21632548? ago

There was a guy on here who posted a really good argument for Q's role in pacifying patriots for a positive end. You have to understand that Hussein, HRC, Pelosi, Schiff and company are the tools of people who want America to succumb to violent revolution. The reason, in their minds, communism has failed is that there hasn't been the violent revolution at the scale they believe is necessary. Fabian socialism doesn't get to where they want. They want full-blown communism and, according to the theory, that doesn't happen without full-blown revolution.

It doesn't matter to them who starts the revolution. They benefit from the breakdown of civil society and can then work to restore order in the desired image. If patriots started the revolution, the threatened elites would call upon the UN to disarm the citizenry and protect their interests. The resulting insurgency and split of US military loyalties would tear the country apart. That suits them fine. They really don't care how many people die or if the economy suffers permanently. They are insulated.

Q knew that we needed to delay a patriot uprising while the Plan unfolded. The psy-op is really to educate the masses that the system is corrupted beyond repair. It can't be reformed. It must be replace. People loyal to this government must be convinced that the time has come to replace it with something new. This has to be done peacefully.

What Q has shown us is that the "immune system" of the Republic, the part that would repair corruption, is broken beyond the point of fixing. That is what you are seeing. Impeachment is being used as a coup. Attempts to defend POTUS are deflected by the complicit MSM. Those of us who are awake are pacified by Q for the time being. If Q fails, then the revolution is going to happen anyway. If he succeeds, we get new government as peacefully as possible, without a revolution. Overall, I'd say there was a 50-50 shot of this working at all. If it doesn't there is a ready-made, prepped, and motivated insurgency all set to go.

21632824? ago

I think that everything that u just stated could be proven as factual. I think you nailed it anon. Remember the q posts about impeachment? Those posts are meant for us, for this moment in time. They knew it was coming to this, probably designed by them in order to, like u said, wake as many ppl up as possible before the time comes for the cleanup. When the fbi, doj, and the federal judiciary are all infiltrated or corrupted and these are the three main tools our govt has to identify, prevent, or eliminate these threats. Yes, the American electorate has to see that it is broken, corrupted beyond repair.

I believe we are going to see 10 days of martial law when potus finally gives the order and what happens after that moment will be dependent on how many people the Q information dissemination operation manages to wake up (along with how well the anons do their part). Uncertain times but I know that we will win regardless, it’s just a matter of how bad it gets during this transition.

21628255? ago

Read the early Q posts. What you say is pretty much the plan and what was explained. He said that could have done this all with the military right out of the gate, in fact if Hillary had won, that is what would have happened and it would have been bloody. This is the more peaceful route and the people need to be told whats going on. It's so bad that you cant dump it all on people at once, you have to show them piece by piece and let them research and see that there is merit to the crumbs that are being dropped. "Hey look here," and we do and we find the swamp. This is the great awakening. The largest military intelligence operation ever.

21627643? ago

It was to keep awake and semi-awake Americans calm.

Of that, there can be no doubt anon. Very practical and beneficial aspect of the psyop. As witnessed by Patriots going nuts now, EVEN with Q's posts.

But, this is also the aspect that gives me the greatest pause. We're supposed to be the vanguard of a justified uprising against the corruption. And Q has definitely idled many. Its a tricky situation, which I think needs more discussion. So Thx for posting this.

21627844? ago

I know what you’re saying here and I also wonder.

21627088? ago

Remember the Illuminati card game? It is like the early Q posts correspond to cards. Like the Hillary arrest post was foretelling future events. One demonstrates their power by making a prediction and then making the prediction come true.

21632639? ago

I'm not sure how I could find it, but I posted a long theory that Q posted the last posts early on, knowing that comms will be down in the final phases of the operation. The ones about Hillary and Podesta's arrests seem to indicate that. In one of them, Q mentions DS counterstrikes and that he must go for good. Those drops came early in the sequence, but they are for what happens at the end.

21634730? ago

Very well could be true.

21626749? ago

I believe that the entire operation has been 'calculated' (technologically), to where the posts, confirmations, Trump corroboration, to get people SOME data points to really counter the DS talking points. As these proofs build it gets more and more people truly red pilled.

Then, when declass finally happens, which appears to be in the impeachment process, it will glue everyone to the news on the subject. Then, thinking they will watch Trump get impeached, everyone will be tracking all the updates, and will watch all the crimes get exposed one after the other after the other. That's 8-10 weeks of a trial (I've been led to believe) that will red pill all those who can reasonably done.

Trump will win 2020, and the real cleanup operation goes world wide.

21631061? ago

Beautiful, yes, I hope for this

21627339? ago

If it goes to the Senate for trial (still not convinced it will, but if it does), Trump will testify. When he does, he will give the most historic speech any president ever has, and it will detail activities of the corrupt institutions and individuals, going back to JFK.

21628268? ago

That would be amazing.

21626779? ago

This is how my post should’ve read. Yes

21626638? ago

It was to give people hope that something is getting done and there is a plan

21627320? ago

It worked - it definitely gave me hope. The past two years have been nuts but I have truly believed we are headed toward a better world. I don't even know if it's this one!

21630187? ago

wait until you see the following years. its going to be biblical!

21626427? ago

The bottom 70% are going to let loose and point fingers at the government for a multitude of reasons, such as baby powder causing cancer, food, rents, insurance costs, taxes and on and on.

Once the wrath starts the only safe job in government will probably be librarians.

21627686? ago

the only safe job in government will probably be librarians

Anon, I'm afraid I must remind you that Drag Queen Story Hour takes place in libraries. So yeah, not even librarians will be safe.

21628844? ago

Oh Shit I stand Corrected.

21626569? ago

Hopefully librarians are about the only govt job left after this is through.

21629688? ago

Don’t get your hopes up. Majority is needed.

21626723? ago

This. It is astonishing to see the amount of evil and corruption.

21626739? ago

What we could have accomplished with all of that wasted, laundered money?

21630186? ago

time travel, multi dimensional vacationons. i think i remmeber someone say at one point that we will time travel to previous events just to witness them. like a vacation of some sort. I think this would all be public knowledge by now.

21626363? ago

No other way but civil war, The Plan is brilliant.

21626355? ago

Future viewing is real, you are watching a pre-scripted movie....

21626798? ago

How can one view the future? Hemisync?

21626904? ago

Look into "Project Looking Glass" - Q has mentioned it several times. Good video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xT6fcm4V1o

21951725? ago

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21629875? ago

I call Bullshit. It was an interesting story tho.

21629312? ago

Everyone needs to watch this. It blew my mind!

21628090? ago

That was incredible!

21627288? ago

Thanks for the link!

21626381? ago

I have to agree.