etc have more or less been infiltrated by SJW politics these days. Lord of the Rings seemed pretty woke, you wont find anyone saying Lurtz is Hobbit in those books. High Quality Not all Orcs Meme! The Viral Documentary Clips and Memes is maybe where the more 'Woke' stuff is at these days.

21698589? ago

Yes, the format of looking at alignments like this originated with D&D, an entirely separate sort of thing, a game, as opposed to a collection of books and later movies. And, the alignment system can be applied to LOTR as it can anything really. Of course no one will call Lurtz a hobbit, thats retarded. Same way if your playing D&D as a half orc barbarian, no one is going to Seriously go "wow what a stunning and brave trans-elven wizard!"

While the people that enioy scifi and fantasy and D&D might be tarded cuck faggots, the worlds/systems themselves are actually quite based the majority of the time. Half orcs are the result of orcs raping humans. Much like little mulatto nigglits. Orcs are stupid violent savages, exactly like niggers. Maybe they are starting to change things to be more faggy, i havent been into it since 3.5.

As for star trek, it gets a lot of flak around here for being commie or whatever, but if you can disregard the magic science niggers, the star trek system of society and economic system, makes a great deal of sense. It is an entirely post scarcity society. They create matter and energy from nothing and so there is no actual cost to anything anymore. They work to better themselves and society, as advanced white people are prone to doing. They can take whatever vacation time they desire, buy what they desire, go where they wish, there is nothing stopping any of them from doing anything really. They simply work for the sake of society because they already solved all the serious issues that make us currently have to work for money and slave away continually. We currently have limited resources we must all compete for, we must all work to afford what we need. If there was limitless resources, they could be free and freely consumed with no regards. Star trek even shows how different races have different cultures and ways of life, they just dance around the fact that those differences are present within humanity, we dont have to have aliens in order to have a difference as great as the federation vs the klingons, or ferengi

21697862? ago

/v/Wakanda Clown world best describes modern world politics

21697926? ago

a lot of old shows and movies simply would Not get made today @frankenmine @Granite_Pill @Grimlock2015 @PaulNeriAustralia

21697826? ago

Trek has gone to shit /v/StarTrekDiscovery nothing like the original anymore

21699755? ago

Trek is now SJW crap as for Japanese. oy! vey! @fusir @Pedro_J_Pattywagon ? @Sneed-Chuckman @Trasheconomy @spaceman84 Some anime is ok but Jpn is degenerate, worse than tentacle odd shit its in their history, different weird Emperor periods, Samurai had young boys dress up as women, Homosexuality in Japan erotic pictures which include same-sex and opposite-sex fucking, Heian diaries which contain references to homosexual acts exist as well. Some of these also contain references to emperors involved in homosexual relationships and to "handsome boys retained for sexual purposes" by emperors. In other literary works can be found references to what Leupp has called "problems of gender identity" A lot of good anime but also a lot of crap out there!

21703732? ago

Most anime turns men into trannies

It’s capeshit tier

22017039? ago

@Sir_Ebral that Timur9000 is a turkish raghead

21701284? ago

Agreed. Japs were a bunch of backwards freaks before they were forced to westernize, much like the gooks. And they have retained many of their cultural idiosyncrasies.

21697637? ago

The path of Idiocracy is probably closer to the path of Mexico / Brazil / Cuba, they were old Spanish and Meso Middle America Empires which have de-evolved into stupidity

21697760? ago

Le Camp des Saints is a controversial 1973 French dystopian fiction novel, video games could be fucked now the whole thing has been going to shit since Feminism and Gamergate .... @Caleb_The_Chosen @Rellik88 ? @dangerous_ai @killer7 @theoldones Invisible Inc game, Anachronox, Far Cry, Omikron ok and Deus Ex was pretty cool though

21697795? ago

The political messages are all over Xbox, Playstation etc The Games have been going to shit @Seventh_Jim @Wahaha @Broc_Lia comicbooks will be the next one, the big 2 Marvel (Disney) and DC have taken most of the industry, anime will collapse as the comic book industry is totally shut down with crap politics

21700515? ago

Why did you tag me in this?

21701938? ago

Not sure on the CGI and anime crap but I'm more or less done with hollyweird @HillaryClintonsShoe and . . esoteric meaning not erotic /u/rndmvar @Smells_Like_Tacos /u/friendshipistragic

21702288? ago

you lost me

21702987? ago

A lot of talk here n there but 2 movies people should watch perhap, Eyes Wide Shut and the movie They Live

21697529? ago

It's a minefield. There is propaganda and misinformation in every direction.

From what I have seen, almost all of it, even at best, I'm sad to say is entertaining misdirection.

If there are some specific works or authors / creators that you have found that are red-pill worthy, I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

21697607? ago

I think classic scifi is better. If you want to see a hidden meaning then maybe Gene Roddenberry kinda writes a story where the US Navy and Freedom goes to space. There are some great ideas were wrote by Roddenberry other ideas started to come to life after the man died. Starfleet itself probably became NATO and the ideas of Universal social credit? an Empire? a Federation? money is no longer a central power, the alien Borg a hive mind anyone who submits to a dictator, communist or zealot religion, Borg — Scientology/Laterday Saints, the Borg are probably best looked at as Non-Human and Real Aliens like Wasp, Termites, Bees, Ants etc. The Klingon a mix of Soviet horde and Japanese samurai culture maybe more Russian Mongolian since it was Coldwar time, Romulans were classical Chinese maybe Romulan also Ancient Rome, Vulcans can also play the roles of Japan and South Korea while the Romulans are in the roles of China and South Korea. Parts of Vulcan philosophy is based on Zen, with a bit of Greek stoicism and Taoist, Vulcan maybe sometimes very utilitarian, practical, classic germanic, the retro Metropolis by Fritz Lang robot villainess and corporation the Mega Corp corruption and AI Machine people, Blade Runner more or less launches the whole Cyberpunk genre, before the Matrix there was Dark City and people living through a neo-noir nightmare, Space Truckers a gypsy film which has the protagonists go "off-road" in order to avoid being stopped by the authorities but end up getting captured by another gypsy giant pirate ship, which literally swallows them, Cardassians and Bajoran again fascism and Hindu India themes, the Force in StarWars and Darkside the age old ancient battle between good and evil, and the Ferengi of Trek = Jews? The history of Vietnam the ideas of communism the Cold war and assimilation would have played a larger role in the scifi of the 1960s and 70s, modern Trek does not have the same meaning or spirit as classic Trek. J J Abrams or Jar Jar Abrams has the Romulans as Mexicans, a dead dying Empire? I can not comment on the modern Star Wars movies or Star Trek Discovery because I have seen very little of these shows and movies, most films today are a SJW infested political mess with no heart, Anime seems to be ok and not take over by (((global media))) yet. Roddenberry himself though was an Atheist and a Pacifist.