21755609? ago

Thank you.

21755643? ago

YW :-)

21672396? ago

The picture POTUS in SA, (SA was the first stop early on), with the round lighted globe - LG

21672324? ago

founded by David Rockefeller


Here is the wiki there are some interesting names listed.


21671933? ago

I have not seen any comprehensive study on the subject, but some people in the Jewish community themselves have suggested that Judaism and Israel are anti-White. The rampant homosexuality, bi sexuality, transgenderism, porn, Rx pills, illegal drugs, hollywood culture..etc.etc. that jews have pushed on whites for decades now is the VERY reason that their own reproductive rates have now fallen so low...and that so many of us whitey's are experiencing! It's a BOMB.

no more Jews for Whites to spawn. Jewish ego really is such that the degree to which they prefer their own race is directly proportional to their declining fertility rate with each passing generation. They also don't like it when their own race falls behind in the race for 'ethnicities'. Whites have NOTHING to do with IT>

21671608? ago

Q 144

If you take the letters in the kill boxes it spells us risk this week

21671066? ago

I was going to do this but couldn't figure out which +++ he's referring to so I settled on

+++separate criminal investigation going on outside of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's purview+++

21671041? ago

Jesus fucking christ. Do some research into the Church of Satan or something actually useful. What a waste of autism.

21672335? ago

Wow, using the Lord's name in vain while calling out op for not researching what you want him to.

You're an internet badass.

21671056? ago


21671027? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=lhz7Rkwm6H4 :

ATTEMPTED COUP: President Trump BLASTS Findings in IG FISA FBI Report - YouTube

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