21617480? ago

Perhaps Mike will save the day. lol

21616205? ago

Or maybe we're stuck in a Mandala Effect loop. What's going to break this Wag the Dog movie?

21617575? ago


21626120? ago

As in HAL?

21630411? ago

No, the movie, "Dave" -- he fixed the budget. As, an "imposter" which is what the Dems are accusing VSG GEOTUS PDJT of being.

21615452? ago

Their goal has never been to survive as a democratic party or a mainstream media. They are trying to push through digital currency and thereby obviate the need for central bankers to obey governments. They need everybody worked up, maximum chaos and they’re going to just keep trying to kill POTUS. They have whole underground cities ready to move into and a parallel civilization that they’ve been promised to get to enjoy. Burning down the house was always the plan.

21615450? ago

As you point out, the only way this makes sense is if they have a hidden card. It might be Roberts running the trial in the Senate, more RINOs who will vote to impeach than we know (the new GA senator for example), election rigging that is not being looked at -- who knows? Pass the popcorn, please.

21615235? ago

I think they've painted themselves in a corner. If they do NOT impeach, it's an admission of their lack of evidence. Imagine what their base would do. Not to mention many of the moderate dems who don't need much more of a reason to be further annoyed at their party leaders esp now they've gotten to know AOC & the squad better. Dems have no accomplishments to run on, no common sense platform to offer, and look like whiny kids who are too lazy to clean up the cities they run even when asked to multiple times by the people paying their allowance.

21615209? ago

Did you throw up in your mouth a little too?

Oh Snap.......

21614622? ago

I’m sure they will make something up.

21614593? ago

Remember, you're watching a movie.

21614360? ago

Deception is the only thing that held them together. The complicit MSM is weakening and they are losing the ability to control what people think. Just a little more and they will start turning on each other.

21614315? ago

Is the senate impeachment trial going to be public circus where the shit hits the fan as discovery happens and evidence is produced against the cabal? Their whole methodology has been to accuse POTUS of the crimes they themselves committed. If DECLAS evidence can be introduced, that can turn around quick and indictments can follow. This has to be the stage for which DECLAS was saved.

21614163? ago

So far, of all the responses, I suspect the Dem's haste is because, in order:

  1. They are panicking because they know the combination of Hunter's troubles, Ukraine prosecutors, FISA declass, Horowitz report and Durham indictments are imminent. If they don't act now, it's all over.

  2. They are planning to have a vote on impeachment, let it get voted down narrowly but along the lines of each congressman's district, so they can protect their Dems in Red districts and simultaneously protect their Dems in Blue districts in 2020 ... all to keep the House, and to keep Nancy's job as Speaker.

  3. They think they have a chance because they have quietly flipped a few Senators with some combination of threats/bribes.

  4. This is just buying time for a much bigger event to happen very soon. A JFK event or a massive false flag game changer.

21614063? ago

There is no "step 5"!

21617557? ago

"5" "3 sir!"

21614028? ago

Ammunitions are designed to be used with certain weapons.

Impeachment is a nuclear weapon.

However the Uranium they are using has not processed and refined like the ammo Trump uses.

Be patient or go watch CNN...

21613815? ago

Desperation! They're grasping at straws hoping that something will work.

21613564? ago

A couple of days ago they were talking about inpeechmint in Feb. Now a panicked rush WITHOUT a house floor vote on proceeding with this. Highly suspect legally. Something has pushed all their buttons. It maybe because a court has determined Hunter must turn over his financials including the time he spent on Birisma. And since all these clowns have kids raking in big taxpayer money and funneling a large share to them , they are in a tizzy. They are counting on the RINOS aka Romey and Ga. New appointed RINO for a bailout. Just wait for the trial. 😉

21613324? ago

It's glorious

21613276? ago

Don't forget the Dems are under pressure from the actual left to elect someone who represents the general population rather than the 1% who Pelosi represents. Everyone here as soon as the Democrats are united somehow but they are actually under occupation by whoever you think Pelosi represents. The impeachment b******* helps the DNC to avoid the issues that are important to the Democratic base issues that simply cannot be represented in the Democratic Congress

21613114? ago

They are literally only thinking of this moment in time. Long term plans are not even considered when you are panicked to save your life. Clinging to any small branch to save themselves from drowning.

21612920? ago

Georgia is down a GOP senator until the new one is sworn in Jan 2020. The Dems might be planning on holding that up. Then they need the full support of the RINOs. Longshot.

21612904? ago

Imagine that you know you're going down for murder and child rape but you still have to run for office and present a credible campaign in the meantime.

That's why their heads are so fucked up.

21612882? ago

The point of impeachment is to save the House Democrat leadership. And that's it. There's no plan after that.

If Pelosi had not allowed the impeachment to proceed, she was going to be unseated as Speaker. Once she was unseated as Speaker, all committee chair assignments are up for grabs. Pelosi did this to save herself, and the Democrat committee chairmen.

They don't care about the potential impact on the Presidential election because they already had written that off.

21615828? ago

Makes sense.

21612881? ago

Easily enough dead voters still registered to flip 3 Senate seats.

21612836? ago

Did you think the REEEEEs were already bad?... before the storm?... LOL. All the political momentum the democrats have been creating is about to go off the cliff. #EnjoyTheShow.

21612743? ago

Logic goes when "panic" sets in.

21612640? ago

The criminals know they will be hanging soon enough

21612599? ago

What if they did all this just to stall the OFFENSE against them?...and are planning to vote it down so they won't be exposed in the Senate. Then, maybe in 2-3 weeks, another whistleblower will come forth with something about China and they repeat until late 2020.

If that is the case, and Q knows...then the pubs should vote to impeach so the Senate can destroy them...that would be hilarious.

21613565? ago

I would love to see this go to the Senate! Stupid dems don't have a plan for if the Senate fails to convict.

21612465? ago

They might count on a deal with Soros - last month he made Ukraine to stop Burisma investigation, and in Germany had arrested a Russian or Ukrainian on his way to the US to give witness testimony. Consider Soros's money coupled with Leftist "Whatever it takes" methods, including blackmailing, attacking and threatening to harm or kill relatives/children/grandchildren, focusing on just a few carefully selected vulnerable KEY people... and any voting majority could disappear in the most critical instant of time.

I've learned to not expect Leftists to play with one tenth of the fairness that conservatives play. The "Whatever it takes" credo is adopted by Left world-wide.

21613206? ago

This scenario scares me most because they will stop at nothing to keep power and save their asses.

21612333? ago

All they know how to do is what they have always been doing: lie and the media will cover it as fact and sway the peoples opinion in their favor. Loose ends were tied up by their plants in different agencies and courts. Well, people aren't buying the news as much as they used to, they don't have as many people on the inside anymore and the Dims can't understand why it isn't working for them anymore. Trump has been appointing federal judges galore, and people are calling the Dims out in the street. They know we know but they are in it too deep, their only chance (in their mind) is to do the only thing that they think they can and try to remove Trump from office. It never occurred to them that there were plans and counters for everything that the Dims could do, they have never faced someone like Trump before and have no idea how to beat someone who doesn't play by their rules.

21612273? ago

This cabal of evil has never lost a battle, they don't really know what to do, its like chickens running around with their heads cut off.

21612235? ago

plan C is releasing the zombie virus, i hope

21612131? ago

Precisely why they're trying to impeach Trump. Once that's done they'll move towards removing him because "muh impeachment".

They have zero chance of winning - so they have to do it by tearing down the other side - which is a hallmark of leftists in general.

21612060? ago

Yes, some military folks on Twitter seem to be saying the white hats have control of the dems and are forcing them to choose this path.

21612043? ago

They've probably recalibrated the voting machines.

21612020? ago

Q has the best actors. They got Palosi by her vagina flaps and now she's doing their bidding. That's the only situation that makes sense to me.

21611999? ago

Some possibilities:

1) Massive election fraud.

2) The JFK solution.

3) A "terrorist" attack using a weapon of mass destruction, causing a major war.

Use your imagination.

21611967? ago

I can't quite figure it out myself. It's like they're the only ones not in on the joke yet all they need to do is just look up to see the punchline. A few others have suggested they might be part of the plan. I just don't see how they could be. I have thought a deal was made with them that they have x amount of time to put trump in checkmate, which could explain why they are all still out. When the clock strikes midnight, though, it's game over. 5D chess and all that

21612500? ago

It's almost as if they're not worried because Q is fake.

21611930? ago

Treason is bitch. Has a bitch of a penalty. They will do anything to get out of this.

21611924? ago

Like the mafia, there is only one way out of the cabal and your handler will make sure when your out, your out. Some are speculating that Pelosi chuckie (awfully quiet) and others are part of the plan. Maybe.

Let's focus on Pelosi's derange behavior when ask "do u hate POTUS" by Rosen. Of course she hates POTUS but her behavior to me signal a PANICED person with two masters. If she is a Q team puppet and always owned by the cabal then this explains a nervous push to impeach and a frantic "I do no hate POTUS." Senate impeachment hearings opens the door to all evil behavior and the Pelosi and other promised cabal that they would never allow POTUS to get beyond stormy and Russia, Russia (Marsha, Marsha, Marsha) etc. Pelosi and team have in their wake a series of colossal fails, epic fails.

Keep in mind that the Pelosi team have literally tens of thousands of blackmailed politicians, corporate leaders, MSM, etc., WW that are alive and kicking and ripe to do anything to save their souls so if Pelosi and others are exposed....how do you keep these animals contained? Talk about pressure. Pelosi and team wonder if Q can keep them alive, will the cabal suicide them, will all the blackmailed peeps expose them....they will never be able to walk the streets again so what will WE THE PEOPLE DO if we all snap waiting for justice and they and their families are exposed us tearing then to shreds (and rightly so). This may explain Pelosi's panic. At any minute this could unravel quickly. But what would the cabal do? Cabal can't suicide all these cabal failures without notice... remember the tv show with Keifer Sutherland when the entire capital building was blown up killing all house, senate and VP and POTUS and Keifer took over? Impeachment hearing scenario? Big enough FF for cabal to hustle in china army, nato to take over....no way but..Q has to be 2 years ahead of cabal and thought through these cabal options..

whatever is going on we do know this, it's all coming to a head and I never felt more American than I do now. TY Q, POTUS and all you anons.

21615864? ago


21611807? ago

Desperate people aren't rational people.

21611701? ago

i'm concerned for this reason. Senate trial is presided over by Roberts. The judge in a triall gets to determine what witness' and what evidence is allowed in the trial. This prospect is a little unnerving.

21613360? ago

Conviction would be by Senate vote. At this point, I'm not sure Roberts could maneuver the Senate into a conviction based on the testimony we have seen so far. I'm not sure the public would accept a conviction based on what evidence has been presented so far. It's all people's feelings and opinions.

21613482? ago

Roberts doesn't get to determine what witnesses and evidence is allowed. The majority can overrule him if he tries that shit.

21613164? ago

Wrong. Senate majority could overrule him in any case.

21613480? ago

My only source for my post is the U.S. Constitution. I would like to know what yours is, Senate rules or precedent for it? Just curious is all , not arguing the point, like i said i am only going by the Constitution. I hope your right but hope doesn't convince me. Thank you in advance if you provide the source.

21613736? ago

My pleasure. I hope this restores your hope :)

Good article:


This deals with Rule 7:


Notable in the first article linked:

"..the chief justice may rule on questions of evidence—including, but not limited to, questions of relevancy, materiality, and redundancy of evidence and incidental questions (Rule 7). But the chief justice does not have to play this role, and he is not the final word on matters when he does. Should he decide that he wants to rule on a particular question, his ruling stands as the judgment of the Senate (Rule 7) unless a senator seeks a vote on the question—“in which case it shall be submitted to the Senate for decision without debate.” Should the chief justice not want to rule on an evidentiary question, he can simply submit it to a vote in the first instance (Rule 7). Upon all these questions, the vote must be taken “in accordance with the Standing Rules of the Senate” (Rule 7).

In other words, a huge amount in any Senate trial depends on two big variables: the attitudes and views of Chief Justice Roberts and, ultimately, which side controls 51 votes to either sustain or overrule his rulings or to rule on questions he declines to address"

21614793? ago

My sincere thanks. That's awesome of you. Yes i feel much better,

21615289? ago

We got em buddy. Truth will prevail!

21612049? ago

Good point...

21611660? ago

All I can think is that the Dems know it's nearly certain they can't win in 2020 and they think even a 1% chance of some big surprise in the impeachment/removal trial is better than that.

No... For the top players of the DNC, it isn't about the election. It is about getting rid of the guy that is going to expose them.

For example... Think about Pelosi. She has been saying for the longest time impeachment is a non-starter. But then Trump has a phone call with Ukraine and mentions Hunter Biden and Crowdstrike??? She knows her family's corruption is going to be pulled out into the light for everybody to look at.

So... Even if impeachment doesn't make sense, it is the only thing they have and they are hoping something comes of it.

21611742? ago

So Paul Pelosi is on the Board of Directors of Burisma is what you are telling me here?

Do you have a link fren?

21611887? ago

Oooops... It is Kerry's kid that is also on the Burisma Board of Directors. Pelosi's kid is an executive at some other corrupt energy company. This article doesn't mention it, but he was charged and shut down by the SEC for insider trading and improper disclosures: https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/nancy-pelosis-son-was-exec-at-gas-company-that-did-business-in-ukraine/

21612643? ago

Solar reach. <

This is what SOLAR FARMS DO Nancy and Barack - MASSIVE LOAN GUARANTEE SCAMS > 'o-o' < - Solyndra/Solar Reach/Bright Source Energy


21611652? ago

You are definitely on to something, it’s a little scary

21611621? ago

It is TDS meltdown.

21611549? ago

Its down to it. If Q doesnt follow through, dems know the demograohic shift will cover their sins.

21611520? ago

They are planning to steal the election.

21617801? ago

They stole the midterms, and were traced and tracked all the way. The all-important Senate was secured and they were caught red-handed in 2018 and won't get a second chance in 2020.

21615789? ago

Their plans, sadly for them, always backfire. Think Road Runner and Coyote. You;re watching ACME Productions at it's finest...

21614512? ago


They know the feckless, spineless GOP can't do a fucking thing about it, too. Plus they have the entire MSM in their pocket for propaganda and cover.

2016 took them by surprise. They won't let it happen again.

21613014? ago

Agreed. Since they has stolen them in the past they feel like they can take control in 2020. They are just hoping to drag this out until then.

21611472? ago

I think that they have had an iron grip on almost all people in positions of power for many decades. Then all of the sudden, they don't. These people have not had to be clever and outsmart their enemies in a very long time. So their leaders rose to the top positions not because they outsmarted others, but for some Cabal thug system that we don't know about.

Example: Hillary Clinton. She is not dumb, but she isn't particularly intelligent either. She is not well liked. She is not a good leader that inspires loyalty. She does not have good judgement, instead she has relied on thugs and enforcers to make sure she just doesn't have any consequences for getting caught. The body count is no joke.

So my conclusion is that this is what they intend to do, since they are not creative people. They intend to push the impeachment through the house, and then intimidate enough Republicans to remove the President. Expect some nephews and nieces, sons and daughters in law to die in accidents or overdoses.

It is up to Q and the white hats to foil this. Watch these criminal politicians 24/7. Catch everything they say or do. Keep a close eye on the Union thugs. I'm looking at you, SEIU. You know, the ones that have been let out of jail.

21615877? ago

Mafia tactics. Well known where I'm from.

21613022? ago

To push impeachment through the House as well as using whatever means possible to do so in the Senate are both logical conclusions to draw which makes one wonder why, if Trump has the goods as Q says, he didn't foil these people ...... BEFORE they captured the House, so that neither possibility could exist?

21619201? ago

which makes one wonder why, if Trump has the goods as Q says, he didn't foil these people ...... BEFORE they captured the House

It's called giving them enough rope. I believe that the Russia Collusion hoax, and the impeachment are both critical parts of the plan. Imagine if the Democrats had worked with the President to get control of the border, to do trade deals, to fix DACA, and prescription drug prices. They would be in a much better place than they are now.

Instead they are flailing away uselessly at something most people think is a waste of time. How did the black approval rating get to 30%, while the 'other' category is up near 50%? What the Russia Collusion hoax and the silly impeachment hearings have done is demonstrate how Democrats are lying weasels, and the media can't be trusted. That will be critically important things to do first before draining the swamp.

21624158? ago

If Trump "has the goods" does this not imply all the rope needed is included as well?

21617449? ago


21612272? ago

This is why q posted about that movie. Open secrets was it? It is about soliciting votes from the un sec council to go to war with Iraq. Bribery, strongarming etc, just what they will do with the senators on impeachment.

21612910? ago

To push impeachment through the House as well as using whatever means possible to do so in the Senate are both logical conclusions to draw which makes one wonder why, if Trump has the goods as Q says, he didn't foil these people ...... BEFORE they captured the House, so that neither possibility could exist?

21611392? ago

It's almost as if....wait for it....nervous Nancy is a white hat? It's the only thing that makes sense to me anymore.

21611391? ago

They know what's getting exposed. They know it'll destroy them. Scorched earth is their only option.

21611389? ago

I am sure they are all secretly expecting an assassination before they are all indicted publicly. Their final hope. Idiots.

21611341? ago

jewish black pills are selling like HOTCAKES! I need a pallet jack

21611301? ago

I still say they will not impeach they will stall and then claim Trump interfered in the impeachment trial by prosecuting them for Treason, Sedition, Child Trafficking, etc.

As far as Hillary I think she's looking to win the DNC primary by way of a write-in candidate this way if t doesn't work she will just say she wasn't running in the first place.

21612440? ago

What does it matter what they claim? They've been claiming the whole time that Trump interferes and POTUS has never cared about optics before?

If he has the goods why would he suddenly be afraid they'll say it's unfair?

21612497? ago

It doesn't matter except in democratic circles. I believe they are looking for a future sympathetic jury and if that fails a democrat winning in 2024 to issue pardons.

21612595? ago

So why would POTUS help them with that? I also doubt they really need much more to convince other democrats, they all consider Trump hopelessly corrupt already.

21612767? ago

...convince other democrats..

But they are losing dems; 34% blacks and the dems showing up at trump rallies.

21612897? ago

Other democrats don't need convincing. Also some minor upticks in POTUS approval among blacks doesn't change much, they still have a stranglehold on their vote and did well the last few elections.

the dems also have generally higher approval, if everyone in the country voted tomorrow they would win hands down....the only reason conservatives manage to stay in the game is they actually show up.

21611278? ago

What if they are in on the plan?

Explains why none of them have been arrested.

I know, stupid idea but it occurred to me the other day.

Enjoy the show

21616473? ago

how long did it take you to realize that.. in a movie the good and bad guy are actors

21616583? ago

What can I say, not as smart as you are

21618133? ago

just remember youre seeing 1% of the picture. If it seems irrational theres relevant information youre not seeing

... this helps with the waiting anxiety

21615464? ago

That's been a theory about AOC for awhile, that she's controlled by white hats.

21614905? ago

Every movie needs a bad guy. So, Schiff, Nadar, and Pelosi are your bad guy in this Q movie.

Trump team knows all, so they were told play the bad guy or risk going to jail.

If you are in the same job for 20 or 30 years you know every detail about that job. So they know that this impeachment is a lose lose situation before even starting.

BTW watch IPOT weathermen documentary: It exposes Obama with pretty strong links to that radical terror group from the 60 and 70s.Ex: A interview with a mailman who met Obroman outside the weathermen house.


21614530? ago

You are watching a movie. The actors must act by destroying themselves. Q calling the shots now kids. Just enjoy the show.

21612655? ago

I had honestly thought this is so stupid, Pelosi and shiff could be jn in it ... and all the rats come to them in the process. I wanna believe that but they could all be dumb corrupt rats, every one of them.

21612514? ago

No, no, and no.

21612387? ago

Upvote from me.

They may know that the Senate is the goal for Q and the GOP, but might think they can pull a sneaky during the process? Almost like they are calling Trump's bluff about pushing it forward because they think they have an ace up their sleeve.

21612064? ago

I believe it is yes and no. I think some might be...however I also think that the big chess game is real. The democrats HAVE to impeach because it is the only move that delays checkmate. Their hand is forced because they have already lost the chess game and they are just dragging it out. If they don't impeach, checkmate comes from the indictments and people can be arrested as soon as congress goes on Xmas break. If they do impeach then indictments can be blocked by the media's ability to claim the indictments are retaliatory in response to impeachment (they are already running with the "Barr is corrupt" narrative in prep)...however impeachment is only a stalling maneuver because it gives Trump a platform to declassify which also ultimately leads to indictments.

21612346? ago

Impeachment doesn't delay anythimg, there's no reason indictments can't drop during the hearings and POTUS has never cared about optics before so why would he suddenly care now?

21613758? ago

They have been running cover for weeks: Bill bar evil, bill bar traitor, bill bar corrupt etc.

If Bill bar indicts them all, how do they defend themselves? (assuming full media control) Well clearly Trump is indicting political opponents because of impeachment, and not because they are actually corrupt!

That's why Biden simply tells people at his rallys "those are lies" when asked about the Ukraine. Their entire strategy to stay out of prison is to claim that Trump invented the entire thing to save himself from impeachment and to beg the American public to rise up against Trump for arresting his political opponents.

It is all about controlling the narrative.

21614082? ago

That’s where “FISA goes both ways” comes into play.

DS can’t survive w full DECLAS.

Their gamble is that there isn’t enough evidence to break the spell they’ve cast via the MSM.

21612046? ago

You are watching a movie

21611644? ago

Could be why No Name "died", he didn't go with the plan and voted against the GOP healthcare bill.


21617510? ago

Yes, however, it's not because he stuck to his 'honor', but probably knew he was unhealthy anyway. I could see him stubbornly saying no way to the plan.

21612621? ago

I never quite connected that dot all the way. Interesting.

21611367? ago

That's what I'm thinking too. They've already been indicted, they know it, and they are being forced to play a public role in their own demise to prevent extreme civil unrest. That presser where Chuck and Nancy looked like hostages comes to mind. I think this is all scripted on a specific timeline created by Q team. It would explain why all these criminals are still free. I think it's odd Nobama and Killary make token appearances but are really out of the spotlight. House arrest?

21613591? ago

No-one has been indicted. Quit your bullshit.

21613060? ago

This is it. Even Sessions tweeted today about a "show".

Trust the Plan. PANIC = Patriots Are Now In Control.

Q has been right all along. D5 = Today when they forced Nancy to start impeachment articles. It's all coming along according to plan. Brennan has been dead silent on twitter too.

21612524? ago


21612032? ago

Trump to Palosi: Impeach me, or some of this 60% that must remain private for all humanity might just leak. And I can't stop every citizen from lynching you.

21613587? ago

That sounds like blackmail.

21615090? ago

Sounds like quid quo pro.

21612251? ago

BUT.. BUT, WE PASSED ANTI-LYNCHING LAWS!!!!! that would be illegal!

21613483? ago

Did they actually pass that? Guess I'll have to get out my tongs, quartering horses, and The Wheel.

21615752? ago

Tar and feathers are a nice eco-alternative.

21613595? ago

oh, gut-shot. right above the pelvic arch, witta shot gun. #8 shot works well... a very slow & lingering death.

21613568? ago

impailment & burning at the stake.. 2 tried & true methods

crucifixion at the border. gotta LUV those crafty& cruel jews & the depths of drepavity.. works better when turned against them, by instituting their own rules against them

21618333? ago

You say that safe in the knowledge that it won't be you getting your hands dirty. It's just as sick as the people we are aiming to take down.

21621721? ago

i actually have a good amount of steel pipe & those $4 landscaping poles..

id have NO problem getting my hands dirty. in fact, kinda looking forward to it

21611257? ago

There are a lot of R's in the Senate who secretly hate Trump because he's drying up their well. Look at Lindsay Graham right now.

They're counting on them voting to impeach Trump when the time comes. StaffAnon said that it was very likely and they've held secret votes before so no one's name is attached.

21613087? ago

So, if Trump has the goods as Q says, why didn't he release the kraken eons ago, PRIOR to all of this transpiring, so that none of this even had a possibility of happening?

21617828? ago

Overton Window

21614226? ago


21611254? ago

They want to be able to say Trump has been impeached. Clinton was impeached but the media lived him so no harm. Even though the senate will exonerate the media will cry impeached Trump until 2024 or they go to jail.

21611246? ago

They have some RINOs in the Senate and they are counting on them to help keep the ball rolling into the 2020 elections.

21611377? ago

I think the RINOs have been identified and either forced to not seek re-election or go along with Trump to save their own hides. But I think they will only save the ones that haven't harmed any children.

21611700? ago

PierrE DelectO.

21611244? ago

The Dems are all puppets of the jewish Mossad CIA and take pressure and bribes from China with Mexican cartel enforcement in your state.

These people on TV are just puppets, they'll go to the gallows for this and they know it. They know winning anything is impossible with their collapsing mess. The great awakening is near. Can you feel it?

21617705? ago

The problem of taking orders from a central source is that it is that much easier to fail.

21611230? ago

They are running out of ammo, and they must use the only weapons they have at their disposal.

Trump2020 #PerfectVision

21612518? ago

They've been "running on of ammo" for 2 years now...

21611220? ago

I honestly think they are unable to see the Train coming down the tracks. In their deluded little minds they think they are correct, that there is no Law or Science or Morality or common sense or anything, Life itself is Magic!

This Timeline!! The schreeching is gonna be thunderous.

21611815? ago

They think they see the light at the end of the tunnel, But its a freight train.

21617345? ago

"Ah ha ha ha ha!" Now I gotta listen to some Ozzie. Well, just that song. That one seems uplifting. So many of our influences were corrupt though! :(

21617359? ago

"Maybe, it's not too late, to learn how to love, and forget how to hate."

21611647? ago

They do not understand that Trump isnt using the established DC playbook. They are using the only tools they know and it's not effective against the game Trump is playing.

21612123? ago

Yeah, Q keeps telling us those people are stupid, I guess those people are stupid, huh.

It boggles my mind. There are people around me who don't see it, but they don't follow politics or world events or outside 'things', really.....Normies as it were. I would think the Enemy players, Congress and media players say, understand a bit more but they act like total NPCs.

I keep thinking they have to see what's happening, but they've been so far removed from reality for so long, believing in their PC think social engineering BS and feels and alternate realities and hollywood and disney....they really really are that stupid I guess.

21615799? ago

Kind of like Prince Andrew thinking it was a great idea to give that train wreck of an interview...

21620690? ago

Yep, like my Granddaughter, who is 4.

And just imagine, we granted those people credence as legit adult Human Beings all this time.


21617326? ago

Could be VSG GEOTUS PDJT had a talk with him while he was over there? Or, someone from the Q team anyway? "Listen. You're in trouble, and here's why <list> so you either do this the hard way and go down kicking and screaming and your family as well, or we kill you next year and your family remains free. In order for them to remain free, you will act like a fool in public, using the scripts we provide you."

I can somewhat see the allure of suicide weekend, even though I would never do that. Might think it, but our brains are pattern-matchers and if after thinking that the next thought is "no" then you're fine; if the next thought is "hmm, good idea, let's begin planning" then you should seek help. (Not you, OP, of course! :) (I mean, seek it if you need it, gah I'm making a mess okay let's end it (the comment!)))

21612208? ago

Honest question.... why do folks (like u did here) use the phrase “as it were”? You are speaking of them in the present tense but then, for some reason, switch to past tense? Also, you first refer to them with the proper pronoun, of “they” but in this next sentence, you refer to them as an “it”? Wouldn’t it be more proper to say “normies, as they are”, rather than “normies, as it were”? I’d love to understand this phrase usage as I hear it often.

21615806? ago

It is what it is, lol....

21617295? ago

Aha! A Tautology Fag! :)

Brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department.

21622377? ago

At the end of the day....

21618794? ago


21622423? ago


21612353? ago

Heh. Well first up, I am an old Redneck, I use terms sometimes from way back when Dirt and I went to school.

I think 'as it were' simply implies that the subject is being made an example of or typed as a class or framed in a manner outside the polite bounds of nomenclature.

For instance, I wouldn't think my Family would consider it a slur to be called Normie but any one of them might. So, it references them as Normies but sans any foul intent, the idea of the possible insult or slur is removed.

As 'it' were is part of that separation, the 'it' does imply the fact of the comparison being the subject for the term 'as it were', not the Normies themselves.

So 'as it were', in my post, both compares my Family to Normies and also separates them from the negative connotations implied if any are.

If I said, 'as they are' I would be validating their parking slots as 'normies' rather than using their normie status to make the larger point.

Does that help?

21619533? ago

It does help. Thank you.

21611187? ago

Ever since Elizabeth Warren proudly released her dna results, it has almost seemed as if they're all clones acting out a script to wake up even the most asleep idiots.

21611266? ago

yes, that was Hillaryous

21611180? ago

Who said the dems knew anything about logic?

21611286? ago

can we just start calling the dems: the Jews?

21611163? ago

I think, what you are seeing is they know already that they are dead men, they have no good options.

The crimes that are going to be uncovered are unforgivable, they know they have zero options.

21611795? ago

Death Blossom. <