21589470? ago

Get involved in local government and kick out the globalists! You have more power than you think.

21583369? ago

Absolutely. Say what is and do it without fear. You're going to be mocked, but there will be those who are quietly reading and following and they will let you know. Be smart. Dont throw out "satanic baby-killer" stuff to people who have a hard time even conceiving that something like satanism exists, and without "smoking-gun" evidence, you will sound like a loon to them, anyway. Stick to what we can prove. Connections, marriages, board seats, NGO's, etc. I've got a quiet but dedicated following in social media who were extremely skeptical at first but are now reading this board and qmap because I have done my best to present a valid argument against the lies they are being told and the truth will always win out.

21582869? ago

I appreciate this post and what you are doing here. Very well put. It is information warfare. These fake fuckheads acting like the war was supposed to take 2 days and ended when "HRC WASN'T ARRESTED!!!!!!!" are jokes.

The majority of these retarded replies are from people only here to hurt the cause. You've put a lot of wisdom in this thread so it's being swarmed to negate it. Keep up the fight. WWG1WGA

21582976? ago

Thanks patriot.

21582375? ago

The do-nothing whiners are only killing morale.

Not in the slightest

21582079? ago

DNC offices , mayors , their children , bullets and basic gun training.

The storm will bring hail.

21581377? ago

Man up??? (((they))) can't, because they're CUCKS. Nice post anyways, maybe a few will listen?

21581426? ago

Better than doing nothing.

21581694? ago

Huh... you're doing nothing CUCK? Okay.

As for me, I'm doing what Q has asked us to do: educate myself, red pill others, and be prepared to address the question / concern of the normie masses.

Oh and since you're doing NOTHING - except being a true CUCK, PEDO-SHILL, and TROLL on QRV, you must have an exciting life in mama's basement aye?

21583602? ago

You replying to the wrong person?

21581715? ago

As for me, I'm doing what Q has asked us to do: educate myself, red pill others, and be prepared to address the question / concern of the normie masses.

Nice job, keep up the good work patriot!

21581304? ago

3 years and he hasn't done ONE FUCKING THING. The people who supported Trump expected action. This time they won't bother coming out to vote.

21581436? ago

Behold nothing:

  • Scrapped Transpacific Partnership (TPP) (globalist scam)

  • Walked out of Paris Accords (globalist scam)

  • Executive Order supporting the Alane hydrogen fuel cell, a move towards alternative fuels other than oil

  • Production of Hemp to become Legal in all 50 States with Farm Bill passage

  • Signed an Executive Order that placed a lifetime ban on lobbying for foreign countries

  • Largest decline in drug prices in nearly 50 years

  • Shut Down CIA funding of Syrian Rebels, now pulling out

  • Executive orders to dismantle multinational sex trafficking networks, thousands arrested

  • Total defeat of Isis, a CIA and Obama funded terrorist group.

  • Restraint in foreign policy, not falling for Iran false flags.

  • Freed North Korea from deep state hijacking

  • Stood up to China on trade policy instead of taking bribes

  • Placing gold standard advocates on the Federal Reserve Board.

  • Federal indictments for multiple JP Morgan gold market manipulators

  • More border control. Deportation orders up 31% nationwide. Number of refugees taken in is down 50%. Muslim refugees down 91%. No asylum for border jumpers.

  • Slashed taxes across the board

  • Added 6.4 million jobs. One in every 10 of those jobs has been in manufacturing.

  • A booming economy, most people of all races employed of all time. U.S. jobless claims drop to near 45-year low. Millions off food stamps. Welfare Participation Hits 17-Year Low

  • Downsizing government with 11,000 government jobs slashed

21582224? ago

Don't see any arrests in that list, do we?

21582257? ago

Yes, let's arrest now while the federal judiciary is stacked with deep state clowns. If course, you read the post you would have known that and not make a fool of yourself.

21581280? ago

Hee hee, OP, you certainly woke the shills with this post!

21581453? ago

Today was a good day then.

21581262? ago

reading the comments, i m glad many patriots are waking up - to the Grand deception psyop

21581306? ago

Does a psyop create the largest grassroots truth movement in history: The Great Awakening?

Is a psyop attacked and maligned consistently by mockingbird MSM?

Is a psyop consistently deplatformed and censored by big tech?

Does a psyop empower and motivate people to research, share, redpill, and cheer each other on in exposing the greatest evils that mankind has ever seen?

No. You are a unthinking moron.

21581411? ago

this psyop doest start any movements. it gives one simple promise and never fulfill it and thus pacify the patriots.

the only thing deep state is afraid of is a lone wolf patriot JFKing them. Q prevent that from happening so they can walk free in the streets laughing.

look at the comments and downloads OP: ppl are thinking logic and waking up

21581212? ago

no arrest no redpill

slow walking = desensitization = blue pill

arrest or gtfo

21581250? ago

Wrong. The redpill is about way more than arrests. People have to be prepared by being awake. The more you do nothing but complain like a bitch the longer it will take.

21581268? ago

thats what the deep state would love you to believe. goy

21581198? ago

Love the post completely agree.

21581011? ago

Much more annoying than complaints about Q moving too slow are those who say, "be patient" after 2.5 years. I smell hooknose.

21580949? ago

Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm this morning.

21580912? ago

Well said!!

21580903? ago

Q is close to driving in the left lane too long.... act, move over, or eat Patriot dust.

21580748? ago

Qlarpers are so sensitive to criticism of their little circle jerk. It's fucking pathetic.

21580988? ago

Look at what the more effective trolls are doing and attempt to imitate them. There's nowhere to go but up so give it a shot.

21580762? ago

Keep being a useful idiot for pedophiles, its something you can be proud of and tell your stepchildren about.

21580701? ago

Dawn of a whole new era.

21580502? ago

Shut up, faggot.

21580481? ago

The only people doing this are about 95% shills and 5% trolls for laughs. They don't mean anything.

21581002? ago

100% false

21582915? ago

100% proof

21580406? ago

Good luck redpilling normies, I’d rather swallow spoonfuls of cinnamon than trying to reason with them.

Normies are happy to support the cabal, don’t you get it?

21580442? ago

Then sit on the sidelines and dont spread negativity if you are not up tot he task.

21580703? ago


21580657? ago

You're spreading negativity you degenerate retard.

Fucking big brain moron. Shut the fuck up and let people with above room temperature IQ talk. You're not adding anything useful or interesting, just regurgitating divisive shit to make yourself feel important. I can already feel the your brain concocting it's incoherent response.

21580682? ago


21580694? ago

Howd I know? It's almost as if you're as predictable.

21580727? ago

You predicted that the word triggered would be incomprehensible to you. Youre psychic.

21580764? ago

What a big brain you have moshe. You're such a uniter and purvayor of the truth. I am jealous of your ability to write coherent responses that totally show good faith arguments and don't demonstrate what a glownigger you are.

Truly a+ work. Earning your shekels, kike scum.

21580404? ago

Most of the people who are still sleeping will only start to wake up when they see change. The most common I answer I get when I point out all of the corruption is " if it's as bad as you say then why hasn't anyone been charged?" People will really start to wake up when they see change. For the last three years as far as normies are concerned it has been business as usual.

21580430? ago

If they think nothing is happened they aren't informed and you aren't doing a good job.

21580368? ago

Over last 8-9 days, national news readers in uk on 3 evenings have all been wearing black. Totally dressed in black, nearly all of them. I know there's some protocol where news readers wear black if a VIP dies, even if not reported. No idea what's going on, and don't wish to wildly speculate. But I'm convinced big things are going on in the background, that we don't know of.... yet. On one occasion 2 prominent Owl symbols were used - very noticeable. That's all I got for now - just sharing.

21580321? ago

There are a lot of shills who do anything to gaslight and put the Great Awakening in doubt.

Everywhere Q is discussed on Youtube, Twitter, 8kun, and here on VOAT.

They probably know that most anons wont buy into it so they are trying to turn the new followers away.

Hang in there one and all. There is no doubt this is going the right way however slow the process.

I prefer slow an thorough over quick and sloppy any day.

21580331? ago

True, Im now thinking most of them are shills tryingt to kill morale. Some people get frustrated but most know better than to go around spreading negativity.

21580232? ago

Good for you, OP.

Use your Liberty however you see fit without causing harm.

That’s what The Great whatever aims for. Do that, and please allow everyone else the freedom to make their own mistakes as well.

If anything all this fiasco has produced is too many preachers, fame faggots and turds telling the rest of us what to think and feel, the classic fanatics that want to set you free whether you like it or not. Their way, of course.

Just release The Truths.

21580216? ago

build a grassroots movement to support in the overthrow of the cabal.

If that is the plan, it's a terrible one.

Change comes top down.

This will all end when they end it.

21580475? ago

Waking people up is a bad plan? Whats your plan genius?

21582943? ago

For the people in charge to do their jobs and quit screwing around.

21580676? ago

How about........ law enforcement arrest them for the crimes committed?

21580717? ago

You didnt the read the post or you would know why that wont work right now.

21580208? ago

You have 18,000 subs.

21580044? ago

Its also about being cognizant of the new victims that these people can create while being allowed to walk free. Its not impatience, its knowing that more lives are destroyed the longer this takes.

21580002? ago

The "arrests or GTFO" crowd came to play chess with a bag of checkers.

21580047? ago

Is that the only insult you have?

21580326? ago

Not an insult, more of an observation.

21580334? ago

It's not an observation, it's a non argument. An observation has some form of thought behind it, your claims do not.

21580344? ago

You are correct. It is a non-argument. Which would be an observation.

Read some Sun Tzu if you want to discover the thought behind the observation.

21579894? ago

i'd say it is about cleaning out your own closet too. you think you are perfect? HA

only God is perfect, our refinement of ourselves is an endless process that can bring much joy to your life.. if you only knew what the heaven I was talking about..

for me it means... meditation (shut the fuck up in mind) .. which leads to awareness (see what is actually happening NOW) .. which leads to understanding (knowing what is actually happening NOW) .. which leads to right action (action aligned with God) ..

and while you are at it... do ten pushups.. touch your toes for 60 seconds (take care of your form above all else).. twist for 60 seconds.. that is a start..

peace, love, joy are my guiding principles with which to measure my success.

21579871? ago

Its the great lull. Without boomer funds the revolution will never happen

21579848? ago

Alas, all Barr is really fighting about is whether they got warrants to uncover Trump campaign crimes in a legal manner. That’s it. There was no Pizzagate, no adrenochrome, no sealed indictments. It’s a Qanon bust from every angle. The Big Boy Declas IG Himself cleared everybody of everything. Barr would “reveal” a parking ticket if he could only find one. He can’t, or we woulda known it weeks ago.

21579830? ago

Just wait guys. Just around the corner, any day now. Lol

21580277? ago

I just specifically said not to wait and to participate in the truth movement, nice reading comprehension moron.

21585063? ago

The truth doesn't move, faggot.

21579813? ago

Amen, brother.

21579609? ago


Hey dipshit? You don’t need to worship a LARP to do that. Seriously, are you zit poppers really this one dimensional in your thinking?

21581852? ago

All this for a LARP? Look at the upvotes on this thread and then go through the comments. It's comical you faggots think you can sway our opinion. Have a nice day ROLCON cuck.

21582578? ago

I dunno where you stupid piles of shit get that anyone thinks your ‘opinions’ (lol) can be changed.

The thought process that brings about your mental retardation is beyond fixing. It’s rooted in a child’s NEED to feel important, like they are going to ‘change the world’.

It’s a human need sort of, and that defective thinking is also what gives Antifa it’s friendly soil. They at least have the balls you keyboard dwellers lack.


James Bond himself needs your help? But muh discussion! Stupid fag, you can’t process the fact that political corruption has been discussed on the internet since it became a thing. Why? Because you’re stupid. You can’t be fixed, or get smart. You just are.


21583530? ago

I don't feel important because of Q. Nice gaslight.

I've been in conspiracy world since 9/11, again, nice gaslight.

Do you have anything but bullshit comments to sway opinion? What exactly are you doing here, constantly? All for a LARP?

Who busts out KYS in the form of a question? A ROLCON cuck. Fuck off with your shill handbook bullshit, we know your game.

21584251? ago

Again? Why the fuck would I want to ‘sway your opinion?’

I have far too much fun laughing at you dumb fucking tards. Seriously, Red castle! Green castle!!

Derp is a laugh a minute. Don’t. Change. A. Thing.

21580282? ago

I never said we need Q to participate in the truth movement, Q is a guide to research and motivator. I specifically said not to just wait and to participate. How you idiots are so brain damaged that I have to spell this when I just fucking wrote it out is beyond me.

21580429? ago

They're shills, it's the only reason they would care enough to keep posting the same shit.

Honestly, to me, their comments lend more credibility to Q, not less.

21580491? ago

Me too. It also proves they are out of all ammo ad shilling is the only thing they have left to do. Killing Jimmy Carter maybe. And it sounds harsh, but is anyone really going to care? They'll want it to be like the Reagan funeral, with thousands in real mourning. But it won't be. But they will pretend it is. And still, it won't be.

21580497? ago

They abide not in truth.

21579581? ago

Good post.

21579525? ago

These people are called "Impatriots"

21579503? ago

You're not a man unless you're OK with there being no arrests

ok boomer

21579590? ago

Go back to reddit faggot.

21579699? ago

ok boomer

21579737? ago

Saying boomer is pushed by the jews on reddit. You are showing your bagels here moishe.

21579795? ago

ok boomer.

21579454? ago

No arrests until second term. Or else there is no second term...come on people, don't be stupid.

21579426? ago

Personally I've thrown enough Pearls before swine. Time for Trump's puppeteers to finally make some substantial moves to wake up the dumbfucks on the left.

21580977? ago

You too. It's so obvious that nobody who is chained to the LSM will be turned until evidence is revealed. How many can afford to waste any more time on this. I've been robbed of several years trying to lead people to the truth with minimal results.

21580010? ago

ok doomer

21579388? ago


21581383? ago

Okay! Go ahead faggot cuck pedo-shill. Make some citizens arrests if you're so tough.

21580865? ago

Lean on Q. It's a good thing.

21580692? ago

Knowing you are being held to account is a motivator, even for the Q team. Human nature, is of course, involved here.

21580583? ago

I Agree.

It's totally naive to blindly trust anyone for something so important as your freedom and future. At the very least, responsible people watch a workman in their home, a babysitter with their children, a teacher, a relative, a politician, who all know they are being judged and expect to be watched. Those that have asked to be trusted to take action on our behalf (Q), MUST know they are being held to account, are being closely watched, and will be held partially responsible for failure and the damage caused by the people's inaction/patience for resolution

Be HIGHLY suspicious of ANYONE asking for blind trust. Those who work on your behalf should expect judgement.

21580604? ago

The post is about not relying on anyone and participating in the truth movement, guess yu just missed the point of the entire post. You would have got it if you only read the fucking title, or maybe you are just fucking retarded.

21580640? ago

My reply is to an individual, saying it is perfectly fine to hold people to account by demanding results, "ARRESTS" . It is NOT a reply to your limpwristed cuckery, genuis. ..... carry on, Mary

21580440? ago

Yes, & name the jew every chance you get.

21580259? ago

Maybe you should gtfo, since you are doing nothing but complaining and crying like a little bitch. I cant believe how fucking soft you millennial faggots are, the social engineers did some number on you pussies.

21580360? ago

I can't believe that you think we can get out of this mess with the same strategy that got us in this mess, doing noting and hoping someone else fixes the problem for you. Then you actually call the people that want to gather others and actually do something "soft" for not wanting to sit back and do nothing. The men of action are "soft" while those that want to sit back and hope the government just fixes itself are not.

21580410? ago

The whole point of the post is to tell people to NOT do nothing and to participate in the movement in instead of crying and complaining on the sidelines. Did you even read the fucking post or are you just that dumb?

21580455? ago

Your "movement" is trying to convince others to become inactive so you feel better not being the only shirkers.

21580486? ago

Thats not what the movement is about at all. I know you blackpillers like to think its a psyop but you are just totally misunderstanding what this is all about. It is about participating, about actually doing something to wake people up until eventually there is a critical mass of awakened people that makes the overthrow of the cabal more likely. You are the one on the sidelines doing nothing but spreading negativity, but probably just a pedoshill.

21580239? ago

Not only arrests but show that there is a fundamental change in the system.

21580190? ago


21579587? ago

There have been tons of arrests already.

21579783? ago

Yeah, Assange got arrested. Take that shills!

21579620? ago

No, a ton of arrests is like 2000. Tons would be 2000 multiplied by another whole number greater than 1.

21579723? ago

If you think there has only been one arrest, you either haven't been paying attention, or are a shill.

21580423? ago

Not the guy you are responding to however, how do you get one arrest from what he said?

21580468? ago

Thanks for saying whatever instead of but. So many people have no idea how to speak English properly anymore.

21579376? ago

Good post OP.

I personally have been working my ass off, and this is half of what I will drop next... >


21579363? ago

Yeah because we have seen madcow and the shcitt fuck lie for 3 years now and NOTHING is done to them so go fuck yourself for berating our frustration at watching traitors laugh every day.

21580272? ago

Cry about it more, that will help out a lot. God you guys are pussies.

21580418? ago

Nah, we can do like you and keep wallowing in your collective victimhood.

God you "guys" are limp dicked.

21579272? ago

How crazy people are starved for results when the original post that began the movement was describing the imminent arrest of a major player, which hasn't happened nearly 800 days later.

"It was faked information so deal with it" sounds like the mantra of the exact people we're trying to take down

21580268? ago

Crying about it incessantly helps right? The point is that if Q doesn't follow through, the Great Awakening carries on as long as there are people doing the work to wake people up, instead of crying like a fucking bitch and doing absolutely nothing. You get you stupid faggot?

21580371? ago

The point is that if Q doesn't follow through you will still be following him and waiting for change to happen instead of putting in effort to make it happen?

21580396? ago

Did you read what he wrote?

Why do you care enough to even post?

Fuck you pedokike.

21580448? ago


Because that is how discourse works. Someone says something, someone else disagrees or points out issues in the statements of the first person, and then there is a back and forth and people seeing the conversation can decide for themselves who they think is right. I'm not going to apologize for invading your hugbox when a thread hits the front page. I care because my people are dying and people that should be helping trying to stop it are taking the easy way out and shirking their duties to their people, their children, and their grandchildren and are trying to tell others to sit back and do nothing because then they won't feel like cowards if they are not alone.

Ok boomer.

21580489? ago

But you didn't respond to what he wrote, you just churned out your script as per usual.

You're becoming more and more see-through as time goes by, the desperation reeks.

21580500? ago

My script? What that my people are dying and I want to save them?

Yes the situation is desperate. Our race is being genocided right in front of our eyes and you openly gloat about it and how desperate the remaining Whites are for survival.

21580519? ago

My bad, the script you were given.

Fuck off jewshill with your "muh fellow whites".

21591040? ago

Wanting Whites to survive makes me a jewshill? Ok Rabbi

21579996? ago

Your whole world falls apart when you play checkers at a chess table.

21580043? ago

Nice ad hom, clearly you showed your initial superiority by not addressing his argument whatsoever.

21580330? ago

by not addressing his argument whatsoever.

Oh, this is going to be fun. Not addressing whose argument?

I'm in agreement with the OP.

21580341? ago

The anon that started the comment chain that you disagreed with. That should have been fairly obvious.

21580386? ago

How crazy people are starved for results

Crazy people often don't recognize results, because you know, they're crazy.

when the original post that began the movement was describing the imminent arrest of a major player

She was arrested. Prove me wrong.

"It was faked information so deal with it"

Strawman. Nobody ever claimed that.

21580392? ago

Maybe you should say that to the guy who said that instead of me so he can actually see your post and respond.

21580421? ago

Ad hom is a more appropriate response for concern trolls.

21580464? ago

That doesn't have anything to do with what you responded to. Are you drunk posting? We have all been there before.

21580573? ago

Here, I'll make it simple for you. The original post was:

How crazy people are starved for results when blah blah ...

Then I responded with ad hom.

Your whole world falls apart when you play checkers at a chess table.

Then you said I'm bad for responding with ad hom, not answering his original statement.

Then I responded to you about his original statement.

Then you said I should have responded to him instead of you.

Then I said:

Ad hom is a more appropriate response for concern trolls.

Meaning the original post was from a concern troll who is not interested in a reply. He's only here to mischaracterize and disparage Q followers. To which I say, he deserves a big bucket of ad hom.

21591074? ago

You quoted his statements and acted like I was that guy, just calling him a concern troll is again an ad hom. You refused to respond to him directly for fear he would refute your points, and here you are proving that theory right.

21579575? ago

Be a good goy and do what I say even though its obvious I'm lying to you.

Q in a nutshell

21579222? ago

Great post!!

21579185? ago

I agree 100%! Great post Patriot!

21579406? ago

OP is correct. We all should be redialing like crazy. I've been at my siblings for almost a year now...most have come around. The lone holdout (liberal, of course) will be prepared when SHTF. Time well spent.

21579131? ago