21690275? ago

more #notalljews shit, are you guys scared or something?

21689657? ago

Edge of Wonders does good videos talking about them. To understand the 13 bloodlines, you need to understand what's before it and how they came to be.

Tentacles of the Deep State EXPOSED [2018] PART 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGKth5iUVAk&feature=youtu.be

WHY DRUG Epidemic Was Engineered by Deep State - Tentacles of the Deep State [2018] PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqWJL_0Wrak&feature=youtu.be

Deep State - 13 BLOODLINES & their Diabolical End Game | Tentacles of the Deep State [2018] PART 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gxbhxBB1YA

21689632? ago

Stop spreading this retarded shit. There's only one group it's illegal to insult and they rule over you. They have married into all lines of kings and queens including the Saudi royalty and the British royalty. You think it's the Hebrews Israelites but it's actually the Canaanite Phoenician Jews.

21689076? ago

How dare you use your brain for thinking when you can easily blame ALL OF THE JEWS EVERY SINGLE ONE.

I'm making fun of all the 'ITS THE JEWS' shrieking banshees on here.

21689139? ago

Cucky Cuckstein in da house.

21691527? ago

You're not very bright

21689807? ago

Aw, you learned our lingo, a bit...

21688805? ago

Bloodlines and Skull Shapes

21689837? ago

By skull shapes, do you mean elongated skulls?

Those are nephilim skulls.

21688859? ago

sabbeatean zevi? Skull and Bones, first international bank London-Amsterdam .... did knights behind enemy lines bring back a baphomet religion of babylon??

21688661? ago

https://ia802300.us.archive.org/8/items/rofschildv1/IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion.html Here is a year long convesation with one of them.. I think this one lost a bet and was forced to answer questions asked by us cattle. Its an intersting read. ... Laugh Out Loud.

21689345? ago

What's a drop of tat precious blood worth?

21688167? ago

There's only 1.

The bloodline of Cain.

21690482? ago

It bothers me that people don't recognize their circular reasoning on the jews. Canaanites have been enslaving jews while calling themselves jews to exacerbate the issue since well before Rome where Rome blamed the crucification on Jews telling them to do it.

Canaanites > Pharos > Rome > Knights Templar / Roman Catholic Church > Switzerland.

Notice where the WTO is run out of? Switzerland. What just lost it's authority yesterday? WTO

21692392? ago

Ya right if WTO lost it authority yesterday I would have seen it on the news.

21692755? ago

Ya right if WTO lost it authority yesterday I would have seen it on the news.


21692827? ago

Nice, that's great news.

21690445? ago

And God marked Cain so that he would be instantly recognized. There's no (known) description of what it is, perhaps a hooked nose?

21690582? ago


21691283? ago

The only thing I remember was that it was described that everyone would recognize the mark for the rest of his life,

That presumes:

A) that there were more people around than mentioned in genesis.

B) that it was something not easily concealed to be recognizable by all.

That's also vague cause many groups tend to have somewhat hooked noses,

21689919? ago

as in Canaanites? Didn't God tell the Jews to kill everyone of them, not to leave even their livestock alive?

21689873? ago

At least someone is paying attention...

21688629? ago

21688671? ago

Would that be where the word "canine" comes from?

21688081? ago

Bloodlines Of The Illuminati By Fritz Springmeier


Free online book in its entirety/safe site (not the C_A BS site)

21687987? ago

You have to wonder if the genetic DNA craze is about proving who belongs and who does not.

And the bandages on many of the witnesses' hands could've been from blood tests for this purpose.

21689962? ago


21690885? ago

I’d love to know more about this. I was chatting about this with a coworker and it sounded fascinating. What’s a good source?

21690939? ago

If only I knew...

21688005? ago

Every baby born gets a blood test....

21689955? ago

I wonder why...

Hey what about that 23 and me thing... Any relation with that?

21690137? ago

Yes, it helps them narrow down specific genes so that they can tailor medications and vaccines to specifically target and potentially eliminate those considered "unacceptable". It has huge wide reaching implications.

21690499? ago

They don't want to just start murdering us. We're cattle. We're slaves.

You put down the ones you have to, sure. But, you don't just start murdering your own livestock for pleasure. What will you eat? Who will do the things you don't want to?

21687974? ago

The Thirteen Illuminati bloodlines are the Astor bloodline, the Bundy bloodline, the Collins bloodline, the DuPont bloodline, the Freeman bloodline, the Kennedy bloodline, the Li bloodline (李), the Onassis bloodline, the Rockefeller bloodline, the Rothschild bloodline, the Russell bloodline, the Van Duyn bloodline and the previously mentioned Merovingian bloodline.

21688201? ago

Beau Biden defends judge who gave DuPont heir probation... DuPont tunnels. Check out the pizza express there and also the Hampstead children cover up. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525580

21687957? ago

The only non-jewish members of the cabal would be sweeping up somewhere if they weren't going along with it.

21687905? ago

They're all jews, that's the bloodline, you ignorant slut.

21688666? ago

21687753? ago

Paysuers, Rockefeller, Rothchilds. thats all I got. anyone else know the other 10? plus I am not sure if the rockefellers were taken out when the titanic was purposely sunk.

21689864? ago

No, the Rockefellers were never "taken out". However, when David Rockefeller died recently, his wealth and power was all transferred over to the Soros liniage. I'm assuming there were no viable Rockefeller proginy to take over the house, so it was given to one of the most evil villains this earth has ever seen.

Remember, Qanon has a special place for Soros.

21688110? ago

The Masons, Jewish Occult, Arabia Babylon rituals, is there a connection? Leroy Springs family got Payseur family companies in the early 1920s. It was Leroy that managed to get the Rothschild’s involved with the Federal Reserve, Freemasons—worshipers of the Black Sun and creators of both fascism and communism. Harry Emerson Fosdick, who was Pastor of Rockefeller’s church was also among the Presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation. John Foster Dulles, CFR, was chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and married a Rockefeller, Janet Pomeroy Avery. Remember John Foster Dulles was an important Federal Council of Churches of Christ official. Payseur began to build railroads and leased them to operating companies. He also established the Lancaster Manufacturing Company to produce timber for railroad products and the Lincolnton Iron Company which later located in Chicago and formed two subsidiaries, Carnegie Steel and Pullman Standard Company. The Dr Jekyll horror island meeting Paul Warburg (of Kuhn-Loeb & Company and brother-in-law of Schiff) Junius retired in 1879 and J.P. took over JS. Morgan & Co., reorganizing It under the title J.P. Morgan & Co. "J.P. Morgan soon became a symbol of the growing centralization of American money." Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are fighting for control of the world? true that they are in intense competition in some areas. It has also been true that they have been in intense cooperation in many areas, new players global Communists and the islamist House of Saud, the Dollar dropped off a Gold Standard and now backed up with the jihadist Saudi Oil?

21687961? ago

Astors, Bundy's , Warburgs.?????

21687910? ago

The royal houses of Europe. Windsors the belgian, french royal dynasties etc and in Italy, the vatican is the top and it's ANYTHING BUT CHRISTIAN!!

21687587? ago

Some are Jews and some are not. But they are all tools of the Enemy.

21687765? ago

All jews. The rest are shaboz goi.

21688525? ago

Freemasonry cements the ties

21687778? ago

Blubber blugguh boo?

21688645? ago

This is what JIDF has been reduced to.

21689310? ago

Sorry, just trying to understand and communicate with you using your foreign language.

21689337? ago

A few minutes in the gas chamber would help clear your thoughts up dont you think?

21687448? ago

Some are ‘Jews’ .... aligned with Jews (and the Vatican)

21688099? ago

If you really want to know more, get on bittorrent/YT and download Michael Tsarion "The irish origins of civilization" It's 12 hours of pretty heavy going information but it does in about hour 4 get into the Egyptian pharoh Akenatun who went of the standard of the belief of multiple Gods to just the one sun God Aten. He was exiled over this but his followers, the cult of Aten (our jews now) never got over it to this day, they still further the original agenda. Crazy shit really.

21688251? ago

Yep, this is a very accurate assessment.

Akenaton removed all the pagan, multi-god worship and returned to the ONE. But the priesthood that followed was fully infiltrated by the dark forces, who took over, learned the high secrets, perverted and inverted into "black magic" as of this day. See the Egyptian symbolism everywhere for proof of this.

Akenaton received training via the Egyptian "Sun God - Ra", which did not understand malevolent forces would pervert their work...Law of One .info to learn more.

21689805? ago

Also add in fallen angels and the Nephilim in there somewhere too.

21688247? ago

get into the Egyptian pharoh Akenatun

Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten (originally named Amenhotep IV[10]) who is believed to be the mummy found in tomb KV55 - from WikiPedia

I find it an interesting coincidence anon, that the one un-robbed Pharoh's tomb was the son of the guy who went monotheistic. There's some there there.

21687959? ago

Soros, Saudi, Rotten-Shield. Jaa-Bal-On, what are they praying to? Soros once a Nazi and a Vatican Ally, the frog kisses a prince and you got Saudi the Shriners the blackmail the jihad bomber link, finally Red Shield, Londonistan and an old family name the Dutch, German and French links and Mayer Amschel, written also Anschel

21687894? ago

Atonists and their cult!

21687756? ago

Good website here


21687439? ago

The "royal family" isn't that royal.

They are only placeholders.

21688840? ago

Who is Sachsen-Coburgo-Gotha? Maxwell talking victims 'theyre nothing. They are trash.'"..Queen?? She Knighted Mugabe, Mussolini & Ceausescu in gang of Order Commander of British Empire Knighthoods ... WTF is up with Belgium and is The Royal House of Belgium, Thierry I of Liesgau, the British Throne Windsor House Saxe Gotha of England and Bulgarian monarchs are all the same family? https://iamkare.wordpress.com/2017/01/07/crimes-of-the-saxa-gotha-coburg/

21690168? ago

The common ancestors of most royals today are Christian of Germany Denmark and Victoria of Great Germany Britain. They are considered the grandfather and grandmother of most European royalty....

21687421? ago

The 13 bloodlines are all jewish.

22799165? ago

Who are the Shriners, what is the Mystery Babylon faith?

Prince Andrew has stepped down from his royal duties amid growing backlash over his involvement with sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein

What did the elite plan for Belgium? Chateaux Des Amerois Mothers of Darkness Castle http://whale.to/b/chateaux_des_amerois.html The Chateau Amerois AKA Mothers of Darkness Castle and it is said to be home to some of the Illuminati's darkest rituals, blackmail parties and more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnV0p8RSY3k A crash course on the Mother's Of Darkness Castle https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=BnV0p8RSY3k Mother's Of Darkness Castle? the Accused in the Dutroux Affair - include royals, generals, barons. Saudi links, Rome, the Jewish Occult, the Belgian Pedophiles https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=BnV0p8RSY3k Modern Saudi http://dutroux.blogspot.com/2009/08/alleged-child-sex-slavery-in-saudi.html Strategic Business Advisor Gutkin is, is unclear. She appears in photos of ICMEC galas and functions in the middle east and her twitter feed consists exclusively of horoscope retweets. I do not partake in Instagram but she appears to have an account. She seems to be some sort of socialite.

Dr. Mohamed Mattar = Board Member

Other Boards: Global Emancipation Network / The Protection Project

Worldwide expert in Anti-trafficking legislation

Professor: Law – Qatar University

Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley – Board Member

Key Position: Senior Advisor to Secretary of State

US rep. to UN General Assembly

DNC – Chair National Advisory Board

Chair Clinton Library Board of Trustees

Other Boards: Atlantic Council / Council on Foreign Relations

Bagley is a key figure, as she has close ties to the DNC / State Department and the Clinton Library (which received millions in KSA donations). Being a member of both the CFR and the Atlantic Council elevates her to an elite status.

Ernesto Caffo - Board Member

Other Boards: Missing Children Europe

SOS II Telefono – Founder President

Child Foundation - President

Professor: Psychiatry – University of Modena


Victor Halberstadt – Board Member

Other Boards: ?

Banks: Goldman Sachs

Membership: Bilderberg Group

Dakis Joannou - Board Member Other Boards: Deste (Contemporary Art)

Christos Stelios Joannou Foundation

Construction / Oil / Shipping / Luxury Hotels: J&P-Avax

Joannou is one of the biggest art collectors in the world and owns a significant collection of Jeff Koons pieces. In fact, he was the best man at Koon’s wedding and Koon’s designed/painted his mega-yacht, “Guilty”.


A locksmith who was present during the search told the officers that he heard children's voices coming from somewhere in the house, but was told to ignore it. The two girls died of starvation while Dutroux was in custody.


...His own mother went to the police and told them he had kidnapped kids hidden in his house...

Ok so some of us here know that these cases - Dutroux, Franklin, & The Finders are specifically the ones that get censored.



A federal judge ruled that Paul Bonnacci was telling the truth when he alleged that ritual military abuse took place, and Bonnacci was awarded $1million in damages.

Here again we have the U.S. military - specifically Aquino - implicated in an organized child abuse network. Bonacci said in Federal Court, February 1999, that "Michael Aquino ... called the "Colonel" was in fact the man who came to Iowa, paid the kidnappers for taking Johnny, then took Johnny with him. This took place 14 days after the kidnapping. ".... Bonacci stated this under oath in Federal Court. Judge Urbom ruled Bonacci was telling the truth. He was later awarded 1 million in damages. So this corroborates the allegations made in the Belgian Dutroux dossier.

All of these documents are official government or legal documents, making the evidence against Aquino and the U.S. military more compelling.

and today? https://voat.co/v/politics/3693299/22798358

21689947? ago

I know it's fun to larp, but "Jew" means someone that comes from Judea...

Do you mean Hebrew? If you do, that's still wrong. They don't do big organizes religions like we do. The slave "religions" were all created purposefully to distract us. Many "Jews" are still just retards like you.

Poor newfag... you've so much to learn.

21687437? ago

you are a fool if you believe that

21687715? ago

All jews are the children of satan. You can try to hide it but it isnt going to work.

21687766? ago

um. your prejudice is clouding your mind.

21689790? ago


21687377? ago

It is the Talmud