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21688950? ago


21702099? ago

Anyone Here Read History? Greeks, Babylon and a Temple in Syria? ...Cult of Dionysus, They pray to wine, phallus & hole symbols? Dionysus was involved in sodomy, Silenus Bacchus and Pan/Satyrs. 'Yep...considering all the strong European/Mid East ties, along with all the outright symbolism everywhere (Epstein's Bacchus arch keystone/temple/statues)...I'm thinking Cult of Dionysus or some derivative...there is OLD money involved here. And I will tell you something...the only reason old money involves itself with new money, or young wayward girls from broken homes, or penniless models, etc - is sex and blood. And people and the MSM still haven't had the courage to call out the Jewish connections here...In my opinion this is not about some Zionist agenda, the reason most of the top players in the Epstein case...and other recent sex cases are Jews, is that to them once a girl or boy is bat/bar mitzvah'd they are considered an they rationalize that they get a pass somehow.'

21716113? ago

Keith Raniere Involved in a Murder?