21690068? ago

Kikes are the enemy of humanity

21689483? ago

The eternal hatred Esau and Ishmael. Esau married the daughter of Ishmael.

The late and great scholar Chuck Missler put out an article showing the Rothschilds were and are Edomites. Edom is cojoined with Ishmael. The Nazi's partnership with Islam in WWII showed this fact.

21688979? ago

The Semites are brothers. They both hate Christian whites. One for most of their history would just come at you and try to slit your throat. That brother has become a little more sophisticated with the acquisition of great wealth through oil, but not by much. The other has always been a sneaky son of a bitch that uses the stupid brother to destroy each other, while he hides in the shadows screwing you over indirectly with money, immorality, and destruction of your society through covert campaigns. Sneaky snake brother has come out into the open more since he believed he had the end game sewed up.

21688830? ago

Remove Mossad from media in the West. Do you agree?

21688765? ago

21688492? ago

We all hate jews, ADL.

We also know (((you))) are the hand controlling the muslims and the communist chinks.

But please, continue your unsuccessful campaign of trying to turn voat pro-goblin. Only digging a deeper hole.


21689494? ago

You hate Jews, mohamid.

21690063? ago

whats there to like?

21688741? ago

21688398? ago

....of course. Islam was createt by the jews... its all written and proof !