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21622505? ago

Another scary website I've found in my Lyme disease studies is LymePhotos.com

Their "salt cure" is almost impossible to do, but eating 2 kilos of pure vitamin C and a pound of Celtic grey sea salt, I did feel better. Even when using the cannabis cure, I would still take massive amounts of vitamin C, Boron, Magnesium chloride, MSM and DMSO.

21620473? ago

What is the best way of using Cannabis to fight Candida?

21622539? ago

decarboxylated cannabis oil, known as Rick Simpson Oil will DESTROY the cancer fungus, Candida albicans

to learn about Rick Simpson and how to make the oil, visit: phoenixtears.ca

21623379? ago

This is amazing, thank you.

21623438? ago

No problem, glad to get the information out to the public.

21620374? ago

Nobody has mention fenbendazole yet, so I will.

21619348? ago

Good post. Naturopathic were offer and ME a tuned for successes in treating Lyme and cancer!

21620325? ago


21617148? ago

Miracle mineral solution (MMS), is a FANTASTIC parasite and pathogen cleanse. It potent and you feel crummy while the parasites die but so worth it on the other side!


Here is where you can order some if interested..


21623103? ago

I've eaten capsules of Pool Shock, Calcium hypochlorite, drank turpentine, eaten green hulls off black walnuts. I've drank two ounces of pure silver over the past couple of years. Cannabis oil saved my life.

21617006? ago

She needs to read the book, "Lab 257" -- Lyme disease was created by the US government on Plum Island, NY, thinking they were safe because they were on an island. Deer swam across, got infected by the weaponized ticks that escaped the lab (which is why they were on an island -- things always escape), and swam back -- to Lyme, CT. That's why the name of the disease is capitalized; it references a city. (Names are often capitalized, as they reference the researcher; in this case, it was the city it first broke out in.)

That's awesome about the cannabis angle as well! I have been making and taking Rick Simpson Oil since mid-October and it's amazing! I am developing software again now, after multiple concussions in the past six years disabled me from working. Didn't think I'd be able to return to my field. I now have a few irons in the fire! A couple I am looking to patent. So this oil is highly endorsed! I'm thinking much clearer, and am also far less irritable. Getting a great night's sleep as well.

21620354? ago

A patent gives you the right to sue someone for copying if you can afford to. Can you afford millions? If not, then sell the patent as soon as possible. Get rid of it for a small profit and develop something else.

21622441? ago

Thank you. Sound advice. Thinking of Shark Tank, my business partner has a connection.

21616641? ago

This makes so much sense. My father was "diagnosed" with minor MS. But they pussy-footed around for months doing test after test and yanking him around and hmmming and hawing. And they still didn't give anything to treat him or anything to relive his pain (therapy, etc).

He's in constant pain and has trouble walking. I'm so pissed. How can I help him?

21623160? ago

(((They))) will bleed your dad dry until he is dead or until the insurance runs out.

This happens constantly with "cancer patients" which we should call "fungus patients"

insurance runs out and you hear "there is nothing more we can do for you"

21617142? ago

Go to Amazon and get some Amoxi-fin. It's Amoxicilin for your "pet fish". Your dad's fin hurts.

21616592? ago

You're saying cannabis is an effective treatment against cancer? How come Bob Marley died of cancer then? He obviously smoked joints frequently.

He smoked 2 joints in the morning, smoked 2 joints at night, smoked 2 joints in the afternoon, it made him feel alright. He smoked 2 joints at a time of peace, and at a time of war, he smoked 2 joints before he smoked 2 joints, and then he smoked 2 more….

21623186? ago

Was the band "Sublime" that smoked joints like that, not Marley

21622562? ago

Smoking cannabis doesn't cure cancer, ingesting (eating) large amounts of decarboxylated cannabis oil does.

21616714? ago

Toe cancer my ass. Marley was 187d. <

21617154? ago

The agent who killed him reported his actions on his deathbed.

21616521? ago

CDC is probably spreading it in vaccines... this is why they dont have any tests... CDC is fake and gay.

21622581? ago

I believe you are 100% correct about this. I also believe that the cancer fungus, Candida albicans has been modified to be more deadly to humans.

Is this where our donations go to research new medicines?

21626642? ago

Everything is fake

21616155? ago

I’m pretty sure MS is nutrition deficiency

21627126? ago

Many Lyme symptoms are also the same as a Mg (magnesium) deficiency.

21622833? ago

it's a bacteria infection

21616132? ago

Candida feeds, survives, and multiplies with sugar.

Convenient store shelves starting to make sense?

21616703? ago

I feel guilty now. I just ate 2 Krispy Creme donuts. From a convenience store. The KC truck had delivered them right before I bought them. They were fresh.

21620245? ago

It's your life. I dont eat sugar, honey, rice, flour or any refined carbohydrates. If I want chocolate, I mix cocoa with coconut oil and freeze it for 10 minutes. Add cinnamon if you want it sweeter. (I add turmeric and black pepper, too.)

21620993? ago

Good for you. Your'e one of those perfect people who does everything they're supposed to do all the time. I wish I was like you, but I'm not.

21616675? ago

integrative medical doc says we need to stop w the white suger. cancer and lyme love sugar.

I know stevia isn't the tastiest but there are lots of kinds out there - just buy a bunch and see if you find one that is ok. I finally found a local brand.

21617123? ago

Why use sweetener? (By that I mean, I don't.)

21620224? ago

Likewise. Who needs to sweeten things? (Milk tastes really sweet to me. I add a few drops to coffee and that's enough)

21623644? ago

Stevia actually fights Lyme

21616101? ago

How many marijuana threads are we going to get in a 24 hour period???

Today has been some kind of record.

21623199? ago

This is a Lyme disease and anti-Big Pharma, calling out the jew, thread.

21617116? ago

Well, it is one of the cures Q mentioned.

21615977? ago

Spouse got it, had a confirmed case. 6 months later, CDC contacts us and says it wasn’t Lyme because it’s not “in our county”. Fast forward 3 years, I get a tick that latches on. Several days later... bullseye rash. Treated but not tested because the abx are $10 and the test is $1000. But... it’s not in our county, right? This is how they are hiding the spread.

21618576? ago

What country?

Why not tell the doc that you visited america?

21630705? ago

Not in our county - apparently the individual counties in each state report the stats.

21615928? ago

Buhner core LB protocol got me off all ABX. Had dormant Lyme for a decade. Can’t get rid of it as the borellia and spiro burrowed into every hiding spot where abx won’t reach. Still sick but doing better. Will be trying a new treatment overseas soon. Amazing trial results from them. Will post updates in a few months if it works. 100 percent Lyme was created as a bio weapon by the gov

21617111? ago

Hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy works well, and is around $100/hour. Not sure how many treatments it takes to cure Lyme on average; I'm going to help my concussion symptoms (which it does!).

21615893? ago

Thanks for the post...i agree this is an epidemic many are unaware of. I was diagnosed with lyme as well.

I encourage anyone who suspects they have it to seek out a naturopath. Ensure your lab work is sent to a reputable lab, as many tests are inaccurate.

I started taking stevia tincture, and I am feeling better. I haven't retested, so unsure if the stevia killed the lyme or not. Also taking CBD oil, activated charcoal and chlorella. Knotweed is another plant I plan on trying.

21622626? ago

Tons of Vitamin C (1 kilo in a month) with grey Celtic sea salt (1 lb. in a month) caused headache herxheimers but it cleared my mind.

Also eating cannabis at the time.

21615633? ago

Interesting since (CEMENT ) used in Antifa Milkshakes as well as Construction work Contains Lyme

21617095? ago

Also the Cemex connection, and patent on mixing blood etc in to change the color.

21620266? ago

We ALWAYS used a POWDER DYE added at the Job site .. but that was a while ago

21622432? ago

Good to know. Not all patents are actually implemented.

21615901? ago

Exactly how are you able to type with your head that far up your ass?

Just curious....

21616148? ago

Cement has lyme in it that is a FACT look it up

JUST AS MEDICAL STAFF has LATEX ISSUES from being around it for too long

It is the Same for those who work with Cement Carpenters Brick Masons etc etc

Now WHOS head is up WHOS ASS now ..

Ya might want to install and Abdominal Window

21615459? ago

It's extremely unlikely that Trump actually has Lyme disease.

At the lowest end of "rumors," many news sources will report, without any evidence, that Trump was diagnosed with Lyme disease. So far, he hasn't been diagnosed with Lyme disease. But here's a list of other times where Trump was diagnosed with a disease that he did not have:

  • The President claimed that he was "astonished" by reports of the North Korean Lyme disease missile.

  • Trump had his teeth fitted and put back together at one point because he had difficulty giving them a "good seal."

  • A Bed Bug. Just in case you think Bed Bugs are totally harmless, he was treated with an experimental drug in 2013. "At a time when bed bugs are here to stay, any treatment with a new drug poses certain risks, but none more than the possible spread of bed bugs to his key allies in the White House, who are probably in the closet most of the time," Phillip Bump noted in August 2013.

21616766? ago

He called Pelosi a Bed Bug recently. It means something more. <

21622754? ago

Lmfao! *

21623955? ago



21615363? ago

If you get bit by a tick, and have symptoms, or a rash in a ring around the bite, get the doctor to give you antibiotics. He will want to give you a test, and the test has less than a 50% reliability. I know, I went through it, told the doctor I had lymes, but he insisted on the test first, which gave a false negative, then refused to give me $5 worth of antibiotics to cure it. I was on crutches a year later when I switched finally doctors, and the new doctor said he had no doubt I had lymes from the symptoms, which had occurred right after being bit by a tick near Lyme Connecticut. After 2 weeks of IV and $7,000 in treatments, I did defeat it.

Then this year I got bit by a tick and got the doughnut shaped rash, and went to my doctor. He wanted to give me a test, but I said hell no, been through that, give the antibiotics, or I would change doctors. He prescribed Doxycycline and I was fit as a fiddle a month later.

21617058? ago

If you are purchasing Amoxicilin for your pet fish, you do not need a prescription.

Hint: there's no difference in the formulation for fish than for humans.

Good to keep some on hand, especially the holidays when Amazon Prime is no longer two days. Brand: "Amoxi-fin" I believe.

21627091? ago

Chickens too...

21616650? ago

If you treat lyme spirochetes with doxy, they morph into cysts or biofilm like communities. much harder to get rid of the cyst form.

See dr. klinghardt


21616503? ago

Not sure you can still do this, but you can order fish antibiotics online. They are exactly the same as what's used on humans (made in the same factories) such as Fish Flex, Fish Mox, etc. To put into your fish tank, of course. ;)

My, um, fish had a nasty infection on its finger, I mean fin, from a cut and that cleared it right up.

21616640? ago

You can order any antibiotcs on the internet . Antibiotics for humans.

21620163? ago

I thought those required a prescription now?

21615604? ago

you're lucky!

I hear they bake people in Germany at 106 degrees, because the lyme spirochette dies at 103 degrees. Ozzy Ozbourne's daughter went there. Think the cost is $10,000 if I remember correctly.

21615738? ago

How is it this baking process taking place? A sauna? Some sort of IV?

21618608? ago

infrared-A-irradiation according to this article

lymedisease [NO CCP FUCK] org/hyperthermia-treatment-lyme/

21616634? ago

Also curious

21615335? ago

Plum Island Animal Disease Center - Goog Maps - https://www.google.com/maps/@41.1790532,-72.2055345,603m/data=!3m1!1e3

Scroll out and look north across the Long Island Sound and you will find Lyme CT... Coincidence?

21617040? ago

"Lab 257" describes the Plum Island research facility, and how they create Lyme disease along with several others.

21627069? ago

Great book! Opened my eyes!

21630418? ago

Hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy helps cure Lyme disease.

21616382? ago

Bitten - recommended by lyme specialist. Excellent read and well researched.

[amazon dot com] /Bitten-History-Disease-Biological-Weapons/dp/006289627X

21615311? ago

Didn’t the cia create Lyme disease over at plum island?

21617030? ago

Yes. The book "Lab 257" goes into that research facility extensively. Several other diseases created there, which affected locals.

21616744? ago

bioweapons but not sure of the dept.

explained / researched well in new book, Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons Hardcover – May 14, 2019

by Kris Newby (she did the lyme movie I think too)

21615194? ago

Does anyone have the true Mortal Oscillating Rate (MOR) for this bug? It would help me out. Was threshold on the western blot. Got a GB4000 and RR3.Greatly appreciate it . Fuck (((them))). I noticed over the last 3-decades that "their growing them up faster, and planting them younger" Sick bastards.

21615334? ago

Never tried MOR, but cannabis oil saved my life.

Learn how to make it from Rick Simpson himself!

21617024? ago

Busted link, here's his site: http://phoenixtears.ca/

21622678? ago


21616156? ago

Ricky Simpson. Know it well. Will have to make another batch. Thanks man.

21615165? ago

Thanks for posting.

21614975? ago

This is very accurate. And the profits are just a byproduct of them wanting to wipe out the goyim.