Of course he exists. The fallen angel lucifer. Demons exist as well. Not symbols these are literal creatures that bring the men created in the image of God into lowly four legged beasts, crawling serpents and owls.
Satan very much exists and he has an ever increasing number of followers. All the sinful DS NWO agenda is designed to destroy us and our faith in God. The homo-tranny-drag queen story time stuff is all rooted in evil. The pervasive scourge of pedophilia and child trafficking is not being covered by the MSM because they are part of Team Evil. Evilness and sin are out of control in the world today. The only way out is through faith in God. My advice for those that want to escape to sinful tyranny of this world:
Repent of your sins
Say a prayer accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour
Read your Bible and pray to God
Lead a life that is pleasing to God by following His Word and His Direction
Have no other gods before Him
I pray that God will use Trump and the patriots to eliminate the evil cabal in the world. We shall see how things unfold. My faith is in God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit only. The Bible is the only Truth. False prophets, satanists, anti-Christ(ian)s and evil-doers abound in the world today and some are brought to deceive the faithful and the patriotic. Be very careful who you follow and who you put your trust in. In God I trust. We need to get back to being one nation under God.
1 and 2 are the MUST DO actions. 5 is assumed in following through with 1 and 2. I'd argue step 2.5 would be baptism (as an act of obedience toward God). 3 and 4 are highly suggested however we're all still sinners. Grace by faith.
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I find it amazing that a few of my fellow christains don't belive in Satan and hell. They believe in Jesus as our saviour and have great difficulties with this when i ask them how many times is Satan mentioned in the bible and that Jesus belives Satan is real.
The only excuse is being a new Christian. The rebirth (receiving the Holy Spirit) is instant but like a baby is born, being born again means you must grow and relearn the world according to Truth. That takes time. But if you have been a Christian for years and still don't believe Satan exists, you either never really were Christian or you fell away. I don't think it's possible for those truly saved to fall away. Once you know the truth, you either love it and grow in it, or reject it to love the world instead. And if you love the world instead of God, you aren't saved, you are a reprobate and God gives you over to your own evil desires. These people not only continue to sin, but love to sin. By doing this, they commit the unforgivable sin, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The behaviors of reprobates are identified in the Bible, one of the most notable is homosexuality. If someone is a homo and loves to be one, they are absolutely evil.
21595709? ago
Yes, he does. And he knows his time is running out. And he believes he can still win. Like his followers, or are they like him? - Deluded.
God wins. Bigly. Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour!
21595510? ago
Of course he exists. The fallen angel lucifer. Demons exist as well. Not symbols these are literal creatures that bring the men created in the image of God into lowly four legged beasts, crawling serpents and owls.
21595429? ago
Yin and Yang ... Dark and Light ... dualities.
Satan, Saturn just a name. The bible blinds you to the truth before your eyes.
21594821? ago
Satan very much exists and he has an ever increasing number of followers. All the sinful DS NWO agenda is designed to destroy us and our faith in God. The homo-tranny-drag queen story time stuff is all rooted in evil. The pervasive scourge of pedophilia and child trafficking is not being covered by the MSM because they are part of Team Evil. Evilness and sin are out of control in the world today. The only way out is through faith in God. My advice for those that want to escape to sinful tyranny of this world:
Repent of your sins
Say a prayer accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour
Read your Bible and pray to God
Lead a life that is pleasing to God by following His Word and His Direction
Have no other gods before Him
I pray that God will use Trump and the patriots to eliminate the evil cabal in the world. We shall see how things unfold. My faith is in God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit only. The Bible is the only Truth. False prophets, satanists, anti-Christ(ian)s and evil-doers abound in the world today and some are brought to deceive the faithful and the patriotic. Be very careful who you follow and who you put your trust in. In God I trust. We need to get back to being one nation under God.
21595459? ago
We are in a battle of principalities, dominion of Good Vs evil.
May the Light 💡 shine on the dark and seal the door where evil dwells.
Evil whispers and commands to cheat, steal, manipulate, control and defile.
Gods Love ❤️ emanates Grace, truth, selfless service, righteousness, perfection, uplifting, cleaning, kindness, sharing joy to restore community, loving thy neighbor as oneself.
21595435? ago
1 and 2 are the MUST DO actions. 5 is assumed in following through with 1 and 2. I'd argue step 2.5 would be baptism (as an act of obedience toward God). 3 and 4 are highly suggested however we're all still sinners. Grace by faith.
Wonderful comment! Thank You
21595547? ago
Stop the "highly suggested"
Jesus commanded "go and sin no more" with his divine authority.
Not suggested. "well I'd highly suggest you'd stop sinning but if you don't that's cool too"
21594715? ago
This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.
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21594248? ago
I find it amazing that a few of my fellow christains don't belive in Satan and hell. They believe in Jesus as our saviour and have great difficulties with this when i ask them how many times is Satan mentioned in the bible and that Jesus belives Satan is real.
21595703? ago
The only excuse is being a new Christian. The rebirth (receiving the Holy Spirit) is instant but like a baby is born, being born again means you must grow and relearn the world according to Truth. That takes time. But if you have been a Christian for years and still don't believe Satan exists, you either never really were Christian or you fell away. I don't think it's possible for those truly saved to fall away. Once you know the truth, you either love it and grow in it, or reject it to love the world instead. And if you love the world instead of God, you aren't saved, you are a reprobate and God gives you over to your own evil desires. These people not only continue to sin, but love to sin. By doing this, they commit the unforgivable sin, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The behaviors of reprobates are identified in the Bible, one of the most notable is homosexuality. If someone is a homo and loves to be one, they are absolutely evil.
21594154? ago
Jesus said he does so the answer is yes. Satan does exist.
21593976? ago
WOW!! A really great vid. As presented, it is for the faithful, not for the anti-faith persons. But it DOES speak the truth.
21593914? ago
Do Jews exist?
21595314? ago
Dear anti jew shill.
Can you get more creative?
I hear soros pays you $0.27 cents for your comments.
Let’s say I give you 0.29 cents per post?
If you will only say you “hate puppies 🐶 and rainbows 🌈”
21595412? ago
Ok Joomer.
21593763? ago
https://www.invidio.us/watch?reload=9&v=QsWIPv4TZzQ&feature=youtu.be :
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