22099490? ago

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21718071? ago

Its even worse. In some cultures (Vietnamese being one of them iirc), the pineal gland is supposed to be where the soul is located.

22788925? ago

what happened the image host?

21690020? ago

This blurb about the history of the prosthetic eye can't get out of the first paragraph without mentioning "occult powers": https://ocularpro.com/the-history-of-artificial-eyes/

22749597? ago

So I'm the person who posted what you responded to. I remember I was looking up information about a man I thought was the Podesta brothers' dad or uncle, a doctor William Podesta who was an influential dentest in a small town called Mattoon, IL.

A summary of him from their local paper:

Dr. William L. Podesta (1912-1998) Local dentist and businessman, founder of Mattoon Dental Group and promoted fluoridation of the Mattoon water supply, established dental hygiene and dental assisting program at Lake Land College, road around campus is named Dr. Podesta Drive. Lake Land sits on land owned by Podesta, served in WWII and for a short time was President Ronald Reagan's commanding officer, one of five civic leaders responsible for the building of the National Guard Armory, built Maison Blanche (dental office) and La Casa Rosa buildings. He and his wife were the first recipients of the EIU Distinguished Alumni Award.

I don't live in that town, just in the region, but there was a local rumor that he was the Podesta brother's uncle. I posted about it in v/pizzagate at the time. People researched, and it turns out he wasn't, BUT...

When I did research the first thing I found was on one of those random classifieds websites that isn't craigslist but is like it, and a guy claiming to be local also claimed that "pedophile dentist William Podesta"...never found anything to back that up, so it remained just interesting

Even more intriguing though, in someways...I had found some information about him serving in the military and I think being in charge of the group of people who developed what is now considered the modern fake eye. If he wasn't in charge then he was certainly involved. They explained a lot of dentists were chosen for this because of their work with sensitive areas of the face or something like that.

I'll look for the thread and update this with a link if I find it. You guys could keep searching along the lines of "Dr. William Podesta prosthetic eye development" or something like that.

22749762? ago

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21689538? ago

@EsotericShade ... any insight on this?

21689783? ago

I don't have any specific knowledge of the Pineal gland being harvested through the eye but it seems like it would be a decent place to gain access to it. I have heard lots of strange things about the pineal gland being smoked and eaten but in all the old books I have read I have not come across a reference to it. And then there is that weird reference from the Wikileaks emails about huge orders of Penguin Pineal glands being shipped in for some reason.

As with all things occult symbols usually have a multi layered meaning and in this particular case it would of course be a reference to the All Seeing Eye or Freemasonic Fraternity among other things.

21689914? ago

Thanks a lot appreciate it ! Yeah, the all seeing eye really is a fixture with them it seems.

21688950? ago


21702099? ago

Anyone Here Read History? Greeks, Babylon and a Temple in Syria? ...Cult of Dionysus, They pray to wine, phallus & hole symbols? Dionysus was involved in sodomy, Silenus Bacchus and Pan/Satyrs. https://files.catbox.moe/tnhw77.jpg 'Yep...considering all the strong European/Mid East ties, along with all the outright symbolism everywhere (Epstein's Bacchus arch keystone/temple/statues)...I'm thinking Cult of Dionysus or some derivative...there is OLD money involved here. And I will tell you something...the only reason old money involves itself with new money, or young wayward girls from broken homes, or penniless models, etc - is sex and blood. And people and the MSM still haven't had the courage to call out the Jewish connections here...In my opinion this is not about some Zionist agenda, the reason most of the top players in the Epstein case...and other recent sex cases are Jews, is that to them once a girl or boy is bat/bar mitzvah'd they are considered an adult...so they rationalize that they get a pass somehow.'

21716113? ago

Keith Raniere Involved in a Murder? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3558428

21702446? ago

I actually have read, or have been exposed, somewhat, to this stuff thru the years. I've read some of Hislop's "The Two Babylons."