21583170? ago

Why would Melania be wearing a huge red coat inside? Nah.

21583149? ago

I believe that is Ted Cruz's watch. I've looked at photos and videos of everyone I can think of and so far, ted cruz is the only person who supports Trump that has a watch like this. POTUS wears a square faced watch.

21581061? ago

This isn’t math. Just saying.

21580618? ago

Been saying its Melania all along.

21580203? ago

Good catch Op

21580159? ago

like,who gives a fuck...

21579615? ago

I see someone in what is obviously a red coat (see how it isn't straight edged? its clrealy not a thumb), and a white shirt with a blue tie.

21579427? ago

Photo of watch was taken 2019:12:02 10:28:55am

Not Posted Until: 2 Dec 2019 - 12:31:36 PM

Since the time was set to 2019:12:02 1:29:11 seconds and taken earlier... I assume there may be more to decode here?

YES. It is flesh tones. ( Most likely the phone and fingers in both top and bottom reflections.)

Upper bezel ridge : #cc6666 (closest to red is #d27f7c, still flesh tone though)

Lower band holder: #cc9999

21580834? ago

"I assume there may be more to decode here."

Correct. Finally someone gets it.

Ignore all the colorblind shills pretending to be brain-dead. This is another device. Focus on the time. Ignore the colorblind shills.

21579640? ago

1:29 = 12/9?

21582248? ago

Snap! DUH. how did I miss that one?

Good catch. This is no doubt the decode.

21579419? ago

The only thing i see in that watch is Gabriel. Full episode.


21579375? ago

Those juicy digits though

21579432? ago

Yea off the charts for a post to have #.

21579072? ago

Why the statement: mathematically impossible.

What about it is that?

21578898? ago

QRV is getting more and more retarded every day.

21578663? ago

Dan Scavino is Q.

21578417? ago

Whose watch is it? Not POTUS. Jr.? Id watch owner, id Q?

21578324? ago

Left-handed. JFK Jr.?

21578142? ago

people stating the reflection is not red and black need to get their eyes checked. that is absolutely the color red and black. NOT FLESH COLORED...geez. its either shills on the comments or color blind people. plus the red blob does appear to be shorter than the black blob. which is accurate since melania is shorter than potus

21580361? ago

Has to be shills. Unless ferrari's have been brown all my life.

Of course t is red, WE ARE OVER TARGET!!

21581749? ago

its even an orangy red. exact same color of melanias outfit

21579440? ago

Yes they are Flesh Colored #d49185 #cc8d85 #b8746a #996a63

It's the fingers on the phone and the phone taking the pic itself.

21581797? ago

actually the part I was looking at was the top of the watch. I looked again on the side of the watch and it does look like a square phone with a hand holding it. but i also see red like the sleeve part of a shirt or sweater. and that appears to be red in color

21582233? ago

Pull it into a graphic editor and click on the colors with an eyedropper...

those tones are ruddy flesh tones. Looks like a finger with a ring maybe also in the bezel

21579110? ago

Don't be a retard. Look at the bottom left next to the strap. It's CLEARLY a phone and fingers. And the colors are the same as other reflections.

21578714? ago

of theyre all looking on shit screens.

the colour is definitively red. im on my phone else id pull up photoshop to take a colour sample.

21578020? ago

Has any anon dug into flotus? I really know nothing about her except that she is was always a stunningly beautiful woman. POTUS went through some bimbos , but flotus I am thinking can think with potus..look at baron, prob so smart he is a little aut, could flotus/baron be main members of team q?

21579056? ago

There are many MSM reports that Melania got an Einstein Visa for extraordinary ability. She has tried the media a fair amount along with President Trump

21579334? ago

Anyone that speaks 5 languages is wired better than the rest of us.

21579591? ago

and her home country has culture like Austria and Swiss, and is grounded into nature and mountain,

and she has experience dealing with socialist country of former Yugoslavia... so that is that

21578187? ago

actually all three of his wives were intelligent even marla had brains. she just acted dumb. his first wife is very intelligent. helped him run his businesses in the early years. dont let an accent make you think these women are dumb

21579585? ago

yeah some people got to get the brains and the looks,

not every time but a lot of beautiful people I know , Woman and Man alike play dumb because it helps them in life

dealing with the others not so fortunate...

21581769? ago

also her beauty comes from within. she is purported to be extremely kind and good natured. the SS love her.

21577980? ago

CHECKMATE LIBTARDS! Q+ just PROOF'd themsleves.

You ready for the STORM?

21577889? ago

That's not red in the watch, it's skin.

It's a person standing there wearing black.

21579050? ago

Its red n black.

21579474? ago

nope. It is flesh tones. ( Most likely the phone and fingers in both top and bottom reflections.)

Upper bezel ridge : #cc6666 #d49185 #cc8d85 #b8746a #996a63 (closest to red is #d27f7c, still flesh tone though)

Lower band holder: #cc9999

21577766? ago

GL my niggers

21577741? ago

I see a phone and red with black. I wonder if FLOTUS took the shot?

21577712? ago

Trump is Q, we get it.

21577710? ago

You guys have completely gone off the rails.....

21577621? ago

Does FLOTUS and POTUS have Q clearance? Does Jared still have Q clearance? Why does Q use British punctuation rules in his drops? Who around Trump was raised in Britain or learned English as a second language from a British teacher?

21577958? ago


21577666? ago

what 'British punctuation rules'?

21577749? ago

quotation marks before or after the common

21577845? ago


21578431? ago

sorry. comma

21578591? ago

so which drops are you referring to?

21578890? ago

This would be correct according to American standards.

Also, the use of the single quotation marks is British. For instance, Q3635 and 3601. But it's not consistent. Q3598 does it the American way and Q3597 does it the British way.

I figure Q is not just one person. Perhaps there's a British Q and an American Q. That way they can cover a bigger spectrum of the day in tag team fashion.

21578667? ago

and from 3598

"Would you believe Hussein tried to call Kim prior to the Summit?

He did not have his updated phone number." - Q

21577448? ago

I see a Caucasian holding a black cased / black cell phone. I do not believe its Trump in the photo.

21580339? ago

It isn’t. And if that’s what Q is implying then Q just overplayed his hand.

21580815? ago

Q isn't implying anything, muppet. If the human race had to rely on morons like you for progress we would still be in the dark ages.

Based on previous watch photos, it is the time we should be analyzing, rather than the red reflection.

21577417? ago

It appears to me, in the bottom left corner of the watch, to be a side view of a woman, wearing red, with dark hair pulled back in a bun.

21581731? ago

I saw that too but the hair looks to be the same color as FLOTUS.

21577475? ago

I think it’s a very high possibility it’s FLOTUS and that dark spot is the phone

21577322? ago

Im starting to believe "watch the pen" means during the impeachment trails on TV.

21579664? ago

It's follow the pen.

21581718? ago

Damn, i was so wrong, thanks for the correction

21577129? ago

I thought it looked more pink than red when I saw it. But why would Melania wear a coat on AF1.

In saying that, there was an Anon who posted a thread about her Twit Christmas video showing all the WH decorations. It was said there was a Q reference although I did not see it. Then the same video was posted by an MSM outlet which was shortened and had removed that possible Q reference.

Remember last year’s Christmas decoration vid? I believe there were som Q reference in the stockings and in an elevator shot?

I might have just missed that reference this year. But it could explain the reflection in the watch band.

21577113? ago

Flotus video has two references to 17. The domino was blatant as there is no #17 domino so custom made. I noticed the red hint in the lighting on the watch pic. Flotus was wearing a red coat. No other logical explanation.

21578835? ago

The domino came from a game called "Mexican Train".

21577624? ago

Domino sets go up to double 12. That's a real domino, I've been playing dominoes for decades.

21577160? ago

That 17 domino came from a game called 'Double fifteens'

21577293? ago

Either way. Not common and hand picked.

21577690? ago


21577089? ago

LOL You IDIOTS never learn! You are too fucking DUMB!!!

Yeah....that really proves NOTHING?

What's "mathematically impossible"?

That you imbeciles have functioning brains?

Hows the MASS ARRESTS going Goobers?



Trump will be out of office and you stupid, pathetic hillbilly boomer burnout DUMB FUCKS will still be frothing at the mouth.



21577686? ago

You stupid fuck. You're a stupid fuck for opening your mouth. For the past three years this and many others have discussed the coincidences that have occurred and at some point coincidence after coincidence becomes mathematically impossible. We're pointing this out and based on previous Q 'drops' there's been plenty that has validated the possibility but more importantly a number of them that VALIDATE all of it.

So in essence you're still a fucking sap and incapable of any thinking capacity.

Fucking idiot

21577481? ago

Go touch three phase you pedofuck

21577202? ago


21577187? ago


21577148? ago

What? You like to see homos naked?

21577566? ago


21577084? ago

Holy shit...

21577046? ago

Looks very possible to me.

21576994? ago

I'll go with the phone and fingers too... but POTUS is wearing a blue tie, and the new watch has ...

21576965? ago

it is reflection of the phone and fingers that took the photo imo

21580355? ago

Yep. It’s over for Q.

21579470? ago

The reflection is red. Do you have red fingers?

Given the debate here, when I clicked on the photo I expected it to be borderline either way, but after viewing the photo myself, it is blatantly red. I am skeptical that people genuinely think the red is a reflection of fingers. Skin isn't that color.

21580333? ago

No, they’re not talking about the photo on the left. Of course that’s a red dress. They’re talking about the obvious reflection of hands holding a camera that’s shown in the photo on the right. Foo.

21580771? ago

What part of 'skin isn't that color' do you not understand?

From 'skin isn't that color' you assume I'm talking about a dress? You are clearly a simpleton. I presume English isn't your first language?

21587407? ago

Hmm.. my palms are that color.

But either way that is NOT the reflection of any dress. Idiot.

21580292? ago

It's the blood

21576809? ago

that is not a red coat in reflection, its skin tones

21584030? ago

Lol nice try

21579480? ago

Everybody should check the photo for themselves.

Once you see the red, you will question the motives, or eyesight, of some of the people posting here.

But again, don't trust me and don't trust the colourblind person I replied to. Check the photo for yourself.

21580790? ago

Agree. The reflection is red. And yes, people should check the photo for themselves rather than trust the 'colorblind' people posting here.

That in itself isn't a big deal either way, however. There are plenty of red dresses and red items in the world which could cause a red reflection. Q could have taken the photo anywhere.