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21611660? ago

All I can think is that the Dems know it's nearly certain they can't win in 2020 and they think even a 1% chance of some big surprise in the impeachment/removal trial is better than that.

No... For the top players of the DNC, it isn't about the election. It is about getting rid of the guy that is going to expose them.

For example... Think about Pelosi. She has been saying for the longest time impeachment is a non-starter. But then Trump has a phone call with Ukraine and mentions Hunter Biden and Crowdstrike??? She knows her family's corruption is going to be pulled out into the light for everybody to look at.

So... Even if impeachment doesn't make sense, it is the only thing they have and they are hoping something comes of it.

21611742? ago

So Paul Pelosi is on the Board of Directors of Burisma is what you are telling me here?

Do you have a link fren?

21611887? ago

Oooops... It is Kerry's kid that is also on the Burisma Board of Directors. Pelosi's kid is an executive at some other corrupt energy company. This article doesn't mention it, but he was charged and shut down by the SEC for insider trading and improper disclosures:

21612643? ago

Solar reach. <

This is what SOLAR FARMS DO Nancy and Barack - MASSIVE LOAN GUARANTEE SCAMS > 'o-o' < - Solyndra/Solar Reach/Bright Source Energy